[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] This custom filetype syntax highlighting is not working (Discussion #3804)

2024-03-30 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3804 as resolved.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] This custom filetype syntax highlighting is not working (Discussion #3804)

2024-03-26 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Go to `bacon_trunk/syntax/geany`:


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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Dark variant of Geany's default UI theme on Windows `Prof-Gnome` (Issue #3783)

2024-03-13 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3783 as completed.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] How to install new GTK themes into Geany? (Issue #3789)

2024-03-13 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3789 as completed.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] How to install new GTK themes into Geany? (Issue #3789)

2024-03-13 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Things are more complicated on Windows. It's not as simple as just copying the 
themes and icons into Geany's installation directory and modifying 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Dark variant of Geany's default UI theme on Windows `Prof-Gnome` (Issue #3783)

2024-03-05 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Turn on the dark variant: create the file `settings.ini` in 
`C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\gtk-3.0` (create the folder `gtk-3.0` if it 
doesn't exist) with the content:

gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true

Well, now you can try the Geany's default dark UI theme. The only problem is, 
it sucks. But it's the only thing we have out of the box. GTK experts and Geany 
experts, please chime in and tweak it. I'm very willing to test. Thank you.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Please provide an official and ready to use dark theme for the UI (Issue #3781)

2024-03-05 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3781 as completed.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] How to call an external program? (Issue #3782)

2024-03-05 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
For example, `clang-format`. I'm finding a code formatter plugin for Geany. But 
all of the projects I encountered are unmaintained.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany 4.0, the GTK4 edition (and more) (Discussion #3675)

2024-03-04 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Let's rewrite Geany in Qt5  

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Please provide an official and ready to use dark theme for the UI (Issue #3781)

2024-03-04 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Old thread: https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/2928 (closed)

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany can't find Mono's `mcs` (Discussion #3776)

2024-02-28 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3776 as resolved.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany can't find Mono's `mcs` (Discussion #3776)

2024-02-28 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
The solution is to launch `mcs` with `cmd /c`. I edited `filetypes.cs` and it 
worked. Thank you.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany can't find Mono's `mcs` (Discussion #3776)

2024-02-28 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
The solution is to launch the program with the shell. You still use 
`CreateProcessW`, but the process will be `cmd.exe`. For example: `cmd /c 
external_program /external_program_switch`.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany can't find Mono's `mcs` (Discussion #3776)

2024-02-27 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
`Process failed (The system cannot find the file specified)`.


- I reverted all of my changes to `filetypes.cs` in 
- I added `C:\Program Files\Mono\bin` to Windows' `PATH`
- Mono's `mcs` is a script file: on Linux, it's a shell script named `mcs`; on 
Windows, it's a batch script named `mcs.bat`

My thoughts:

- Should I encapsulate the path to Mono in Windows' `PATH` with double quotes? 
`"C:\Program Files\Mono\bin"`? There is a space in the path. It could cause 
problems. Windows Command Prompt has no problem running `mcs`. But Geany is a 
Linux-first program that is only ported to Windows as an afterthought.
- Or it's very likely that Geany has problems calling batch script. Does it 
assumed the executable to have the extension `.exe`?

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Maximum number of files that can be opened in a single instance of Geany? (Discussion #3754)

2024-02-17 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
> When you opened those files, did you have a Geany instance already open?


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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Maximum number of files that can be opened in a single instance of Geany? (Discussion #3754)

2024-02-17 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
@eht16 It's happening randomly. I can't reproduce it now.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Maximum number of files that can be opened in a single instance of Geany? (Discussion #3754)

2024-02-17 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Do you have MSYS2 installed on your system? Go to the home directory of MSYS2, 
select these files to open with Geany: `.bash_history`, `.bash_logout`, 
`.bash_profile`, `.bashrc`, and `.profile`. It will launch two instances of 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Change the compiler on `filetypes.cs` doesn't work (Discussion #3753)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3753 as resolved.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Maximum number of files that can be opened in a single instance of Geany? (Discussion #3754)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Sorry, I have already done the best I can to describe the problem. I will just 
accept that Geany is not for handling multiple files.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Maximum number of files that can be opened in a single instance of Geany? (Discussion #3754)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3754 as resolved.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Windows Explorer `Open with Geany` potential bug (Discussion #3755)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3755 as resolved.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Windows Explorer `Open with Geany` potential bug (Discussion #3755)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Or better yet, I will just accept that Geany is only for a handful of files and 
let JEdit handle a large amount of files. I have described everything I have 
done in the best way I can, in detail. How could you expect more?

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Change the compiler on `filetypes.cs` doesn't work (Discussion #3753)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
As far as I know, the setting via "Menu->Build->Set build commands" is per file 
or per session. I want to change the compiler to `csc` for all and, better yet, 
out of the box by just copying a `filetypes.cs` file into 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Change the compiler on `filetypes.cs` doesn't work (Discussion #3753)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
What worked:

Edit `filetypes.cs` and remove this block:

# %f will be replaced by the complete filename
# %e will be replaced by the filename without extension
# be careful following settings are untested
compiler=mcs /t:winexe "%f" /r:System,System.Drawing
run_cmd=mono "%e.exe"

Replace it with something like this:

FT_00_CM=csc /t:winexe "%f" /r:System,System.Drawing
FT_01_CM=csc /t:winexe "%f" /r:System,System.Drawing

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Change the compiler on `filetypes.cs` doesn't work (Discussion #3753)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Tried. Not work. `mcs` is hardcoded as the compiler.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Change the compiler on `filetypes.cs` doesn't work (Discussion #3753)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Edit `filetypes.cs` and change the compiler from `mcs` to `csc`? I keep the 
`filetypes.cs` on Geany installation directory intact. Instead of copy it into 
`%appdata%\geany\filedefs` and modify it here. It doesn't work. I tried to 
comment out `C#=*.cs;` in `%appdata%\geany\filetype_extensions.conf`. Nothing 
worked. It will always force `mcs` as the compiler.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Windows Explorer `Open with Geany` potential bug (Discussion #3755)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Related to #3754. But it doesn't take many files to trigger. Sometimes, only 
two files. It's more likely happen with files started with the dot in their 
names, e.g: the files on MSYS2's home directory like `.bashrc`, `.profile`,... 
But, this is not always the case. Sometimes, it triggered when I'm opening a 
bunch of `.cs` files. Note: the number of opened files is no where as much as 
on #3754. I guess it's because I'm opening files too fast that triggered the 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Maximum number of files that can be opened in a single instance of Geany? (Discussion #3754)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
I'm opening files from Windows Explorer with `Open with Geany`. I found that 
after a certain number of files are opened, it will launch new Geany instances. 
Each instance has duplicated opened files with the others, but not all opened 
files are duplicated. This indicated that there is a threshold for the maximum 
number of files that can be opened in a single instance of Geany. Or, is it a 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Change the compiler on `filetypes.cs` doesn't work (Discussion #3753)

2024-02-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
It appeared to be hardcoded `mcs` as the compiler.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] A question about `lexer_filetype` (Discussion #3713)

2023-12-07 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
I'm still not really get it. For example, I'm developing a language based on 
FreeBasic. What are the values for `styling` and `lexer_filetype`? I'm 
currently set both to `FreeBasic`.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] A question about `lexer_filetype` (Discussion #3713)

2023-12-06 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
I'm also developing a custom filetype for a language based on Ada. Please let 
me know the values for `lexer_properties` and `lexer_filetype`. Thank you.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] A question about `lexer_filetype` (Discussion #3713)

2023-12-06 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
I'm creating a custom filetype. The language is based on C#. `lexer_filetype` 
should be set to `cs`, or `CSharp`, or even `C#`? This is very unclear to me.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany 4.0, the GTK4 edition (and more) (Discussion #3675)

2023-11-19 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
BTW, I really don't see the need to switch to GTK4. So, you could reserve 
version 4.0 for GTK4 but please make a 3.0 version that is still using GTK3. 
I'm more interested in your point 2 and 3. Geany plugins should be more 
powerful and LSP support is a must.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany 4.0, the GTK4 edition (and more) (Discussion #3675)

2023-11-19 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
I suggested supporting GtkSourceView. But after I see your answer in #3965, I 
think you should maintain your own downstream fork of Scintilla and add GTK4 
support yourself. Or, you could rewrite Geany in Qt and use QScintilla since 
you are so attached to Scintilla.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Support writing plugins in Vala (Discussion #3696)

2023-11-19 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
I should make it clearer. Please provide up-to-date bindings for Vala. Don't 
you expect the users to write the vapi files for Geany headers themselves? It's 
possible to write Geany plugins in Vala but it's no way the same level support 
as Python and Lua. The vapi files should be **_provided_** and **_maintained_** 
by the Geany project, just like what you are doing with Python and Lua. Btw, 
the vapi files the author of the plugin you mentioned that he translated 
manually himself from Geany headers, are several years old and have never been 
updated to sync with the latest Geany headers!

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Support writing plugins in Vala (Discussion #3696)

2023-11-18 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Currently, Geany plugins can only be written in C, Python, and Lua.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Support GtkSourceView (Discussion #3695)

2023-11-18 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Let the users choose to use the syntax highlighting engine they prefer in 
`Preferences`. Scintilla is still the default syntax highlighting engine. The 
advantage of GtkSourceView is it's much easier to add support for new languages 
compared to Scintilla.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Add Clear Recent Files button (Issue #3667)

2023-11-02 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3667 as not planned.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Make custom-filetypes more powerful? (Discussion #3669)

2023-11-02 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3669 as resolved.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Make custom-filetypes more powerful? (Discussion #3669)

2023-10-31 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
For example, being able to overwrite the comment syntax of the Scintilla lexer: 
the language is a C-style language but uses Ruby's syntax for comment: `#` 
instead of `//` for line comment and `=begin` and `=end` instead of `/*` and 
`*/` for block comment. Currently, this is impossible. The answer will always 
be go and add this to Scintilla. But, is this really needed? Notepad++ is also 
using Scintilla and as I know it can do this.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Add Clear Recent Files button (Issue #3667)

2023-10-31 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
`Files -> Recent Files -> Clear Recent Files`. The `Clear Recent Files` will be 
the last entry and separated from the recent files by a separator.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Most recent directory is not remembered (Discussion #3664)

2023-10-30 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3664 as resolved.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Most recent directory is not remembered (Discussion #3664)

2023-10-29 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
I didn't start Geany from the command line. On Windows, there is no reasons for 
me to start Geany from the command line.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Most recent directory is not remembered (Discussion #3664)

2023-10-29 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
For example, the most recent file you worked with is from that directory (you 
opened a file in that directory or saved a file to that directory). You then 
closed the file and create a new file. The directory is no longer remembered. 
It will default to save the new file into `C:\Program Files\Geany`. Anyway, 
`C:\Program Files\Geany` is not a location to save your files.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] How to properly add custom filetypes? (Discussion #3663)

2023-10-27 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
OK. It's working now. But I want to ask you for sure that it should be 
`lexer_filetype=C` or not. I don't think Go is a C-style language.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] How to properly add custom filetypes? (Discussion #3663)

2023-10-27 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Copy `filetypes.go` into `filetypes.Foo.conf`. Edit `filetypes.Foo.conf` to set 
`extension=foo` and `mime_type=text/x-foo`. Copy a sample Go source file into 
`sample.foo` (or simply replace the extension from `.go` to `.foo`). Open 
`sample.foo` in Geany. This is the steps to reproduce.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] How to properly add custom filetypes? (Discussion #3663)

2023-10-27 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
The language is based on Go. I created `filetypes.Foo.conf` and set 
`Foo=*.foo;` in `filetype_extensions.conf`. Foo is indeed appeared on `Set 
Filetype` but syntax highlighting for the language Foo is simply not work. When 
you opened a file name with extension `.foo`, it's treated as `None` and even 
if you manually set the language to be `Foo` via `Set Filetype`, there is 
absolutely no syntax highlighting. Strangely enough, if I set the language to 
`Go` via `Set Filetype` then I have syntax highlighting. If I edit 
`filetype_extensions.conf` to add `.foo` to the list of extensions of `Go` 
source file, then `.foo` files will be treated as `Go` and have syntax 
highlighting, too. Of course, this syntax highlighting is for Go and the 
keywords specific to the language `Foo` is not highlighted. I have read and 
followed the FAQ so I want to know what exactly did I do wrong or if I should 
make a bug report.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] How to clear the recent files? (Discussion #3662)

2023-10-27 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
With Geany, there has never been a clear recent files button like in other text 
editors. On previous versions, everything is put on `geany.conf`, and one has 
to manually edit this file to delete the recent files list. Now on Geany 2.0, 
the recent files are no longer stored in `geany.conf`, and I can't find where 
they are stored either. Like in all previous versions, deleting 
`recently-used.xbel` has no effect.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] `Use Windows native dialogs` is broken (Issue #3627)

2023-10-21 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
Closed #3627 as completed.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] `Use Windows native dialogs` is broken (Issue #3627)

2023-10-21 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
> What version of Geany?

Geany 2.0.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] `Use Windows native dialogs` is broken (Issue #3627)

2023-10-21 Thread 3oheicrw via Github-comments
You checked it, click `OK` or `Apply` then `OK`. You opened `Preferences` 
again, and it's automatically unchecked. I tried to exit Geany and launch it 
again, doesn't make any differences. `Use Windows native dialogs` will always 
be automatically unchecked.

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