Re: git no longer prompting for password

2012-08-27 Thread Iain Paton
On 26/08/12 10:57, Iain Paton wrote:

 If %{THE_REQUEST} =~ /git-receive-pack/

I've just discovered that the If .. directive only appears in apache 2.4 
so something more generic will probably be a better idea. Not everyone will 
be running 2.4.x for a while yet.

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Re: git no longer prompting for password

2012-08-26 Thread Iain Paton
On 25/08/12 21:39, Jeff King wrote:

 I think your regex is the culprit. The first request comes in with:
 GET /git/test.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1
 The odd URL is because we are probing to see if the server even supports
 smart-http. But note that it does not match your regex above, which
 requires /git-receive-pack. It looks like that is pulled straight from
 the git-http-backend manpage. I think the change in v1.7.8 broke people
 using that configuration.

Yes, it was lifted straight out of the manpage, albeit a couple of years 
ago now and there have been additions to the manpage since then. 
I did check, and the basic config is identical in the current manpage.

I can't be the only one using a config that's based on the example in 
the manpage surely ?  So I'm surprised this hasn't come up previously.

 I tend to think the right thing is to fix the configuration (both on
 your system and in the documentation), but we should probably also fix
 git to handle this situation more gracefully, since it used to work and
 has been advertised in the documentation for a long time.

So after some head scratching trying to work out how to do the equivalent of 
LocationMatch but on the query string I came up with the following:

ScriptAlias /git/ /usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend/

Directory /usr/libexec/git-core
Require ip
If %{THE_REQUEST} =~ /git-receive-pack/
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /data/git/htpasswd
AuthGroupfile /data/git/groups
AuthName Git Access

Require group committers

and I've removed the LocationMatch section completely.

So for accesses to git-http-backend I require auth if anything in the request 
includes git-receive-pack and that causes a prompt for the username/password 
as required, while at the same time it still allows anonymous pull.

It appears that the clone operation uses

GET /git/test.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1

to probe for smart-http ?  So this would be ok ?

I'm not sure this is ideal, I don't really know enough about the protocol to 
if I'll see git-receive-pack elsewhere. Possibly if someone includes it in the 
name of a repo it'll blow up in my face.
I can always change it to match only on QUERY_STRING and put the LocationMatch 
back in if that happens.

If that's all that's required, I'm fine with an easy change to httpd.conf

Thanks for the help Jeff.

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Re: git no longer prompting for password

2012-08-26 Thread Iain Paton
On 26/08/12 11:13, Jeff King wrote:

 Yeah, I'm surprised it took this long to come up, too. Perhaps most
 people just do anonymous http, and then rely on ssh for pushing to
 achieve the same effect. Or maybe my analysis of the problem is wrong.

I'd be using ssh to push too, but the simple fact is that the http way 
works through a proxy and so essentially works from anywhere. The same 
isn't true for ssh or git protocols. Well that's my reason anyway :)

 Yeah, I think that will work. It feels a little weird and hacky. E.g.,

Yeah, it does. I couldn't find a simple way though, most stuff like 
LocationMatch specifically excludes the query string which makes it 
rather more difficult.

 I don't know enough about Apache to know off-hand if there is a cleaner
 way. I'll investigate a bit more before doing my documentation patch.

I'm not an apache expert either. What I could find was using mod_rewrite to 
set an env var based on something in the query string, but not actually do 
any rewrite. Then looking at how to check the env var and do something based 
on that got me the example of simply using If with an expression to match 
directly on the query string.

 I think that would be cleaner. It would be even nicer if you could
 really just match service= as a query parameter, but I don't know that
 apache parses that at all. I also don't know if Apache does any
 canonicalization of the QUERY_STRING. When matching, you'd want to make

From what I can tell apache really doesn't care much about the query string 
at all, it seems to just pass it through unless you start messing with it 
using mod_rewrite, but even then you're still regex based. I couldn't find 
anything that parsed out individual parameters. Of course I could just be 
looking in all the wrong places :) 

 sure there is no way of a client sneaking in a parameter that git would
 understand to mean a push, but that your pattern would not notice (so,
 e.g., just matching git-receive-pack$ would not be sufficient, as I

yep, and matching on THE_REQUEST gets you the whole string, including the 
HTTP/1.1 on the end. I tried putting the $ on the end of the regex and it 
didn't work. 
It should be possible to combine the original regex from the LocationMatch 
example and something like /[?]service=git-receive-pack/ though, which 
should make it somewhat safer.

 No problem. I'll probably be a day or two on the patches, as the http
 tests are in need of some refactoring before adding more tests. But in
 the meantime, I think your config change is a sane work-around.

Works-For-Me is all I need right now :)  I'll be interested if you come 
up with something better though.


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git no longer prompting for password

2012-08-24 Thread Iain Paton
Hi List,

A recent update to git 1.7.12 from seems to have changed something - 
trying to push to a smart http backend no longer prompts for a password and 
hence fails the server auth.

The server is currently running git 1.7.9 behind apache 2.4.3 with an almost 
verbatim copy of the apache config from the git-http-backend manpage.

Backtracking through the versions I've skipped and this doesn't seem to be a 
new problem, client side up to works, 1.7.8 onwards don't. Server side 
version doesn't seem to make a difference.

user@fubar01:~/test# git --version
git version
user@fubar01:~/test# git push http://ipaton@ master

type the password in and the push is successful

user@fubar01:~/test# git --version
git version 1.7.8
user@fubar01:~/test# git push http://ipaton@ master 
Pushing to http://ipaton@
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 491 bytes, done.
Total 5 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 401
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Watching the connection with wireshark shows that it does appear to try to 
authenticate with the correct username, but without a password. Not surprising 
since it doesn't ask for one..

googling for git and password just seems to give results where people want it 
to stop asking for a password, which is the oppsite of what I want!  
Looking at changelogs for 1.7.8 and I'm not really seeing anything that says I 
need to do something different.

Any help or pointers appreciated.


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