RE: Outlook Express 6 on WinXP and this list

2016-04-09 Thread Christopher Woods
If there is anyone on this list using an ISP or free provider account, I 
recommend getting your own package and domain. The flexibility and privacy 
is well worth it.

Go with someone like or for their value hosting 
packages. Get an email account set up. Migrate web site accounts across. 
Sit back and relax forever because that email address is now yours until 
you stop renewing!

Nowadays it's all fairly easily done and if you buy all from the same place 
the setup is automated (or assisted by them) and managed through a web 
portal, easy peasy.

The cost really is pennies a day and you can use as you like across your 
devices. You could even get rolls-royce Hosted Exchange email for proper 
push notification and Exchange integration if you want to splash out...

I have VPS hosting (for business) with BHost (amongst other providers) and 
various domains registered with Heart. Both I endorse for their good 
customer service and value. I've not solely relied upon ISP or free email 
services for two decades! Plus having a vanity domain is cool, all the cool 
kids are doing it now.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Web PVR

2016-04-09 Thread Vangelis forthnet

(OT discussion follows, please disregard if not really interested...)

On Sat Apr 9 08:12:32 BST 2016, Don Grunbaum wrote: 

But the Mozilla Devs haven't dropped support for Windows XP (yet!). 
My only reason for switching is that Chrome keeps popping up a message 
that support for XP has ceased, and I can't turn it off.

Good afternoon, Don :-) 

Please read:

for instructions.

Latest version, 49.0.2623.112, pushed 
on Apr 7th, still runs fine. But major version 
49 of the stable (release) channel should be 
the last XP/Vista compatible. 

Vista (ny current OS) will remain under MS 
Extended Support until Apr 2017, yet the Chrome 
devs have also included it in their not-supported-anymore 
OSes (along with XP). 

Never have been a Chrome convert, used it 
occasionally for tests. There exists very 
interesting discussion in the following thread:

Keep an eye for any development there by the 
devoted XP/Vista communities (very uncertain 
ATM, but they may come up with a custom build 
of Chrome 49+ that could run on XP/Vista).

Thanks again, Vangelis, 
for your ever comprehensive reply. 
You could have simply said RTFM! 

... As posted recently, 

I try my best to be civil in my list posts,
but in general I try not to offend 
the other person...

Whenever spare time allows, instead 
of offering "pre-cooked" meal to a person 
seeking support, I prefer to direct him/her 
to the list of "ingredients" and a "recipe" !

Best regards, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Web PVR

2016-04-09 Thread Don Grunbaum (Gmail)

Thanks for the responses, both on and off list.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vangelis forthnet" 

Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2016 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: Web PVR

On Fri Apr 8 21:05:27 BST 2016, Don Grunbaum wrote:

Does anybody know where the default settings
for the web PVR manager are held?
Are they in a cookie, or somewhere else?

Hi Don - it depends on what you mean by "default";
have a quick read of:

By "default" I mean those that are saved by the "Save as Default" 

This covers those, so thank you.

Changes to the WebPVR "defaults" made through the GUI
are stored as browser cookies, from "localhost" (or "",
in older versions of the WeBPVR) hostname - if you have
browser addons or browser settings that clear cookies after
browser is exited, those "settings" will be lost. You then have
to exclude "localhost" from its cookies being wiped out,
if you want those settings to persist between browser sessions.

The WebPVR picks other GiP settings from GiP's options files,
system options:
User options:

Please do read

carefully, to understand how the "CLI" settings
(stored in options files) and in what hierarchy
are being used by the GUI along the ones
stored in browser cookies.

I am aware of that file, which applies to any way that GiP commands 
are launched.

I'm trying to switch from Chrome to Firefox

The "Web PVR Manager" windows shortcut
always opens the system default browser - as
Alan has suggested, if you want to use Firefox
for the WebPVR, then you should make Firefox
the default browser.
If you are currently only experimenting, then, once
Web PVR Manager launches Google Chrome,
you can exit Chrome, launch Firefox and open
a "http://localhost:1935/; firefox tab to access
the local WebPVR server.

Yes, been doing that, no problem.

(What I have done personally is keep IE
as the system default, but modified
"pvr_manager.cmd" file to use Firefox in a new tab:
- .\pvr_manager.url
+ "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -P default -new-tab 

use at your own risk...)

There be serpents! :-)

... and one OT comment:
While you are trying to switch from Chrome to Firefox,
the Mozilla devs are doing all their best to ape/clone

But the Mozilla Devs haven't dropped support for Windows XP (yet!). My 
only reason for switching is that Chrome keeps popping up a message 
that support for XP has ceased, and I can't turn it off. I am 
gradually migrating to a new Windows 10 PC (pause for Linux users to 
snigger), but it's a long process in my particular case.

I will have to copy and paste between Chrome and Firefox to transfer 
the settings, I guess.

Incidentally (as a nod to a different thread) my original post and 
this are sent via Outlook Express on Windows XP, in plain text, and 
they get through. A few people's posts arrive with the content as 
attachments, but that doesn't matter (to me).


Thanks again, Vangelis, for your ever comprehensive reply. You could 
have simply said RTFM!

get_iplayer mailing list 

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