Re: Automatically Add .gitignore Files

2017-02-09 Thread Thangalin
Hi Duy,

> This is a general problem to new files, not .gitignore alone. Can we

The difference, to me, is that a ".gitignore" file is not part of what
I'm developing. It's an artifact for git configuration. While a
.gitignore file is not always pushed to the repository, I imagine that
in most situations, it is.

Whereas when a "new" file is created, there are plenty of situations
where it shouldn't be added and thus a warning would be superfluous,
or an automatic add would be undesirable.

To solve the problem, generally, for new files while giving the user
the ability to specify exactly what "new" files should be
automatically added to the repository, something like the following
would work:

echo "**/.gitignore" >> .git/config/add-before-commit

> and perhaps you want to make it a habit to run it before committing.

Right, because software shouldn't automate repetitive tasks and humans
are never prone to forget? ;-)

Automatically Add .gitignore Files

2017-02-08 Thread Thangalin
I frequently forget to add .gitignore files when creating new .gitignore files.

I'd like to request a command-line option to always add .gitignore
files (or, more generally, always add files that match a given file


0. git init ...
1. echo "*.bak" >> .gitignore
2. touch file.txt
3. git add file.txt
4. git commit -a -m "..."
5. git push origin master

Expected Results

The .gitignore file is also added to the repository. (This is probably
the 80% use case.)

Actual Results

The .gitignore file is not added to the repository.

Additional Details

At step 4, there should be a prompt, warning, or (preferably) either a
command-line or configuration option to add the .gitignore file prior
to commit, automatically. Such as:

git commit --include-all-gitignore-files -a -m "..."


echo "**/.gitignore" >> .git/config/add-before-commit