Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-07-05 Thread peter sikking
Alexia wrote:

>> so you can guess my new motto: ‘from the first week we start
>> building the real thing.’
> Developers work in iterations. When you start you have a vague idea of what 
> its going to be, a goal, but you never know how it will make sense to reach 
> that goal in the end. So you iterate, without polish and beauty you make a 
> draft, test, make sure the framework is solid, etc and then go over it again. 
> At some point you run into a fundamental issue and need to discard a lot of 
> the underpinnings and the code above up to and including UI concepts.

I am all for making UI from rough to polished. after an initial
analysis phase (which takes place in the first 20% of my work)
I can guide this, rough to polished, from the first week of
implementation, because I know exactly what we have to achieve
and where we have to go. the throwing away of non-working
UI concepts happens on my piece of paper, not in code written
at much greater expense (in time and motivation).

but you (I mean: all GIMP devs) have to let me guide you.

you have to accept and trust that I can ‘see’, ‘feel’ and judge a
UI idea/concept in a minute without it ever existing in code
or even a drawing. that I am able to tell you how it will work,
for users, three months after the release of the software.
that I can separate 977 bullshit UI ideas from the 3 that will
work, and concentrate us on making the best out of them.

you have to let me guide you and at this moment there is, I believe,
no developer at GIMP anymore that lets him or herself be guided.

> It also means that you do not wish to spend time polishing things that might 
> get discarded - the work goes from rough to good - from general to specific 
> and in an ideal world, so would UI and interaction design. It would start off 
> as rough guidelines and complete in a finished product... Sofar, we have 
> tried to make it work in reverse - that the UI/interatcion is fitted on top 
> of a ready bit of code like a mask. And in my personal experience... That 
> does not work.

I am happy you say that. it is encouraging.

UI is not a skin/decoration of back-end code. UI is the realisation of
the product, in this case the GIMP project. A lot of needs from
product, technology and users put a lot of requirements on the UI,
which I juggle in the design of it.

you notice that technology is only 1/3rd of the picture; of my puzzle.

and by my experience, the UI design has also an impact on
~33% of the back-end code. if developers refuse to harmonise this
back-end code with the UI design (as happens now) then the devs are
implicitly shaping the UI...

> It creates frustration for both sides, because we cant get the mask to fit 
> and you feel that we disrespect your work... And that is truly unfortunate, 
> because we really really need your insights and input and I personally 
> believe it's of most use when it is given in form of concepts, rules, 
> insights and diagrams rather than ready made bitmap expectations of how it 
> would have to look...

I am happy to develop and tune new methods of working, but
it starts with trust.


founder + principal interaction architect
man + machine interface works on interaction architecture

gimp-developer-list mailing list
List membership:

Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-06-26 Thread Alexia Death
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:15 PM, peter sikking  wrote:

> so you can guess my new motto: ‘from the first week we start
> building the real thing.’
> Developers work in iterations. When you start you have a vague idea of
what its going to be, a goal, but you never know how it will make sense to
reach that goal in the end. So you iterate, without polish and beauty you
make a draft, test, make sure the framework is solid, etc and then go over
it again. At some point you run into a fundamental issue and need to
discard a lot of the underpinnings and the code above up to and including
UI concepts. It also means that you do not wish to spend time polishing
things that might get discarded - the work goes from rough to good - from
general to specific and in an ideal world, so would UI and interaction
design. It would start off as rough guidelines and complete in a finished
product... Sofar, we have tried to make it work in reverse - that the
UI/interatcion is fitted on top of a ready bit of code like a mask. And in
my personal experience... That does not work. It creates frustration for
both sides, because we cant get the mask to fit and you feel that we
disrespect your work... And that is truly unfortunate, because we really
really need your insights and input and I personally believe it's of most
use when it is given in form of concepts, rules, insights and diagrams
rather than ready made bitmap expectations of how it would have to look...

gimp-developer-list mailing list
List membership:

Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-06-25 Thread peter sikking
Michael Schumacher wrote:

>> of course I can do this design, and that includes addressing
>> both user needs and developer needs.
> nice to hear from you.
>> but I do not want to have the same disappointing experience of
>> SoC as I had in the last few years.
>> in particular, I do not want to be confronted by either student
>> or technical mentor with the following:
>> - I did not expect the UI was going to be like this,
> This is, I'd say, expected - if everyone knew how a particular UI would have 
> to be like, it would just be done that way.

yes, it is solid ‘duh’ territory. 

>>   so now we have a problem;
> I'm not sure how to read this correctly. After going over your mail multiple 
> times, it seems more and more likely that this is meant as a caption for the 
> following points, I'm going to read it as such.

no, it stands by itself. Although it was clear that the developers
did not know what the UI should be like when I started designing,
they did seem to have made up their mind about certain things,
especially about exposing technological things directly in the UI
and doing things ‘like always.’

when I—to address the needs of the project, users and developers, and
make every part in the design work together—come up with something
that is different, then the developers get really antsy about their
foregone conclusions.

>> - first we going to put in some provisional UI, later we do your design
> This, however, puzzles me a bit. I'll exaggerate to describe my confusion:
> This means that no sign of any non-finished UI might become available to the 
> public through GIMP code. The developers working on it would do so under 
> conditions which border on an NDA, and only commit code to the public 
> repositories once the UI has been completely finished.

good that you discuss this, because it is not what I mean at all.

I wrote about this in a recent blog post:

(actually that post is a lot about working on GIMP...)

‘Quite often developers like to first put some temporary—and highly 
technological—interaction while they sort out the non‑UI code. The real design 
will be implemented later. Then time ticks away, the design lands in a drawer 
and the ‘temporary’ UI gets shipped.

‘I do not think this is a malicious trick, but it happens so often that I do 
not buy it anymore. The only secret to getting interaction design implemented 
is to do it in the beginning.’

thus it is about what the initial energy of development is spent on:
some clutch or the real thing? because after the initial energy
has dissipated, inertia makes that whatever is there is the thing
that gets shipped.

so you can guess my new motto: ‘from the first week we start
building the real thing.’

>> these are not just demands, it also comes with taking more
>> responsibility from the design side, basically co-mentorship.
> Going back to GSoC, and taking the limited time frame of the program into 
> account, how is the sheer inability to finish the UI due to time constraints 
> to be taken into account?

this is exactly what you want to ask the designer, exactly because
of the following sentence:

>> when UI is compromised to make it happen, it better be compromised
>> by the designer, who can see _all_ the dimensions.

assuming an agile way of working (which many do a little bit these days),
it all starts in the first week of implementation: as a co-mentor the
designer selects the first aspects of the design that are to be

the designer understands the state development is in so there will
be no unreasonable demands. it is even OK to not develop UI in the
first week or so. it is not OK to develop clutch UI.

if a ‘testing’ UI needs to be made first, the designer will happily
design this for the developers, in a matter of hours. of course it
will borough a lot of the ‘real thing’, that is why it is quick to
design. it also ensures that energy is spent in the right direction.

when it is time for (horrible) compromises because of time or
technology, the designer will make these. the whole point
is that the needs of the project, users and developers remain
balanced, and that every part in the (reduced) design keeps
working together. that is what you have designers for.

that is how I see it working. I hope you can see that this is
hardly a ‘designers paradise.’ it is about taking responsibility.

> Just one thing there:
> The issue of what communication channels to use has not been solved yet. You 
> have mentioned that you prefer not to use low-width channels like mail or 
> IRC, but what should be used instead?

in recent weeks I made a couple of tries on irc to contact Mitch
about the following: to either meet in person when he is in berlin,
or to have a talk on the phone.

I expect we will need several of these.


founder + principal interaction architect
man + machine interface works


Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-06-15 Thread Michael Schumacher

On 07.06.2013 12:55, peter sikking wrote:

Hi peter,

of course I can do this design, and that includes addressing
both user needs and developer needs.

nice to hear from you.

but I do not want to have the same disappointing experience of
SoC as I had in the last few years.

in particular, I do not want to be confronted by either student
or technical mentor with the following:

- I did not expect the UI was going to be like this,

This is, I'd say, expected - if everyone knew how a particular UI would 
have to be like, it would just be done that way.

   so now we have a problem;

I'm not sure how to read this correctly. After going over your mail 
multiple times, it seems more and more likely that this is meant as a 
caption for the following points, I'm going to read it as such.

- the back-end is already fixed. no, we are not going to change it;

Entirely valid.

- I never thought about that, so forget it;

Same, IMO. Also see the last point.

- first we going to put in some provisional UI, later we do your design

This, however, puzzles me a bit. I'll exaggerate to describe my confusion:

This means that no sign of any non-finished UI might become available to 
the public through GIMP code. The developers working on it would do so 
under conditions which border on an NDA, and only commit code to the 
public repositories once the UI has been completely finished.

these are not just demands, it also comes with taking more
responsibility from the design side, basically co-mentorship.

Going back to GSoC, and taking the limited time frame of the program 
into account, how is the sheer inability to finish the UI due to time 
constraints to be taken into account?

when UI is compromised to make it happen, it better be compromised
by the designer, who can see _all_ the dimensions.

Just one thing there:
The issue of what communication channels to use has not been solved yet. 
You have mentioned that you prefer not to use low-width channels like 
mail or IRC, but what should be used instead?

this is an invitation to start working again...

I'm delighted to read that.

gimp-developer-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-06-08 Thread peter sikking
I wrote:

> ps: I am blogging the results of 2013 right now.

done. ‘how quaint, there is not enough functionality!’


founder + principal interaction architect
man + machine interface works on interaction architecture

gimp-developer-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-06-07 Thread peter sikking
Michael Henning wrote:

> I agree; it would be beneficial for our SoC students to work with an
> experienced UI designer.
> I'm not involved in the SoC myself, but if an interaction designer
> were to offer their time to help out, I'm fairly certain it would be
> welcome. In particular, some people on irc have raised concerns about
> how well the combined selection tool will turn out if only programmers
> guide the student.

of course I can do this design, and that includes addressing
both user needs and developer needs.

but I do not want to have the same disappointing experience of
SoC as I had in the last few years.

in particular, I do not want to be confronted by either student
or technical mentor with the following:

- I did not expect the UI was going to be like this,
  so now we have a problem;
- the back-end is already fixed. no, we are not going to change it;
- I never thought about that, so forget it;
- first we going to put in some provisional UI, later we do your design

these are not just demands, it also comes with taking more
responsibility from the design side, basically co-mentorship.

when UI is compromised to make it happen, it better be compromised
by the designer, who can see _all_ the dimensions.

this is an invitation to start working again...


founder + principal interaction architect
man + machine interface works on interaction architecture

gimp-developer-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-06-06 Thread Michael Henning
I agree; it would be beneficial for our SoC students to work with an
experienced UI designer.

I'm not involved in the SoC myself, but if an interaction designer
were to offer their time to help out, I'm fairly certain it would be
welcome. In particular, some people on irc have raised concerns about
how well the combined selection tool will turn out if only programmers
guide the student.

Of course, I cannot volunteer anyone else's time for them.

  -- drawoc

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:57 AM, peter sikking  wrote:
> Tobias Jakobs asked me in a comment on the blogpost
> ‘What does this mean for the Gimp team? Is it a good idea to use one ob this 
> to redesign the tool or does it need more work?’
> I answered:
> ‘Good question. One has to value this work for what it is, student work from 
> a class that ran one week.
> ‘One the one hand a certain part of GIMP—in 2012 seam carving—that has never 
> received any interaction design thought, gets methodically worked on by 3 or 
> 4 teams of talented designers. The results are a shot in the arm for GIMP.
> ‘On the other hand a week is very short and for the students it is their 
> first introduction to interaction design. Thus the presented results are 
> alway an _inspired_start_ but not complete and deep enough for implementation.
> ‘To do the methodical student work justice, the logical next step is that 
> experienced interaction designers take the work forward and create a 
> for-production design.’
> This is of course relevant to the SoC.
> ps: I am blogging the results of 2013 right now.
> --ps
> founder + principal interaction architect
> man + machine interface works
> on interaction architecture
> ___
> gimp-developer-list mailing list
gimp-developer-list mailing list

[Gimp-developer] about that student work...

2013-06-06 Thread peter sikking
Tobias Jakobs asked me in a comment on the blogpost

‘What does this mean for the Gimp team? Is it a good idea to use one ob this to 
redesign the tool or does it need more work?’

I answered:

‘Good question. One has to value this work for what it is, student work from a 
class that ran one week.

‘One the one hand a certain part of GIMP—in 2012 seam carving—that has never 
received any interaction design thought, gets methodically worked on by 3 or 4 
teams of talented designers. The results are a shot in the arm for GIMP.

‘On the other hand a week is very short and for the students it is their first 
introduction to interaction design. Thus the presented results are alway an 
_inspired_start_ but not complete and deep enough for implementation.

‘To do the methodical student work justice, the logical next step is that 
experienced interaction designers take the work forward and create a 
for-production design.’

This is of course relevant to the SoC.

ps: I am blogging the results of 2013 right now.


founder + principal interaction architect
man + machine interface works on interaction architecture

gimp-developer-list mailing list