Repositories stucture

2019-04-12 Thread Mgr Georg Black
Hello everyone.
We are starting knowing and working with Git. We already used some version 
control  systems for parts of our work and for now we wanna to have one.
So how's the situation. 
There is one big company with integration center and a few smaller firms which 
send their work there. We are developing in many languages on more projects.
People from big company(BC) wanna to have only one big repository with all code 
in it. BC wanna have to folders structure for language and projects. But for us 
is that idea bit uncomfortable because we rather have more repositories by 
language, maybe by project (in BC folders). It's useless for us that every 
developer on specific project and language have all other sources in their 
local repository. Is it the solvable?
I looked into some ways but with nothing practical experience Could anyone give 
me some advice which way is the best and why.
Simplified: we want to have many repositories in our firm so every developer 
could work with its repository with its language. Somewhere would be one 
repository for integration man who combine all smaller repositories in folders 
big repository for sending to BC. And this all have to work both ways. So we 
wanna donwnload changes from BC and copy them to our divides repos. So some 
folder to repo.
Thanks to all for any direction or link.
Georg Black

How to propagate critical fixs from master to develope branch.

2018-11-21 Thread Mgr Georg Black
Hello everyone.I red git manual but I can't figure out how to propagate 
critical change from master branch to long live develop branch. I red chapter 
about rebasing that I think could solve it but at the end of this chapter is 
written that it's not recommended for pubic repositories. I don't know how to 
do it without merging develop branch to master.
I'll appreciate list of orders very much. :-)
Thanks for any info or link.

Big repository on Aix

2018-11-19 Thread Mgr Georg Black
Hello everyone,
We have source codes in many files of 20 years development. It's approx 800mb. 
There are many programs. Every has about 100-200 modules.
Company has 40 developers. They all works via terminal on aix.
At this time we have three folders for three versions. Everybody send changes 
to them via script blocking parallel work.
It's possible migrate to the Git version system. We are afraid of big local 
copies for every developer. We have not enough space for 40 x 800MB plus 
history etc. Exist some less dramatic way?
Thanks for your info.
Best Regards
Georg Black