I just started using GIMP. Thanks a lot for this free program to the
creators of it!

The problem I encounter is, that in the GIMP Guide it does not say at the
end of the article how to bring the action to its end. Here are examples:

1) Crop an Image

It does not say how to crop the image finally. I found out myself that I
had to put the cursor over one of the corners of the selected area and then
to press the left button of the mouse, and this crops the image actually.
It does not say it in the guide, it took me quite a while to find it out by

2) Color Picker

The black-and-white icon near the Colour Picker cursor did not change its
color to the picked colour, so I thought it was not working, or I was doing
something wrong. Then I took the Brush tool and it did work.

I just think the articles need to be a bit worked on to explain things to
their end.

Thanks for reply in advance,

Leah K.
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