Re: [GHC] #3279: Segmentation fault in reactive program

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#3279: Segmentation fault in reactive program
Reporter:  Baughn  |Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug |   Status:  new 
Priority:  high|Milestone:  6.12.1  
   Component:  Runtime System  |  Version:  6.11
Severity:  normal  |   Resolution:  
Keywords:  |   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:  |   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |  
Comment (by int-e):

 Here's a testcase for you. It does not crash, but it prints wrong results
 (112459785 instead of 2 here; Baughn tested it on a 64 bit maching and got
 1114609665). I've also verified that your patch to {{{unblock}}} fixes
 this behaviour.

 -- test for #3279

 import System.IO.Unsafe
 import GHC.Conc
 import Control.Exception
 import Prelude hiding (catch)

 f :: Int
 f = (1 +) . unsafePerformIO $ do
 error "foo" `catch` \(SomeException e) -> do
 myThreadId >>= flip throwTo e
 -- point X
 unblock $ return 1

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
 evaluate f `catch` \(SomeException e) -> return 0
 -- the evaluation of 'x' is now suspended at point X
 tid <- block $ forkIO (evaluate f >> return ())
 killThread tid
 -- now execute the 'unblock' above with a pending exception
 -- should print 1 + 1 = 2
 print f

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The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #367: Infinite loops can hang Concurrent Haskell

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#367: Infinite loops can hang Concurrent Haskell
Reporter:  simonpj   |Owner:  nobody  
Type:  bug   |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  lowest|Milestone:  _|_ 
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  6.4.1   
Severity:  normal|   Resolution:  None
Keywords:  scheduler allocation  |   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:|   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Changes (by SamB):

  * keywords:  => scheduler allocation

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #3288: GC assertion failure in reactive program

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#3288: GC assertion failure in reactive program
Reporter:  Baughn|Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  high  |Milestone:  6.10.4  
   Component:  Runtime System|  Version:  6.11
Severity:  normal|   Resolution:  
Keywords:|   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:  crash.hs  |   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Comment (by Baughn):

 There is further information in #3279, but basically you need unamb 0.2.

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #3279: Segmentation fault in reactive program

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#3279: Segmentation fault in reactive program
Reporter:  Baughn  |Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug |   Status:  new 
Priority:  high|Milestone:  6.12.1  
   Component:  Runtime System  |  Version:  6.11
Severity:  normal  |   Resolution:  
Keywords:  |   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:  |   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |  
Comment (by Baughn):

 Yes, sorry. See my last message.

 The last version of unamb that still reliably exhibits the bug is 0.2

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #3279: Segmentation fault in reactive program

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#3279: Segmentation fault in reactive program
Reporter:  Baughn  |Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug |   Status:  new 
Priority:  high|Milestone:  6.12.1  
   Component:  Runtime System  |  Version:  6.11
Severity:  normal  |   Resolution:  
Keywords:  |   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:  |   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |  
Comment (by simonmar):

 I don't have any luck reproducing this one either.  (see #3288)

 ~/scratch/3288 > ./crash3279
 crash3279: BothBottom

 ~/scratch/3288 > ./crash3279-2
 crash3279-2: BothBottom

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #3288: GC assertion failure in reactive program

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#3288: GC assertion failure in reactive program
Reporter:  Baughn|Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  high  |Milestone:  6.10.4  
   Component:  Runtime System|  Version:  6.11
Severity:  normal|   Resolution:  
Keywords:|   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:  crash.hs  |   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Comment (by simonmar):

 I have failed to reproduce this on both x86/Linux and x86-64/Linux, using
 today's GHC.

 Here's what I have installed:

 $ ~/builds/32testing/inplace/bin/ghc-pkg list
 Cabal-1.7.2, array-, base-, base-,
 bytestring-, containers-, directory-,
 (dph-base-0.4.0), (dph-par-0.4.0), (dph-prim-interface-0.4.0),
 (dph-prim-par-0.4.0), (dph-prim-seq-0.4.0), (dph-seq-0.4.0),
 extensible-exceptions-, ffi-1.0, filepath-,
 (ghc-6.11), ghc-prim-, haskeline-, haskell98-,
 hpc-, integer-, mtl-, old-locale-,
 old-time-, pretty-, process-, random-,
 rts-1.0, syb-, template-haskell-, terminfo-0.3.1,
 unix-, utf8-string-0.3.4
 MemoTrie-0.4.5, QuickCheck-, Stream-0.3.1,
 TypeCompose-0.6.4, category-extras-0.53.5, checkers-0.2,
 lazysmallcheck-0.3, reactive-0.11, unamb-0.2.2, vector-space-0.5.7

 I applied your patch to reactive, using the darcs repo of reactive from

 > ./crash
 crash: BothBottom
 [2]16909 exit 1 ./crash

 Should I try different versions of anything?  If so, what?

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #2678: hLookAhead + hSetBuffering = unsupported operation (Illegal seek)

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#2678: hLookAhead + hSetBuffering = unsupported operation (Illegal seek)
Reporter:  igloo |Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug   |   Status:  closed  
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  6.12.1  
   Component:  libraries/base|  Version:  6.8.3   
Severity:  normal|   Resolution:  fixed   
Keywords:|   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:|   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed


 Works in HEAD.  Added a test:

 Tue Jun 16 03:18:01 PDT 2009  Simon Marlow 
   * Add test for #2678

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #3128: hClose leaves file descriptor open if it fails

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#3128: hClose leaves file descriptor open if it fails
Reporter:  Baughn|Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug   |   Status:  closed  
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  6.12.1  
   Component:  libraries/base|  Version:  6.10.1  
Severity:  normal|   Resolution:  fixed   
Keywords:|   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:|   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed



 Tue Jun 16 04:07:55 PDT 2009  Simon Marlow 
   * Fix #3128: file descriptor leak when hClose fails

 and a test:

 Tue Jun 16 04:40:36 PDT 2009  Simon Marlow 
   * add test for #3128

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #3270: Stop using PackedString in template-haskell; drop packedstring as a bootlib

2009-06-16 Thread GHC
#3270: Stop using PackedString in template-haskell; drop packedstring as a 
Reporter:  simonmar  |Owner:  
Type:  proposal  |   Status:  closed  
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  Not GHC 
   Component:  None  |  Version:  6.10.2  
Severity:  normal|   Resolution:  fixed   
Keywords:|   Difficulty:  Unknown 
Testcase:|   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed


 Done.  In template-haskell:

 Fri Jun 12 11:17:36 BST 2009  Simon Marlow 
   * abstractify ModName, PkgName and OccName; drop dependency on

 And ghc:

 Mon May 18 05:09:57 PDT 2009  Simon Marlow 
   * drop packedstring; it is no longer required by template-haskell

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list