Hi, I thought this announcement may be of interest:

I thought some of you might be interested in the first release of
TigerVNC and VirtualGL's JPEG codec as a standalone SDK.  The new
project is called "libjpeg-turbo", and the files are available here:


Included in the release are pre-compiled SDKs for Linux (32-bit and
64-bit RPMs and DEBs for GLIBC 2.3 and later, and a source RPM), OS X
(universal binary supports 32-bit Tiger & later and 64-bit Snow
Leopard), Solaris/x86 (Solaris 10 package with both 32-bit and 64-bit
binaries), and Windows (32-bit, both Visual C++ and GCC flavors.)

Additional info about the project can be found here:


including competitive performance information.  Mailing lists are set up
and ready.

If you know of other projects that could benefit from this codec, please
forward this message to them.  I am looking for people to test drive it
and let me know what breaks.



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