[Gimp-user] live painting

2013-06-13 Thread muzzol

I'm playing in a band and we want to use a projector to show some
graphic artists doing their work in realtime while we perform.

is there a way to configure a secondari screen/window to show only the
final output of gimp?

no tools, no borders, no rules, etc. just paint evolving as being worked on.

is that possible with gimp?



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(_ _)

jabber id: muzzol(a)jabber.dk

No atribueixis qualitats humanes als ordinadors.
No els hi agrada.

"El gobierno español sólo habla con terroristas, homosexuales y
catalanes, a ver cuando se decide a hablar con gente normal"
Jiménez Losantos

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] new to Gimp

2013-06-13 Thread scl

On 14.06.13 at 06:27 AM Joyce wrote:

But, how do I get rid of the white box left by the selection/crop and re-color 
in the background.

What exactly do you mean? A white rectangle around that face?

Also the
version I downloaded (GIMP 2.6.10) does now have the drop down box on the right of 
the image screen – all selections & tools are in a drop down to the left.
You can drag the dialogs around and put them in place where you want 
them, see http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-concepts-docks.html.

Is there a newer version than what I have?

Yes. The latest version of GIMP is 2.8.4. You can get it from
http://www.gimp.org/downloads/ or - for a Windows version -
from http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html.

Kind regards,


gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] new to Gimp

2013-06-13 Thread Joyce
After many hours of trial and error, I have managed to replace a face (with 
scowl) with one with a smile.  But, how do I get rid of the white box left by 
the selection/crop and re-color in the background.Also the 

version I downloaded (GIMP 2.6.10) does now have the drop down box on the right 
of the image screen – all selections & tools are in a drop down to the left.   
Is there a newer version than what I have?

gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] from tom chambers re: student GIMP

2013-06-13 Thread Tom Chambers
Dear GIMP:
I've just retired from teaching Technology Applications for middle schoolers 
(7,8), and I wanted to share the numerous student projects that involved GIMP. 
Various groups of students turned to your product 30 different times to make 
things happen:
1)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Harmony Hills Elementary School 
Mentorship Workshop:  Twenty-one students [eighth grade] from RYSS traveled to 
Harmony Hills Elementary School to mentor twenty third grade students in the 
use of graphics software.  This mentorship process involved an intensive 
session of learning/practicing, and project application to make digital art:
2)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success (RYSS) - Houston Coalition for the 
Homeless (HCH) "Three Decades of Achievement" Event [April 5, 2013] :  A core 
group of eighth grade students attended the Houston Coalition for the Homeless 
(HCH) "Three Decades of Achievement" event downtown Houston, April 5, 2013. 
They displayed a selection of the eighth grade class Digital Art about the 
homeless to not only call attention to this social issue, but also celebrate 
their humanity. They explained their (and classmates') multifaceted project 
that involved Word, PowerPoint and GIMP (graphic arts software):
3)  "Homelessness" Digital Art (GIMP) :  Eighth grade students used GIMP 
(Photoshop equivalent freeware) to create Digital Art about homelessness. The 
art online is a selection from the 8th grade class. They used images of 
homelessness situations to manipulate in GIMP for the art work. Not only did 
the students call attention to the plight of the homeless, but also celebrate 
their humanity through the Digital Art treatment of the images.This activity 
was in response to a learning service (campaign) initiative by the National 
Council of La Raza (NCLR):
4)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Harmony Hills Elementary School 
Mentorship  Workshop:  Twenty-two students [seventh grade] from RYSS traveled 
to Harmony Hills Elementary School to mentor  twenty-one second grade students 
in the use of graphics software.  This mentorship process involved an intensive 
session of learning/practicing, and project application  to make digital art:
5)  GIMP for Gala:   Seventh grade classes used GIMP (graphic arts software - 
Photoshop equivalent) to make Digital Art for the Tejano Center for Community 
Concerns (TCCC)-Raul  Yzaguirre School for Success (RYSS) Gala/Fundraiser 
(October 19, 2012). They utilized existing photographs made by RYSS students on 
various field trips with the Houston  Audubon Society:
6)  Dublin/RYSS Space Weather/NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale [MMS] 2014 Digital 
Art Exhibition: Eighth grade students at Raul Yzaguirre School For Success 
[RYSS] [Houston, Texas], and fifth grade students at Dublin Intermediate School 
[Dublin, Texas] exhibited their Digital Art in Dublin, Texas [June, 2012] based 
on research of Space weather and the NASA MMS [Magnetospheric Multiscale] 2014 
7)  My World Transformed: This project is a culmination of middle school 
students [Enrichment Class] at Raul Yzaguirre School For Success (Houston, 
Texas) working to explore their personal environment [bedroom at home] to 
provide photo documentation for the making of Digital Art. During the process, 
a greater awareness of "self" through possessions came to the forefront:
8)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Dublin [TX] Middle and Primary 
Schools Mentorship Workshops: Nineteen eighth grade students from Raul 
Yzaguirre School for Success [RYSS] traveled to Dublin Middle and Primary 
Schools [Dublin, TX] to mentor fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade students 
in the use of graphics software to create digital art re: Space weather and 
NASA's MMS [Magnetospheric Multiscale] 2014 Mission:
9)  DA_NASA_MMS_RYSS: Eighth grade students participated in a classroom 
assignment involving GIMP [Photoshop equivalent] photo software and research 
re: Space weather and NASA's MMS [Magnetospheric Multiscale] 2014 Mission. The 
students were tasked to research the various topics/concepts about Space 
weather [Sun, Sunspots, solar flares, CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), solar 
winds, Earth, Earth's magnetic fields, Earth's magnetosphere, magnetic 
reconnection, Auroas] as well as NASA's MMS 2014 Mission, and then translate 
the information in photo software as Digital Art:
10)  FACE II: As a part of  after school programming, this exhibition is a 
culmination of 7th and 8th grade students working to explore self-portraiture 
as Digital Art. It is in keeping with Mr. Chambers' proje