[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] Markdown Plugin Preview not working after starting geany with a file that was already opened the other day (#1062)

2024-07-17 Thread Evan McBeth via Github-comments
> Seems Webkit stuff is broken on _all_ programs using it (Geany, Liferea, …).
> I usually succeed by starting Geany (and others) on the command line like so:
> ```shell
> ```


Ive looked everywhere for this. What a journey.  Needs +100 updoots and put on 
top of all searches.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-themes] Flatpak directory location (Issue #47)

2024-05-05 Thread Evan McBeth via Github-comments
Thank you @elextr 

I'm have to admit that previously I thought, now I realise naively, that 
Flatpaks were pretty excellent.

Now they seem _very un-excellent_. In fact, they seem like an absolutely 
**astounding security risk.** 

For example, when I pointed out the fact another user was maintaining your 
flatpak repo with the bullshit "by" notation, the FP team gave me a very 
polite, but definite, "fuck off".

Well! Clutch my pearls! 

Now after reading that most excellent blog post you suggested, it seems the 
Flatpak team have created a monster. Not only do they ignore the protestations 
of official Github project devs, but they dismiss reports from users. It is 
opaque and as trustworthy as a Wall-Street Banker.

Keep up the good work Team Geany. Its a ripper project!

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-themes] Flatpak directory location (Issue #47)

2024-05-04 Thread Evan McBeth via Github-comments
@eht16 be polite. I did the groundwork beforehand. The archive sure does look 
official - https://flathub.org/apps/org.geany.Geany

Thanks for letting me know the Flatpak isn't official... its sure does look 
that it is.

I'll report it there and ask the Flatpak team what the process is to ensure it 
isn't being passed off.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-themes] Flatpak directory location (Issue #47)

2024-05-03 Thread Evan McBeth via Github-comments
> Can a flatpack access the internet?

Chrome is a Flatpak, so the answer must be yes, at some level.

I was thinking of whether a flatpak can access the local filesystem, or whether 
it is all sandboxed/VM'd up

(I love Geany, but dont have the skills to do this work)

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-themes] Flatpak directory location (Issue #47)

2024-05-03 Thread Evan McBeth via Github-comments
For others who may stumble upon this, attached is a silly little script I made 
to automate the process.  

For one-off ill-remembered esoterica, I often have these in directory called 
/Linux_software and it saves me remembering anything :)

Simply create a directory called colorschemes and run the file.

# GEANY - colour schemes add
# 4 May 2024
# Ver 1.0.0

# https://github.com/geany/geany-themes
# https://www.geany.org/download/themes/
# put them in colorschemes/ (note USA spelling)

sudo cp colorschemes/*.conf 

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-themes] Flatpak directory location (Issue #47)

2024-05-03 Thread Evan McBeth via Github-comments
_Linux Mint 21.3 here._

Seems to be in a slightly different place  /active/**files**/share


Be nice if the colourschemes might be imported via the application rather than 
have users dig through such a deep hierarchy. WORSE for ordinary users is that 
files must be copied from (wherever) into the deep directory as sudo or su. 
Some organisations (and users) may feel this is a bit odd or can the 
flatpak also look in the traditional ~/.config/geany/colorshemes?  _(do the 
flatpak rules allow this?)_

**PROPOSAL** - mod Geany to suck colourschemes out of its traditional place, if 
present, and copy/plonk them into the correct flatpak directory... or have an 
**Import button** with a directory selector.

**PROPOSAL 2** - rather than [going to the 
website](https://www.geany.org/download/themes/), downloading and then copying 
it to the correct place, the colour scheme chooser has all available schemes as 
a list?  

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