Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-06 Thread Regina Obe
> From: geos-devel [] On Behalf Of
> Paul Ramsey
> Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 8:41 PM
> To: GEOS Development List 
> Subject: Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS
> 3.9.0
> Semi worthless data point on this, but I did want to verify that
everything still
> worked at least for me, so I built against GEOS 3.6 and then swapped in
> everything from 3.6 to main at runtime, and it all worked fine.
> P
[Regina Obe] 
What are your libraries called? Did the names stay the same? 

In case you got lost in my long rant.

Greg suggested looking at ldd and ldd showed the culprit.
I suspect it might just be a windows issue, possibly even  mingw64 cmake

The issue is the file names changed in my cmake builds between 3.10.0 to

So my 3.10.0 build had these files (and all versions I have built, including
GEOS 3.6 have had these names). 
The fact they never changed made me happy (and I kept my mouth shut at the
beauty of this bug).

c-api => libgeos_c.dll
c++ api ->  libgeos.dll

and from 3.10.1 forward, my files look like yuck:
c-api => libgeos_c-1.dll
c++ api -> libgeos-3.10.1.dll

One can rightfully argue, that the old 3.10.0 behavior was a bug (I call it
feature or a beautiful bug :) )
And that 3.10.1 is the proper way to version since the c++ abi is 
unstable it should be changing in each micro-release.

I'm just a bit irritated this changed happened in a micro-release.
Not a huge deal.


geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-06 Thread Paul Ramsey
Semi worthless data point on this, but I did want to verify that everything 
still worked at least for me, so I built against GEOS 3.6 and then swapped in 
everything from 3.6 to main at runtime, and it all worked fine.

geos-devel mailing list

[geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-06 Thread Regina Obe
>> I know it probably sucks for most people, but for me it was great, cause
>> meant I don't have to deal with removing those
>> Old 3.10.0, 3.9.0 etc when I build installers.

> I would expect some packaging system that would remove them at
> uninstall/replace time.

My installer does remove them at uninstall time.
The issue is people rarely uninstall, they just install new versions of
Which happen to need to be looking for the same compatible version of GEOS.
So these versioned dlls that are not needed just keep piling up.
Cause next install libgeos_c-1.dll will be tied to libgeos-3.10.1.dll
instead of libgeos-3.9.0.dll.

I'm okay with having a libgeos_c-1.dll and yes with mindset there might be a
I can live with that versioning.  It's this extra C++ baggage I don't need.

But my packaging of GEOS is a special case packaging.  
Its purpose is to just be used by PostGIS for a specific version of
PostgreSQL and include all the
dependencies that PostGIS needs to live that are not already shipped by EDB
(windows PostgreSQL installer).

>> Generally on windows people
>> have a habit of installing multiple versions of 
>> PostGIS in the same PostgreSQL instance, but they all have to share the
>> GEOS.  

> I had not idea that could be done, and surely they must have
> non-overlapping names?

They don't need non-overlapping names, cause they are installed in separate

If someone has 3 versions of PostgreSQL installed, then they have 3 installs
of geos all in the PostgreSQL system folder for that version.
e.g c:\program files\PostgreSQL\14\bin,  c:\program files\PostgreSQL\13\bin
and so on
 (cause it's not installed in system).  So in theory  each PostgreSQL
version can have a different version of geos.
However all versions of PostGIS installed in a specific PostgreSQL install
share the same geos regardless
So installing PostGIS 3.1 would upgrade your GEOS that was installed by
PostGIS 3.0 and so on.
Cause they'd all be in theory pointing at the one and only libgeos_c-1.dll
in the PostgreSQL//bin folder.

>>  I would love to just statically link those two together and have just
>> library to contend with.

> As soon as you do that it get really iffy about claiming new geos
> versions do not have an ABI change.  Part of the point is that the C++
> interface is not available to client programs.

> And, that would seem to be a workaround for confusion within Windows
> about shared library naming.

I don't think there is a confusion here, just don't like seeing yet another
library file :)
Windows points at the libgeos-3.10.1 whatever longish versioned names. 
Like I said though my use case is a little different, it's very isolated
from rest of windows environment.
So this extra junk (I know you and strk think it's not) is a nuisance.
I can see how it's useful in a system shared environment.  
Not so much when the environment is very isolated from the system.

> I wonder if someone can explain how windows dll versioning is supposed
> to work?   I don't understand it (and I bet strk doesn't either).
Do you really want to understand it?  Strk doesn't.
I think within a 2-3 year span, windows will morph into some forkish version
of Debian/Ubuntu
and then all that knowledge will not be that useful anyway.

I agree with you the new way is saner, just a little more inconvenient. 

So I guess nothing to fix.  The old way was broken in a way I considered a
The new way is a saner solution but not as pleasant from where I am

Thanks for the help and thoughts and listening to my rants,

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-06 Thread Greg Troxel

"Regina Obe"  writes:

> It looks in the directory of the dependent executable first for dependencies
> and then looks in PATH for what it couldn't find in the direct path.
> I use the same trick (except export and $ signs)  on Debbie and Berrie (both
> Debian bots) and it works there too just overriding the 
> Here is what Berrie64 build script looks like for example:
>   #configuration where I flip the GEOS as needed
>  #postgresql startup script
> Though I think I had to set the LD_LIBRAY_PATH for building otherwise it
> would pick up the system installed GEOS and PostgreSQL  instead of my custom
> compiled one.

On UNIX/ELF, I don't think shared library resolution is affected by

I'll simply accept that whatever env var setup you have on windows
causes shlib resolution to look in alternate places; that's pretty
clearly not the problem.

> All of these were compiled with CMake.  I haven't used libtool on GEOS since
> 3.6 or so..
> In GEOS 3.10.0 (and all cmake versions previous) -- the files in bin folder
> are just the way I like them:
> geos-config  geosop.exe  libgeos.dll  libgeos_c.dll

I am unfamiliar with Windows DLL naming culture.   Setting aside macOS
as mutant, ~all POSIX/ELF systems normally name shared libraries as
  A is major (or ABI breaks)
  B is minor (for new interfaces)
  C is micro (for bugfixes)

On my system, shp2pgsql has NEEDED" because that is the
ABI version it was built with.  And there is a symlink with that name

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   14 Nov  3 17:53 /usr/pkg/lib/ ->
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   19 Nov  3 17:53 /usr/pkg/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   315936 Nov  3 17:53 /usr/pkg/lib/

This allows the older ABI to be still present (such as on base system
upgrades) and programs using the older ABI to find the version they need
and work.

It may be normal in windows not to do this, and I don't know if there if
the shlib version is internal and if it is chdcked when dynamic linking.
If it's not checked, this naming scheme is basically unsound.

> and ldd of libgeos_c.dll looks like:
> ldd /projects/geos/rel-3.10.0w64gcc81/bin/libgeos_c.dll
> ntdll.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ff968c3)
> KERNEL32.DLL => /c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL (0x7ff967c1)
> (0x7ff9663f)
> msvcrt.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcrt.dll (0x7ff968a7)
> libgcc_s_seh-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll (0x6144)
> libgeos.dll => /projects/geos/rel-3.10.0w64gcc81/bin/libgeos.dll
> (0x64c4)
> libstdc++-6.dll => /mingw64/bin/libstdc++-6.dll (0x6fc4)
> libwinpthread-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll (0x6494)
> USER32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/USER32.dll (0x7ff967a6)
> win32u.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/win32u.dll (0x7ff96677)
> GDI32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/GDI32.dll (0x7ff966dd)
> gdi32full.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/gdi32full.dll (0x7ff96695)
> msvcp_win.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcp_win.dll (0x7ff96635)
> ucrtbase.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/ucrtbase.dll (0x7ff966af)
> IMM32.DLL => /c/WINDOWS/System32/IMM32.DLL (0x7ff96756)

So that finds the 3.10.0 you have pointed it to, and it's not clear
there is ABI version checking.

> In GEOS 3.10.1 (where things started sucking as far as file names go)
> geos-config  geosop.exe  libgeos-3.10.1.dll  libgeos_c-1.dll  
> (I do recall my libtool builds having the full name at least for the c++
> part and that libgeos_c-1.dll that is why I assumed it was to congeal the
> two systems). 

Ah, so now I get the -1.  Is this the normal way in windows to encode
the shared library version in the file?  In the C++ one, is "3.10.1" a
string which is the shared library major version?

(I am not 100% sure that there aren't ABI breaks in libgeos.3.9.0 to
libgeos-3.10.0, but as in theory nothing else loads that it doesn't matter.)

If this is the windows way to have the equivalent of,
then it seems like it is the right thing.  Someday, we might need to
have an ABI break in libgeos_c, even though it's been avoided so far,
and that would necessitate

> $ ldd /projects/geos/rel-3.10.1w64gcc81/bin/libgeos_c-1.dll
> ntdll.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ff968c3)
> KERNEL32.DLL => /c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL (0x7ff967c1)
> (0x7ff9663f)
> msvcrt.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcrt.dll (0x7ff968a7)
> libgcc_s_seh-1.dll => 

Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-05 Thread Regina Obe
> This is probably my lack of windows knowledge, but is the postgis build
> somehow configured to find the needed shared libraries by looking in
> PATH?   On POSIXy systems, the libraries are looked for in DT_RPATH (or
> RUNPATH, a minor complication not that important).  E.g. objdump -x on
> /usr/pkg/bin/shp2pgsql has this output:
[Regina Obe] 
It looks in the directory of the dependent executable first for dependencies
and then looks in PATH for what it couldn't find in the direct path.
I use the same trick (except export and $ signs)  on Debbie and Berrie (both
Debian bots) and it works there too just overriding the 

Here is what Berrie64 build script looks like for example:  #configuration where I flip the GEOS as needed #postgresql startup script

Though I think I had to set the LD_LIBRAY_PATH for building otherwise it
would pick up the system installed GEOS and PostgreSQL  instead of my custom
compiled one.

> so postgis ends up with, but doesn't have a textual reference
> so replacing geos should still work.   I am not finding anything that
> has a direct reference to libgeos, but I remember that happening, and
there are
> notes in pkgsrc about it.  However it does not seeem to be happening any
> >> Well, your real problem is that you are using windows!
> >>
> > [Regina Obe]
> > Is your other name Sandro.  I might not be able to tell you apart
> > anymore :)
> Actually we've never met, but great minds think alike!
> > You solved the problem :)
> >
> > Ldd Shows this:
> > ldd /projects/postgresql/rel/pg14w64gcc81/lib/postgis-3.2.dll
> > :
> > ucrtbase.dll => /c/Windows/System32/ucrtbase.dll
> > libgeos_c.dll => not found
> > :
> >
> > and I see the newer GEOS from 3.10.1 on  have the file called
> > libgeos_c-1.dll copying libgeos_c-1.dll back to the original name of
> > libgeos_c.dll fixed the issue.
> Well that seems messed up.   Renaming the library changes the ABI.
> > I also notice I am back to having this ugly libgeos-3.10.1.dll that I
> > was so happy to get rid of when I had switched my geos building from
> > autotools to CMake years ago.
> Changing to an alternative build system should not result in an ABI
change, and
> if so, one of the build systems is buggy.
> > In GEOS 3.10.0 the c++ one was called:  libgeos_c-1.dll Why is this
> > ugly creature back?
> But you just said that was the name of the C library in 3.10.1.
[Regina Obe] 
All of these were compiled with CMake.  I haven't used libtool on GEOS since
3.6 or so..
In GEOS 3.10.0 (and all cmake versions previous) -- the files in bin folder
are just the way I like them:
geos-config  geosop.exe  libgeos.dll  libgeos_c.dll

and ldd of libgeos_c.dll looks like:
ldd /projects/geos/rel-3.10.0w64gcc81/bin/libgeos_c.dll
ntdll.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ff968c3)
KERNEL32.DLL => /c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL (0x7ff967c1)
msvcrt.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcrt.dll (0x7ff968a7)
libgcc_s_seh-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll (0x6144)
libgeos.dll => /projects/geos/rel-3.10.0w64gcc81/bin/libgeos.dll
libstdc++-6.dll => /mingw64/bin/libstdc++-6.dll (0x6fc4)
libwinpthread-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll (0x6494)
USER32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/USER32.dll (0x7ff967a6)
win32u.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/win32u.dll (0x7ff96677)
GDI32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/GDI32.dll (0x7ff966dd)
gdi32full.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/gdi32full.dll (0x7ff96695)
msvcp_win.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcp_win.dll (0x7ff96635)
ucrtbase.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/ucrtbase.dll (0x7ff966af)
IMM32.DLL => /c/WINDOWS/System32/IMM32.DLL (0x7ff96756)

In GEOS 3.10.1 (where things started sucking as far as file names go)
geos-config  geosop.exe  libgeos-3.10.1.dll  libgeos_c-1.dll  
(I do recall my libtool builds having the full name at least for the c++
part and that libgeos_c-1.dll that is why I assumed it was to congeal the
two systems). 
$ ldd /projects/geos/rel-3.10.1w64gcc81/bin/libgeos_c-1.dll
ntdll.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ff968c3)
KERNEL32.DLL => /c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL (0x7ff967c1)
msvcrt.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcrt.dll (0x7ff968a7)
libgcc_s_seh-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll (0x6144)
libgeos-3.10.1.dll =>
/projects/geos/rel-3.10.1w64gcc81/bin/libgeos-3.10.1.dll (0x7020)
libwinpthread-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll 

Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-05 Thread Greg Troxel

"Regina Obe"  writes:

>> > So my PostGIS is compiled with GEOS 3.9.0, but it should work with
>> > GEOS 3.11.
>> You presumably have swapped out the geos implementation?  How?
> [Regina Obe] 
> I test PostGIS / PostgreSQL with a PostgreSQL launch script that sets the
> path of all the key dependencies.
> So I have a compiled (lots of other old geos) , GEOS 3.9.0, GEOS 3.10.0,
> GEOS 3.10.1, GEOS 3.11 (main) all just different in bin path by the version.
> So when I want to compare differences I compile PostGIS with the lowest
> version I want to compare
> And then switch the paths in my PG launch script and then start up
> PostgreSQL again.
> Ignore the windowishness of this script, pretend you see export and $ signs
> instead
> SET GCC_TYPE=gcc81
> SET GDAL_VER=3.3.3
> #I change this
> SET GEOS_VER=3.10.1
> SET PGDATA=%~dp0\data
> SET PGUSER=postgres
> : lots of other dependencies cut out to keep this shorter
> @SET
> \CGAL\rel-cgal-%CGAL_VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\cgal\rel-sfcga
> l-%SFCGAL_VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%MINGW%\bin;%~dp0bin;%PROJECTS%\gdal
> \rel-%GDAL_VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\geos\rel-%GEOS_VER%w%OS_
> %\bin;%PROJECTS%\proj\rel-%PROJ_VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\lib
> xml\rel-libxml2-%LIBXML_VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\curl\rel-cu
> rl-%CURL_VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\expat\rel-expat-%EXPAT_VER
> %w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\freexl\rel-freexl-%FREEXL_VER%w%OS_BUI
> LD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\v8\%V8_VER%;%PROJECTS%\ssl\rel-openssl-%OPENSSL
> _VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%PROJECTS%\sqlite\rel-sqlite%SQLite_VER%w%OS_
> lz4\rel-lz4-%LZ4_VER%w%OS_BUILD%%GCC_TYPE%\bin;%~dp0\bin
> "%~dp0\bin\initdb" -E UTF8 -U postgres -A trust
> "%~dp0\bin\pg_ctl" -D "%~dp0/data" -l logfile_%PGPORT% start
> ECHO "Click enter to stop"
> pause
> "%~dp0\bin\pg_ctl" -D "%~dp0/data" stop -m fast
> -- END SCRIPT --

This is probably my lack of windows knowledge, but is the postgis build
somehow configured to find the needed shared libraries by looking in
PATH?   On POSIXy systems, the libraries are looked for in DT_RPATH (or
RUNPATH, a minor complication not that important).  E.g. objdump -x on
/usr/pkg/bin/shp2pgsql has this output:


and the same on the postgis so (that's dynamically loaded into
postgresql, AIUI) is


Earlier I talked about libgeos being added in, but it seems at least in
the postgis build that is not happening.

libgeos_c has:

so postgis ends up with, but doesn't have a textual reference
so replacing geos should still work.   I am not finding anything that
has a direct reference to libgeos, but I remember that happening, and
there are notes in pkgsrc about it.  However it does not seeem to be
happening any more.
>> Well, your real problem is that you are using windows!
> [Regina Obe]  
> Is your other name Sandro.  I might not be able to tell you apart anymore :)

Actually we've never met, but great minds think alike!

> You solved the problem :)
> Ldd Shows this:
> ldd /projects/postgresql/rel/pg14w64gcc81/lib/postgis-3.2.dll
> :
> ucrtbase.dll => /c/Windows/System32/ucrtbase.dll (0x7ff966af)
> libgeos_c.dll => not found
> :
> and I see the newer GEOS from 3.10.1 on  have the file called
> libgeos_c-1.dll
> copying libgeos_c-1.dll back to the original name of libgeos_c.dll 
> fixed the issue.

Well that 

Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-05 Thread Regina Obe
> > So my PostGIS is compiled with GEOS 3.9.0, but it should work with
> > GEOS 3.11.
> You presumably have swapped out the geos implementation?  How?
[Regina Obe] 
I test PostGIS / PostgreSQL with a PostgreSQL launch script that sets the
path of all the key dependencies.
So I have a compiled (lots of other old geos) , GEOS 3.9.0, GEOS 3.10.0,
GEOS 3.10.1, GEOS 3.11 (main) all just different in bin path by the version.

So when I want to compare differences I compile PostGIS with the lowest
version I want to compare
And then switch the paths in my PG launch script and then start up
PostgreSQL again.

Ignore the windowishness of this script, pretend you see export and $ signs
#I change this
SET PGDATA=%~dp0\data
SET PGUSER=postgres
: lots of other dependencies cut out to keep this shorter

"%~dp0\bin\initdb" -E UTF8 -U postgres -A trust
"%~dp0\bin\pg_ctl" -D "%~dp0/data" -l logfile_%PGPORT% start

ECHO "Click enter to stop"
"%~dp0\bin\pg_ctl" -D "%~dp0/data" stop -m fast

> > ERROR:  could not load library
> >
> > The specified module could not be found.
> Well, your real problem is that you are using windows!
[Regina Obe]  
Is your other name Sandro.  I might not be able to tell you apart anymore :)

> That error doesn't show what couldn't be found, and I'd suggest the
> of objdump and ldd.
> But seriously, that doesn't sound right.
> One issue is that the c library has a (on POSIX) DT_NEEDED for the C++,
> sometimes (libtool?) when building a program that links with libgeos_c,
> libraries that libgeos_c depend on are also added at DT_NEEDED to the
> program.
[Regina Obe] 
You solved the problem :)

Ldd Shows this:
ldd /projects/postgresql/rel/pg14w64gcc81/lib/postgis-3.2.dll
ucrtbase.dll => /c/Windows/System32/ucrtbase.dll (0x7ff966af)
libgeos_c.dll => not found

and I see the newer GEOS from 3.10.1 on  have the file called
copying libgeos_c-1.dll back to the original name of libgeos_c.dll 
fixed the issue.

I also notice I am back to having this ugly libgeos-3.10.1.dll
that I was so happy to get rid of when I had switched my geos building from
autotools to CMake years ago.
In GEOS 3.10.0 the c++ one was called:  libgeos_c-1.dll
Why is this ugly creature back?

If it was to congeal the libtool / CMake worlds I guess I can learn to live
with this ugliness.


geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-05 Thread Greg Troxel

"Regina Obe"  writes:

> I was always under the assumption that the C-API should be upward compatible
> (only the C++ API is unstable).


> Normally  I can do the following:
> Compile PostGIS with GEOS say 3.9.0
> Launch my PostgreSQL with GEOS 3.9.0
> Then launch again with newer GEOS - in this case GEOS 3.11.

That is not about API stability.  It is about having the same ABI

> So my PostGIS is compiled with GEOS 3.9.0, but it should work with GEOS
> 3.11.

You presumably have swapped out the geos implementation?  How?

> What I am finding is it is not.  I thought maybe I had the paths wrong so I
> double-checked a couple of times.
> This is what I get when I swap out the older GEOS 3.9.0 with newer GEOS 3.11
> (main branch)
> And then run any PostGIS function.
> ERROR:  could not load library
> "C:/ming64gcc81/projects/postgresql/rel/pg14w64gcc81/lib/postgis-3.2.dll":
> The specified module could not be found.

Well, your real problem is that you are using windows!

That error doesn't show what couldn't be found, and I'd suggest the
equivalent of objdump and ldd.

> I then tried to swap with GEOS 3.10.0  and that worked okay.
> POSTGIS="3.2.0dev 3.2.0beta3-2-g0b32bdd14" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="140"
> GEOS="3.10.0-CAPI-1.16.0" PROJ="7.2.1" GDAL="GDAL 3.3.3, released
> 2021/10/25" LIBXML="2.9.9" LIBJSON="0.12" LIBPROTOBUF="1.2.1" WAGYU="0.5.0
> GEOS 3.10.1 - errors
> ERROR:  could not load library
> "C:/ming64gcc81/projects/postgresql/rel/pg14w64gcc81/lib/postgis-3.2.dll":
> The specified module could not be found.
> Can someone confirm that?  If it's just an issue with PostGIS 3.2, I guess
> that is okay, though I would think it would mean just the newer features
> like MakeValid would not be enabled by swapping out with a newer GEOS, but
> it shouldn't break install.  Also why GEOS 3.10.0 works and GEOS 3.10.1
> doesn't is very concerning.

But seriously, that doesn't sound right.

One issue is that the c library has a (on POSIX) DT_NEEDED for the C++,
and sometimes (libtool?) when building a program that links with
libgeos_c, the libraries that libgeos_c depend on are also added at
DT_NEEDED to the program.

Description: PGP signature
geos-devel mailing list

[geos-devel] Is GEOS 3.11 C-API upward compatible with GEOS 3.9.0

2021-12-05 Thread Regina Obe
I was always under the assumption that the C-API should be upward compatible
(only the C++ API is unstable).

Normally  I can do the following:

Compile PostGIS with GEOS say 3.9.0

Launch my PostgreSQL with GEOS 3.9.0

Then launch again with newer GEOS - in this case GEOS 3.11.

So my PostGIS is compiled with GEOS 3.9.0, but it should work with GEOS

What I am finding is it is not.  I thought maybe I had the paths wrong so I
double-checked a couple of times.

This is what I get when I swap out the older GEOS 3.9.0 with newer GEOS 3.11
(main branch)

And then run any PostGIS function.

ERROR:  could not load library
The specified module could not be found.

I then tried to swap with GEOS 3.10.0  and that worked okay.
POSTGIS="3.2.0dev 3.2.0beta3-2-g0b32bdd14" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="140"
GEOS="3.10.0-CAPI-1.16.0" PROJ="7.2.1" GDAL="GDAL 3.3.3, released
2021/10/25" LIBXML="2.9.9" LIBJSON="0.12" LIBPROTOBUF="1.2.1" WAGYU="0.5.0

GEOS 3.10.1 - errors
ERROR:  could not load library
The specified module could not be found.

Can someone confirm that?  If it's just an issue with PostGIS 3.2, I guess
that is okay, though I would think it would mean just the newer features
like MakeValid would not be enabled by swapping out with a newer GEOS, but
it shouldn't break install.  Also why GEOS 3.10.0 works and GEOS 3.10.1
doesn't is very concerning.

FWIW:  all were built under CMake.  Though I think the ENABLE_INLINE
whatever that CMAKE switch is might be different between the working and
non-working versions.


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