[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] [Feature-Request] Add multiple shortcuts for the same action (Issue #3894)

2024-06-07 Thread elextr via Github-comments
>  but there must be in this specific order

Glib keyfile docs say "groups in key files may contain the same key multiple 
times; the last entry wins." so any position after the first will work.  But 
the first doesn't work any more does it?  You could have done the same with 

As you said there is no way of assigning multiple keyboard shortcuts to a 
single action.  As this is the only likely user for that its unlikely that it 
will happen.

But so long as ctrl= is not assigned in Geany it will fall through to Scintilla 
and, as a special case, it may be possible to assign it there with code like 

sci_assign_cmdkey(sci,  '=' | (SCMOD_CTRL << 16), SCI_ZOOMIN);
in a suitable place to initialise all Scintilla objects, maybe in 

"Somebody" could try it and make a PR if it works.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] [FR] Use XDG desktop portal filechooser instead GTK on Linux/BSD (Issue #3458)

2024-06-07 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Note that the flathub Geany package is not made by this project despite the "by 
Geany Team", note the "unverified" on it, so we have no control over what they 

> You can change the encoding and the filetype after opening a file,

The user can't change the encoding used to __load__ the file after its loaded, 
that will have no effect, changes to encoding afterward are just for saving.

And having the wrong filetype may have significant effects as more filetype 
specific plugins are added, starting with LSPs real soon now.

So those options are important in specific cases.  Of course they don't matter 
to users who are always UTF-8 and use the right extensions (eg not .h for C, 
ducks :-) but anyone can find an olde piece of code on the interwebs that they 
want to look at or use.

Thanks for the offer to test, let us know what the KDE chooser is.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] meson: make VERSION contain string, not a double (PR #3893)

2024-06-07 Thread elextr via Github-comments

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Plugin extensions (aka LSP API) (PR #3849)

2024-06-06 Thread elextr via Github-comments
If there are gonna be "priorities" (in reality its "order") they should be user 
controllable, someone might like @b4n indentation for C but language specific 
ones for C++.  Anyway thats something we can work on in the future.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] [FR] Use XDG desktop portal filechooser instead GTK on Linux/BSD (Issue #3458)

2024-06-06 Thread elextr via Github-comments
IIUC in theory the portals thingy would make it the KDE dialog on KDE, thats 
what needs testing.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] [FR] Use XDG desktop portal filechooser instead GTK on Linux/BSD (Issue #3458)

2024-06-05 Thread elextr via Github-comments
AFAICT #3861 hasn't been tested with portals, just native, but GTK says it can 
work, so maybe "somebody" could try it.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-05 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Anyway after the grumpy olde folks have had their rant lets try and do 
something unusual and answer the OP question :grin: 

@Hund if you find Mint icons that you would like to use in place of the 
`geany-build` `geany-close-all` and `geany-save-all` you will need to replace 
the files that Mint installs of those names with `.png` and `.svg` extensions.  
For LMDE6 there are files of those names in `/usr/share/icons/Tango/*/actions` 
and `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/actions`.  

Probably it would be better to check exactly what LM installs on LM21 since it 
might be different, I would use `synaptic`, select the `geany-common` package 
and `Properties` from the right click menu, then the `Installed Files` tab.  
There is probably some arcane `dpkg` command line you could sudo that does the 
same thing.

You have to replace each file with your new one of the same resolution, ie 
`...16x16/actions/geanu-build.png` needs to be replaced by your new one at 
16x16 resolution, then all the other resolutions and a `.svg` in the `scalable` 
directory.  I don't know if you could delete all the fixed resolution ones and 
just replace the `scalable` ones, but you probably have to regenerate the icon 
caches if you do.  So all in all a lot of effort, not sure its worth it.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] [FR] Use XDG desktop portal filechooser instead GTK on Linux/BSD (Issue #3458)

2024-06-05 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@paidhi "somebodys" got to create a pull request to show it works, and given 
(almost?) none of the Geany devs use non-GTK based distros its probably 
unlikely to be them.

They also need to address the point @b4n made above, Geany adds functionality 
to the file chooser to provide a filter based on Geany filetypes, the ability 
to select the encoding to be used to open the file, and the ability to choose 
the filetype to use for the file (important if auto detection is wrong).  AFAIK 
those can't be added to native filechoosers.  

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Plugin extensions (aka LSP API) (PR #3849)

2024-06-04 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> Just a note that if we want to use this interface for Geany itself, Geany's 
> PluginExtension could be the last one in the chain and serve as a fallback.

That sounds like [these](https://docs.gtk.org/gobject/signals.html).

Of course the real question is "who decides the order in the chain"?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-04 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Hmmm, have I mentioned that its a bad idea to let desktop theme designers that 
know nothing about an application dictate its look and feel? Oh, I have? Ad 
nauseam? Oh well, add this to the list :-D

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-03 Thread elextr via Github-comments
I finally got a chance to try on LMDE6 (my LM21 machine is still HDC).

Remember I said above I was using LM20.  In `icons/Mint-Y/actions/*` it has 
`geany-build`, `geany-save-all` and `geany-close-all` links to `run-build`, 
`document-save-all` and `window-close` respectively.  (@Hund LM20 does not have 
the "simplified" theme selector, just the "advanced" one, that caused some of 
the confusion above).

LMDE6 does not have the `geany-*` links AFAICT nor `run-build` nor 

@b4n Mint-Y does provide quite a lot of icons in the `legacy` subdirectory 
including`document-new`, but no `geany-` ones so the fallen over bookcase and 
friends are back. :-(  Thats not surprising since looking at the git history it 
appears that most icons were removed from the `actions` subdirectory then the 
`legacy` one created from Adwaita `legacy`, sigh.  Presumably this is to 
prevent Adwaita removal of useful (legacy) stuff from breaking Mint.

I guess thats the case for Gnome anyway (except it falls back to Adwaita, so no 
guarantees anything legacy will remain available).

So if we had "somebody" with artistic talent and taste maybe the Geany icons 
could be modernised and light/dark and symbolic versions created.

But it seems to me that the whole icons thing is [blp]ed up, either:
1. if an application has any action that a distro/theme doesn't have it can 
have no icon, or
2. the application picks the nearest available icon, like the links in LM20 
above using "near enough" icons and hopes the distro/theme continues to support 
it, or
3. applications provide their own icons for actions that the distro doesn't 
support, but they will not integrate with the look and feel of many themes.

This isn't just a LM problem, and I don't have a solution, @b4n do you know 
what the solution is supposed to be?  Perhaps given Gnome HIG says "users must 
use Adwaita, they are not to be allowed to make any choices" they think thats a 
solution [end grumpy olde guy rant]?

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] overview causes geany to crash when crating a new file and clicking in the file area. (Issue #1354)

2024-06-03 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@l33tlinuxh4x0r in this context "care" means "does the work to fix it", as in 
care and feeding, not just "like" it :grin: 

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] Devhelpplugin (PR #1311)

2024-06-03 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@liomarhora probably not, I don't have much time and I don't use devhelp so it 
may be a long time.  

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> Yet again, we do implicitly link to libpthread

Well, not so implicitly since the command has `-pthread` on it.  The GCC docs 
for that starts "Link with the POSIX threads library." so I would say it is 
explicitly linked.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
In that case as I said above, perhaps there is something weird in your 

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@Hund like I said above, when _something is going wrong_, its important to 
check explicitly the part you are interested in (the icon theme in this case) 
is what you expect.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Hmm, trying to compare your two link commands the only real difference is that 
`harfbuzz` is explicitly listed instead (presumably) of being included by 
pango, and an additional `-lz`, whatever that is.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
LM has a lot of themes, but once I started mixing sub-themes like the first 
image shows I got strange inconsistent results some times, thats why I asked 
the OP to try a consistent theme without mixing sub-themes.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@b4n, yes but that image is not the same theme as the last two, which is what I 
was asking about.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
I can't see where the icon theme is explicitly listed in the images above, rule 
1 in debugging, never assume that software is doing what you assume, check 
[learned from many years of angst].

If indeed the explicit icon theme is listed as "Mint-Y" it suggests that there 
is something wrong with your installation that is choosing the wrong icons.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Those are what I see if I select "Adwaita" or "hicolor" as the icon theme, 
sadly your images don't show the icon theme setting.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Well, it doesn't have to be dark, make it light, and anyway its only for 
testing to see if it works, just make all the settings consistent.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Also the selections of themes are mixed up, try with consistent settings, eg 
Mint-Y-dark for all of them and see what happens.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Hmmm, works on the machine I am on ATM with LM 20, although Mint-Y-Sand seems 
to have no contrast between active and inactive icons it shows the right icons.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
The UI icons, in particular _build_ and _save-all_ which you mentioned, not the 
internal ones for the symbols tree of course.  

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@Hund which version of Geany and which version of LM are you using?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-02 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@b4n, LM Cinnamon has _all_ the icons used by Geany, not a fallen over bookcase 
in sight ;-)

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] What icons are Geany using? I would like to modify the icon theme for Linux Mint so Geany uses the Mint icons and not the fallback icons (Discussion #3890)

2024-06-01 Thread elextr via Github-comments
It happens automatically here for LM Cinnamon and has since LM 20.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] overview causes geany to crash when crating a new file and clicking in the file area. (Issue #1354)

2024-06-01 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Overview plugin uses Scintilla to generate the overview, but there have been no 
changes to the plugin for many years, but IIRC there have been changes to 
Scintilla, some of which may be incompatible with such old code.

As nothing has been heard from the "maintainer" of the overview plugin its 
probably unlikely it will be fixed unless "somebody" does it, or the plugin is 
shown to be the cause it may be dropped if nobody cares for it.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] GCode support (Issue #3879)

2024-05-31 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Note that Lexilla is part of the [Scintilla](https://www.scintilla.org/) 
project, its not part of Geany, we just use it, and its also used by many other 
projects so unilateral changes may not be accepted, but the proposal @rdipardo 
linked above was accepted, but nobody ever made a pull request.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Add Dockerfile filedef (PR #3757)

2024-05-31 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Heh, overlapping comments again, great minds and all that ...

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Add Dockerfile filedef (PR #3757)

2024-05-31 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> but the AS doesn't highlight.

Remember its a `sh` lexer, not a Docker lexer.  AFAICT its somewhat picky about 
context for keywords, beginning of command is good, after that it varies.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Is there a shortcut to insert a dash? (Discussion #3887)

2024-05-29 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Yeah, so long as its clear that this relates to the operating system and 
particular hardware keyboards thats fine.

Note, I am being totally selfish here, I don't want to be fielding complaints 
that some binding doesn't work on particular keyboards or systems ;-)

Maybe something like "Shortcuts in this section are _not_ part of Geany but 
provided by some systems and may be useful in Geany.  Some of these may depend 
on particular keyboard layouts and may not be available on others." as the 
first line of the new section.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@nyamatongwe Geany doesn't set `SCI_SETLAYOUTCACHE` so that makes it 
`SC_CACHE_CARET` IIUC so it is likely Scintilla would have used `libpthread`.

But then Scintilla doesn't use pthreads directly itself, it uses C++ ``, 
although I suppose that might consist of macros over pthread calls making the 
linker think it does.

I doubt that `libpthread` isn't linked, either via G* or the C++ library, but 
the `-Wl,-z,defs` makes the linker complain about individual objects having 
undefined symbols not just the final product IIUC, the docs are brief.  Its 
also not clear to me if that option makes `ld` complain when an object is 
linked, making it link order dependent.  Also GCC docs specifies the use of 
`-pthread` on both compiler and linker, not explicitly linking `libpthread`, 
which is why I am concerned about forcing explicitly linking it for systems 
which work, how do we know it will not conflict with what `-pthread` does.

If Geany doesn't crash under the conditions above where it (via Scintilla) will 
probably successfully use libpthread then it seems to me that the issue is a 
false positive from a pedantic warning option that isn't an issue in real life, 
and as noted the warning doesn't happen on newer systems.  As such doing 
something contrary to GCC docs advice to all builds seems overreach and risky 
to me.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
One thought, are you _sure_ its not an olde autotools linking stuff in the 
wrong order?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Is there a shortcut to insert a dash? (Discussion #3887)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
No, those are not Geany shortcuts, they are system key sequences and are 
keyboard specific, as I implied 
 they are not available on common keyboards.  These are not Geany specific so 
they do not belong in a table of Geany shortcuts.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Or you could just not use `-Wl,-z,defs` as part of `--b4n_pedantic` of course, 
so long as the final library works who cares if the object files have undefined 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] WHY REMOVING GEANY FROM APT ???? (Issue #3889)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Yeah, its in new Debians and I guess Ubuntu and Mint get it from there.   I 
could believe some KDE distros might not have an incentive to support a GTK 
IDE, but since the OP closed the issue without answering the question of which 
distro, who knows. 

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Maybe this should be limited to the dodgy versions of compiler/libstdc++ since 
most compilers seem to work as is.  

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] WHY REMOVING GEANY FROM APT ???? (Issue #3889)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Which distros?  And anyway you need to ask them, they havn't communicated any 
problems to us.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] WHY REMOVING GEANY FROM APT ???? (Issue #3889)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
The Geany project does not create any repository entries, the distros do that, 
so go shout at your distro, not us.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
So how does GTK/GIO/Glib do threads if pthreads isn't linked properly?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-05-28 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Hmm, yes, Scintilla in Geany probably doesn't actually use threads, we don't 
`SCI_SETLAYOUTTHREADS` and we don't use the multithreaded loaders, so its 
probably safe if it just builds, even if it doesn't work :-)

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Explicitly link to libpthread if available (PR #3888)

2024-05-27 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Possibly the olde libstdcxx does not properly support C++ threads?  So even if 
you force it maybe it will crash and burn?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Is there a shortcut to insert a dash? (Discussion #3887)

2024-05-27 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Its actually in the 
 although the second paragraph about unspecified "earlier versions" of Geany is 
probably irrelevant now and could be removed.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-27 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

> I still don't really understand the urge to get rid of this macro we define 
> in the build system accordingly

Well the OP in #3660 was simply to make meson and autotools do the same thing, 
seems after a long and winding road the implementation of that was to remove 
autotools setting a non-standard macro, not add that macro to meson.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-27 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

Just to summarise, since we have had several misunderstandings in this thread, 
resulting in a long conversation on a two line change:

1. for reasons presented above we will likely need to make the upgrade of this 
part of ctags at some point
2. that would normally mean we need to maintain changes (or upstream them) as 
queried at the start of the thread
3. but since upstream has already fixed the problem any upgrade will contain a 
fix, even if its not what we change, so we don't need to keep our two line fix 
or upgrade quickly
4. so since its a large upgrade making it at leisure when its actually needed 
is better than rushing it

@b4n conversation resolved?

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-27 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

> So this issue "should" go away when that update is done.

The point of this has perhaps been missed, the OP has been fixed upstream (by 
the removal of the offending code), so we can just make changes to our copy to 
fix it in the meantime and do not need to maintain patches.  

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] Add LSP plugin (PR #1331)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Does it include #3865?

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Is there a shortcut to insert a dash? (Discussion #3887)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Meanwhile, back in the world of US-105 keyboards ... :frowning_face: 

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] ProjectOrganizer, Workbench: Use GStatBuf for "g_stat()" calls (PR #1353)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> For some reason, since the latest MSYS2 update on my Windows system, I got 
> compiler errors that g_stat() requires a GStatBuf type as second argument.

On windows there are many MS `stat` calls and `struct stat` is a structure that 
changes depending on platform, compiler, target os, wind direction etc and in 
some cases may not match `g_stat` which calls only one of the many MS `stat` 
calls.  Perhaps they could have made `g_stat()` call the right function for the 
definition of `struct stat` but probably it was easier to define `GStatBuf` to 
match the MS call made by `g_stat()`.  Maybe which MS call `g_stat()` uses 
changed, it was 32 bit times IIRC and maybe they finally switched to 64 bit 
ones, so its good the compiler now enforces it.


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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Plugin extensions (aka LSP API) (PR #3849)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
First a general comment, the idea of a general idiom that allows items of Geany 
functionality to be substituted by plugins is a good one.  It has the potential 
to be expanded for many uses.  For example you may remember a "discussion" some 
time ago between me and @b4n about auto indentation and how a general solution 
was never going to be right and how the built-in indentation needed to be 
replaceable somehow for some languages.  This is an example of a non-LSP use 
that something general like this could be expanded to cover by an "Add Geany 
code for delegating indentation to plugins" commit (in the future, not this PR).

Leaving the symbols tree TM seems ok for now, its only a navigation tool when 
LSP is running and its adequate for that.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] Add LSP plugin (PR #1331)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> I don't think clangd will ever work without a project - it really just 
> compiles it behind the scenes - so testing it on individual files won't work 
> and better to use TM for those.

Well, although in theory it is possible to not have `compile_commands.json` but 
really clangd is a pain without, so not only will it not work on isolated 
files, it won't work on any build system that doesn't make a 
`compile_commands.json` like Meson, Cmake, or other modern ones do 
automatically.  For others use of [bear](https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear) is 
supposedly possible.

So the restrictions of the default settings seems fine.

Just to confirm geany-lsp is Geany with #3849 and this plugin, all previous 
versions removed?  If so I think I'll just get a new clone [end lazy git user] 

As I said elsewhere I am running behind in getting to be able to try these, but 
real "soon" now I hope.

Signed not-b4n :-)

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Is there a shortcut to insert a dash? (Discussion #3887)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Making such into a snippet with an appropriate keybinding is left as an 
exercise for the reader of the manual :grinning:

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Is there a shortcut to insert a dash? (Discussion #3887)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Presuming your "dash" is actually an "em-dash" (the things you put two of are 
technically "dash"es) then `ctrl+shift+u`2014`enter` will insert one.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] #!/bin/busybox ash (Issue #3884)

2024-05-26 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Its not that simple, the process is:

1. read shebang, finds various shells, perl, python, php, ruby, tcl, make, D, 
js, rust
2. detect HTMLy prefix, eg `Preferences->Various->files.extract_filetype_regex` (the default regex 
is what detects the `-*- Sh -*-` but users can modify or add to it)
6. detect from extension using `filetypes.extensions`

Not much is left for mime, but if "somebody" made a well written PR that used 
the GIO interface to get mime type and a configuration file that maps mimetype 
to Geany filetype it might be accepted.

The problems with mimetypes that I know of are they can't distinguish .h files 
as C or C++, and of course C++ system headers have no extension, so file 
managers show them as C, not C++.  But its important to open these as the right 
filetype to get keyword highlighting and symbol parsing to work right.  There 
are probably others.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] #!/bin/busybox ash (Issue #3884)

2024-05-25 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> The user's selection does not last long, because when closing the file and 
> reopening it, the original language returns. If so, Geany would have to save 
> a database with the chosen language for each file.

It lasts for the _session_ which as you point out is until its closed, note 
that the session persists across Geany shutdowns and restarts and so does the 
set filetype.

>  that Geany decides the language by reading from the Mime

Geany does not use the system mime types and associated "majik" because it is 
not accurate enough for many filetypes.  It is ok when generating the wrong 
icon on the file manager, that is hardly the end of the world, but its 
seriously annoying when it happens to an IDE filetype as you have found.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] #!/bin/busybox ash (Issue #3884)

2024-05-25 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> Another thing I would like is that when I enter # -*- Sh -*- and save the 
> file, it automatically changes the colors.

The filetype is scanned only when a file is first opened in a session, this is 
because the user can set filetype, and if Geany then changed it that would be 
disobeying user selection (which is generally not allowed).  But therefore you 
can set the filetype for the rest of the session manually `Document->Set 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] PowerShell: Update keywords (PR #3886)

2024-05-25 Thread elextr via Github-comments
>From the link above, also missing "clean".  What about the workflow keywords? 
>(He says knowing nothing about what a workflow is).

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Make Custom Target should have a directory combo box (Issue #3883)

2024-05-25 Thread elextr via Github-comments
We all know you should only run make in the top level (he says subtly 
referencing "Recursive Make considered harmful" [Miller, 1997, 
PDF](https://aegis.sourceforge.net/auug97.pdf)) so its not just as simple as 
parent if your project has more than one level, so something like project top 
level or similar is best.

But then hopefully nobody uses make for new projects these days ;-)

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Feature request: Exclude folders and files inside of project and workspace (Issue #3876)

2024-05-25 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Pull requests are welcome.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] #!/bin/busybox ash (Issue #3884)

2024-05-24 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Sure, but "somebody" has to do it, pull requests are welcome (after discussion 
about how to do it)

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] #!/bin/busybox ash (Issue #3884)

2024-05-24 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Detection from shebang is hard coded 

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Make Custom Target should have a directory combo box (Issue #3883)

2024-05-24 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Most build systems need to be run in the top level of the tree, so the build 
command can have a directory specified, if its absolute it won't care about the 
current file or working dir.  

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-22 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

No no, I deliberately didn't say "that update" is needed now, but it will be 
needed when parsers or other ctags code depends on the included gnulib not the 
previously included regex.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-22 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

Ahh, ok, misunderstood ya.  My quick search seemed to suggest that the change 
to gnulib removes all the `WIN32`s from ctags and only uses `_WIN32`.  So this 
issue "should" go away when that update is done.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-21 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

Now I'm confused, @b4n says uctags _used_ to use gnu regex, but here its 
importing half a ton of gnulib including regex?

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] I have just solved the socket problem in my computer. (Issue #3880)

2024-05-21 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@b4n IIUC using gvfs would add lots of other capability, eg access to networked 

There were a couple of attempts, #963 got a lot of comments, but in the end was 
not merged, and #1414 got only one comment.

Both now have conflicts so I guess "not planned" is a reasonable response.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] geany crashes on ubuntu/mate 22.04 when attempting to select text (Issue #3843)

2024-05-21 Thread elextr via Github-comments

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] geany crashes on ubuntu/mate 22.04 when attempting to select text (Issue #3843)

2024-05-21 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> non-composited Metacity WM under MATE

Doesn't that setting relate to composited WMs?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-21 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

Oh, so it can go away after the next ctags sync?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] geany crashes on ubuntu/mate 22.04 when attempting to select text (Issue #3843)

2024-05-21 Thread elextr via Github-comments
I dunno, thats what came up related to `XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS`, anyway not 
worth learning now, Wayland is the future.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] geany crashes on ubuntu/mate 22.04 when attempting to select text (Issue #3843)

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> but they all seem to handle the case the visual isn't found

Its not that it isn't found, its that apps (and that includes GTK) are not 
supposed to use them even if they do exist, from my link above "Most X 
applications ignore this visual since it is not useful to them; however some 
applications mistakenly try to use it, which will cause them to fail. "

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Remove custom WIN32 compiler macro in favor of _WIN32 (PR #3878)

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const 
> re_string_t *input, int idx,
 #define re_string_skip_bytes(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx += (idx))
 #define re_string_set_index(pstr,idx) ((pstr)->cur_idx = (idx))
-#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32

Why do we have it if uctags isn't using it?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Selection color changed in default theme but the changed color doesn't take effect if the "Find" dialog box is open. The changed color takes effect only when the "F

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
My basic search of issues does not show any other complaints with this 
background colour, so simply replacing one default with another is unlikely to 
be accepted.  It would need to be a setting in `filetypes.common` (and possibly 
overrides from colour schemes) so it can be set by users or colour schemes.  
Then you can set anything you want :-)

Thanks for offering to help, probably the best way to start (when you have a 
working build of a Geany git clone) might be to copy the selection style 
handling that is already there but of course use the new API to Scintilla.  I 
assume the new and old API can be mixed, it does not seem to be excluded by the 
Scintilla docs AFAICT, but if not then some further changes might be needed to 
move everything to the new API.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] geany crashes on ubuntu/mate 22.04 when attempting to select text (Issue #3843)

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Sounds like its GTK thats misusing the visuals since its not just Geany thats 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Please just add a -i in the geany.desktop for not stuck in "other use socket" improperly. (Issue #3871)

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
We really should not be supporting operation with broken systems, and remember 
two Geanys in the same config do not share settings and sessions nicely anyway, 
its just generally a "bad thing" to do.  Perhaps `-i` should prevent saving 
settings and sessions.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Please just add a -i in the geany.desktop for not stuck in "other use socket" improperly. (Issue #3871)

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
And you havn't answered the question of where did you get the copy of Geany 
that gives a different message to the original, and what else has been changed 
in that copy?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Please just add a -i in the geany.desktop for not stuck in "other use socket" improperly. (Issue #3871)

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
The OP relates to accessing the socket file that is used for communication to 
an existing copy of Geany, that stops Geany execution to avoid corruption, it 
is nothing to do with opening the file.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Please just add a -i in the geany.desktop for not stuck in "other use socket" improperly. (Issue #3871)

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Ranting is not needed and unhelpful, volunteers using their own time to develop 
software do not need to be SHOUTED at.

What version of Geany is that and where did you get it?  The error message in 
Geany code is 
  and is not what is in the OP.  

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Selection color changed in default theme but the changed color doesn't take effect if the "Find" dialog box is open. The changed color takes effect only when the "F

2024-05-20 Thread elextr via Github-comments
The default unfocused selection style is part of 
[Scintilla](https://www.scintilla.org/), that is another project, its not Geany 
code.  Geany uploads Scintilla code unmodified, we do not have the resources to 
maintain patches for it.  

You may try to have Scintilla change that default, but since the current 
Scintilla version has an API for setting it, I doubt it will be accepted.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Selection color changed in default theme but the changed color doesn't take effect if the "Find" dialog box is open. The changed color takes effect only when the "F

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
>  I click next on the find box and the text is highlighted in grey.

The found text is not simply highlighted, it is selected, so what is shown is 
the unfocused selection style, which as above is hard coded to `#xc0c0c0`.

> In notepad, the matched text is highlighted in blue

So Notepad either simply highlights the found text in blue, which is not focus 
dependent, or uses a new enough Scintilla that the unfocused selection style 
setting is available and is set to blue.

Bottom line is, as I said above, if/when Geany uses a new enough Scintilla it 
will be possible to add settings to `filetypes.common` for unfocused (inactive) 
selection so anybody or any colour scheme can set its own.

But Geany is a totally volunteer project so "somebody" has to do it.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Please just add a -i in the geany.desktop for not stuck in "other use socket" improperly. (Issue #3871)

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> > The socket file message probably means either Geany crashed

> Does it lead to this? I don't think so

Crashed ... as another user, eg database_admin ...

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Selection color changed in default theme but the changed color doesn't take effect if the "Find" dialog box is open. The changed color takes effect only when the "F

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
There is no background that is always right, thats why Scintilla has made it 
settable I guess.  But the grey has sufficient contrast with black on white 
text and white on black text (on my monitor with my eyes, YMMV).

Dimming the selection when not focused is a common idiom on Windows, and (IIUC) 
on Macos.  Scintilla tries to work roughly the same on all platforms.  The 
operative word is "dim", to become less conspicuous when unfocused, is the 
point of the feature, so choosing a bright colour is inappropriate for that 

Other cross platform applications that come from platforms other than Linux dim 
it, eg Vscode. Vim is Unix and from a terminal background where multiple 
windows do not exist so the feature was originally impossible, and Hasbeens is 
a Java Swing application IIUC which is Sun/Oracle Unix.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Selection color changed in default theme but the changed color doesn't take effect if the "Find" dialog box is open. The changed color takes effect only when the "F

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@eht16 has pointed out the reason you don't see the selection colour, you still 
have the focus on the find dialog, so the edit pane does not have focus, and 
Scintilla makes the selection grey when the edit pane is not focused.

There is a fairly new API that allows [changing the unfocused 
 so I'm not sure its available in the version Geany uses, but when it is 
"somebody" can add elements to the `filetypes.common` to change it.

In the meantime you will have to focus the edit pane to see the selected style.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Update ctags to p6.1.20240519.0 (PR #3877)

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
>  it doesn't know whether it's inside a function so it shows all assignments 
> and the result is a little too noisy.

Yeah, if they are not scoped then its not very useful.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Update ctags to p6.1.20240519.0 (PR #3877)

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Python does this too, every assignment is a new declaration and shows in the 
sidebar, on the other hand Julia (where assignment is also declaration) has 
chosen not to show any assignments in the sidebar, YMMV.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Please just add a -i in the geany.desktop for not stuck in "other use socket" improperly. (Issue #3871)

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
The socket file message probably means either Geany crashed (or was crashed by 
logging out or shutting down with it still running) or Geany was run as root or 
`sudo` and that still owns the socket link in your config directory.  You can 
look there and the link will be obvious, so you should be able to just delete 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany takes \n as 'n' in search/replace whole words only. It should treat new lines as '\n' search only (Issue #3875)

2024-05-19 Thread elextr via Github-comments
To add to @eht16 comment, search replace does not understand the context of 
what it is editing, it does not see a programming language string in which `\n` 
means newline, it just sees text characters `\` and `n`.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Add `.cjs` extension for JavaScript (PR #3866)

2024-05-18 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Merged #3866 into master.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-plugins] geanyctags, projectorganizer, vimode: Some README and URL updates (PR #1348)

2024-05-18 Thread elextr via Github-comments
@elextr approved this pull request.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Feature request: Exclude folders and files inside of project and workspace (Issue #3876)

2024-05-17 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Perhaps you want one of the project plugins that add functionality to the 
built-in project capabilities.

There is no agreement how the built-in projects should operate hence there are 
(IIRC) three project plugins.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Selection color changed in default theme but the changed color doesn't take effect if the "Find" dialog box is open. The changed color takes effect only when the "F

2024-05-17 Thread elextr via Github-comments
This Geany is built from a month or so old Git.

But I am on Linux and I see you are on Windows, maybe its something about GTK 
and Windows?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Selection color changed in default theme but the changed color doesn't take effect if the "Find" dialog box is open. The changed color takes effect only when the "F

2024-05-17 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Works for me, Geany 2.0, the text found by the find dialog changes colour 
immediately `filetypes.common` is saved, even with the find dialog open.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] DOC_VALID() usage correctness (Issue #3872)

2024-05-12 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Yes agree, but any scenario that is possible _can_ occur, and the case of the 
user closes document while dialog open has been reported already, and see #2599 
for a non-KDE example.

Since we don't have many occurrences its not something that needs rushing into, 
just put it on the eternal todo list and consider it when "somebody" addresses 
one of the issues.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] reload dialog doesn't show up anymore (Issue #3839)

2024-05-12 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Closed #3839 as completed.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] DOC_VALID() usage correctness (Issue #3872)

2024-05-12 Thread elextr via Github-comments
> checking the ID would be better.

No, actually checking `id` is essential.  I didn't really realise how much 
until now.  Consider for example the sequence:

1. Geany function gets `doc` pointer
2. does something that results in a signal
3. plugin callback is called by signal and it closes the document Geany's `doc` 
points to
4. plugin opens a new document and it happens to reuse the document object that 
Geany's `doc` points to
5. signal returns to Geany

So now, unless Geany checks both `valid` and `id` it will not know its `doc` 
points to something different to what it thinks.  

After finding `id` is different it probably shouldn't do anything.

And of course the sequence above is just one way for it to happen.

But I suspect a lot of Geany doesn't check `id`, maybe IS_VALID should take id 
as a parameter.  And even better it can be made a function not an EVIL macro!!!

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] DOC_VALID() usage correctness (Issue #3872)

2024-05-11 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Sigh, welcome to asynchronous programming and state changing beneath you.

> if the pointer to the doc was freed in the meantime, DOC_VALID() usage would 
> lead to memory access over invalid pointer.

Document objects are never freed, so you will never get an invalid pointer, so 
thats one less worry.  So no need to check if its in the document array, it 
will be.

But since closed document objects are reused for a different file you are 
correct that simply testing `doc->valid` is not sufficient to ensure its the 
same document, that is what `doc->id` is for, it is unique for each opened file 
and `document_find_by_id()` should be used, then valid can be checked.

See [plugin API 

The exact semantics of this changed at one point (vague memory, it was a while 
ago) and I bet lots of plugins didn't get updated, and new plugin writers 
didn't RTF above documentation. :grin:

Using `document_get_current()` is fine, so long as the callback never assumes 
its the same document as last time it was called.

Also its not guaranteed that Geany callbacks "do the right thing" either, 
`document_find_by_id()` is only used twice in Geany.  In particular when 
dialogs are run state may change, but I think most of Geany assumes it doesn't. 
 On Gnome and clones its probably safe because it honours modality which 
prevents users from modifying state (eg closing a document with the dialog 
open) but other window managers (eg KDE) do not honour modality, search the 
issues if interested.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Windows: allow forward slashes (/) instead of backslashes (\) in "Open file" dialog (Issue #3868)

2024-05-10 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Version of Geany, what version of GTK?

AFAICT you are operating totally within the GTK open file dialog, it does the 
munging of typed input with open directory and Geany can only read the results. 
 So we can't control that behaviour.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] [Question] gtk4 support? (#2713)

2024-05-05 Thread elextr via Github-comments
Closed #2713 as completed.

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