[Gimp-user] How to print to fit paper, print window and other print issues.

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
I am trying to print a file and I want to scale it to different sizes so that I
can fit it on both 8.5x11 and 11x17 paper but I don't see the "scale to fit"
option anywhere. I also want to print some smaller areas of the image but I
don't see an option that lets me put a window around the area that I want to
print. I'm also not seeing any options to pick portrait vs. landscape or print
quality when I try to print. Any ideas?

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Can't move images that are faint, and can't make them darker using contrast.

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
>An annotated jpeg is not enough. A xcf is better, with the various
>layers but also depends

Didn't think an .xcf was necessary. There were only 2 layers here - a white
background layer and a layer for the lines. The final image has more layers but
at the time I was having the problem there were only 2.

>However, a bit of pixel counting and I reckon a very small brush used,
>maybe two pixels. 

Turns out that the problem was that this image was somehow at the wrong
resolution. It was the second in a pair of images that were supposed to be the
same canvas size and resolution. I had been working on the first image in 2.8
then switched to the second image when I upgraded to 2.10. It took me a while to
figure out that the second drawing had about 1/4 the resolution of the first.
What actually tipped me off was that my attached image came out much smaller
than I was expecting. I probably would have deleted my post at that point but I
didn't see a delete option.

>Did you use a graphics tablet?

It's just a scan of a small portion of a freehand drawing.

>Your very faint outline. My guess is you tried to reduce opacity so
>that some layer below shows through. Not going to work. 

Yes, I reduced the opacity of that layer so that I could layer it with other
images. It works fine up to a point but once you cross a certain level of
opacity the lines get too light for the move command to "grip" onto.

>Use then"move-the-active-layer" toggle in the move tool.

I had it set to active layer. That particular image was copy clipped off the
internet and put into it's own layer. There must have been something unusual
about the image because I experimented with doing this same thing with several
other layers and was not able to recreate the issue.

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Lines get fuzzy after using tools.

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
>p.s. I tried fixing the problem by increasing the size and resolution
>of the entire image and that was an even bigger disaster. Now the
>entire image is super. fuzzy (see attached image). What am I doing
>wrong and why does 2.10 seem to be behaving so much differently than
>I'm completely unable to continue working on this image until I get
>this figured out.

I think I've figured out this issue.

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Lines get fuzzy after using tools.

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
Just switched from 2.8 to 2.10. I used to notice in 2.8 that if I used tools,
especially the rotate tool, repeatedly on a line or a group of lines, they would
eventually lose crispness and get a little fuzzy or blurry. With 2.10 I am
finding that using the rotate or scale tool only one time on a line causes it to
get very blurry. Is there some sort of setting that controls this?

I have attached an image file to illustrate this with three examples. Drawing #1
is the original drawing, Drawing #2 is the original drawing scaled down, and
Drawing #3 is the original drawing rotated. You can see that the lines are
getting blurry after only one edit using scale and rotate tools.

Thanks in advance.

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1139/original/TEMP-FUZZ.jpg

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] blurry images after scaling down

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
>I'm running into the same problem with both scale and rotate. What's
>really strange is that I was working on a drawing using GIMP 2.8 until
>very recently. When I was using 2.8 the amount of crispness that I
>lost when using the scale and rotate functions was within acceptable
>limits, for example I could rotate a particular line 4, 5 or maybe 6
>times before the amount of blur became really noticeable. Yesterday I
>upgraded to GIMP 2.10 and the problem is MUCH more pronounced - even
>one rotation or just scaling down a small amount, say 10%, causes
>everything to become really, really fuzzy. I've attached an image to
>Did you ever find a solution?

p.s. I tried fixing the problem by increasing the size and resolution of the
entire image and that was an even bigger disaster. Now the entire image is
super. fuzzy (see attached image). What am I doing wrong and why does 2.10 seem
to be behaving so much differently than 2.8??

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1141/original/TEMP-FUZZ-3.jpg

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] Can't move images that are faint, and can't make them darker using contrast.

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
I've noticed that if I try to move a layer that is really faint I can't. It
seems like it's too pale for the move function to "grab" onto - the cursor is
supposed to change from the little hand pointing an index finger to a 4-way
arrow when it "grabs" onto the current layer that is to be moved but when the
layer is really pale the cursor never changes. Sometimes I can fix this by
decreasing the brightness and/or jacking up the contrast of the layer but with
this one image I'm working on the contrast isn't working. When I'm moving the
Contrast slider bar up I can see the layer change but as soon as I hit "OK" it
reverts right back. I change it with Brightness but not Contrast. I've tried
first making the layer darker using Brightness then increasing the contrast but
the contrast still keeps reverting when I hit "OK".
What am I not understanding here? Any ideas?

I've attached an image of the layer that's giving me problems.

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1143/original/FAINT.png

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] Lines get fuzzy after using tools.

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
>Just switched from 2.8 to 2.10. I used to notice in 2.8 that if I used
>tools, especially the rotate tool, repeatedly on a line or a group of
>lines, they would eventually lose crispness and get a little fuzzy or
>blurry. With 2.10 I am finding that using the rotate or scale tool
>only one time on a line causes it to get very blurry. Is there some
>sort of setting that controls this?
>I have attached an image file to illustrate this with three examples.
>Drawing #1 is the original drawing, Drawing #2 is the original drawing
>scaled down, and Drawing #3 is the original drawing rotated. You can
>see that the lines are getting blurry after only one edit using scale
>and rotate tools.
>Thanks in advance.

p.s. I tried fixing the problem by increasing the size and resolution of the
entire image and that was an even bigger disaster. Now the entire image is
super. fuzzy (see attached image). What am I doing wrong and why does 2.10 seem
to be behaving so much differently than 2.8??

I'm completely unable to continue working on this image until I get this figured

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1142/original/TEMP-FUZZ-3.jpg

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
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[Gimp-user] blurry images after scaling down

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
>I'm down scaling some tif images.  These images are created with a
>software for making diagrams and the like.  Geometric shapes and text
>mostly.  When I open the tif in Gimp they are perfectly crisp.  When I
>the image down in size, it becomes slightly blurry, even when opting
>for the
>"best" cubic algorithm.

I'm running into the same problem with both scale and rotate. What's really
strange is that I was working on a drawing using GIMP 2.8 until very recently.
When I was using 2.8 the amount of crispness that I lost when using the scale
and rotate functions was within acceptable limits, for example I could rotate a
particular line 4, 5 or maybe 6 times before the amount of blur became really
noticeable. Yesterday I upgraded to GIMP 2.10 and the problem is MUCH more
pronounced - even one rotation or just scaling down a small amount, say 10%,
causes everything to become really, really fuzzy. I've attached an image to

Did you ever find a solution?

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1140/original/TEMP-FUZZ-2.jpg

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Lasso tool won't close properly in 2.10

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63


kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Lasso tool won't close properly in 2.10

2019-05-18 Thread kbean63
Help! I just upgraded to 2.10 and now the lasso tool isn't working. I can't get
it to close - in 2.8 you would just get the cursor close to the first point that
you picked and click on it when it highlighted, or you could do a double-click
to close it. Now the only way I can close it is to   get the cursor close to the
first point that I picked and hit "ENTER" when it is highlighted. Is this
something they changed in 2.10 or does it sound like a bug? Not real happy if
they changed this, I find it a little inconvenient.

kbean63 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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