
So I have a Wacom Bamboo tablet and pen (have owned these for ages), and it
says on the box that it has pressure sensitivity to it too. Problem is, no
matter what I try the pressure sensitivity will not activate. Also, under
'Input Devices' there are 3 possibilities:
1 Core Pointer
2 Wacom Tablet Eraser
3 Wacom Tablet Pressure Stylus

Nr 1 is in white / active but both the others are greyed out.
Sadly I'm not technical at all :S but: does the greyed out mean this is why
the pressure sensitivity doesn't work? Or is there something else going on?
I use Gimp 2.10 on Windows.

This has been an issue for me for a loooooong time and it's driving me nuts
lol :P as I really wanna get into digital art.

In advance - thanks for your help ^^

Kind regards,
Hannah Mills
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