Re: Subtree in Git

2012-10-29 Thread dag
David Michael Barr  writes:

> As I have an interest in git-subtree for maintaining the out-of-tree
> version of vcs-svn/ and a desire to improve my rebase-fu, I am tempted
> to make some sense of the organic growth that happened on GitHub.
> It doesn't appear that anyone else is willing to do this, so I doubt
> there will be any duplication of effort.

Go for it!  Thanks!

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Re: Subtree in Git

2012-10-29 Thread dag
Herman van Rink  writes:

> What would a random user have to do to get a patch in? I've found a
> number of subtree related mails on the git-user list go completely
> unanswerd.  Amongst them a patch from James Nylen wich seems very
> reasonable.

I have those patches queued for merging.  I've been out of town and
otherwise occupied with critical work issues.  I'm hoping to process
those this weekend.

I don't consider myself a gatekeeper and I won't complain if git-subtree
patches are accepted without my review, especially if I am caught up in
other things as I am now.  Anyone is welcome to prepare, review and
recommend patches for acceptance.  Junio is the real boss anyway.  :)

The whole point of Free Software is that anyone can contribute.  It
won't work any other way.

But when patches clearly take us backward, yeah, I'm going to have an
issue with that.  :)

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Re: Subtree in Git

2012-10-22 Thread dag
Herman van Rink  writes:

> The problem is that I don't have the time to split all these out. Dag
> has indicated that he does not have the time either.

I would have the time to review and integrate separate patches.  I do
not have time to unwrap the ball of wax and ensure the quality of each
feature and bug fix.  That is the responsibility of the submitter.  You
can't expect reviewers to do your work for you.  I'm not being harsh, it
is simply the reality of how things work in every project I've been
involved with.

> This single ball of wax was already an alternative to the 'messy' merge
> history it had accumulated. The result of merging from dozens of github
> forks with numerous levels of parallel/contra-productive whitspace fixes.

Yes, we don't really want that history.  You have a single patch now.  A
series of git rebase -i + git add -i should make it easy to separate it
into patches for each feature and bug fix, as I suggested previously.

It really, really shouldn't be that hard unless the code is atrocious.

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Re: Subtree in Git

2012-10-22 Thread dag
Junio C Hamano  writes:

> I haven't formed an opinion on the particular change as to how bad
> its collapsing unrelated changes into a single change is. Maybe they
> are not as unrelated and form a coherent whole.  Maybe not.  

It is difficult for me to tell which is one of the red flags that caused
me to request breaking it up.  It's much to hard to review this patch as
it is.  It conflates multiple features and bug fixes.  It includes
comments to the effect of, "I don't like this but I don't know of a
better way."  Part of the reson we do reviews is to have people help out
and find a better way.  I don't think people can do that with the way
the patch is currently structured.

> Note that I was not following the thread very closely, so I may have
> misread the discussion.  I read his "Unless Junio accepts..." to
> mean "I (dag) still object, but if Junio accepts that patch I object
> to directly, there is nothing I can do about it".  That is very
> different from "I am on the fence and cannot decide it is a good
> patch or not.  I'll let Junio decide; I am OK as long as he is".

Yopur first reading is the correct one.

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Re: Subtree in Git

2012-10-22 Thread dag
Herman van Rink  writes:

> On 10/21/2012 08:32 AM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
>> Herman van Rink  writes:
>>> Junio, Could you please consider merging the single commit from my
>>> subtree-updates branch?
>> In general, in areas like contrib/ where there is a volunteer area
>> maintainer, unless the change something ultra-urgent (e.g. serious
>> security fix) and the area maintainer is unavailable, I'm really
>> reluctant to bypass and take a single patch that adds many things
>> that are independent from each other.
> Who do you see as volunteer area maintainer for contrib/subtree?
> My best guess would be Dave. And he already indicated earlier in the
> thread to be ok with the combined patch as long as you are ok with it.

Let's be clear.  Junio owns the project so what he says goes, no
question.  I provided some review feedback which I thought would help
the patches get in more easily.  We really shouldn't be adding multiple
features in one patch.  This is easily separated into multiple patches.

Then there is the issue of testcases.  We should NOT have git-subtree go
back to the pre-merge _ad_hoc_ test environment.  We should use what the
usptream project uses.  That will make mainlining this much easier in
the future.

If Junio is ok with overriding my decisions here, that's fine.  But I
really don't understand why you are so hesitant to rework the patches
when it should be realtively easy.  Certainly easier than convincing me
they are in good shape currently.  :)

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Re: libgit2 status

2012-10-19 Thread dag
Junio C Hamano  writes:

> I actually hate "include/git.h vs src/git.c"; you have distinction
> between .c and .h already.


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Re: Grafting Alternate History

2012-09-04 Thread dag
Andreas Schwab  writes:

> You can set up (the git mirror of) the public repository as a remote in
> the private repository and git cherry-pick the commits you want to copy
> over.

Now why didn't I think of that!?  :)

Thanks for helping an old bumbler along.  :)

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Grafting Alternate History

2012-08-31 Thread dag
I have an unfortunate situation where I have two subversion repositories
for the same project, one a public version and one a private version.
Because they are mirrors of svn repositories, they have very different
histories as far as git is concerned.  This is not all that uncommon but
of course I would like to manage things in git.

git-svn is great for interacting with one svn repository.  The public
svn repository has a fully-supported git mirror.  The private repository
also has a fully-supported git mirror.  But I need to check in changes
to the private repository via git-svn.  I eventually need to check in
changes to the public repository as well but that is orders of magnitude
less frequent.  A manual diff+patch+git-svn is acceptable for now.

I am wondering if it's possible to graft the history of one of the git
mirrors onto an empty branch of the other and share changes between
them.  I need to take updates from the public repository and apply them
to the private repository.  This is a frequent operation.  I have been
essentially using manual diff+patch but that is highly error-prone and

For example, let's say we take a local copy of the private repository.
I would like to somehow create an empty branch in that local copy and
then populate it with the history of the public repository.  I would
like to be able to specify a git diff-like command on the public graft
branch to get some changes over a range of commits and apply those
changes to one of the private branches (say master).  If I could use a
git-merge-like or git-rebase-like command, so much the better.  I would
like to do the same in reverse but as I said that is a much less common

Has anyone done anything like this before?  Is it even theoretically
possible to manage disjoint histories like this?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: (minor concern) git using the pager should not be a default

2012-08-31 Thread dag
Jeff King  writes:

> if you really want it. As of 9bad723 (allow command-specific pagers in
> pager., 2010-11-17), you can even set it to an arbitrary pager for
> each git command.


> With all those options, it's amazing that we can still have threads
> about what should page. :)

Well to be fair, it's hard to know when to read the documentation again.

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Re: (minor concern) git using the pager should not be a default

2012-08-31 Thread dag
Junio C Hamano  writes:

> In other words, Porcelain (roughly speaking, those that page by
> default when their standard output is terminal), are not "command
> line applications"; they have a layer on top with a built-in UI.

Is "status" considered a plumbing layer command?  Because I have often
wondered why it does not use the pager by default.  I pipe it through
less all the time and it's kind of annoying that it works differently
than everything else.

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Re: libgit2 status

2012-08-28 Thread dag
Nicolas Sebrecht  writes:

> Do you expect one big merge of a very stable libgit2 at some point?

I don't think there's any need to merge libgit2 into the git project
source.  As a library, it should be perfectly usable as a project of its
own, just like libcurl and libz.

> Otherwise, what about going with this optionnal "LDFLAGS += -libgit2"
> ASAP with good disclaimer that it's only intended for development and
> testing purpose? Then, git-core could slowly rely on functions of
> libgit2, one after the other.

This makes a lot of sense to me.

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Re: libgit2 status

2012-08-27 Thread dag
Junio C Hamano  writes:

>> Well that's a chicken-and-egg problem, isn't it.  How will a library
>> become widespread unless something uses it?
> That something will not be the git core itself.  Otherwise we will
> lose a stable reference implementation to catch its bugs.

Well, the whole question here is whether git-subtree can become part of
core if it is based on libgit2.  It boils down to what you mean by
"widespread," I guess.  Does "widespread" mean "available as a package
in major distributions," "installed by default in major distributions"
or something else?

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Re: libgit2 status

2012-08-27 Thread dag
Junio C Hamano  writes:

>> I would be happy to be a guinea pig for libgit2 in order to improve it,
>> but I don't want to significantly impact git-subtree's move to core.
>> I'll have to figure out the right balance there given feedback.
> I expect it will take some time for libgit2 to allow our Makefile to
> start saying "LDFLAGS += -libgit2"; it will need to become as stable
> and widespread as other libraries we depend on, e.g. -lz and -lcurl.

Well that's a chicken-and-egg problem, isn't it.  How will a library
become widespread unless something uses it?

Would it be enough to have libgit2 as an installable package in the
major distributions?

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Re: libgit2 status

2012-08-27 Thread dag
Junio C Hamano  writes:

> And the last one should really be a "longer term" item.  It is more
> important for its codebase to get mature and robust, and that can
> only happen by various projects and products (e.g. GitHub for Mac)
> using it to improve it.  I do not think "subtree" (or anything in
> contrib/ for that matter) is part of "the core stuff of git", and do
> not see a problem; such a move may help both subtree and libgit2.
> Over a much longer timeperiod, I wouldn't be surprised if some "core
> stuff" gets reimplemented on top of libgit2 and distributed as part
> of the git-core.

I am hoping to move git-subtree into core once it performs a little
better and I've fixed a couple of bugs.  Will basing it on libgit2 delay
that process significantly?  Six months delay is no problem.  2 years
would be problematic.

I would be happy to be a guinea pig for libgit2 in order to improve it,
but I don't want to significantly impact git-subtree's move to core.
I'll have to figure out the right balance there given feedback.

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Sharness - Test library derived from Git

2012-07-20 Thread dag
Matthieu Moy  writes:

> OTOH, having it leave in a subdirectory (e.g. $git/t/Sharness/), and
> synchronize with stg like subtree merge would be nice for the user. We
> already have something similar for gitk and git-gui, except that the
> synchronization is normally one way (subprojects merged into Git, but
> merging back changes that were made in git.git in these subprojects is
> more painful).

Not really.  contrib/git-subtree can really help with this.

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Re: Subtree in Git

2012-07-11 Thread dag
Herman van Rink  writes:

>> It's hard to tell what's what with one big diff.  Each command should
>> get its own commit plus more if infrastructure work has to be done.  I
>> realize it's a bit of a pain to reformulate this but git rebase -i makes
>> it easy and the history will be much better long-term.
>> Each command should be described briefly in the commit log.
> That would indeed be nice, but as some parts interdependent it would be
> rather complicated.

Do the interdependent parts first, then.  These should be pure

> And what is the use if their not fully independently testable.

The command should be testable as soon as they are fully implemented,

I'm thinking about a sequence like this:

- Infrastructure for command A (and possibly B, C, etc. if they are
- Command A + tests
- Infrastructure for command B
- Command B + tests
- etc.

> If you want to fake a nice history tree then go ahead, I just don't have
> the energy to go through these commits again just for that.

Well, I can't do this either, both because it would take time to get up
to speed on the patches and because I have a million other things going
on at the moment.  So unfortunately, this is going to sit until someone
can take it up.

Unless Junio accepts your patches, of course.  :)

>> Some questions/comments:
>> - Is .gittrees the right solution?  I like the feature it provides but
>>   an external file feels a bit hacky.  I wonder if there is a better way
>>   to track this metadata.  Notes maybe?  Other git experts will have to
>>   chime in with suggestions.
> It's similar to what git submodule does. And when you add this file to
> the index you can use it on other checkouts as well.

Well, I guess I'm not strongly opposed, I was just asking the question.

>> - This code seems to be repeated a lot.  Maybe it should be a utility
>>   function.
> Yes that's there three times...

So you agree it should be factored?

>> - I removed all this stuff in favor of the test library.  Please don't
>>   reintroduce it.  These new tests will have to be rewritten in terms of
>>   the existing test infrastructure.  It's not too hard.
> I've left it in to be able to verify your new tests. Once all the new
> tests are passing we can get rid of the old one, not before.
> And as all the old tests are contained in it should not interfere...

No, I'm very strongly against putting this back in.  The new tests will
have to be updated to the upstream test infrastructure.

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