Hi, all.

I have a picture of comet 46P/Wirtanen from a few nights ago.

I'm new to GIMP and it's like a space shuttle control panel to me.

Can you please provide step-by-step instructions to
1. reduce vignetting in the corners
2. smooth out the background noise
3. keep stars (the brightest ones are already over-saturated) and comet and
approximately the same brightness but make the background sky darker

I tried playing with levels picking various black/white/mid points but wasn't
happy with the results.

I also tried gaussian blur but could not figure out how to apply it to the photo
without bluring the stars. Perhaps some mask needs to be created to isolate
stars and comet so that the gauss filter can be applied to the rest of the
pixels and allow to keep the comet and stars sharp?


* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1072/original/Comet.jpg

1stSolo (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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