elekis <ele...@gmail.com> writes:

> hi,
> just a little test, cause it's a second time I recieve a respond like
> that and that I m not in the archive.
> This is the Spam & Virus Firewall at bc4.EECS.Berkeley.EDU.
> I'm sorry to inform you that the message below could not be delivered.
> When delivery was attempted, the following error was returned.
> <gimp-user@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu>: host
>    lists-mx0.xcf.berkeley.edu[] said: 452 Insufficient system
>    storage (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
> Final-Recipient: rfc822; gimp-user@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu
> Action: failed
> Status: 4.0.0
> Diagnostic-Code: X-Spam-&-Virus-Firewall; host
>    lists-mx0.xcf.berkeley.edu[] said: 452 Insufficient system
>    storage (in reply to MAIL FROM command)

Sometimes yes, to me. Berkeley's firewall odd, i think.


"He didn't order you to tell me all the other things?"
"You still don't understand. If you told Michael what I've told you today, I'm
a dead man. You and the children are the only people on this earth he couldn't
                -- Kay Adams and Tom Hagen, "Chapter 32", page 443
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