Hi Alan,

Alan Horkan wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Nov 2004, David Odin wrote:
> >   and as I already said before, using the 2.0 version of gfig would mean
> > to at least port the old version to the HIG standards,
> I was suggesting shipping the old unmodified version because it was more
> stable.

I just wanted to point out that the 2.0 API is completely
backwards compatible from 2.2 to 2.0. That means that you can
simply copy the old 2.0 gfig from lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins to 
lib/gimp/2.2/plug-ins and it will work just fine. 

For a user installation, you might want to check, but I believe
that plug-ins in the $HOME/.gimp-2.2/plug-ins directory are
loaded before the global ones, so copying
lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/gfig there would do the same job for an
unprivileged user.

Personally I'm happy to see someone working on gfig. I wasn't
aware dindinx was working on it, and given the track record he's
built up, I'm sure that the plug-in will be very stable and much
more usable in short order.


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
CV: http://dneary.free.fr/CV/
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