Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bug in parallel GHC runtime?

2008-05-29 Thread Simon Marlow

Don Stewart wrote:


Thanks for the bug report.
This should be filed on the GHC bug tracker,

And I've forwarded it to the glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list.

Please try with the 6.8.3 RC we just released.  I fixed a bug that could be 
the cause of this.



Hello all,

 The attached file was compiled by the following command:

ghc -O2 --make -threaded ltest1pl.hs -o alall

When run in a sequential mode, I get this result:
Starting ...
Lst1: 416665
Lst2: 4166916670
T1: 0m 1.0e-6s

On the other hand, when run in a threaded mode, I get the following error:
./alall +RTS -N2
Starting ...
Lst1: 416665
Lst2: 4166916670
T1: 0m 0.0s
Segmentation fault

Is it fault of the GHC runtime, or is it something on my side?

My machine: uname -a
Linux pc 2.6.24-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Mar 30 10:50:22 CEST 2008 x86_64 
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

My ghc: ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.8.2

Thanks and regards

--import Control.Concurrent
--import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Time

import Control.Parallel.Strategies

--import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

sumAllSums [] = 0
sumAllSums l@(_:xs) = sumlist 0 l + sumAllSums xs
  where  sumlist res [] = res   
 sumlist sr  (v:vs) = sumlist (sr+v) vs

wlist2wbs [] = B.pack []
wlist2wbs l@(_:_) = B.pack $ encode l
encode :: Integral a = [Int] - [a]
encode [] = []
encode (x:xs) = 
  if x==0 then 0:0:encode xs

  else fromIntegral (x `mod` 256) : fromIntegral (x `div` 256) : encode xs

main = do
  putStrLn $ Starting ...
  let lst1 = [0..4]
  let lst2 = [0..5]
  let bs1 = wlist2wbs lst1
  let bs2 = wlist2wbs lst2
  tm1 - getClockTime
  let (v1:v2:_) = parMap rnf sumAllSums [lst1,lst2]
  tm1' - getClockTime
  putStrLn (Lst1:  ++ show v1)
  putStrLn (Lst2:  ++ show v2)
  let tdiff1 = diffClockTimes tm1' tm1
  --let tdiff2 = diffClockTimes tm2' tm2
  putStrLn $ T1:  ++ show (tdMin tdiff1) ++ m  ++ show (fromIntegral(tdSec tdiff1) + 
fromIntegral(tdPicosec tdiff1)/1e12) ++ s
  --putStrLn $ T2:  ++ show (tdMin tdiff2) ++ m  ++ show (fromIntegral(tdSec tdiff2) 
+ fromIntegral(tdPicosec tdiff2)/1e12) ++ s
  putStrLn $ show $ {-ibs1 +-} B.index bs1 9 + B.index bs2 4 {-((bs1 + 
fromIntegral (B.index bs2 9)) :: Integer)-}
  putStrLn $ End!

main = do
  tm1 - getClockTime
  putStrLn $ Starting ... 
  mv1 - newEmptyMVar
  mv2 - newEmptyMVar
  t1 - forkIO (putMVar mv1 $! sumAllSums [0..4])
  t2 - forkIO (putMVar mv2 $!  sumAllSums [1..5])
  v1 - takeMVar mv1
  v2 - takeMVar mv2
  killThread t1
  killThread t2
  putStrLn $ Result:  ++ show (v1+v2)
  tm2 - getClockTime
  let tdiff = diffClockTimes tm2 tm1
  putStrLn $ End!  ++ show (tdMin tdiff) ++ m  ++ show (fromIntegral(tdSec tdiff) + 
fromIntegral(tdPicosec tdiff)/1e12) ++ s

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bug in parallel GHC runtime?

2008-05-23 Thread Don Stewart

Thanks for the bug report.
This should be filed on the GHC bug tracker,

And I've forwarded it to the glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list.

 Hello all,
  The attached file was compiled by the following command:
 ghc -O2 --make -threaded ltest1pl.hs -o alall
 When run in a sequential mode, I get this result:
 Starting ...
 Lst1: 416665
 Lst2: 4166916670
 T1: 0m 1.0e-6s
 On the other hand, when run in a threaded mode, I get the following error:
 ./alall +RTS -N2
 Starting ...
 Lst1: 416665
 Lst2: 4166916670
 T1: 0m 0.0s
 Segmentation fault
 Is it fault of the GHC runtime, or is it something on my side?
 My machine: uname -a
 Linux pc 2.6.24-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Mar 30 10:50:22 CEST 2008 x86_64 
 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
 My ghc: ghc --version
 The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.8.2
 Thanks and regards

 --import Control.Concurrent
 --import Control.Concurrent.MVar
 import System.Time
 import Control.Parallel.Strategies
 --import Data.List (foldl')
 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
 sumAllSums [] = 0
 sumAllSums l@(_:xs) = sumlist 0 l + sumAllSums xs
   where  sumlist res [] = res 
  sumlist sr  (v:vs) = sumlist (sr+v) vs
 wlist2wbs [] = B.pack []
 wlist2wbs l@(_:_) = B.pack $ encode l
 encode :: Integral a = [Int] - [a]
 encode [] = []
 encode (x:xs) = 
   if x==0 then 0:0:encode xs
   else fromIntegral (x `mod` 256) : fromIntegral (x `div` 256) : encode xs
 main = do
   putStrLn $ Starting ...
   let lst1 = [0..4]
   let lst2 = [0..5]
   let bs1 = wlist2wbs lst1
   let bs2 = wlist2wbs lst2
   tm1 - getClockTime
   let (v1:v2:_) = parMap rnf sumAllSums [lst1,lst2]
   tm1' - getClockTime
   putStrLn (Lst1:  ++ show v1)
   putStrLn (Lst2:  ++ show v2)
   let tdiff1 = diffClockTimes tm1' tm1
   --let tdiff2 = diffClockTimes tm2' tm2
   putStrLn $ T1:  ++ show (tdMin tdiff1) ++ m  ++ show 
 (fromIntegral(tdSec tdiff1) + fromIntegral(tdPicosec tdiff1)/1e12) ++ s
   --putStrLn $ T2:  ++ show (tdMin tdiff2) ++ m  ++ show 
 (fromIntegral(tdSec tdiff2) + fromIntegral(tdPicosec tdiff2)/1e12) ++ s
   putStrLn $ show $ {-ibs1 +-} B.index bs1 9 + B.index bs2 4 {-((bs1 
 + fromIntegral (B.index bs2 9)) :: Integer)-}
   putStrLn $ End!
 main = do
   tm1 - getClockTime
   putStrLn $ Starting ... 
   mv1 - newEmptyMVar
   mv2 - newEmptyMVar
   t1 - forkIO (putMVar mv1 $! sumAllSums [0..4])
   t2 - forkIO (putMVar mv2 $!  sumAllSums [1..5])
   v1 - takeMVar mv1
   v2 - takeMVar mv2
   killThread t1
   killThread t2
   putStrLn $ Result:  ++ show (v1+v2)
   tm2 - getClockTime
   let tdiff = diffClockTimes tm2 tm1
   putStrLn $ End!  ++ show (tdMin tdiff) ++ m  ++ show 
 (fromIntegral(tdSec tdiff) + fromIntegral(tdPicosec tdiff)/1e12) ++ s

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