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From: Wake Smith <w...@crowsven.com>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2019, 21:23
Subject: RE: [geo] Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the
first 15 years of deployment - IOPscience
To: Andrew Lockley <andrew.lock...@gmail.com>
Cc: geoengineering <geoengineering@googlegroups.com>

Dear Andrew (& group),

Firstly, thank you for the thorough and thoughtful questions.  I am happy
to dig in further on these details with knowledgeable correspondents.
Secondly, I should note that I do NOT consider this paper to have been the
final and definitive word on early deployment tactics, but rather simply
(and hopefully) a forward step from the essential work done earlier by
McClellan et al and others.  “McClellan” (as I will hereinafter refer to
their paper) remains foundational and I started my explorations by meeting
with both McClellan and Keith and picking up the ball where they laid it.
I am comfortable with our paper insofar as it went, but I acknowledge there
to be many yet still unanswered questions which I intend to address in
subsequent undertakings.  Thirdly, I am speaking here only for myself,
though Gernot will undoubtedly weigh in additionally as he sees fit.

Starting with your “Tilmes +5k” question, I should note that our paper
diverged from McClellan at the outset by choosing a specific mission and
then considering platforms to fulfill that mission and only that mission.
McClellan on the other hand considered deployment altitudes ranging from 18
– 30 kms, targeting the lower part (18 – 25kms) of that range.  Table 2
surveys an even wider range, from  as low as 40kft (~12.2 km) up to 100 kft
(~30 km).  So wide a spectrum of possible injection altitudes naturally
leads to a wide variety of platforms suitable to address at least some of
the part of that spectrum and contributed to an impression that there were
many ways to “skin the cat” as it were.  More specifically, this implied
that some sub-stratospheric altitudes were nonetheless acceptable for
deployment even though the text of the paper called for injection above the
tropopause.  From the standpoint of the grubby aviation guys simply trying
to fly the mission, altitude is the critical parameter here, so more
specificity was required in order to zero in on a platform choice.  We
therefore chose to define a much more specific mission that always deployed
well into the stratosphere, which in turn led us to a more specific
platform recommendation.  The mission we chose was injections as high as
65k ft (~20km), and we sourced this mission requirement from
MacMartin/Tilmes/Kravitz.  To be clear, this does not mean that all
injections would necessarily achieve this altitude – one might choose lower
on particular days and at higher latitudes – but the maximum injection
altitude anywhere defines the altitude threshold for the platform design.
So, why didn’t we consider the engine alternative you note?  Because it was
not necessary to achieve the defined mission.

The above of course begs the question as to whether we chose the right
mission, or whether we should have instead chosen various alternative
missions, such as the “+5k” alternative.  As regards the mission we chose,
we had to start somewhere, and this seemed (and still does seem) like the
right place to initially plant the stake, in part because it was based upon
such a well-respected prior paper.  That said, one of my personal projects
for 2019 is to drill down further on the question of necessary deployment
altitude to further clarify the dynamics that define both the release
altitude and the migration of the material after release, so more to come
on this.  However, the primary question I am pursuing there is whether we
can in fact deploy LOWER, not higher.  I am mindful of the ~50% further
radiative benefit that Simone notes would be achieved by an additional 5k
of altitude, but that seems somewhat marginal on top of the ~50X benefit we
achieve by ensuring we are in the stratosphere rather than the troposphere,
and that 5k would come at a very high cost.  You imply that one could get
there by simply strapping different powerplants on the wings, but I highly
doubt that.  20 kms is the ragged edge of what can be achieved with
traditional fixed wing, self-propelled aircraft – none of the Global
Hawk/U2/SR-71/WB-57 get materially higher than that, and each of those with
a mere ~1 ton payload.  Getting 25 tons up to 20 kms would be
unprecedented, though achievable, I believe.  Getting up to 25kms WITH A
HEAVY PAYLOAD (please don’t send me artwork of the Perlan and such) means
we are no longer flying aircraft, but moving to other platform types that
we have demonstrated come with a minimum 10X cost differential.  10X more
cost to get 0.5X more benefit doesn’t seem like a sensible trade – BUT, if
someone knows something I don’t, please advise (I will stop repeating this,
but this sentiment is general to the dialogue here).

I don’t share your understanding that mid-air refueling would be cheaper
option – quite the opposite.  Mid-air refueling is done to supplement range
at a materially added cost, not to save cost.  SAIL would be a relatively
short range aircraft not for the same reason as fighter jets (to reduce
weight so as to enhance speed/maneuverability), but because it needs little
range.  All it need do is pop up to altitude, deploy more or less above the
base, and descend with some reserve fuel.  I see no benefit to the further
complication (and flight time) required for mid-air refueling.

Regarding Delft and cost, the first thing to note is that our paper
clarifies that the vast majority of the costs in the first 15 years are
operating costs, not developmental costs, and we contribute a vastly more
detailed and reliable estimation of those operating costs, so your question
goes to the much lesser cost category.  Nonetheless, since those are the
FIRST costs, they are particularly important in defining the financial
threshold necessary to get started.  So – the key drivers of reduced
developmental cost are engines as you note, and then certification cost.
Both McClellan and Delft (which itself relied heavily on McClellan) used
comparisons to prior development programs of commercial airliners, such as
(in Delft) the B787 and A380.  Commercial airliners require enormous
amounts of optimization in order to reduce weight/drag/fuel consumption and
to enhance reliability – all to beat the operating cost of the predecessor
aircraft they are replacing by 20% and the competitor’s aircraft by a few
percent.  They also need to explore every corner of the flight envelope
since they are expected to be operated all over the world by scores of
operators in nearly every conceivable mission profile.  All of that adds
dramatically to developmental cost, and none of that applies here.  We are
assuming that SAIL commences life as the global sole-source platform for
SAI (so no need to out-do the competition) and that it will be designed for
this mission only (so not a “flexible” platform that would likely be
repurposed to other uses if the world abandons SAI).  In these regards,
this resembles a military development program much more than a commercial
one.  We also assumed that the aircraft could operate either under an
experimental or a military certification.  Confirming this latter
assumption (ie, the likely “cert basis”) is another vector of further
personal research, as is the “governance” assumption implied in the “global
sole-source” comment.

Our cost-per-deployed-ton is as you note nearly identical to McClellan, but
is arrived at via very different methodology.  You ask how our aircraft
design is different, but McClellan doesn’t posit a design – it analyzes a
set of design parameters to drive out an approximate size (“similar to a
G200”) and costing for aircraft targeting altitudes from 40kft to 100kft.
Our aircraft is ~6X the weight of a G200, but it is different chiefly in
that we lay out a much more specific set of dimensions, weights, and

Regarding manned vs unmanned cockpit, if this bird were actually to enter
into service in 2033, my guess is that it would be unmanned.  However, in
the current and immediately foreseeable future, it would be much cheaper to
certify it as a manned vehicle.  The cert program and requirements for
large unmanned aircraft are still evolving and will be quite different a
decade hence in ways that are hard to predict.  Rather than try to gaze
into that crystal ball and guess how such a cert program might be
administered and therefore what it might cost, we stuck to the more
predictable cert path for manned vehicles.  As for your “highly
encapsulated” single purpose airport concept, the direct answer is – no, we
did not analyze that and I don’t see a need to do so.  That would add quite
substantially to the cost (after all, we anticipate four and soon eight
bases) for little benefit.  These are not particularly dangerous aircraft,
either for the operators or the people on the ground.  If there were a need
to segregate these aircraft from other traffic, my guess is that it would
arise from concerns about security rather than safety.

Sulfuric acid is ~4X the mass of molten sulfur, so not only would it
multiply the cost by roughly 4X, but it would reintroduce safety concerns
that molten sulfur ameliorates.  I claim no expertise on particle size
considerations, but until someone clarifies that hauling sulfuric acid is
worth the costs and risks, I don’t see the case for that.

On engine mods, Rolls provided a considered but preliminary estimate that
it would require $210 - $420MM to qualify their BR710/725 model for this
operation, and I chose a value in the high end of that range ($350MM) to
provide some margin.  I cannot provide a breakdown, but can clarify that
they did not believe any changes to the core would be required.  Rather,
the main mods would be to the fuel storage and flow system.  Larger yet
from a budgetary perspective would be testing and recertification costs.
There is just one test cell in the world that can recreate the conditions
experienced at such high altitudes as this, and it is extremely expensive
to rent.  Rolls anticipated an extensive program there with three test
engines.  GE and Pratt have existing engines that already operate at
roughly this altitude, so the costs would likely be much lower (perhaps
negligible) in the case of their engines.

SpaceX has been unresponsive to my inquiries (I had better luck elsewhere),
so I have had to rely upon public data regarding their costs.  However, the
costs for all the rocket alternatives are so far (like 50X) beyond the cost
for aircraft that further banging on those doors does not seem a productive
use of time.  Airships were also easy to cross off the list based upon
technological immaturity, and electrical launch, even more so.  These and
many other lofting solutions may well prove better and cheaper than the
SAIL aircraft in the long run, but we intentionally sidestepped the
sinkhole of trying to guess what whizz-bang solutions will appear several
decades from now by limiting our focus to the initial deployment efforts in
the not-too-distant future.

Guns is the one competing technology which I have difficulty crossing off
the list.  You may note that this is the one section where we simply fell
back upon McClellan’s work because we were unable to obtain data that
provided substantially improved insights – but not for lack of trying.
Rather oddly, big guns are a technologically sleepy (bordering on dead)
field.  The enormous battleship and rail guns of the mid-20th century have
all been retired and replaced on succeeding generations of ships by vastly
smaller guns, mostly because missiles have replaced them.  The US Navy (by
far the world’s biggest big-gun customer) is down to just one supplier (BAE
Systems) who has little in development that might suit the needs of an SAI
program (and even their most promising program was defunded almost a decade
ago).  Both the Navy and BAE Systems declined to provide information on
what are inactive but still classified programs or to speculate on what
could potentially be developed, and McClellan’s unfavorable cost
comparisons justified bypassing this alternative.  And yet….in this case,
it’s clear that even the WWII-era technology would haul the required
payloads to the necessary altitudes, and eliminating hypothetical 21st
century guns based on 75 year old cost comparisons seems unreliable.
Neither do I consider this to be in the “technologically immature” category
– the products don’t now exist, but there is no big, unforeseeable
breakthrough required to produce them – it’s simply engineering.
Parenthetically, I have very little faith in the “reusable shell” idea, and
in the case of guns one WOULD have to haul the final product, so that if
that is SO2 we are back 2X mass/cost problem at best.  My hunch is that
with more complete data, we would more confidently eliminate guns, so I am
not greatly worried about this gap in our data, but it’s a gap
nonetheless.  Efforts by others to fill it would be most welcome.

More to follow in 2019 on several related topics, and I should reiterate
for the record that we hope the world will find a way to deviate from a
path that would require SAI deployment in the first place.  Nonetheless,
since no signs of such a deviation are yet evident, reducing uncertainties
in respect of Plan(s) B seems very much in order.

Wake Smith


914 649 7722

*From:* Andrew Lockley [mailto:andrew.lock...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 25, 2018 7:33 PM
*Cc:* geoengineering <geoengineering@googlegroups.com>
*Subject:* Re: [geo] Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in
the first 15 years of deployment - IOPscience

Wake / Gernot

I have some questions on your paper.  I thought it would be best to pose
them in public, in the hope that others will be able to read any reply. I
apologise in advance if there are elements of your paper I have not fully

Citing Tilmes, you suggest a + 5 k altitude change would be beneficial ,
but suggest engines are a limiting factor . The BAE Systems Sabre engine is
designed for high-altitude use. (David Keith was previously critical when I
suggested the use of this system). If you have considered this engine type
(or similar), why did you disregard it?

Mid-air refueling is an established technology. Your paper does not discuss
the idea of conveying fuel or payload in flight.  The high-altitude
aircraft you propose would be less fuel efficient and more expensive than
conventional tankers. These factors imply that any element of the process
that can be outsourced to tankers would represent a significant cost
saving. Was there a reason why you did not consider a two stage approach?

The TU Delft aircraft appears superficially similar to yours in design,
save the use of custom engines. Why does your Design come out at such a
dramatically lower cost?

Your proposed costings are almost identical to the new aircraft design
proposed by Mcclellan. Your paper does not give much detail on why your
Design would be different , and what advantages it would have. Could you
please elaborate on this?

You plan a manned aircraft, but the reduced safety concerns of a drone mean
that certification costs are potentially lower, particularly if the planes
were flown from isolated, single purpose airports (where any crash would be
unlikely to cause damage or injury). Did you analyse any such highly
encapsulated operational model?

On board conversion of sulphur is unlikely to allow very fine control over
droplet size. Any outsize aerosols are both much heavier, and much less
effective, than an ideal monodisperse spray. Did you consider the
alternative of carrying sulphuric acid, so you could inject monodisperse
aerosols? If so, what are the cost implications?

You give very little detail on the engine modifications necessary. Could
you please elaborate on their nature, and offer a breakdown of anticipated

As regards alternative technologies, I have some further questions:

Your consideration of costs from SpaceX appears to be based on their space
launch technology. This is inherently a low volume operation. SpaceX have
also proposed a suborbital passenger service, which would have far higher
flight volumes - and thus far lower marginal costs per launch. This appears
not to have been included in your analysis. Have you done any side
calculations , based on realistic cost assumptions for adapting SpaceX
suborbital passenger rockets ?

You suggest that airships are at too early a stage of development to be
practical. Hybrid Air Systems already have a flying vehicle of the type
required, albeit one not adapted to this specific job . Did you examine
this firms technology? If so, what were your reasons for rejecting it?

Maclellan's paper considered gun launch, but did not consider obvious
opportunities for costs savings. These include: reusable shells;  and
converting the guns from specialised solid propellant bags, to natural gas
/ hydrogen fuel, with air as an oxidizer. Further , guns allow much higher
altitudes than aircraft, which you advised is desirable for reasons of
efficiency. Such modifications would imply a cost reduction of approaching
one order. Is there a reason you have elected not to optimise gun designs,
in your analysis?

Finally, you make no reference to any electrical launch technology. A
cursory look at hyperloop suggests that it can be modified to attain
approximately the launch velocities required. Did you consider this, or
similar electrical launch? If so, why did you reject it?

I look forward to receiving any response you are able to send.


On Sat, 24 Nov 2018, 14:35 Douglas MacMartin <dgm...@cornell.edu wrote:

For context, the “huge expense” you refer to below, for the first 15 years
of deployment, is about 1.5x the estimated cost of the Camp fire in
California last week.

Or, 15 years of deployment (including development costs), are about 15% of
the costs in the US alone from the 2017 hurricane season.  And certainly
far cheaper than actually solving the problem by pulling out the CO2.

Lots of reasons to be concerned about SAI, but as far as costs are
concerned, the appropriate concern should be that it is too cheap, and that
cost won’t present enough of a barrier to deployment.

(And as I’ve pointed out before, saying this doesn’t “solve” the climate
problem is like pointing out that air bags don’t “solve” the problem of
having car accidents, or a million other analogies.  Of course it doesn’t.
No-one says it does.  But it could reduce impacts and prevent lots of
climate damages.  Until we are certain that the climate problem can be
“solved” by other means, it would be premature to dismiss something that
has the potential to limit damages.)

*From:* geoengineering@googlegroups.com [mailto:
geoengineering@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Franz Dietrich Oeste
*Sent:* Saturday, November 24, 2018 6:49 AM
*To:* andrew.lock...@gmail.com; geoengineering@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* Re: [geo] Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in
the first 15 years of deployment - IOPscience

Thanks to Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner for their work! Their paper may open
our eyes to the probable unsuitability of the climate influencing tool
Stratospheric Solar Radiation Management (SRM) or as named by the authors
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI):

SRM shall act within the stratosphere 20 km above the ground. To gain a
temperature reduction of 0.30 K in 2047 it needs a yearly uplift to this
height of 1,5 million tons of sulfur. The sulfur shall be burned by new
kind of aircrafts in situ to gain gaseous SO2 (boiling point -10 °C) which
becomes transformed by oxidiation and hydration to about 6 million
tons aerosol made of a rather concentrated sulfuric acid - per year. This
aerosol shall spread around the globe and mirror parts of the sun radiation
back into the space.

With the existing aircraft design sulfur lifting to these heights is
impossible. A new kind of aircraft needs to be developed to do the job.
This new aircraft should be able to lift a payload of 25 tons of liquid
sulfur to 20 km above the ground then keeping at this height and burn there
the sulfur load which emits with the flue gas as SO2. About 60 000 flights
per year are necessary to gain the global temperature reduction of 0,30 K.

Thankfully this article discusses very clearly within chapter 6 that such
activities could not remain undetected. Their conclusion is that it would
be rather impossible that those activities remain undetected or might kept
as a secret.

According to this low result of 0,30 K global temperature decrease gained
by this huge expense and 1,5 Million tons of sulfur burned in the
stratosphere the SRM method seems completely unsuitable to solve our
climate problem. Not only that the SRM method does not reduce any of the
increasing levels of the essential greenhouse gases CO2 and methane, it
surely increases the CO2 gas level. Any reduction of the sun radiation at
the surface decrease the assimilation by which plants transform CO2 into
organic C and oxygen. Further SRM would increase the methane level by
decreasing the UV radiation dependent hydroxyl radical level which acts as
a degradation tool to methane and further volatile organics because the sun
radiation decrease by SRM concerns particularly the UV fraction.

It is my very hope that this article helps to reduce the hype about SRM.

Franz D. Oeste

------ Originalnachricht ------

Von: "Andrew Lockley" <andrew.lock...@gmail.com>

An: geoengineering@googlegroups.com

Gesendet: 23.11.2018 16:36:27

Betreff: [geo] Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the
first 15 years of deployment - IOPscience


Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of

Wake Smith1 and Gernot Wagner2

Published 23 November 2018 • © 2018 The Author(s). Published by IOP
Publishing Ltd

Environmental Research Letters, Volume 13, Number 12

Download Article PDF DownloadArticle ePub

Article has an altmetric score of 157


We review the capabilities and costs of various lofting methods intended to
deliver sulfates into the lower stratosphere. We lay out a future solar
geoengineering deployment scenario of halving the increase in anthropogenic
radiative forcing beginning 15 years hence, by deploying material to
altitudes as high as ~20 km. After surveying an exhaustive list of
potential deployment techniques, we settle upon an aircraft-based delivery
system. Unlike the one prior comprehensive study on the topic (McClellan et
al 2012 Environ. Res. Lett. 7 034019), we conclude that no existing
aircraft design—even with extensive modifications—can reasonably fulfill
this mission. However, we also conclude that developing a new,
purpose-built high-altitude tanker with substantial payload capabilities
would neither be technologically difficult nor prohibitively expensive. We
calculate early-year costs of ~$1500 ton−1 of material deployed, resulting
in average costs of ~$2.25 billion yr−1 over the first 15 years of
deployment. We further calculate the number of flights at ~4000 in year
one, linearly increasing by ~4000 yr−1. We conclude by arguing that, while
cheap, such an aircraft-based program would unlikely be a secret, given the
need for thousands of flights annually by airliner-sized aircraft operating
from an international array of bases.

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