Hi everyone,

a few days ago I installed version, downloaded from 
https://git-scm.com/download/win on my Windows 7 system. The OS is Windows 7 
Enterprise 64bit, Build 7601/SP1, in case it matters. This is a first time 
install, not an upgrade.

Our current virus protection software is Cylance, from 

During install, several executions of 
C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe
were blocked, the violation being given as "Stack Pivot". Our admins then 
temporarily lifted some rules for my device so that I could properly install it.

But now, when I start ...
"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --cd-to-home
... Cylance classifies it as an Exploit, and blocks execution with the 
following messages:
Category: Exploit
Event: Blocked
Details: Violation: StackProtect; Application: C:\Program 
(Screenshot available if needed)

If I start ...
C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\mintty.exe
directly, and choose the 64 bit version from the dialog, it is allowes to start 
without getting blocked.

My current problem is that the security guys don't want to see this software 
installed on my machine because of this.
And as Cylance is not a pattern-based AV, it's not something that will go away 
by waiting for the next daily update ...

Any ideas about this?



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