> 4) Removed the "wrap-style" radio buttons from the
interface [...]
> This was a little bit controversial.  Let me add
that as far as I can
> see, it was a mistake to create these options in the
first place.  The
> idea behind the Wrap option was to let a user make
tileable patterns,
> but it will actually have the opposite effect, by
almost always drawing
> an edge at the border of the selection.  I don't
believe that anything
> except Smear is actually useful.  Certainly showing
users a set of
> choices labeled "Wrap", "Smear", and "Black" must be
a bad thing
> to do -- even for sophisticated users.

Please, don't remove the Wrap and Smear options,
because it are useful (tileable patterns is a
Removing the functionality of GIMP isn't usability.

You can put them under a label named "border options"
like the convolution matrix plug-in.

Sorry if my English is poor.

¿Chef por primera vez?
Sé un mejor Cocinillas. 
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