On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 02:10:05PM -0700, TSU wrote:

> Yesterday I observed on the Git IRC a conversation that SSH keys were not 
> required for SSL sessions( would have responded if my Freednode account 
> wasn't having problems). 
> Aside from the fact (AFAIK) github only supports SSH for key testing and 
> nothing else, I was under the impression these same keys are re-used for 
> authenticating SSL sessions as well, implementing a kind of 2-factor 
> authentication (SSL keys to prove your machine, username/password to prove 
> your human identity).
> Are SSH keys required or not for SSL connections?
I don't quite understand the question, but let's just try some things
clear -- maybe this will help you.

First, SSH and SSL have nothing in common except for the word [S]ecure
and the naturally following fact they secure something (SSH secures the
[SH]ell access and SSL secures the [S]ocket [L]ayer).  These are
completely disjoint protocols invented for differing needs.

These protocols also use different approach for what you call "keys".
SSH uses "shallow" approach to keys: a client generates a pair of
keys -- one public and one private, -- then transfers the public part to
the server and adds it to an *explicit* list of trusted keys.  Hence the
server either trusts that key or not; nothing else.  The client actually
does the similar thing by checking the server's key's fingerprint to see
if it's known and trusted.
SSL uses hierarchical approach to its "keys", which it calls
"certificates": this stuff involves certification authotities (CAs) and
trust chains they create.  The whole topic is too deep to cover here but
the end result is that usually either side or both explicitly trust some
CA, and through this fact they tust each other.
In either case, the wire format of the keys used by these protocols and
the semantics of their usage is different.

One last thing to note is that while SSL/TLS is based solely around
those X.509 certificates, SSH defines various methods for authentication
of the client to the server: besides the "pubkey" method we've just
discussed, it supports the very popular "keyboard interactive" method,
Kerberos authentication and GSSAPI (SSPI in Microsoft lingo) which can
also do Kerberos.

So no, the same keys can't be used for both SSL and SSH.

As to github, I think they implement two modes:
1) SSH keys are used to access the repo via SSH.  You associate your SSH
   key with your github account and so when you're trying to
   authenticate the next time, Git knows who you are from your key.
2) SSL is used to simply encrypt the conversation with the server, and
   then HTTP (which tunnelled over SSL) uses simple password-based
   authentication method called "basic" to verify your identity.
   See https://github.com/blog/642-smart-http-support for hints on this.

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