About rules

2001-04-05 Thread Josef Svenningsson

Hi all!

I've been playing around with the rules facility a bit. There is a boring
shortcoming when working with infix operators. It seems that the rule
parser doesn't like them at all. The following example gives syntax error:

"plus/mult" forall p . p + p = 2 * p

whereas the following is allright:

"plus/mult" forall p . (+) p p = (*) 2 p

It's not a big problem, but it's rather inconvenient and ugly. Is it easy
to fix?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Q] bootstrapping ghc on netbsd

2001-04-05 Thread fis

 Dear all,

QUESTION: Is there an easy way of keeping ghc-4.08.2 from using any
assembler code when compiling it from .hc files + sources?

DETAILS: Why do I want to do this?  gmp-2.0.2 has some problems
compiling on netbsd machines that can be solved by hiding all
assembler code from the compiler.  Having done so, I managed to
bootstrap on NetBSD 1.3.2, but still have an inplace-compiler failure
on 1.5.  The error message is from the gcc assembler (see below), so I
thought trying a pure C variant might help somewhat.

I undefined i386_{HOST,TARGET,BUILD}_ARCH in $(TOP)/mk/config.mk but
it had no effect.

 thanks for any hints,

rm -f Addr.o ; if [ ! -d Addr ]; then mkdir Addr; else /usr/bin/find Addr -name '*.o' 
-print | xargs rm -f __rm_food ; fi ;   
../../ghc/driver/ghc-inplace -recomp -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C -Rghc-timing 
-I../../ghc/includes  -imonads -static -O  -package-name lang -split-objs-c 
Addr.hc -o Addr.o -osuf o
Funny global thing?: __stg_split_marker1:
Funny global thing?: _module_registered:
Funny global thing?: __init_Addr:
Funny global thing?: __stg_split_marker2:
Funny global thing?: __stg_split_marker3:
Funny global thing?: __stg_split_marker89:
Funny global thing?: __stg_split_marker90:
Prologue junk?: .globl __stg_split_marker2
.globl Addr_lvl_closure
.align 4
.long Addr_lvl_info
.globl Addr_lvl_info
.align 4
.long 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 17
.word 0
.align 4
.globl Addr_lvl_entry

gmake[2]: *** [Addr.o] Error 255

Matthias Fischmann | Research Engineer| +358 (9) 8565 7474
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | SSH Communication Security Corp. | +358 (40) 752 5291

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

New InstallShield for Windows, plus mingwin fix

2001-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas

I have uploaded a new GHC InstallShield for Windows that fixes many recent
problems (including most of the problems with GHC that Mike Thomas reported
in his list of instructions for building H/Direct).

Unless the Cygwin team have acted with unwonted rapidity (which, at the time
of writing, they hadn't), you'll also need to download our version of the
mingwin package (or get the relevant bits from SourceForge). Our zip can
simply be unpacked over an installed Cygwin tree to give you mingwin headers
and libraries that really work.

http://sc3d.org/rrt/ | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

AW: Difficulties compiling hmake / HaXml

2001-04-05 Thread Lescher Christian

Finally I made it till the end, thanks to your very quick replies.
I hope I didn't bother you too much with all the mails.
At last I'd like to give a summary of all the changes been made to the files of the 
"HaXml" release. Perhaps you'll find this information usefull for further releases.

system configuration:
- Win NT 4.0
- cygwin 1.1.8
- ghc 4.08.2
- hmake 2.02 ;)
- HaXml 1.01

The Makefile and the DtdToTypesDefPP.hs were changed.

changes to Makefile:
line 51:
cd lib; hmake XmlLib.hs changed to
cd lib; hmake XmlLib.hs -package lang

line 53:
cd lib; hmake Haskell2Xml.hs->
cd lib; hmake Haskell2Xml.hs -package lang -package text

line 55:
cd lib; hmake Xml2Haskell.hs->
cd lib; hmake Xml2Haskell.hs -package lang

line 61:
cd tools; hmake DtdToHaskell $(INC)
mv tools/DtdToHaskell . ->

cd tools; hmake DtdToHaskell -i../lib -package lang
mv tools/DtdToHaskell.exe .

line 65:
cd examples; hmake Canonicalise $(INC)
mv examples/Canonicalise .  ->

cd examples; hmake Canonicalise -i../lib -package lang
mv examples/Canonicalise.exe .

line 69:
cd tools; hmake Xtract $(INC)
mv tools/Xtract .   ->

cd tools; hmake Xtract -i../lib -package lang
mv tools/Xtract.exe .

line 74:
mv tools/DrIFT/DrIFT .  ->
mv tools/DrIFT/DrIFT.exe .

changes to DtdToTypesDefPP.hs:
line 510:
commaList = hcat . intersperse comma->
-- commaList = hcat . intersperse comma

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