Re: [Gimp-developer] Cropping border color

2015-06-04 Thread Saul Goode
 On Jun 1, 2015, at 11:07 PM, Brad Gibson wrote:

 It would be great if I could choose to see pure black around whatever I'm 
 cropping, because I make very meticulous crops of photos for artistic 
 purposes, and I often have to crop and go back multiple times because it 
 looks different in the final version with solid white/gray/black compared to 
 transparent while I'm cropping. Or else, if it's easier, make it so that I 
 can undo the finalization of the crop but go back to where I left the crop 
 at. Thanks.Brad G.

Are you willing to re-compile?

If you change the passe_partout color in app/display/gimpdisplayshell-style.c 
[1] to be { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, you should achieve the result you seek (though 
I have not tested this).


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Re: [Gimp-developer] [Gimp-user] Time to fork BABL and GEGL

2014-11-19 Thread Saul Goode
Simon Budig wrote:

 We need to make sure two things: 
 a) upon import of an image the userRGB-format-descriptor within the
 images context needs to be set up to refer to the chromaticies of the
 source image.
 b) whenever a chromaticity dependent operation works on the images data
 the infrastructure needs to make sure that the pixel data gets fed into
 the operation using the chromaticies of the source image. We'll do this
 by having the operation request the image data in the userRGB format
 from the images context.
With regard to b), it is conceivable that the chromaticity dependent 
operation itself could be transformed to take into account the userRGB format 
description, such that the resulting transformed operation could be applied 
directly to the unbounded RGB data. In cases where doing so is advantageous, 
the implementer should have that option. The requirement should only be thatthe 
infrastructure produce the same result as if the operation were working 
in the userRGB colorspace.


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 a) upon import of an image the userRGB-format-descriptor within the
images context needs to be set up to refer to the chromaticies of the
source image.

b) whenever a chromaticity dependent operation works on the images data
the infrastructure needs to make sure that the pixel data gets fed into
the operation using the chromaticies of the source image. We'll do this
by having the operation request the image data in the userRGB format
from the images context.
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Re: [Gimp-developer] Blend Tool UI

2014-06-29 Thread Saul Goode
I like the idea of shaped gradients being handled in the Blend Tool. If the 
length of the stroke determines the maximum distance from the selection 
boundary, it would provide a quick means of stroking the selection or creating 
shadows and highlights with interactive control of the thickness.

With regard to moving the blend stroke, I think that ALT+drag should be 
required, to be consistent with the behavior of the Vectors Tool. For further 
consistency with the Vectors Tool, CTRL-drag on the blend stroke should add a 
new stop and then repositioning all the stops while dragging. With no modifier 
key pressed while dragging along the blend stroke, no new stop should be 
created and the existing stops should repositioned based on the drag. 

Any mouse drags that are not on the blend stroke or its endpoints should result 
in the existing blend being committed and a new one commenced. However, a mouse 
click by itself that is not on the blend stroke or one of its endpoints should 
result in just the blend being committed. 
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[Gimp-developer] Accessing Path in GEGL-based plug-in

2012-03-07 Thread Saul Goode
What is the proper way for a GEGL-based plug-in to grab the path points from 
the image's active path?

The examples that I've seen all seem to, for the most part, keep the GEGL 
operations separate from the GIMP interface (other than UI chants). 

Should a standalone GEGL operation be written separate from GIMP -- one that 
accepts path control points as parameters; and then a traditional GIMP plug-in 
be written which invokes the operation? If so, how should the two entities be 
packaged (should the GEGL op go in $HOME/.local/)? And how should the plug-in 
check for existence of the operation?

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Re: [Gimp-developer] [Script-fu] How to convert a path to a selection? (grafxuser)

2012-03-04 Thread Saul Goode
The procedure returns a list containing a count and an array of path IDs. 

I would recommend converting this to a list using the R5RS function 
'vector-list'. Mind that the vector in 'vector-list' is what Scheme chooses 
to call an array; it is completely unrelated to the GIMP concept of 
vectors/paths. To avoid confusion, I use the older path terminology for my 
user-defined functions and variables. 

(let ((paths (vector-list 
(cadr (gimp-vectors-import-from-file image 
 scale-to-imagesize )
  ; we now have a list of 'paths' that have been imported.
  ; To select from the first path in the list, use the 'car' function
  (gimp-vectors-to-selection (car paths) 2 TRUE FALSE 0 0)

If more than one path has been imported, you could loop through the list of 
path IDs, adding each selection.
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[Gimp-developer] Request for 2.8 - treat images as items

2012-01-13 Thread Saul Goode
It would be nice for plug-ins if the set of unique identifiers used for 
images did not intersect with those employed for items, thus permitting a 
'gimp-image-is-valid' test to provide a correct response if passed the 
identifier of an item.

The reasoning is that there is much similarity between the structure of a 
layer group and the structure of an image; at least with regard to the 
constituent of items. Or put another way, an image's drawable hierarchy is 
identical to that of a layer group (please correct me if I'm mistaken) and it 
may prove useful in the future to make use of this similarity (e.g., load image 
as group, save group as image).

Currently, images and items can share the same unique identifier and my 
proposal is that the identifiers for both be generated from the same pool of 
available identifiers, guaranteeing that no overlap takes place. This fix would 
seem pretty trivial to make -- and I can't think of any downside (other than 
perhaps exhausting available unique identifiers in 8000 years instead of 9000) 
-- however, I was unable to find in GIMP's code where these identifiers are 

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