[Gimp-user] Linux distros with GIMP 2.6.10 preinstalled?

2010-10-06 Thread Mike_tn
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:38 PM, N92 for...@gimpusers.com wrote:
 I am not completely sure but I think Ubuntu studio might have it.
 I use Ultimate edition 2.7 which comes with gimp 2.6.8 but was easily 
 updated to 2.6.10 through my update manager.

 Hope this helps

 N92 (via gimpusers.com)


On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Martin Goose
news2...@thegoosefamily.plus.com wrote:

 PCLinuxOS currently has 2.6.9 in the live CD. See

 The latest ISOs with 2.6.10 are due shortly.

 Martin Goose

Thanks to both of you, N92 and Martin, for your replies.

If someone else knows some other Linux Distros endowed with a recent
GIMP release, please do not hesitate to tell me.

So long.


Two more pre-installed GIMP distros, One big, one small

First the big one, this is a very active distro:

Fedora 13 Spins has a Design Suite Live CD with these: 

# agave, for automatically generating color schemes.
# blender, for 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
# The GIMP, a raster graphics editor
# Inkscape, a vector graphics editor
# shotwell for managing photographs
# scribus for professional-quality document layout
# xournal, a sketching and document annotation program for tablet PCs
# dia, for creating flowcharts and diagrams 

download here:


The other is distro is limping but has GIMP and Inkscape:
DreamLinux 3.5
download here:


DreamLinux has a strong Macintosh look
Nice looking. Runs only on my older desktop from '06
The Fedora version looks  runs really nice on my new laptop.

Seems all versions have mouse issues for me. I need a fix to slow down the 
acceleration of a BlueTrack Microsoft Mice, both wired  wireless have the 
problem. I've been trying to find a fix in Fedora 13 Live CD, I am not 
installing it just yet if ever. That's why I came here. I wonder how Ultimate 
is with my mouse? Ubuntu LiveCD has fixes for mice speeds via the terminal. 
Can't seem to find such a simple method with other Live distros.

Mike_tn (via gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Linux distros with GIMP 2.6.10 preinstalled?

2010-10-06 Thread Mike_tn

One More Distro!

Linux Mint 9 has GIMP in the Live CD

And happily it's a Ubuntu based so the too-speedy-mouse-fix via the terminal 
works in LiveCD too.  The GUI is not flexible enough with Blue Track Microsoft 
mice, just google for info on these Ubuntu terminal commands

sudo -s

root privileges are required

xinput --list --short

Gives device id list.
The next is my fix, so the values may vary for you:

xinput --set-prop insert your device name in quotes or id# Device Accel 
Constant Deceleration 3
xinput --set-prop insert your device name in quotes or id# Device Accel 
Adaptive Deceleration 5


Mike_tn (via gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Linux distros with GIMP 2.6.10 preinstalled?

2010-10-06 Thread Mike_tn
(I wish I could edit my posts)

Last post should read

xinput --set-prop (device name or id# here) Device Accel Constant 
Deceleration 3
xinput --set-prop (device name or id# here) Device Accel Adaptive 
Deceleration 5

Mike_tn (via gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list