Re: [Gimp-developer] A letter of complaint

2012-07-24 Thread John Harris
It would also be helpful to know the individual's tendencies towards
usage of development versions during their difficulties. A dev version
would certainly be a strong candidate for crashes and should never be
expected to perform properly in a production environment.

On another note: I can look back fondly at all the times I lost work in
Photo$hop. Frequent saves were usually my only saving grace. Except of
course when PS would crash during the save. Then all was lost. Effort
had to be put into version saving as a work-around. At the time, I
really had nobody to blame but myself since Adobe clearly stated that
saving across a network was not supported behavior. Back then, Apple's
PowerPC's were the norm, 1gig drives were about as big as they came and
the files we were working were 314res (8000) ppi for 8x10 LVT
film-recorder output on transparency and negative films. External drives
were slw, too small for the files we were working. We needed every
bit of free scratch disk to work the files, so saving them locally was
not an option. Even with the potential for crashes and corrupted scan
lines, saving to the network was a risk we felt we had to take.  The
learning experience brought realizations that bad things happen that are
not within our control. What we could control is how we responded to the
situation, what we did to work around the potential for the issue to
happen again, and the use of careful note taking so that proper bug
reports could be submitted to Adobe when appropriate. After all, devs
can't fix a problem they are not aware of. Much like complaining about a
three month old pothole on your street. It's not like the transportation
department has some magic fairy that automatically tells them when a pot
hole appears! Step up, make a polite phone call and the work will get done.

Have an issue? Report it
Bug won't go away? work around it.
Don't like the way something works? Find something else that does.

Taking responsibility for my own stubbornness, lack of follow through
and the results they create has removed more stress in my life than just
about anything else. When I stopped blaming others for the pain in my
life I could have done something about, my life change immensely towards
the positive.

IMO the OP is acting as if they are the victim of the developers and
their code.   When someone plays the role of the victim, they surrender
the power to change their situation. It's OK to stand in the pile of poo
you were reluctant to get out of, but please don't splash any on the
rest of us.

On 07/23/2012 11:15 AM, Akira Tanaka wrote:
 To all the developers of GIMP software...

 In the five years that I've used your program for my own creative
 purposes, I've dealt with some of the good aspects of GIMP and the
 negative aspects of it as well. The variety in brushes was good and
 the option to create animated GIFs with ease is a nice addition as
 well. However, there have been many negative aspects that have given
 me so much grief with this program. I've dealt with the instability of
 tablet devices being added on to my computer when I use GIMP. The
 times that GIMP has crashed and so many irretrievable hours of work
 lost only fueled my rage against this program. But after accessing an
 already usable file only to get an error message that doesn't make any
 sense, that was it. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

 After five years of putting up with this mediocre excuse for a
 software, it's time for me to hold my hands high and say enough is
 enough. I feel like I've been put through something and this is the
 breaking point. A software that crashes on you and then has the
 audacity to refuse a direct order makes for a truly negative
 experience. This is it. I've had it. I will never use GIMP software
 again for as long as I live.

 I know you have some sort of bureaucracy set up to review letters from
 anonymous users. There is a chance you will reject this letter but if
 that's the case, I'm willing to give you these parting words.

 GIMP is, without a doubt, the most unreliable, poorly programmed,
 pathetic excuse for a software program ever conceived by a human being.

 That is all. If you took the time to read this, you have my thanks. If
 you just carelessly rejected this without even looking into the
 letter, you can all go fuck yourselves.

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Re: [Gimp-developer] Update and apology

2012-07-24 Thread John Harris
I am not intimately familiar with all the compression modes that the
plugin supports, but I'll give a stab at a possible cause. The P$D file
format provides support for several compression types in it's PSD
format. LSW(native), JPG, RLE, plus image pyramid options. It might be
possible that during the export from SAI, one of these options was
included. I attempted to download SAI to test it on my end (from
sai.detstwo.c*m, but my ClamAV shows the
install file as infected. I would be willing to give it a go if someone
can point me to a clean download. Sorry I can't test the theory on this
end just yet, but I do hope the idea helps.

On 07/24/2012 10:33 AM, Akira Tanaka wrote:
 Yesterday, I wrote a letter out of frustration in regards to GIMP. I
 feel that my actions were juvenile, immature and socially
 unacceptable. I haven't bothered to update the software and in a fit
 of misguided and dumb rage, I unleashed that attack against those who
 did not deserve it. I'm not a victim, I just made a foolish mistake
 out of anger. And for that I apologize. I meant no disrespect to any
 of you and I'm pretty sure I'd give GIMP another chance with its
 newest version. So please disregard everything that was said in a
 letter of complaint.

 Anywho, here's the problem that I faced with GIMP yesterday. There is
 a PSD file converted from SAI that I tried opening with GIMP. I was
 able to beforehand up until that morning in which an error message
 popped up saying unsupported compression mode. I wasn't sure why I
 was getting this error, because I could open up the file beforehand
 without penalty. I probably don't deserve any pointers after that
 episode from yesterday, but just thought I'd bring up what happened
 now that I've put things into perspective.

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Re: [Gimp-developer] the Gimp lcms.c plug-in

2012-07-19 Thread John Harris
Elle, I am not  a programmer but I am a color professional. so here is
my input regarding your last question:

It seems to me that you will always need ICC profiles, to convert an
image from whatever ICC color space profile it happens to be in, to
your internal working space, and from your internal working space to
the monitor profile, and from your internal working space back out to
whatever color space profile the person wants to use to upon exporting
to a non-xcf file. Yes? No?

always is a bit strong. 
Some individuals, such as myself, prefer to do as little profile swapping as 
possible, and in some cases work in complete native spaces during the entire 
flow. Display calibration excluded.

I rarely take an incoming file from it's native space to some other working 
space unless the file needs extreme adjustments. So converting from native to 
working is not a given. There will be some situations where I will send the 
image file directly to the output device without a conversion to the output 
profile. An output profile should be able to be used in soft-proofing without 
the need for conversion to profile. The Adobe workflow refers to this as 
Preserve RGB.  Having this option allows me and other users to proof the 
output on screen and never convert the file to any profile, thus keeping the 
working file in it's fullest integrity, free of banding, loss of color fidelity 
and other profile related issues that can result from remapping.  

There may also be times when I will maintain the files native space but print 
using a convert to profile flow, and there are times when I DO convert from the 
native space to a larger space. The latter is often the case when the file 
needs major adjustments for density and contrast. I may also go from a larger 
space, such as ProRGB or Adobe1998 down to sRGB if I am working a file that 
will only see usage on the web and never go to wide gamut print.

Feel free to reach out to me with specific questions that might be off-topic.

On 07/19/2012 11:12 AM, Elle Stone wrote:
 I've been working on porting the Gimp lcms.c plug-in from using
 LittleCMS version 1 to using LittleCMS version 2. This will make
 possible high bit-depth ICC profile conversions.

 I'm not a super-experienced c-coder, nor have I ever worked with the
 lcms engine before. So I'm learning as I go. So far I've:
 (1)compiled the existing Gimp lcms plug-in,
 (2)modified the existing plug-in to use lcms2.h and attempted to
 compile it (knowing it would fail)
 (3)tracked down all the errors and warnings that result from the
 differences between LittleCMS version 1 and LittleCMS version 2

 My next steps will be to add a whole bunch of print to screen
 commands to the current Gimp lcms.c plug-in so I can get a better
 handle on the flow of the code, and then start rewriting (or perhaps
 writing from scratch) the plug-in to use the LittleCMS v2 engine.

 If anyone is curious, I've documented what I've done so far:

 Comments, input is more than welcome.

 I have a couple of big-picture questions:

 Will Gimp be using as its internal working space some variant of
 Microsoft's scRGB? What about:

 scRGB is a wide color gamut RGB (Red Green Blue) color space created
 by Microsoft and HP that uses the same color primaries and white/black
 points as the sRGB color space but allows coordinates below zero and
 greater than one. . . . the cost of maintaining compatibility with
 sRGB is that approximately 80% of the scRGB color space consists of
 imaginary colors.

 Two encodings are defined for the individual primaries: a linear 16
 bit per channel encoding and a nonlinear 12 bit per channel encoding.
 . . The 16 bit scRGB(16) encoding is the linear RGB channels converted
 by 8192 x + 4096. Compared to 8-bit sRGB this ranges from about 1/2
 the color resolution near 0.0 to more than 10 times the color
 near 1.0.

 That last sentence is a bit worrisome - losing resolution in the shadow areas.

 It seems to me that you will always need ICC profiles, to convert an
 image from whatever ICC color space profile it happens to be in, to
 your internal working space, and from your internal working space to
 the monitor profile, and from your internal working space back out to
 whatever color space profile the person wants to use to upon exporting
 to a non-xcf file. Yes? No?


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Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp 2.8 splash screen suggestion

2012-04-18 Thread John Harris
While this is certainly true, GIMP, along with PS and others like them,
fall into a class called Paint Programs.  This may have been the
artist's inspiration.

On 04/17/2012 05:23 PM, Kevin Cozens wrote:
 On 12-04-17 05:38 PM, wrote:
 After some tweaking...

 If a person was to get picky they could point out that GIMP has more
 than paint brushes in its toolbox.  ;-)

 Looks good. Nice and colourful.

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Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp 2.8 splash screen suggestion

2012-04-17 Thread John Harris
Is it OK if I chime in?

Yes the diagonal lines behind Wilber and across the largest brush are 
distracting, but I LOVE the overall concept. It's fresh, clean, 
professional and colorful.  The use of a bokeh layer is fantastic and 
well executed.
The new layer order is much better and shows Wilber properly.
The first thing my eye goes to is the 2.8. To me, it carries the same 
visual weight as Wilber. I am not sure that the version number is the 
primary focus of a splash screen. Is there another creative element you 
might replace that with?   While we are all celebrating this much 
anticipated release, the version number is not critically important. 
Could we completely remove the version number from the splash or at 
least make it much much smaller?  Say 12 to 14 px high and subtle.  Or, 
as an idea that is  a bit outside the box. spell it out i.e.

V  e  r   s   i  o  n
Two Point Eight.

This could still fit in the bottom of your vertical banner as your 
third element, yet it would minimize the visual weight.

Also, the white margins on top and bottom seem unnecessary and I find 
them distracting, especially the bottom. It's quite a bit of empty 
space and appears unfinished because it carries so much visual weight 
yet does not serve an immediate purpose that I can see.

Fantastic work so far. Perhaps Gimp's best splash to date!

John H

On Tue 17 Apr 2012 12:17:44 AM MDT, Martin Nordholts wrote:
 Den 16 april 2012 13:52 skrev Bernhard Stockmann
 I've made a version with Wilber above the lines. Hope you like it more now
 see here:

 I like it more, but I still think the white diagonal line is too distracting

 / Martin
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Re: [Gimp-developer] Text-Handling in GIMP: Vision

2012-02-06 Thread John Harris

Just my two cents as a professional user:

 * Text in GIMP is always part of the composition - (unless it is an
 * There is no such thing as paging in gimp

Agreed. Multi-page layout work is best performed by word processing 
apps, and advanced design using illustration apps.

 * Text in gimp has form and symbolic meaning, but meta levels of
   information in text are not supported

I invite us to consider changing this paradigm. With the expanding 
adoption of DAM tools in the professional environment, having the text 
within Gimp files searchable can be a plus for the user and potentially 
beneficial for further adoption by professionals.

 * /Complete control over typography and the layout of text on the canvas/

This needs expansion. What exactly would be included in complete control?
If this is referring to traditional typographic adjustments such as 
kearning, leading, tracking,justification, decoration etc., I believe 
the developers have that covered already.

If you are suggesting enhanced tools, I have some ideas such as

 * Drop shadow adjustments
 o Color
 o Opacity
 o Blur levels
 o Blending modes
 * Rapid Access to character maps
 * Access to additional font metrics and character sets when available
   within the font file.

 * /unicode supported localisation of text tools/

This sounds like a great idea!

 * /text editing for ever/

This could use some clarification.  Can you reword this in greater detail?

super-fast workflow, when they are experienced
While the existing text tool performs decently for me, speed-wise, I 
would like to vote up faster workflows. Sometimes though, a faster 
workflow just comes from a simpler interface. Having to go back and 
forth between the text box and the pallet is an example of where the 
existing system is lacking some simplicity. I also understand that at 
some point, a limit to the number of features added to the tool will be 
reached, or we are in danger of bloat, both visually and virtually.

On 02/06/2012 06:56 AM, Dominique Schmidt wrote:
In the process of redesigning text handling in GIMP we have come up 
with a vision. It draws from responses on the list and IRC discussions 
and has been put together by Peter, Kate and me.

Particularly asking for comments from mitch and nomis as you guys are 
probably the main developers for this work.



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