Re: Using the GHC API to write an interpreter

2016-06-28 Thread Evan Laforge
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Christopher Done  wrote:
> Thanks! It's strange to think there was once no GHCi. This is an interesting
> piece of Haskell implementation history! =)

It was really exciting when ghci showed up.  No need to separately
load everything into hugs!
ghc-devs mailing list

RE: Msys2 64: progress

2016-06-28 Thread lonetiger
Hi Simon,

I’m not sure what’s going on there.

I updated my curl to 7.49.1 and I am experiencing the same silent death 
(--version doesn’t even work for me then which is weird).

In any case, downgrading back to 7.48.0 worked for me.

I don’t know how to do that with pacman, so instead maybe try:

pacman -S wget
wget -qO - 
| tar xJ -C /usr --strip-components=1
wget -qO - | 
tar xJ -C /usr --strip-components=1

If it doesn’t work, to upgrade again to 7.49.1 you can just do pacman -S curl 

Kind Regards,

From: Simon Peyton Jones___
ghc-devs mailing list

RE: Msys2 64: progress

2016-06-28 Thread Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs
Actually I had the command right; copy/paste somehow removed the underscore.
And curl –version does report
curl --version
curl 7.49.1 (x86_64-pc-msys)
so it should not be necessary anyway.

But ./configure still fails with
checking for path to top of build tree... C:/code/HEAD
configure: Checking for Windows toolchain tarballs...
configure: Extracting Windows toolchain from archives (may take a while)...
File not found - *.tar.xz

mk/ download x86_64
completes after 1 second, with no messages of any kind.

What next?!



From: ghc-devs [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 28 June 2016 22:19
To: Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs ; David Macek 
Subject: RE: Msys2 64: progress

Hi Simon,

You’re missing an underscore in the command (there’s one between x86 and 64),

It’s pacman -R 

This is only needed if curl --version reports anything other than 
After that you need to install the normal msys curl with pacman -S curl

You don’t have to run configure everytime to test either, you can just run

mk/ download x86_64

from the root and it should just download the packages only if everything is 
setup correctly.

Also don’t forget to do a pacman -Sy to update the repositories. Couldn’t 
gather from your email if you did this already.

Kind Regards,

From: Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 21:02
To: David Macek;
Subject: Msys2 64: progress

I want to thank everyone who has responded – very helpful!
Thanks to your help I am making progress

·I re-installed msys64 from scratch, this time following the 
instructions on the GHC wiki rather than the msys2 page.  By doing update-core; 
then pacman -Su; then pacman -Su again, I got a clean install.   Very good!

Getting a shell between each step is tricky.

o   The first shell is gotten with mingw64.bat

o   After update-core, that file is gone; you have to use msys2_shell.cmd I 

o   After pacman -Su we get mingw64.exe, which we can use thereafter.

·My slow-start problem appears to have gone away.   I adopted the fix 

you may be hitting a long standing issue some computers have in which the 
domain controller is being hit for every invocation of commands, causing a 
slowdown , Solution 2 from
 seems to fix it for most people.

I am not absolutely certain that was the problem, but things seem ok now.  I 
also excluded c:/msys64 from my antivirus check.

·Emacs too is now working normally.  Hurrah
So that’s all good.
Now I’m stuck on the windows tarballs download thing.  I get

configure: Checking for Windows toolchain tarballs...

configure: Extracting Windows toolchain from archives (may take a while)...

File not found - *.tar.xz
I tried both the things described on the 

Pacman -R mingw-w64-x86_64-curl

error: target not found: mingw-w64-x86_64-curl
For the other I did the two mkdir things, and tried ./configure again, but got 
the same error message as above.
So I’m stuck again, but further forward.  Can you advise me?

ghc-devs mailing list

RE: Msys2 64: progress

2016-06-28 Thread lonetiger
Hi Simon,

You’re missing an underscore in the command (there’s one between x86 and 64), 

It’s pacman -R mingw-w64-x86_64-curl

This is only needed if curl --version reports anything other than 
After that you need to install the normal msys curl with pacman -S curl

You don’t have to run configure everytime to test either, you can just run

mk/ download x86_64

from the root and it should just download the packages only if everything is 
setup correctly.

Also don’t forget to do a pacman -Sy to update the repositories. Couldn’t 
gather from your email if you did this already.

Kind Regards,

From: Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs___
ghc-devs mailing list

Msys2 64: progress

2016-06-28 Thread Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs
I want to thank everyone who has responded - very helpful!
Thanks to your help I am making progress

*I re-installed msys64 from scratch, this time following the 
instructions on the GHC wiki rather than the msys2 page.  By doing update-core; 
then pacman -Su; then pacman -Su again, I got a clean install.   Very good!

Getting a shell between each step is tricky.

o   The first shell is gotten with mingw64.bat

o   After update-core, that file is gone; you have to use msys2_shell.cmd I 

o   After pacman -Su we get mingw64.exe, which we can use thereafter.

*My slow-start problem appears to have gone away.   I adopted the fix 

you may be hitting a long standing issue some computers have in which the 
domain controller is being hit for every invocation of commands, causing a 
slowdown , Solution 2 from
 seems to fix it for most people.

I am not absolutely certain that was the problem, but things seem ok now.  I 
also excluded c:/msys64 from my antivirus check.

*Emacs too is now working normally.  Hurrah
So that's all good.
Now I'm stuck on the windows tarballs download thing.  I get

configure: Checking for Windows toolchain tarballs...

configure: Extracting Windows toolchain from archives (may take a while)...

File not found - *.tar.xz
I tried both the things described on the 

Pacman -R mingw-w64-x86_64-curl

error: target not found: mingw-w64-x86_64-curl
For the other I did the two mkdir things, and tried ./configure again, but got 
the same error message as above.
So I'm stuck again, but further forward.  Can you advise me?

ghc-devs mailing list

RE: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread lonetiger
Hi Simon,

I think the two issues might be related. From what I can tell magit invokes 
some msys utilies at startup such as cygdrive to normalize paths . The msys AD issue would affect all 
of these tools and so each of them would be quite slow to run.

I would indeed try the AD fix first and see how the rest behave.

This issue is well documented at the Cygwin FAQ as well if you’re interested in 
Going on. Basically what it’s saying is that you can cache your user 
information (username etc) locally instead of having it query the server 

If this doesn’t solve the magit problem as well, then try issuing a normal git 
command, if that’s slow as well then run strace on it and it should give
You an idea of what’s taking so long.

Kind Regards,

From: Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs___
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread Simon Michael

On 6/28/16 5:50 AM, Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs wrote:

I have another issue.  I'm using 'magit' (in emacs) to drive git.  But it gives 
half-minute delays to do anything at all.  There are lots of people complaining 
about it (googlable) but no solutions I can see.  Do I have to give up magit?

It used to be fine in earlier versions.

Just at the moment it's Much Much More Serious.  Even opening a file in emacs 
(nothing to do with git or (ostensibly) magit, takes nearly a minute!!  In the 
process manager I can see lots of git activity -- just when I open a file in 
ordinary emacs!

Hi Simon,

I've never seen that behaviour, but if it's not active directory/network 
related, might you have enabled some add-on that eg tries to show a 
file's VCS status in the modeline ?

Here are some things you may have already tried:

- restart emacs

- restart emacs with --no-init-file, then gradually evaluate your 
.emacs.d/init.el (and more specifically, any  magit/vcs-related 
customizations) while testing magit performance.

- close unnecessary open buffers visiting files in the current git repo. 
This might be contributing, in my setup it makes a big difference.
I do C-x C-b s m to sort open buffers by mode, n/p to move to the 
haskell buffers, d to mark them deleted, x to do it.

- look for and turn off costly magit settings, in M-x customize-group 
magit. I'm sorry that I don't know/remember which ones are costly. I 
would be suspicious of the two auto revert options and the Magit 
Extensions -> Magit Auto Revert group, and magit's hooks (Magit Modes -> 

ghc-devs mailing list

RE: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs
Have you tried specifying an absolute path for the git executable that magit 
uses, to avoid the overhead of traversing the environment for each call? (M-x 
customize-var RET magit-git-executable RET)
I’m pretty sure it’s not that, because in the task manager I see stuck 
‘git.exe’ consuming zero cycles with a child process of ‘comhost’ (I think).   
Then it completes and another one is born.   But I’ll give it a try anyway, 

I’m still utterly baffled about why emacs is invoking git when I simply open a 
file (Ctrl-X f).


From: Luite Stegeman []
Sent: 28 June 2016 14:09
To: Simon Peyton Jones ; David Macek 
;; John Wiegley 
Subject: Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!

Have you tried specifying an absolute path for the git executable that magit 
uses, to avoid the overhead of traversing the environment for each call? (M-x 
customize-var RET magit-git-executable RET)
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 2:51 PM Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs 
> wrote:
David, Tamar

I have another issue.  I'm using 'magit' (in emacs) to drive git.  But it gives 
half-minute delays to do anything at all.  There are lots of people complaining 
about it (googlable) but no solutions I can see.  Do I have to give up magit?

It used to be fine in earlier versions.

Just at the moment it's Much Much More Serious.  Even opening a file in emacs 
(nothing to do with git or (ostensibly) magit, takes nearly a minute!!  In the 
process manager I can see lots of git activity -- just when I open a file in 
ordinary emacs!

I have utterly no idea why this might be.  I'm adding John Wiegley, my Emacs 



|  -Original Message-
|  From: David Macek 
|  Sent: 28 June 2016 13:20
|  To: Simon Peyton Jones 
|  Cc:
|  Subject: Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!
|  On 27. 6. 2016 23:33, Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs wrote:
|  > 1.  I just left the machine for 10-15 mins and lo! the shell windows
|  opened up. It just took a lng time.
|  I could be something with Active Directory. Cygwin (upon which is
|  MSYS2 based) integrates with AD, but there are numerous (google-able)
|  reports of huge slowdowns related to this.
|  > At this point, starting a new shell no longer took a long time.  It
|  all seemed to be working.
|  Also don't forget to exclude `C:\msys64` from any anti-virus scans.
|  > 2.  I then ran pacman -Syuu as instructed on the installation page:
|  I'm afraid you misread the instructions. You should run `update-core`
|  first to upgrade to the newer pacman that handles `pacman -Syuu`
|  correctly. (New installer packages with an up-to-date pacman are
|  planned.)
|  > The log of what happened is below.  There are numerous failures
|  involving Cygwin, which I do not have installed, at least not so far
|  as I know.   I do not know if these failures matter.
|  They might. See below.
|  > 3. After this step, starting a shell failed altogether with
|  "c:/msys64/mingw64_shell.bat is not recognised as an internal or
|  external command". And sure enough, there is no such file. Presumably
|  it existed in step 1.  So perhaps step 2 deleted it?
|  If the post-install script for `filesystem` were able to run, it would
|  inform you that `*_shell.bat` are deprecated and were removed. I see
|  you have `msys2-launcher-git` installed -- you can then use
|  `C:\msys64\mingw64.exe` (and even pin it to the taskbar).
|  > 4. As you mention, I then tried msys2_shell.cmd.  It worked -- with
|  a noticeable delay of 5 seconds or so.
|  May still be AD-related.
|  > * should I worry about all those install errs
|  I recommend staying on the safe side and nuke the installation.
|  Alternatively, reinstall the packages that had failures (`pacman -S
|  gcc-libs gettext gmp ...`).
|  > * how can I debug what's happening with
|  >   that long delay
|  `/etc/nsswitch.conf` allows for some configuration. See

Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread David Macek
> I have another issue.  I'm using 'magit' (in emacs) to drive git.  But it 
> gives half-minute delays to do anything at all.  There are lots of people 
> complaining about it (googlable) but no solutions I can see.  Do I have to 
> give up magit?

I've read about it too, but I don't remember seeing any solutions.

I don't use magit nor emacs, but I have two ideas:

a) Try `mingw-w64-x86_64-emacs` (through pacman) with `mingw-w64-x86_64-git` 
(download[2] or through pacman[1]). This should work around any performance 
issues coming from the POSIX emulation layer. The downside is that I have no 
idea whether this combination works well currently (or at all).

b) `git config core.fscache true`. I'm not sure if this option is supported 
under Cygwin.


David Macek

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread Luite Stegeman
Have you tried specifying an absolute path for the git executable that
magit uses, to avoid the overhead of traversing the environment for each
call? (M-x customize-var RET magit-git-executable RET)

On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 2:51 PM Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <> wrote:

> David, Tamar
> I have another issue.  I'm using 'magit' (in emacs) to drive git.  But it
> gives half-minute delays to do anything at all.  There are lots of people
> complaining about it (googlable) but no solutions I can see.  Do I have to
> give up magit?
> It used to be fine in earlier versions.
> Just at the moment it's Much Much More Serious.  Even opening a file in
> emacs (nothing to do with git or (ostensibly) magit, takes nearly a
> minute!!  In the process manager I can see lots of git activity -- just
> when I open a file in ordinary emacs!
> I have utterly no idea why this might be.  I'm adding John Wiegley, my
> Emacs Friend
> Thanks
> Simon
> |  -Original Message-
> |  From: David Macek []
> |  Sent: 28 June 2016 13:20
> |  To: Simon Peyton Jones ;
> |  Cc:
> |  Subject: Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!
> |
> |  On 27. 6. 2016 23:33, Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs wrote:
> |  > 1.  I just left the machine for 10-15 mins and lo! the shell windows
> |  opened up. It just took a lng time.
> |
> |  I could be something with Active Directory. Cygwin (upon which is
> |  MSYS2 based) integrates with AD, but there are numerous (google-able)
> |  reports of huge slowdowns related to this.
> |
> |  > At this point, starting a new shell no longer took a long time.  It
> |  all seemed to be working.
> |
> |  Also don't forget to exclude `C:\msys64` from any anti-virus scans.
> |
> |
> |  > 2.  I then ran pacman -Syuu as instructed on the installation page:
> |
> |
> |  I'm afraid you misread the instructions. You should run `update-core`
> |  first to upgrade to the newer pacman that handles `pacman -Syuu`
> |  correctly. (New installer packages with an up-to-date pacman are
> |  planned.)
> |
> |  > The log of what happened is below.  There are numerous failures
> |  involving Cygwin, which I do not have installed, at least not so far
> |  as I know.   I do not know if these failures matter.
> |
> |  They might. See below.
> |
> |  > 3. After this step, starting a shell failed altogether with
> |  "c:/msys64/mingw64_shell.bat is not recognised as an internal or
> |  external command". And sure enough, there is no such file. Presumably
> |  it existed in step 1.  So perhaps step 2 deleted it?
> |
> |  If the post-install script for `filesystem` were able to run, it would
> |  inform you that `*_shell.bat` are deprecated and were removed. I see
> |  you have `msys2-launcher-git` installed -- you can then use
> |  `C:\msys64\mingw64.exe` (and even pin it to the taskbar).
> |
> |  > 4. As you mention, I then tried msys2_shell.cmd.  It worked -- with
> |  a noticeable delay of 5 seconds or so.
> |
> |  May still be AD-related.
> |
> |  > * should I worry about all those install errs
> |
> |  I recommend staying on the safe side and nuke the installation.
> |  Alternatively, reinstall the packages that had failures (`pacman -S
> |  gcc-libs gettext gmp ...`).
> |
> |  > * how can I debug what's happening with
> |  >   that long delay
> |
> |  `/etc/nsswitch.conf` allows for some configuration. See
> |   |  pwdgrp>.
> |
> |  > * Should I nuke the start menu shortcuts that
> |  >   the msys64 installer so carefully installed
> |  >   in favour of msys2_shell.cmd?
> |
> |  Yes or see above. Note that you might need `msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64`
> |  instead (not sure if it matters for GHC).
> |
> |  --
> |  David Macek
> ___
> ghc-devs mailing list
ghc-devs mailing list

RE: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread lonetiger

Hi Simon,

To test if it’s AD try (in case my other email didn’t get through):

➢ you may be hitting a long standing issue some computers have in which the 
domain controller is being hit for every invocation of commands, causing a 
slowdown , Solution 2 from seems to fix it for most 


From: Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs___
ghc-devs mailing list

RE: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs
David, Tamar

I have another issue.  I'm using 'magit' (in emacs) to drive git.  But it gives 
half-minute delays to do anything at all.  There are lots of people complaining 
about it (googlable) but no solutions I can see.  Do I have to give up magit?

It used to be fine in earlier versions.

Just at the moment it's Much Much More Serious.  Even opening a file in emacs 
(nothing to do with git or (ostensibly) magit, takes nearly a minute!!  In the 
process manager I can see lots of git activity -- just when I open a file in 
ordinary emacs!

I have utterly no idea why this might be.  I'm adding John Wiegley, my Emacs 



|  -Original Message-
|  From: David Macek []
|  Sent: 28 June 2016 13:20
|  To: Simon Peyton Jones ;
|  Cc:
|  Subject: Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!
|  On 27. 6. 2016 23:33, Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs wrote:
|  > 1.  I just left the machine for 10-15 mins and lo! the shell windows
|  opened up. It just took a lng time.
|  I could be something with Active Directory. Cygwin (upon which is
|  MSYS2 based) integrates with AD, but there are numerous (google-able)
|  reports of huge slowdowns related to this.
|  > At this point, starting a new shell no longer took a long time.  It
|  all seemed to be working.
|  Also don't forget to exclude `C:\msys64` from any anti-virus scans.
|  > 2.  I then ran pacman -Syuu as instructed on the installation page:
|  I'm afraid you misread the instructions. You should run `update-core`
|  first to upgrade to the newer pacman that handles `pacman -Syuu`
|  correctly. (New installer packages with an up-to-date pacman are
|  planned.)
|  > The log of what happened is below.  There are numerous failures
|  involving Cygwin, which I do not have installed, at least not so far
|  as I know.   I do not know if these failures matter.
|  They might. See below.
|  > 3. After this step, starting a shell failed altogether with
|  "c:/msys64/mingw64_shell.bat is not recognised as an internal or
|  external command". And sure enough, there is no such file. Presumably
|  it existed in step 1.  So perhaps step 2 deleted it?
|  If the post-install script for `filesystem` were able to run, it would
|  inform you that `*_shell.bat` are deprecated and were removed. I see
|  you have `msys2-launcher-git` installed -- you can then use
|  `C:\msys64\mingw64.exe` (and even pin it to the taskbar).
|  > 4. As you mention, I then tried msys2_shell.cmd.  It worked -- with
|  a noticeable delay of 5 seconds or so.
|  May still be AD-related.
|  > * should I worry about all those install errs
|  I recommend staying on the safe side and nuke the installation.
|  Alternatively, reinstall the packages that had failures (`pacman -S
|  gcc-libs gettext gmp ...`).
|  > * how can I debug what's happening with
|  >   that long delay
|  `/etc/nsswitch.conf` allows for some configuration. See
|  .
|  > * Should I nuke the start menu shortcuts that
|  >   the msys64 installer so carefully installed
|  >   in favour of msys2_shell.cmd?
|  Yes or see above. Note that you might need `msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64`
|  instead (not sure if it matters for GHC).
|  --
|  David Macek

ghc-devs mailing list

RE: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs
David, Tamar

Thanks for your help.  I'm a bit further forward.

|  > 1.  I just left the machine for 10-15 mins and lo! the shell windows
|  opened up. It just took a lng time.
|  I could be something with Active Directory. Cygwin (upon which is
|  MSYS2 based) integrates with AD, but there are numerous (google-able)
|  reports of huge slowdowns related to this.

|  > 4. As you mention, I then tried msys2_shell.cmd.  It worked -- with
|  a noticeable delay of 5 seconds or so.
|  May still be AD-related.

Let's suppose it is AD.  Do you have any idea what I can do about it?

|  If the post-install script for `filesystem` were able to run, it would
|  inform you that `*_shell.bat` are deprecated and were removed. I see
|  you have `msys2-launcher-git` installed -- you can then use
|  `C:\msys64\mingw64.exe` (and even pin it to the taskbar).

OK... so forget msys2_shell.cmd and use mingw64.exe instead.  I'll try that.

|  > * how can I debug what's happening with
|  >   that long delay
|  `/etc/nsswitch.conf` allows for some configuration. See
|  .

OK.. I see that page. Now what?  What might I do with nsswitch.conf that might 
help fix or give insight?


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: msys2 64 bit: help help!

2016-06-28 Thread David Macek
On 27. 6. 2016 23:33, Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs wrote:
> 1.  I just left the machine for 10-15 mins and lo! the shell windows opened 
> up. It just took a lng time.

I could be something with Active Directory. Cygwin (upon which is MSYS2 based) 
integrates with AD, but there are numerous (google-able) reports of huge 
slowdowns related to this. 

> At this point, starting a new shell no longer took a long time.  It all 
> seemed to be working.

Also don't forget to exclude `C:\msys64` from any anti-virus scans.

> 2.  I then ran pacman -Syuu as instructed on the installation page: 

I'm afraid you misread the instructions. You should run `update-core` first to 
upgrade to the newer pacman that handles `pacman -Syuu` correctly. (New 
installer packages with an up-to-date pacman are planned.)

> The log of what happened is below.  There are numerous failures involving 
> Cygwin, which I do not have installed, at least not so far as I know.   I do 
> not know if these failures matter.

They might. See below.

> 3. After this step, starting a shell failed altogether with 
> "c:/msys64/mingw64_shell.bat is not recognised as an internal or external 
> command". And sure enough, there is no such file. Presumably it existed in 
> step 1.  So perhaps step 2 deleted it?

If the post-install script for `filesystem` were able to run, it would inform 
you that `*_shell.bat` are deprecated and were removed. I see you have 
`msys2-launcher-git` installed -- you can then use `C:\msys64\mingw64.exe` (and 
even pin it to the taskbar).

> 4. As you mention, I then tried msys2_shell.cmd.  It worked -- with a 
> noticeable delay of 5 seconds or so.

May still be AD-related.

> * should I worry about all those install errs

I recommend staying on the safe side and nuke the installation. Alternatively, 
reinstall the packages that had failures (`pacman -S gcc-libs gettext gmp 

> * how can I debug what's happening with 
>   that long delay

`/etc/nsswitch.conf` allows for some configuration. See 

> * Should I nuke the start menu shortcuts that
>   the msys64 installer so carefully installed
>   in favour of msys2_shell.cmd?

Yes or see above. Note that you might need `msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64` instead 
(not sure if it matters for GHC).

David Macek

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
ghc-devs mailing list