>After inserting pictures into the first one, how do I move them to the
>place ?

I depends how you insert the pictures.

1. If you use File -> Open as Layers for those pictures then each is on its own
layer and you can use the Move tool on each layer.

2. If you use a Copy (from somewhere) then  use Edit -> Paste As -> New layer
and use the Move tool on the layer

3. If you use Copy then Paste you get in the layers dock a Floating Selection
(Pasted Layer). This can be moved as any other layer **but** if you make another
Copy -> Paste it is anchored (merged) into the layer below. Now it is fixed, can
not be moved.

The solution with a Floating Selection (Pasted Layer) Use Layer -> To New Layer
That can be moved with the move tool as previous.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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