[Geoserver-users] DATA_DIR migration from 2.3.1 to 2.7. EncryptingUrlParams error.

2015-05-12 Thread Jônatas Castro

I'm migrating Geoserver from 2.3.1 to 2.7.
I created a Tomcat instance with Geoserver 2.7 and I'm pointing the new
Geoserver to a copy of the old DATA_DIR.
I'm using TOMCAT 7.0.5 and JDK 1.7. I've installed the compatible unlimited
policy JAR files.

When I try GeoServer I got the folowing 500 error.

*exceptionorg.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request
processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute __ICRYPT*


I discovered that if I disable *encryptingUrlParams* on
*DATA_DIR/security/config.xml*, the error stops.

Also, the stores aren't recognized by GeoServer, but when I remove
crypt2: of the password at *datastore.xml*, the stores appears.

I know the problem is related to encryption method, but I don't know what
to do.

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[Geoserver-users] (no subject)

2015-04-29 Thread Jônatas Castro
Hello Everyone!

I'm configuring a new distributed GeoServer environment and I have some
doubts about GWC Standalone, GeoServer  Apache architecture.

I have the following architecture set in a single developing machine.

Apache HTTPD **HTTP 80**
2 Geoserver Instances (2 TOMCAT) **HTTP 8080** **HTTP 8081**
1 GeoWebCache Standalone Instance (1 TOMCAT) **HTTP 8082**

I have a load balance configuration in Apache HTTPD with mod_jk that points
to the 2 GeoServer instances. The 2 GeoServer Tomcat instances are
clustered and point to a single DATA DIR. I've also configured GeoWebCache

If I make a request to http://localhost/geoserver it calls one of the 2
GeoServer instances.
If I make a request to http://localhost/geowebcache it calls the
GeoWebcache instance (redirects to /geowebcache/home).
I've set the *WMS getCapabilites* URL from my Geoserver; at

Everything is working fine!

My first doubt is in concern to GeoWebCache and GeoServer WMS endpoints
when consuming it in the front-end app (OpenLayers). What is the best
approach when calling WMS service?

   1. Make a URL rewrite with Apache so that I call
   /geoserver/gwc/service/wms/... and it would point to GeoWebCache instance
   2. Call GeoWebCache URL directly: /geowebcache/service/wms/...
   3. Make a URL rewrite to Geoserver WMS URL so that when I call
   http://localhost/geoserver/workspace/wms/... it would point to
   GeoWebCache instance

Second doubt is about the integrated GWC configuration.

   - Should I disable GWC at GeoServer *Caching Defaults* configuration
   when using GWC standalone?
   - What really happens when I enable *WMS-C*? Does it just enables
   - And what really happens when I enable *WMS direct integration*? Does
   it make /geoserver/wms URL call the integrated GWC?
   - Do the configuration made in *Tile Caching* GeoServer panel of each
   layer affects GWC Standalone (is it passed at getCapabilities)?

All these stuff about the GWC Standalone aren't so clear in the docs. I
hope someone have these answers.

Thank you!
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[Geoserver-users] Toggle Enabled and Advertised attribute layer by Geoserver REST API

2015-04-17 Thread Jônatas Castro
Hello everyone!

I want to know if it is possible to enable/disable a layer using the REST
I also want to toggle Advertised attribute by REST API, because I want to
manage a lot of layers at the same time.

I couldn't find anything about in docs, but I was trying sth like this:

PUT /geoserver/rest/layers/layer_name.xml


PS: I know I can do it the hard way: make a script to search and modify xml
layer files in data dir. I think it's not the right approach.

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