Re: [git-users] Git says there are local changes, but there are no changes. (Windows)

2016-03-10 Thread tombert
you need to do a "git checkout ." in order to overwrite local changes (note 
the dot after the checkout command).

On Friday, 4 March 2016 22:05:19 UTC+1, Ben Page wrote:
> The repos that exhibit this behavior are Visual Studio projects and the 
> problem files are text files.
> I don't think the problem is line endings. git diff returns nothing and 
> the projects have * text=auto in the .gitattributes file and core.autocrlf 
> set 
> to true.
> I believe the problem is caused by Visual Studio. This never happens on 
> any project that doesn't use it. But I don't know what it's doing to the 
> files.
> What I'm most confused by is why doesn't git checkout or git reset --hard 
> resolve 
> the problem. Why do I have to delete the .git\index for git to properly 
> recreate these file?
> On Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 10:03:24 AM UTC-6, Dale R. Worley wrote:
>> Ben Page  writes: 
>> >>git status 
>> > On branch master 
>> > Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be 
>> > fast-forwarded. 
>> >   (use "git pull" to update your local branch) 
>> > Changes not staged for commit: 
>> >   (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) 
>> >   (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working 
>> directory) 
>> > modified: XXX 
>> > modified: YYY 
>> > no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") 
>> Certainly one thing you can do is "git diff XX" and see what Git 
>> thinks the changes are. 
>> Unfortunately, I don't know if git-diff is completely rigid about 
>> reporting different ends-of-lines.  You can 
>> mv XX XX.old 
>> git reset --hard 
>> diff XX XX.old 
>> if you know that the diff you are using reports all byte differences. 
>> As the other responder said, the underlying cause is likely file name 
>> casing or ends-of-lines, which are the sort of things that get 
>> translated between files in the working directory and the repository. 
>> Dale 

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Re: [git-users] stash for remote?

2016-03-10 Thread Pablo Rodríguez
On 02/29/2016 12:44 PM, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Feb 2016 00:29:07 +0100 Pablo Rodríguez wrote:
>> is there any way to stash already commited local changes against the
>> published version in the remote server?
> No, but why would you want to?

Many thanks for your reply again, Konstantin.

Well, after your reply I realized that I had to start using branches.
(This was something I avoided as I considered too cumbersome for my
basic needs [it seems that I was totally wrong].)

> If you merely need to have a series of commits available somehow while
> you'd like to temporarily reset the branch they were made on to its
> state in a remote repo, just do exactly that: either fork a branch off
> the tip of your updated branch or tag its tip and then reset the branch.
> If we suppose we're talking about the branch "master", and the remote
> server is known as "origin", then you'd do something like this:
> First do
> git fetch origin
> to have origin/master updated to the state of "master" at "origin".
> Then either do
> git branch temp master

Probably I prefer creating a branch. But isn’t it better to create the
branch before fetching contents from the remote server?

> Next, reset your local "master" to "origin/master":
> git checkout master
> git reset --hard origin/master
> You might want to omit --hard or use --soft -- depending on whether
> you'd like to keep your local changes in the index and/or in the work
> tree.

I guess hard would be the best option for me.

> You then have your "master" "synchronized" with the same-named branch
> as held at the remote server, so whatever you commit on it will push
> cleanly to origin--of course, unless someone will have updated it by
> their code in the mean time.

No problem with that.

> Having had local "master" reset to its remote state and its previous
> state kept in a branch or tag, you might wish to bring those changes
> back on the "rewound" state of "master"--by merely merging them
> (`git merge`) or using cherry-picking (`git cherry-pick`).

Welll, I would do that in due time.

> You might also consider rebasing.  If your original problem was to deal
> with the case where you have a series of local commits on a branch
> you'd like to push "upstream" but the upstream version of your branch
> got updated so your commits can't be used to fast-forward it (don't push
> cleanly) then you might use `git rebase`:
> git fetch origin
> git checkout master
> git rebase origin/master
> Would first reset your local "master" to point to the same commit
> "origin/master" points at then find a point where the local "master" and
> "origin/master" have diverged and then try to apply all the commits
> your "master" have past that point--one-by-one--to that reset state.
> The result, if all comes smoothly, will be the local "master" having all
> your "unpushed" commits rebased onto the state of "origin/master", which
> means you will be able to safely push your "master" to "origin".

Fine, but too complex for me. And origin hasn’t been updated.

> Don't try to abuse the stash.  It's only use case is to save uncommitted
> changes--those kept in the work tree compared to the index, and
> those kept in the index compared to HEAD--and, possibly, untracked
> files as well.  That is, the stash keeps whatever changes would have
> constituted a commit.  If you need to preserve a series of commits just
> preserve them naturally--by having a branch or a tag of them.

Now I understand what I did wrong. I had expected from stash to behave
like a branch.

Many thanks for your help again,


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Re: [git-users] dropped stash without applying

2016-03-10 Thread Pablo Rodríguez
On 01/26/2016 09:42 AM, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jan 2016 06:56:27 +0100 Pablo Rodríguez wrote:
>> I’m a git newbie and I wanted to stash a git repository containing
>> text files. There were some uncommited changes in some files.
>> I stashed with "git stash".
>> I corrected the two typos, committed with "git commit -p" and pushed
>> changes to GitHub with "git push origin master".
>> Since this was my first stash, I dropped the stash without having
>> applied it first (I didn’t know that I had to apply it).
> Didn't the word "drop" ring any bells for you? ;-)
> To drop is to get rid of, throw away etc.

Many thanks for your lengthy and highly instructive reply, Konstatin.
(And sorry for my excessively delayed answer [too much chaos here].)

Dropping a stash makes sense to me now. But as I did it was that the
files were reverted to its previous state before the stash.

Thinking about it now, even if remove or delete were used instead of
drop, I would make the same mistake. For the newbie, it didn’t help me
to read about stash drop before stash pop.

And what I had to do was to create a branch from the stash (reading it
right now from “Pro Git” book). Or at least, this is what I have to do
in the future.

> For the future, note that in normal (non-bare) Git repositories by
> default all "drastic head movements" are recorded in the so-called
> "reflog" which can be examined/controlled via the `git reflog` command.
> Branch deletions / forced updates (say via `git reset --hard` or
> `git branch -M`) are all recorded there.  Stash drops too.  This is a
> "safety belt" intended for recovering from occasional "oopsies" like
> yours.

Many thanks for this advice. What I see know is that "git reflog" only
shows a limited number of movements. Not all of them as with "git log".

As far as I know, all my repos are normal. I don’t know how to get
non-bare repositories (no idea of what these might be).

Many thanks for your reply,


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Re: [git-users] does `git commit` modify $GIT_DIR/index?

2016-03-10 Thread ozzloy
for the benefit of future git travelers, here is a small correction to the
prior post.  the command i use is this:

git checkout-index --prefix="${stage_dir}/" --all

the trailing slash in the prefix is important.  without it, the script was
trying to checkout files like "$GIT_WORK_TREE/foo" to locations like
"/tmp/tmp.UDIlPsCQamfoo" instead of "/tmp/tmp.UDIlPsCQam/foo".  this is
because mktemp returns values like "/tmp/tmp.UDIlPsCQam" without a trailing

less importantly, the '--work-tree="$PWD"' is unnecessary because PWD is
the default for the working directory.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 12:15 PM ozzloy  wrote:

> thanks for the tip about checkout-index!
> the idea to use git checkout-index works, but it took me a while to
> figure it out completely.  you're right, it ends up being much shorter
> and does a lot less stuff than the other method.  here's the
> checkout-index that worked for me:
> git --work-tree="$PWD" checkout-index --prefix="${stage_dir}" --all
> "why are you concerned with the state of the file representing
> the index"
> partially because i didn't know about checkout-index.  this is
> definitely helpful.  i've converted to using this for now.  however,
> even though this works, i'm still exploring the in-place method for 2
> reasons:
> 0. it seems like it would be much more efficient.  it only modifies
> files that have changed since the last commit, rather than making copies
> of all project files in a new directory.  so far, the
> checkout-index method works fast enough, but i've only used it on
> small projects.
> 1. it is unclear to me how difficult it is to get some of the projects
> i work on to build in arbitrary directories.  some of the projects i
> work on are built via eclipse and configuring eclipse to build in a new
> location of the files has been difficult.  probably i can find a way to
> convince eclipse to build in other places.  i'm not sure, so i'm
> exploring.  but even if i do get that to work, then i've only got it
> to work for eclipse and i'll have to look into the specifics of the next
> build environment, and the one after that, and so on.
> thanks for the suggestion!  it's working great!
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 10:30 AM Konstantin Khomoutov <
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, 27 Oct 2015 22:12:51 -0700 (PDT)
>> ozzloy  wrote:
>> > i am writing a script to test exactly what's staged for the next
>> > commit. this should work even on root commit, and in orphan branches,
>> > so using stash by itself doesn't work because there's no HEAD for
>> > stash to stash on.
>> >
>> > my current solution in those situations is to:
>> > 0 commit the index
>> > 1 stash unstaged unignored files
>> > 2 run tests and save result
>> > 3 stash pop
>> > 4 delete HEAD
>> > 5 return the saved test result
>> >
>> > my concern is that step 0 might modify the index.
>> >
>> > if there's a better way to test the index, i'd be happy to hear it
>> I have one ide and one question.
>> The idea: use `git checkout-index` with a relocated work tree
>> (something like the result of running `mktemp -d /tmp/gitXX`)
>> and build there.  This will basically replace step 0 and remove
>> steps 1,3-5.  Basically, you'd do:
>>   DIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/gitXX`
>>   trap "rm -rf '$DIR'" TERM INT EXIT
>>   git --work-tree="$DIR" checkout-index --all
>>   make test -C "$DIR"
>> The question is: why are you concerned with the state of the file
>> representing the index at all?  As I've already hinted, the behaviour
>> of the index file during committing appears to be not documented which
>> means Git is free to actually update the index when it records a commit.
>> So what would maintaining the index's file mtime etc would buy you?

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Re: [git-users] Objects randomly corrupting

2016-03-10 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Wed, 9 Mar 2016 15:01:01 -0800 (PST)
"Jerome O'Connor"  wrote:

> so yeah, 4 separate operations, 9 different corrupted objects. Any
> ideas what's happening here and how i can fix it? 
> I'm running Win7 Ultimate SP1. Drive F: is a 1TB windows software
> RAID 1. Drives D: and G: are 1TB partitions on the same 2TB single
> HDD. Using TortoiseGit 1.8.11 and
> git 1.9.4.msysgit.1
> and the corruption happens regardless of whether i'm using the
> tortoisegit gui, or the command line for git

Before other things, can you verify it's not memory errors (check out
memtest and memtest86+, run them both, for several hours) or disk errors
(use smartmontools for Windows and do a "long" / "offline" test of your
drives -- if you're not running an expensive RAID array which should
have certain knobs to run SMART checks of its own).

I mean, if your box does not have ECC RAM, occasional bit flips might
lead to what you're observing.

Trying a recent version of Git is also a good idea--it's now following
the upstream releases pretty close.  160GB archive also appears to be a
good candidate for processing with 64-bit software (though using 32-bit
Git should not matter for the kind of problem you're facing).

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