[Gimp-user] Bucket Fill Tool won't filled selected

2013-07-14 Thread billlee
GIMP 2.8.6 on Window 8.

I used Canvas Size to add a horizontal space at the bottom of a jpeg photo. (I
want to use it for a text caption for the photo.) The new space is filled with a
checkerboard of small light  dark grey squares.

I used the Rectangle Select Tool to select the new space.

I clicked on the Bucket Fill Tool and moved the mouse over the new space. The
mouse pointer includes a circle with a diagonal stroke through it, indicating I
cannot fill the selected area.

What am I doing wrong or missing?? 
(Probably something simple--I'm a GIMP newbie)

Many thanks!!

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Bucket Fill Tool won't filled selected

2013-07-17 Thread billlee
Thank you very  much, Tom! Now I have two ways to accomplish this, and you've
also taught me some other stuff about GIMP. :) Namaste! ..Bill..

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Fix photo with uneven exposure

2013-07-19 Thread billlee
I hurriedly photographed the text in a greeting card and have uneven lighting
and underexposure that I'd like to correct. Please see attachment, in which I've
increased the brightness and contrast and then desaturated. This helps but it
needs lots more!

I've looked at tutorials on gradient contrast masks but I get lost part way
through. Either I'm too much of a newbie to understand (highly probable) or
maybe the tutorials are for older versions of GIMP. (I'm on 2.8.6 for Windows.)

I am very grateful for any advice anyone would care to offer!!!


* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/55/original/P6154680c0.JPG

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Space 49 small images around a circle?

2016-07-28 Thread billlee
>- Download/install dial-marks from here: 
>- Make a circle path (circle selection and Select>>To Path, for
>- Filter/Render/Paths/Dial marks and make a path with 49 marks with O 
>width, the marks intersecting your circle
>- In the Paths list, make both paths visible, right click and "Merge 
>visible paths"
>- View>Snap to active path
>- Now use the Move tool to drag your objects, they will snap in
>(if they are centered in their own layer)
>See: http://i.imgur.com/uTAqbqo.png

A big thank you for all your diverse scenarios! I hope to try them to see what I
can learn.

After I posted my question, I couldn't just leave it alone. :-)

Digging around in the menus, I found Filters>Render>Line Nova. I played around
with the parameters until I got what I needed. (49 rays radiating from what
would be the centre of the CD image)

Then I drew a concentric circle of a size I guessed would work.

I scaled the little circular image. I pasted it as a new layer and dragged it to
fit between the rays and just touch the outside of the circle.

Once I had the 49, I deleted the base layer which got rid of the rays and the

I used Filter>Render>CD mask to create a new base layer and added the text

(I did this a few weeks ago, and don't remember the steps exactly, so please
excuse errors and omissions.)

One of you asked why "49"? The CD is a recording of a memorial service we held
here for the 49 people murdered on June 12 in Orlando, Florida.) I've attached
the finished image.

Again, thank you all very much! 

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/260/original/cd_print_image.jpg

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] Space 49 small images around a circle?

2016-07-08 Thread billlee
I'm designing the image to print on a CD.

In this image, I'd like to arrange 49 copies of a small image evenly around a

I'm a relative newbie, using GIMP 2.8.16 on Windows 10.

Thank you very much!

PS: I see a script for arranging text around a circle, but need to finish this
CD before such a learning curve. :)
If GIMP would display polar coordinates instead of rectangular, it might not be
too hard to do this by hand. I guess I could try making a spreadsheet to
generate the x,y coordinates. :) Probably GIMP has easier way(s) to do this, and
I can learn something about GIMP too!

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Make a text layer with semi-transparent background?

2017-02-13 Thread billlee

As usual, what I couldn't work out is actually very easy!

Thank you very much!!

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Make a text layer with semi-transparent background?

2017-02-11 Thread billlee
I wish to place a text layer with a semi-transparent background on a photo so
it'll stand out on the somewhat cluttered photo.

I expect this is easy, but I'm not getting how to put the steps together in the
correct order. I think I'm stuck at making text layer's transparent background

I'll be very grateful for any assistance!


billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Save "Show Grid" and "Snap to Grid" settings?

2018-11-11 Thread billlee
Each .xcf file saves the grid configuration for that particular image.

But, as far as I can see, the "Show Grid" and "Snap to Grid" settings are not
saved and always default to off.

It would be nice if I didn't have to turn them on each time I open the .xcf

Is there a way to do this?

Thank you so much!

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Save "Show Grid" and "Snap to Grid" settings in XCF?

2019-05-18 Thread billlee
How can the "Show Grid" and "Snap to Grid" settings be saved in an image's XCF

Thank you muchly!

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Warning message about 'gimp-metadata' parasite

2019-08-19 Thread billlee
I now see this from 2.10.12, when loading an .xcf file dated March 2018. The
file would have been created with the-then-current GIMP.
I am able to edit the file as expected and save as a new .xcf. The latter loads
without the error.

billlee (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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