[geo] Climate Tools Seek to Bend Nature’s Path - NYTimes.com

2014-11-10 Thread Andrew Lockley
Poster's note : a well researched piece, in which many group members are
quoted. A similar article appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican.


The New York Times


Climate Tools Seek to Bend Nature’s Path

A playground in Arnhem, the Netherlands, with a surface of olivine, a
green-tinted mineral that takes CO2 from the atmosphere.



NOVEMBER 9, 2014

UTRECHT, the Netherlands — The solution to global warming, Olaf Schuiling
says, lies beneath our feet.

For Dr. Schuiling, a retired geochemist, climate salvation would come in
the form of olivine, a green-tinted mineral found in abundance around the
world. When exposed to the elements, it slowly takes carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere.

Olivine has been doing this naturally for billions of years, but Dr.
Schuiling wants to speed up the process by spreading it on fields and
beaches and using it for dikes, pathways, even sandboxes. Sprinkle enough
of the crushed rock around, he says, and it will eventually remove enough
CO2 to slow the rise in global temperatures.

“Let the earth help us to save the earth,” said Dr. Schuiling, who has been
pursuing the idea single-mindedly for several decades and at 82 is still
writing papers on the subject from his cluttered office at the University
of Utrecht.

The geochemist Olaf Schuiling advocates spreading olivine to slow the rise
in global temperatures.


Once considered the stuff of wild-eyed fantasies, such ideas for countering
climate change — known as geoengineering solutions, because they
intentionally manipulate nature — are now being discussed seriously by
scientists. The National Academy of Sciences is expected to issue a report
on geoengineering later this year.

That does not mean that such measures, which are considered controversial
across the political spectrum, are likely to be adopted anytime soon. But
the effects of climate change may become so severe that geoengineering
solutions could attract even more serious consideration. Some scientists
say significant research should begin now.

Dr. Schuiling’s idea is one of several intended to reduce levels of CO2,
the main greenhouse gas, so the atmosphere will trap less heat. Other
approaches, potentially faster and more doable but riskier, would create
the equivalent of a sunshade around the planet by scattering reflective
droplets in the stratosphere or spraying seawater to create more clouds
over the oceans. Less sunlight reaching the earth’s surface would mean less
heat to be trapped, resulting in a quick lowering of temperatures.

No one can say for sure whether geoengineering of any kind would work. And
many of the approaches are seen as highly impractical. Dr. Schuiling’s, for
example, would take decades to have even a small impact, and the processes
of mining, grinding and transporting the billions of tons of olivine needed
would produce enormous carbon emissions of their own.

Beyond the practicalities, many people view the idea of geoengineering as
abhorrent — a last-gasp, Frankenstein-like approach to climate change that
would distract the world from the goal of eliminating the emissions that
are causing the problem in the first place. The climate is a vastly complex
system, so manipulating temperatures may also have consequences, like
changes in rainfall, that could be catastrophic or benefit one region at
the expense of another.

Critics also worry that geoengineering could be used unilaterally by one
nation, creating another source of geopolitical worries, or could aggravate
tensions between rich and poor nations over who causes and who suffers from
climate change. Even conducting research on some of these ideas, they say,
risks opening a Pandora’s box.

“There’s so much potential here for taking energy away from real responses
to climate change,” said Jim Thomas of the ETC Group, a research
organization that opposes geoengineering because of its potential impact on
poor countries. As for experimentation to test some of the ideas, he said,
“it shouldn’t happen.”

But a small community of scientists, policy experts and others argue that
the world must start to think about geoengineering — how it might be done
and at what cost, who would do it and how it would be governed.

An article about Dr. Schuiling's work inspired Eddy Wijnker to start

“There may come to be a choice between geoengineering and suffering,” said
Andy Parker of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in
Potsdam, Germany. “And how we make that choice is crucial.”

Mimicking a VolcanoIn 1991, the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the
Philippines spewed the largest cloud of sulfur dioxide gas ever measured
into the high atmosphere. The gas quickly formed tiny droplets of sulfuric
acid, which acted like 

[geo] The Wickedness and Complexity of Decision Making in Geoengineering

2014-11-10 Thread Joshua Jacobs
Are these guys from upstate Maine? No, Austria... Wicked!

Another for the policy wonks.

The Wickedness and Complexity of Decision Making in Geoengineering
Yanzhu Zhang 1,2,* and Alfred Posch 1
Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research, 
University of Graz, Graz 8010, Austria
MIND Education Program in Industrial Ecology, European Commission Erasmus 
Mundus Coordination Institute, Graz 8010, Austria
Author to whom correspondence should be addressedExternal Editor: Andreas 
Received: 26 May 2014; in revised form: 29 October 2014 / Accepted: 30 
October 2014 / 
Published: 6 November 2014
Abstract*:* Geoengineering, the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the 
planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change, has been 
more widely considered as an accompanying strategy to conventional climate 
change mitigation measures to combat global warming. However, this approach 
is far from achieving agreements from different institutional domains. 
Geoengineering, intended to be deployed on a planetary scale, would cause 
fundamental interventions to the human-environment system and create new 
risks and problems with high uncertainty and uneven distribution around the 
globe. Apart from the physical effects, conflicting attitudes appear from 
social, economic, and environmental worldviews in the international 
community. The intertwined sociotechnical complexity and conflicting 
attitudes make geoengineering a wicked and complex issue. This article 
elaborates the wickedness and complexity from a system perspective, 
primarily for an interdisciplinary, policy-oriented audience.

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[geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me

2014-11-10 Thread Alan Robock


 Many experts say technology can't fix climate change

   There are several geoengineering schemes for fixing climate change,
   but so far none seems a sure bet.

*By:* Joseph Hall http://www.thestar.com/authors.hall_joe.html News 
reporter, Published on Sun Nov 09 2014

As scientific proposals go, these might well be labelled pie in the sky.

Indeed, most of the atmosphere-altering techniques that have been 
suggested to combat carbon-induced global warming are more science 
fantasy than workable fixes, many climate experts say.

I call them Rube Goldberg http://www.rubegoldberg.com/ideas, says 
James Rodger Fleming, a meteorological historian at Maine's Colby 
College, referring to the cartoonist who created designs for 
gratuitously complex contraptions.

I think it's a tragic comedy because these people are sincere, but 
they're kind of deluded to think that there could be a simple, cheap, 
technical fix for climate change, adds Fleming, author of the 2010 book 
/Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control./

Yet the idea that geoengineering --- the use of technology to alter 
planet-wide systems --- could curb global warming has persisted in a 
world that seems incapable of addressing the root, carbon-spewing causes 
of the problem.

And it emerged again earlier this month with a brief mention in a United 
Nations report on the scope and imminent perils of a rapidly warming world.

That Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report 
http://www.ipcc.ch/, which seemed to despair of an emissions-lowering 
solution being achieved --- laid out in broad terms the types of 
technical fixes currently being studied to help mitigate climate 

First among these proposed geoengineering solutions is solar radiation 
management, or SRM, which would involve millions of tons of sulphur 
dioxide (SO2) being pumped into the stratosphere every year to create 
sun-blocking clouds high above the Earth's surface.

Anyone Canadian who remembers the unusually frigid summer of 1992, 
caused by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines a 
year earlier, grasps the cooling effects that tons of stratospheric SO2 
can have on the planet.

And because such natural occurrences show the temperature-lowering 
potential of the rotten-smelling substance, seeding the stratosphere 
with it has gained the most currency among the geoengineering crowd.

One method put forward for getting the rotten-smelling stuff into the 
stratosphere could well have been conceived by warped cartoonist Goldberg.

You could make a tower up into the stratosphere, with a hose along the 
side says Alan Robock, a top meteorologist at New Jersey's Rutgers 
University who has long studied SRM concepts.

The trouble is that any stratosphere-reaching tower built in the 
tropics, where the SO2 would have to be injected for proper global 
dispersal, would need to be at least 18 kilometres high.

Other stratospheric seeding suggestions include filling balloons with 
the cheap and readily available gas --- it's routinely extracted from 
petroleum products --- and popping them when they get up there.

But Robock says the most obvious way to go would be to fly airplanes 
up and then spray SO2 into the stratosphere.

Once up there, the sulphur dioxide particles would react with water 
molecules and form thin clouds of sulphuric acid droplets that could 
encircle the Earth and reflect heating sunlight back into space.

Placing the cloud in the stratosphere is a must as the droplets last 
about a year there while they fall within a week in the lower troposphere.

Still, the clouds, which would rain sulphuric acid back down on the 
Earth's polar regions, would require frequent replenishment, with about 
5 million tons of SO2 being needed each year to maintain their 
reflective capacity, Robock says.

Due to uncertainties about the droplet sizes that would be produced by 
SO2 cloud-seeding, no one is certain how much cooling the technique 
would create.

We don't know how thick a cloud we could actually make and how much 
cooling there would be, Robock says.

Though he's devoted much of his career to studying sun-blocking 
proposals, Robock is in no way convinced of their merits.

I have a list of 26 reasons why I think this might be a bad idea, he says.

Chief among these is that the cooling produced by SRM would be uneven 
around the globe, with the greatest temperature drops being seen in the 

And so if you wanted to stop the ice sheets from melting . . . you'd 
have to overcool the tropics.

The scheme would also produce droughts in heavily populated areas of the 
world such as the Indian subcontinent, he says.

Another thing on my list is unexpected consequences. I mean, we don't 
know what the risks would be. We only know about one planet in the 
entire universe that 

[geo] Re: Climate Tools Seek to Bend Nature’s Path - NYTimes.com

2014-11-10 Thread Parminder Singh
Most of the under-developed countries are close to the equator. It would 
interest them to explore geoengineering methods that they can work with 
Regrowing areas that have been lost due to indiscriminate clearing. If 
these mines are close enough they can be made available to them at low cost.
Solutions from these mines can be led into rivers/streams to feed on the 
coastal environment such as mangroves, salt marshes etc provided they are 


On Monday, November 10, 2014 4:39:50 PM UTC+8, andrewjlockley wrote:

 Poster's note : a well researched piece, in which many group members are 
 quoted. A similar article appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican. 


 The New York Times


 Climate Tools Seek to Bend Nature’s Path

 A playground in Arnhem, the Netherlands, with a surface of olivine, a 
 green-tinted mineral that takes CO2 from the atmosphere.



 NOVEMBER 9, 2014

 UTRECHT, the Netherlands — The solution to global warming, Olaf Schuiling 
 says, lies beneath our feet.

 For Dr. Schuiling, a retired geochemist, climate salvation would come in 
 the form of olivine, a green-tinted mineral found in abundance around the 
 world. When exposed to the elements, it slowly takes carbon dioxide from 
 the atmosphere.

 Olivine has been doing this naturally for billions of years, but Dr. 
 Schuiling wants to speed up the process by spreading it on fields and 
 beaches and using it for dikes, pathways, even sandboxes. Sprinkle enough 
 of the crushed rock around, he says, and it will eventually remove enough 
 CO2 to slow the rise in global temperatures.

 “Let the earth help us to save the earth,” said Dr. Schuiling, who has 
 been pursuing the idea single-mindedly for several decades and at 82 is 
 still writing papers on the subject from his cluttered office at the 
 University of Utrecht.

 The geochemist Olaf Schuiling advocates spreading olivine to slow the rise 
 in global temperatures.


 Once considered the stuff of wild-eyed fantasies, such ideas for 
 countering climate change — known as geoengineering solutions, because they 
 intentionally manipulate nature — are now being discussed seriously by 
 scientists. The National Academy of Sciences is expected to issue a report 
 on geoengineering later this year.

 That does not mean that such measures, which are considered controversial 
 across the political spectrum, are likely to be adopted anytime soon. But 
 the effects of climate change may become so severe that geoengineering 
 solutions could attract even more serious consideration. Some scientists 
 say significant research should begin now.

 Dr. Schuiling’s idea is one of several intended to reduce levels of CO2, 
 the main greenhouse gas, so the atmosphere will trap less heat. Other 
 approaches, potentially faster and more doable but riskier, would create 
 the equivalent of a sunshade around the planet by scattering reflective 
 droplets in the stratosphere or spraying seawater to create more clouds 
 over the oceans. Less sunlight reaching the earth’s surface would mean less 
 heat to be trapped, resulting in a quick lowering of temperatures.

 No one can say for sure whether geoengineering of any kind would work. And 
 many of the approaches are seen as highly impractical. Dr. Schuiling’s, for 
 example, would take decades to have even a small impact, and the processes 
 of mining, grinding and transporting the billions of tons of olivine needed 
 would produce enormous carbon emissions of their own.

 Beyond the practicalities, many people view the idea of geoengineering as 
 abhorrent — a last-gasp, Frankenstein-like approach to climate change that 
 would distract the world from the goal of eliminating the emissions that 
 are causing the problem in the first place. The climate is a vastly complex 
 system, so manipulating temperatures may also have consequences, like 
 changes in rainfall, that could be catastrophic or benefit one region at 
 the expense of another.

 Critics also worry that geoengineering could be used unilaterally by one 
 nation, creating another source of geopolitical worries, or could aggravate 
 tensions between rich and poor nations over who causes and who suffers from 
 climate change. Even conducting research on some of these ideas, they say, 
 risks opening a Pandora’s box.

 “There’s so much potential here for taking energy away from real responses 
 to climate change,” said Jim Thomas of the ETC Group, a research 
 organization that opposes geoengineering because of its potential impact on 
 poor countries. As for experimentation to test some of the ideas, he said, 
 “it shouldn’t happen.”

 But a small community of scientists, policy experts and others argue that 
 the world must start to think about 

Re: [geo] The Wickedness and Complexity of Decision Making in Geoengineering

2014-11-10 Thread Ronal W. Larson
Joshua and list  (and adding the two authors)

1.  Thanks for this lead to what I think will be an important 
geoengineering comparison.  Not only that there are few papers that 
analytically compare CDR to SRM, but state a clear preference for one or the 
other.  Mostly Zhang-Posch compare based on ethical principles, but they 
discuss costs.

2.  I hope SRM advocates will take this chance to rebut the Zhang-Posch 
stated preference for CDR.

3.  My main “beef” is that CDR was treated as a single entity.  I hope 
Zhang-Posch will now add a second paper doing the same analyses for the main 
CDR approaches.   Not as stark differences as between SRM and CDR, but this 
list continually notes that CDR is not one technology.

4.  I like their two figures, but feel more differences will show up 
when they (hopefully) modify Figure 2 for different CDR approaches (as I don’t 
see it adequately covering biochar - which term is never mentioned).  Also hope 
they can distinguish on such a figure between costs and benefits (positive and 
negative feedbacks).  The time dimension is included more than most such 

5.  Because they emphasized the term, I looked up “minimax” on Wiki and 
found this new-to-me philosophic/ethical principle (my emphasis added)  
  “In philosophy, the term maximin is often used in the context of John 
Rawls's A Theory of Justice, where he refers to it (Rawls (1971, p. 152)) in 
the context of The Difference Principle. Rawls defined this principle as the 
rule which states that social and economic inequalities should be arranged so 
that they are to be of the greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members of 

6.  Probably would fail with Ayn Rand or the new US Congress, but might 
get a super majority if voted on by all 7 billion of us.


On Nov 10, 2014, at 4:35 AM, Joshua Jacobs joshic...@gmail.com wrote:

 Are these guys from upstate Maine? No, Austria... Wicked!
 Another for the policy wonks.
 The Wickedness and Complexity of Decision Making in Geoengineering
 Yanzhu Zhang 1,2,* and Alfred Posch 1
 1Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research, 
 University of Graz, Graz 8010, Austria
 2MIND Education Program in Industrial Ecology, European Commission Erasmus 
 Mundus Coordination Institute, Graz 8010, Austria
 *Author to whom correspondence should be addressedExternal Editor: Andreas 
 Received: 26 May 2014; in revised form: 29 October 2014 / Accepted: 30 
 October 2014 / 
 Published: 6 November 2014
 Abstract: Geoengineering, the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the 
 planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change, has been 
 more widely considered as an accompanying strategy to conventional climate 
 change mitigation measures to combat global warming. However, this approach 
 is far from achieving agreements from different institutional domains. 
 Geoengineering, intended to be deployed on a planetary scale, would cause 
 fundamental interventions to the human-environment system and create new 
 risks and problems with high uncertainty and uneven distribution around the 
 globe. Apart from the physical effects, conflicting attitudes appear from 
 social, economic, and environmental worldviews in the international 
 community. The intertwined sociotechnical complexity and conflicting 
 attitudes make geoengineering a wicked and complex issue. This article 
 elaborates the wickedness and complexity from a system perspective, primarily 
 for an interdisciplinary, policy-oriented audience.
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 To post to this group, send email to geoengineering@googlegroups.com.
 Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/geoengineering.
 For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

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Re: [geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me

2014-11-10 Thread Ronal W. Larson
Alan cc List adding Professor Fleming

1.   Interesting news release;  thanks.   Could you give a cite for your 
expanded-to-26 list?  I found reference to a ppt on your website, which I could 
download but not open.

2.   Although called a “Geoengineering” list, your 20-list is only for SRM.  It 
would be very helpful to know if you or anyone has a similar list for CDR.

3.  For those who have not seen Professor Robock’s list of 20, it is available 

4.   Professor Fleming (being cc’d) had this to say below about biochar in the 

“Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it 
in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.   “The 
problem with that one is the scale,” Fleming says. “The topsoil of the world is 
not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.”

5.   Minor objections to the first sentence (“burning” and  “burying”),  but I 
hope he or others could provide cites for “not large enough”.  For one, a large 
amount (100 Gt??) of the removed carbon can appear as future additional 
above-ground biomass (now about 500 Gt C).  But also there are numerous 
citations of anthropogenic removal of perhaps 400 Gt C of soil carbon - that 
need return.  In addition, the 60 Gt C per year in flux is not obviously 
incapable of adding another 10% or so.  Finally there is a similar increased 
carbon flux potential to biochar from ocean resources - and if some 
inadvertently returns as char, it is probably even more recalcitrant there.

6.  I of course agree with his main thrust here - we need to stop, not capture, 
“all the capture of industry.”   But the two actions can/must be concurrent.


 Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it 
 in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.


 Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it 
 in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.

“The problem with that one is the scale,” Fleming says. “The topsoil of the 
world is not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.”

 Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it 
 in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.
 “The problem with that one is the scale,” Fleming says. “The topsoil of the 
 world is not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.”

On Nov 10, 2014, at 8:03 AM, Alan Robock rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu wrote:

 Many experts say technology can't fix climate change
 There are several geoengineering schemes for fixing climate change, but so 
 far none seems a sure bet.
 By: Joseph Hall News reporter, Published on Sun Nov 09 2014
 As scientific proposals go, these might well be labelled pie in the sky.
 Indeed, most of the atmosphere-altering techniques that have been suggested 
 to combat carbon-induced global warming are more science fantasy than 
 workable fixes, many climate experts say.
 “I call them Rube Goldberg ideas,” says James Rodger Fleming, a 
 meteorological historian at Maine’s Colby College, referring to the 
 cartoonist who created designs for gratuitously complex contraptions.
 “I think it’s a tragic comedy because these people are sincere, but they’re 
 kind of deluded to think that there could be a simple, cheap, technical fix 
 for climate change,” adds Fleming, author of the 2010 book Fixing the Sky: 
 The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control.
 Yet the idea that geoengineering — the use of technology to alter planet-wide 
 systems — could curb global warming has persisted in a world that seems 
 incapable of addressing the root, carbon-spewing causes of the problem.
 And it emerged again earlier this month with a brief mention in a United 
 Nations report on the scope and imminent perils of a rapidly warming world.
 That Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, which seemed to 
 despair of an emissions-lowering solution being achieved — laid out in broad 
 terms the types of technical fixes currently being studied to help mitigate 
 climate catastrophe.
 First among these proposed geoengineering solutions is solar radiation 
 management, or SRM, which would involve millions of tons of sulphur dioxide 
 (SO2) being pumped into the stratosphere every year to create sun-blocking 
 clouds high above the Earth’s surface.
 Anyone Canadian who remembers the unusually frigid summer of 1992, caused by 
 the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines a year earlier, 
 grasps the cooling effects that tons of stratospheric SO2 can have on the 
 And because such natural occurrences show the temperature-lowering potential 
 of the rotten-smelling substance, seeding the stratosphere with it has 

Re: [geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me

2014-11-10 Thread Alan Robock

The 26 reasons (and 5 benefits) are in:

Robock, Alan, 2014: Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, /Issues Env. 
Sci. Tech./ (special issue Geoengineering of the Climate System), 
*38*, 162-185. 

See Table 2, p. 181.  And it is specific not to just SRM, but 
stratospheric aerosol SRM.

Alan Robock

Alan Robock, Distinguished Professor
  Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
  Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
Department of Environmental Sciences Phone: +1-848-932-5751
Rutgers University Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road  E-mail: rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock
Watch my 18 min TEDx talk at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsrEk1oZ-54

On 11/10/2014 3:16 PM, Ronal W. Larson wrote:

Alan cc List adding Professor Fleming

1.   Interesting news release;  thanks.   Could you give a cite for 
your expanded-to-26 list?  I found reference to a ppt on your website, 
which I could download but not open.

2.   Although called a Geoengineering list, your 20-list is only for 
SRM.  It would be very helpful to know if you or anyone has a similar 
list for CDR.

3.  For those who have not seen Professor Robock's list of 20, it is 
available at


4.   Professor Fleming (being cc'd) had this to say below about 
biochar in the article:

/Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by 
burning it in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil 
enrichment. //The problem with that one is the scale, Fleming says. 
The topsoil of the world is not large enough to capture all the 
carbon of industry./

5.   Minor objections to the first sentence (/burning/ and 
 /burying/),  but I hope he or others could provide cites for /not 
large enough/.  For one, a large amount (100 Gt??) of the removed 
carbon can appear as future additional above-ground biomass (now about 
500 Gt C).  But also there are numerous citations of anthropogenic 
removal of perhaps 400 Gt C of soil carbon - that need return.  In 
addition, the 60 Gt C per year in flux is not obviously incapable of 
adding another 10% or so.  Finally there is a similar increased carbon 
flux potential to biochar from ocean resources - and if some 
inadvertently returns as char, it is probably even more recalcitrant 

6.  I of course agree with his main thrust here - we need to stop, not 
capture, /all the capture of industry. /But the two actions can/must 
be concurrent.


Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by 
burning it in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil 

Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by 
burning it in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil 

The problem with that one is the scale, Fleming says. The topsoil 
of the world is not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.

Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by 
burning it in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil 

The problem with that one is the scale, Fleming says. The topsoil 
of the world is not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.

On Nov 10, 2014, at 8:03 AM, Alan Robock rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu 
mailto:rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu wrote:


  Many experts say technology can't fix climate change

There are several geoengineering schemes for fixing climate
change, but so far none seems a sure bet.

*By:* Joseph Hall http://www.thestar.com/authors.hall_joe.html News 
reporter, Published on Sun Nov 09 2014

As scientific proposals go, these might well be labelled pie in the sky.

Indeed, most of the atmosphere-altering techniques that have been 
suggested to combat carbon-induced global warming are more science 
fantasy than workable fixes, many climate experts say.

I call them Rube Goldberg http://www.rubegoldberg.com/ideas, says 
James Rodger Fleming, a meteorological historian at Maine's Colby 
College, referring to the cartoonist who created designs for 
gratuitously complex contraptions.

I think it's a tragic comedy because these people are sincere, but 
they're kind of deluded to think that there could be a simple, cheap, 
technical fix for climate change, adds Fleming, author of the 2010 
book /Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate 

Yet the idea that geoengineering --- the use of technology to alter 
planet-wide systems --- could curb global warming has persisted in a 
world that seems incapable of addressing the root, carbon-spewing 
causes of the problem.

And it 

Re: [geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me

2014-11-10 Thread Ronal W. Larson
Professors Robock and Fleming and list

1.  Thanks for your added very recent and informative article.   As I 
requested in a separate response today to the Zhang-Posch paper,  I hope 
stratospheric aerosol SRM proponents will take up this chance to rebut you and 
Professor Fleming.  I am not qualified to enter that debate, but your list of 
26 risks looks reasonable.  I understand that your list only relates to one 
non-CDR technology.

2.   Three questions on the first sentence of your last paragraph (all 
of which I support) reads:
“Even at this late date, a global push to rapid decarbonization, by 
imposing a carbon tax, will stimulate renewable energy, and allow solar, wind, 
newly developed energy sources to allow civilization to prosper without using 
the atmosphere as a sewer for CO2.
a.  A carbon tax would stimulate all CDR as well as your list of 
beneficiaries.  Did you mean to so include CDR?

b.  Almost the same question:  By “decarbonization” do you include both 
carbon neutral (solar, wind, [also bioenergy??]) and carbon negative (CDR) 

c.   Is a technology which has both carbon neutral and carbon negative 
characteristics included in the quoted sentence even if not passing the first 
two questions (as regards “civilization to prosper”)? 

4.The last part of your final paragraph reads“Adaptation will 
reduce some of the negative impacts of global warming. Geoengineering does not 
now appear to be a panacea, and research in geoengineering should be in 
addition to strong efforts toward mitigation, and not a substitute. In fact, 
geoengineering may soon prove to be so unattractive that research results will 
strengthen the push toward mitigation. “

 The term CDR is not included here, so I fear this final paragraph may 
be used against CDR, even though you elsewhere emphasize that your paper is 
related to a subset of geoengineering - a word used three times here.  I admit 
to trying to get you to be supportive of at least the biochar component of CDR 
in the spectrum of your options that already spans mitigation and adaptation.  
You are clearly excluding at least one part of geoengineering, but some trying 
to discredit CDR will surely use this paragraph to discredit all parts of 
geoengineering.  Hope you can clarify.

5.  Apologies to the list.   I had a typo in the “Fleming” part of my 
message below.  The quoted phrase “all the capture of industry.”   should have 
read  “all the carbon of industry.”   (I blame a gremlin in my computer.)

Again thanks for the report on (mostly) GeoMIP.


On Nov 10, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Alan Robock rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu wrote:

 The 26 reasons (and 5 benefits) are in:
 Robock, Alan, 2014: Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, Issues Env. Sci. 
 Tech. (special issue “Geoengineering of the Climate System”), 38, 162-185.  
 See Table 2, p. 181.  And it is specific not to just SRM, but stratospheric 
 aerosol SRM.
 Alan Robock
 Alan Robock, Distinguished Professor
   Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
   Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
 Department of Environmental Sciences Phone: +1-848-932-5751
 Rutgers University Fax: +1-732-932-8644
 14 College Farm Road  E-mail: rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu
 New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock
 Watch my 18 min TEDx talk at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsrEk1oZ-54
 On 11/10/2014 3:16 PM, Ronal W. Larson wrote:
 Alan cc List adding Professor Fleming
 1.   Interesting news release;  thanks.   Could you give a cite for your 
 expanded-to-26 list?  I found reference to a ppt on your website, which I 
 could download but not open.
 2.   Although called a “Geoengineering” list, your 20-list is only for SRM.  
 It would be very helpful to know if you or anyone has a similar list for CDR.
 3.  For those who have not seen Professor Robock’s list of 20, it is 
 available at
 4.   Professor Fleming (being cc’d) had this to say below about biochar in 
 the article:
 “Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning 
 it in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.   
 “The problem with that one is the scale,” Fleming says. “The topsoil of the 
 world is not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.”
 5.   Minor objections to the first sentence (“burning” and  “burying”),  but 
 I hope he or others could provide cites for “not large enough”.  For one, a 
 large amount (100 Gt??) of the removed carbon can appear as future 
 additional above-ground biomass (now about 500 Gt C).  But also there are 
 numerous citations of 

[geo] Fwd: Climate Engineering News Review for week 46 of 2014

2014-11-10 Thread Andrew Lockley
-- Forwarded message --
From: i...@climate-engineering.eu i...@climate-engineering.eu
Date: 10 Nov 2014 23:11
Subject: Climate Engineering News Review for week 46 of 2014
To: andrew.lock...@gmail.com

 [image: tl_files/newsletter/NewsletterBalken.jpg]

Dear Climate Engineering Group,

please find below our weekly climate engineering news review. You can find
daily updated climate engineering news on our news portal

Thank you

The Climate Engineering Editors

Climate Engineering News Review for Week 46 of 2014

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

   - 13.11.2014
   Seminar: What should we do about fossil fuel CO2?, Oxford Martin School,
   - 14.11.2014
   (deadline), Job: Climate Engineering Project Scientist, IASS Potsdam
   - 02.-03.12.2014
   The World Science Summit on Climate Engineering: Future Guiding Principles
   and Ethics, Washington DC/USA
   - 03.12.2014
   (deadline), Job: Postdoctor in Environmental Change, Linkoping
   - 15.-19.12.2014
   Conference: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco/USA
   - 04.-08.01.2015
   Conference: 20th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather
   Modification, Phoenix, Arizona/USA
   - 14.02.2015
   Conference Session: Climate Intervention and Geoengineering: Albedo
   Modification, San Jose/USA
   - 17.02.2015
   Lecture: Patient Geoengineering (David Keith), SFJAZZ Center, San
   - 12.-14.03.2014
   SRM Science Conference 2015, Cambridge/UK

New Publications

   - Zhang, Yanzhu; Posch, Alfred (2014)
   The Wickedness and Complexity of Decision Making in Geoengineering
   - Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; et al. (2014)
   Counteracting the climate effects of volcanic eruptions using short-lived
   greenhouse gases
   - Li, Tongyan; et al. (2014)
   Carbon dioxide removal by using Mg(OH)2 in a bubble column: Effects of
   various operating parameters

Selected Media Responses

   - New York Times
   Climate Tools Seek to Bend Nature’s Path
   - thestar.com
   Many experts say technology can't fix climate change
   - the guardian
   Geoengineering could prevent climate effects caused by giant volcanic
   - the guardian
   Geoengineering: the ethical problems with cleaning the air

Political Papers

   - Stiftung Risiko-Dialog (2014)
   Climate Engineering: The Taboo in Climate Policy

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Re: [geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me

2014-11-10 Thread Rau, Greg
Thanks, Ron. Just to expand on your comments on Prof. Fleming's CDR statements 

All the [CDR] plans, however, would likely entail huge costs, the use of 
dangerous chemicals and uncertain storage prospects, Fleming says. “There are 
chemical means that would use some very alkaline, harsh chemicals.”

GR -   Thank goodness most of the earth and ocean is alkaline and hence will 
eventually absorb and neutralize all of the CO2 we care to emit, no dangerous, 
harsh chemicals required, and did I say for free? Is is inconceivable that we 
can safely and cost effectively help Mother Nature speed up her CDR, while we 
also try to reduce emissions?

He notes that there are also thermodynamic means — kind of the way they make 
dry ice and they just suck it out and condense it (into a liquid or solid).” 
But thermodynamic removal and compression techniques, Fleming says, are 
prohibitively expensive and require the use of large amounts of 
carbon-producing energy. This is largely due to the increased weight carbon 
acquires by combining with oxygen during the burning process. A ton of coal, 
for example, produces more than three tons of carbon dioxide because of the 
added oxygen load, Fleming says. “To make it really effective you’d have to 
have about a 30-per-cent increase in world energy use. But it would have to 
come from renewable (sources), which are not in the offing right now.” Other 
removal plans would employ membrane filters that are permeable to all the air’s 
component molecules except carbon. “This seems viable on a small scale, but the 
question is, as in all these projects: how do you make it a very large and very 
viable and economically feasible?” Fleming says.

GR – Couldn't agree more. Making highly concentrated CO2 from air is a 
non-starter. It is also unnecessary, see my first point.  Mother Nature does  
18GT of CDR /yr  without making conc CO2, so why should we?

Most plans would see the captured CO2 turned back into a burnable fuel by 
removing the oxygen component, or have it condensed into a liquid form and 
pumped into underground caverns or ocean trenches. But the fuel idea would also 
requite massive energy inputs to crack the molecule into its two elements, and 
the storage scheme would likely produce leakage.

GR - All true, and hence so far irrelevant to cost effective and safe CDR.

Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it 
in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment. “The 
problem with that one is the scale,” Fleming says. “The topsoil of the world is 
not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.” 

GR – Fine, whatever the soil can't handle, thankfully the ocean easily can (and 
will), especially if the carbon is added in the form of (bi)carbonates or  
buryable organics, or even Ron's biochar (as long as it sinks).

Bottom line: with over half of our CO2 emissions already being removed from the 
atmosphere each year, wouldn't the logical starting point for a discussion on 
and criticism of CDR costs, benefits, capacities and ethics be here, rather 
than on expensive and risky concepts that are entirely engineered from the 
ground up?

Greg Rau

From: Ronal W. Larson 
Reply-To: rongretlar...@comcast.netmailto:rongretlar...@comcast.net 
Date: Monday, November 10, 2014 1:16 PM
To: Alan Robock rob...@envsci.rutgers.edumailto:rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu, 
Cc: jflem...@colby.edumailto:jflem...@colby.edu 
Subject: Re: [geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me

Alan cc List adding Professor Fleming

1.   Interesting news release;  thanks.   Could you give a cite for your 
expanded-to-26 list?  I found reference to a ppt on your website, which I could 
download but not open.

2.   Although called a “Geoengineering” list, your 20-list is only for SRM.  It 
would be very helpful to know if you or anyone has a similar list for CDR.

3.  For those who have not seen Professor Robock’s list of 20, it is available 

4.   Professor Fleming (being cc’d) had this to say below about biochar in the 

“Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it 
in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.   “The 
problem with that one is the scale,” Fleming says. “The topsoil of the world is 
not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.”

5.   Minor objections to the first sentence (“burning” and  “burying”),  but I 
hope he or others could provide cites for “not large enough”.  For one, a large 
amount (100 Gt??) of the 

RE: [geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me

2014-11-10 Thread Doug MacMartin
Jim – I’m not sure whether I’m included in the category of sincere but deluded 
folk… are you referring to (a) anyone who thinks SRM will cause global 
temperatures to decrease, or (b) people who think that SRM will so perfectly 
compensate for effects of greenhouse gases that we can continue to burn fossil 
fuels without worry?  Given that position (a) is pretty much a given, I presume 
you mean position (b)… but is that really prevalent enough that it is worth 
bothering to combat it?  (I can only think of 4 people on the planet that I’ve 
heard espouse that view in public, though I’m sure there are others, certainly 
no-one on this list, I’m sure… combatting that view simply isn’t one of the 
biggest worries I actually have about geoengineering.) 


Overall, I’m simply reacting to the odd tone of the article that doesn’t say 
much about the counterfactual if we don’t deploy any geoengineering… leaving 
that question out of the story makes the story rather irrelevant, since that is 
obviously the only reason to consider this in the first place.  (No-one would 
take chemotherapy drugs if they didn’t have cancer.)


And a quibble with Alan’s comment about stopping ice sheets from melting 
requiring overcooling the tropics – that is true only if (i) you want to return 
the poles to pre-industrial temperatures (I don’t know how far you need to go 
to stop ice sheet melt) and (ii) you constrain yourself to only spatially 
uniform solar reductions.  (I know you know that… presume this was a result of 
a quick comment and a reporter who prefers reporting controversy to capturing 




From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com [mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Alan Robock
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 1:03 PM
To: rongretlar...@comcast.net; Geoengineering
Cc: jflem...@colby.edu
Subject: Re: [geo] Article in Toronto Star quoting Jim Fleming and me


The 26 reasons (and 5 benefits) are in:

Robock, Alan, 2014: Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, Issues Env. Sci. 
Tech. (special issue “Geoengineering of the Climate System”), 38, 162-185.  

See Table 2, p. 181.  And it is specific not to just SRM, but stratospheric 
aerosol SRM.

Alan Robock
Alan Robock, Distinguished Professor
  Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
  Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
Department of Environmental Sciences Phone: +1-848-932-5751
Rutgers University Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road  E-mail: rob...@envsci.rutgers.edu
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock
Watch my 18 min TEDx talk at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsrEk1oZ-54

On 11/10/2014 3:16 PM, Ronal W. Larson wrote:

Alan cc List adding Professor Fleming

1.   Interesting news release;  thanks.   Could you give a cite for your 
expanded-to-26 list?  I found reference to a ppt on your website, which I could 
download but not open.

2.   Although called a “Geoengineering” list, your 20-list is only for SRM.  It 
would be very helpful to know if you or anyone has a similar list for CDR.


3.  For those who have not seen Professor Robock’s list of 20, it is available 



4.   Professor Fleming (being cc’d) had this to say below about biochar in the 

“Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it 
in oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.   “The 
problem with that one is the scale,” Fleming says. “The topsoil of the world is 
not large enough to capture all the carbon of industry.”

5.   Minor objections to the first sentence (“burning” and  “burying”),  but I 
hope he or others could provide cites for “not large enough”.  For one, a large 
amount (100 Gt??) of the removed carbon can appear as future additional 
above-ground biomass (now about 500 Gt C).  But also there are numerous 
citations of anthropogenic removal of perhaps 400 Gt C of soil carbon - that 
need return.  In addition, the 60 Gt C per year in flux is not obviously 
incapable of adding another 10% or so.  Finally there is a similar increased 
carbon flux potential to biochar from ocean resources - and if some 
inadvertently returns as char, it is probably even more recalcitrant there.


6.  I of course agree with his main thrust here - we need to stop, not capture, 
“all the capture of industry.”   But the two actions can/must be concurrent.




Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it in 
oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.


Others are proposing to turn the captured carbon into charcoal by burning it in 
oxygen-free fires and burying it underground for soil enrichment.

“The problem with that one is the 

Re: [geo] The Wickedness and Complexity of Decision Making in Geoengineering

2014-11-10 Thread Ronal W. Larson
Mr.  Zhang:  (with ccs)

1.   You are correct.  I apologize for over simplifying on what your paper 
said.   I try below to be more specific.

 You broke your analysis into six parts.

# 1: 2.1. An Argument on Complex Cross-Boundary Feedbacks in 
Human-Environment System
[RWL:  Nine paragraphs.  This is where the meat of this article resides.  I now 
see this is the only place in the article where strong comparative statements 
are made between CDR and SRM - and where there are ideas and figures that 
provide new insights.  I like this section.  You  said (emphasis added)
a. Our rationale here on the superiority of CDR over SRM, however, gives an 
alternative philosophical argument that aids our strategic decision making.
b.   The rationale here argues that from the “proximity of stake to 
catastrophe” perspective, by analyzing the feedback system, CDR is “less 
proximate” than SRM to human stakes. 
[Less is to be preferred]
c.Through a “proximity of catastrophe to stake” argument, CDR prevails over 
SRM because it leaves more “buffer time” for humans to take urgent remedy 
actions if a severe impact in a system occurs due to improper planetary 
intervention.   (This last from the conclusions section.)

#2   2.2. Can We Afford It?
[RWL:   3 paragraphs.  Of course, mostly this community agrees that 
there is a large cost advantage for SRM.  But this section notes many cost 
downsides and warnings as well.  If I were an SRM proponent, I wouldn’t use 
this section to claim victory. 

#3.  2.3. Can Cost-Benefit be the Only Criterion
[RWL:   2 paragraphs.  Seems to argue much more against least cost SRM, 
as implied by the section heading’s question.  Term here is CO2 mitigation, but 
seems to mean CDR.

#4.  2.4. Conflicting Interests and Values
   [RWL:  3 paragraphs.  No comparisons provided,  but almost everyone 
agrees that CDR is the less controversial of the two approaches being discussed.

#5.  2.5. Lack of Central Geoengineering Governance Authority
[RWL:  2 paragraphs.   No definitive comparative statement, but CDR 
seems to be a winner here, since its governance, almost by definition, need not 
be “central”.

#6  2.6. The Tuxedo Fallacy in Geoengineering Decision Making
[RWL:  1 paragraphTuxedo refers to looking at risks as at a 
roulette table.  I think most geoengineering analysts and this paragraph are 
saying that there are lower risks for CDR.  No simple quote to provide, but I 
read this last also as favoring CDR.

In sum:  after a close secondary reading,  I stand by my original statement on 
the article favoring CDR.  But I did incorrectly state that there was a full 
comparison of CDR and SRM.  That applies only to the first of the six 
categories.  I’d like to hear from anyone agreeing with Dr.  Zhang that there 
was no winner described.

3.  Thanks for the additional leads.
I found Prof. Allenby’s material somewhat helpful,  but I hope his 
including bioethanol as geoengineering is not followed.

4.   You have done an apparently excellent job in defining “wickedness”, 
including the phrase ..” difficult, if not impossible, to solve…”   I hope this 
list can today reject the “impossible” part of this.   This list has had 
similar disagreement on the term “irreversible”.   Many on this list have 
concluded that CDR solutions will (repeat will) permit near term “ 
reversibility” - at least of atmospheric carbon levels and global surface 
temperatures (not deep ocean carbon or temperature).  So. I hope this list can 
have arguments/dialog about topics like that, facilitated by this article.  I 
agree on the “difficult” part of the definition.

5.   Wiki on wicked problems gives a very helpful set of 10 characteristics - 
for those wanting to read more about wickedness..  It also talks about “super 
wicked”, with the standard example being climate change, the four additional 
characteristics also being given in the Zhang paper.
Time is running out.
No central authority.
Those seeking to solve the problem are also causing it.
Policies discount the future irrationally.

I think one CDR solution (biochar) today 1)  still allows enough time if we 
get on it, 2) does not require a central authority,  3)  has “solvers” 
available who are not causing the problem, and 4) I don’t see irrational 
discounting  (positive economic returns are sometimes seen even in the first 
year, and several cultures have used biochar practices for millennia, without a 
climate motivation - showing discounting has worked).

6.  Further on super wickedness of the climate topic,  I found this paper’s 
abstract helpful:  
“Overcoming the tragedy of super wicked problems: constraining our future 
selves to ameliorate global climate change”
Kelly Levin, Benjamin Cashore, Steven Bernstein, Graeme Auld

with a version possibly similar but free at