I have been following discussions on the GKD on many issues but 'managed
to get provoked' into the discussion myself, but the discussion on the
use of or non-use of local consultants finally 'stirred' me to writing
in this forum. I agree with Sam Lanfranco for some form of in-house
search/inquiry on what reasons local consultants do not get hired?

I suggest this debate to include a study on who hires the expensive
international consultants in developing countries? Where does the money
for paying such persons originate from? Could there be more going behind
doors than the usual explanation of expertise quality or the lack of it?

I believe answering these few questions can help shade some light on why
local consultants do or do not get hired, or when they do, they are
normally assigned the field-errand-part of the study while the real
earners stay put somewhere in some hotel, or even worse thousands of
miles away in some capital of the developed world.

Remigio Achia

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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