Re: re-opening a closed stdin?

2002-11-25 Thread Albert Lai
"Simon Marlow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It is nice, but it introduces too many problems.  What happens to any
> I/O errors encountered by the lazy I/O?  They have to be discarded,
> which means you can't effectively use lazy I/O for robust applications
> anyway.

Damn, I forgot that "file" means file in the real world, not Platonic
file!  I now agree that it is actually not nice.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: re-opening a closed stdin?

2002-11-22 Thread Albert Lai
"Simon Marlow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> One reason, I think, is lazy I/O(*).  It's to stop you accidentally


> (*) kill it! die! die!

So you want
  main = readFile "/dev/zero" >> return ()
to terminate violantly rather than terminate peacefully? :)

Seriously, I understand that the IO monad is the most intuitive and
robust when it is strict.  But sometimes it is also nice if one could
map a file to a lazy string.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Optimisation and unsafePerformIO

2002-10-29 Thread Albert Lai
"David Sabel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> {-# NOINLINE b #-}
> b x  = if even x then unsafePerformIO getChar else bot
> bot = bot
> main = do
>  putChar (b 4)
>  putChar (b 6)

I am not a compiler implementer (or lawyer, for that matter :)
But I propose this guess.  First, both even 4 and even 6 get
constant-folded to True; so b 4 and b 6 both become unsafePerformIO
getChar.  Then there is a common subexpression elimination.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Docs missing?

2002-07-24 Thread Albert Lai

The doc RPM package for Red Hat 7.3 suffers the same problem as the
SuSE one.  Could someone please give a hand-holding guide so that we
can fix it ourselves?  Please?  Please?
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Double your monad in 30 days

2002-03-05 Thread Albert Lai

Ashley Yakeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Prelude> 0 * 2
> 0

We can generalize this.

import Monad

double_your_monad_in_30_days :: (MonadPlus M) => M a
double_your_monad_in_30_days = mzero `mplus` mzero

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: i368-pc-os2-emx port

2002-02-20 Thread Albert Lai

"Simon Marlow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On the other hand, you'd need something like mingw for OS/2 - does
> such a beast exist?

The substring "emx" refers to an OS/2 version of gcc and libraries
that make OS/2 look really like Unix from the programmer's point of
view.  (It probably even pre-dates cygwin.)  I have two encouraging
stories to tell.  First, for a school assignment, I wrote an OpenGL
program on emx, then ported it to school's Solaris+Mesa ten minutes
before the deadline --- where porting meant removing "#include
".  Second, I wrote a program that used tcpip sockets on Unix,
then merely recompiled it on emx to use it on OS/2 as well.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Congrats to Mandrake

2002-02-20 Thread Albert Lai

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ketil Z. Malde) writes:

> I'm not sure what the point would be, if they are in the
> distributions anyway?  Isn't it better to install them by apt-get or
> up2date or whatever?  (In fact, I had almost thought manually
> downloading packages a thing of the past, but then the IT department
> insisted on Red Hat)

If I, a developer, wrote a program, and some distributions included it
(while others didn't), I would want to acknowledge and thank them in

If I, a potential customer choosing among Linux distributions, liked
to use a program, and I saw on the program home page that so-and-so
distributions included the program, I would arrange my preference

If I, an absent-minded user, heard about some great program from my
friends, and saw on the program home page which distributions included
it, I might realize "Gosh, *my* distribution CD already has it!" and
save some download and install effort.  Remember, I am absent-minded,
so I wouldn't know what's on my CD unless someone stick it on my
face. :)

I probably don't need hyperlinks; I just need to know if my
distribution includes it or not.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Instances of IArray

2002-02-15 Thread Albert Lai

I had looked into the source code of IArray a bit.  Like you have
found, (!) is not a class method.  In fact, none of the claimed class
methods in the doc is a class method, and no class method of IArray is
documented.  Instead, IArray class methods seem to pertain to
implementation details (I mean, "unsafeAt"!), and user operations
such as (!) are constrained polymorphic functions, e.g.,

(!) :: (IArray a e, Ix ix) => a ix e -> ix -> e

>From the user's point of view, there is little difference between a
class method and a class-constrained polymorphic function when the
provided instances are abstract types.  So the documentation is
telling a white lie.  Of course, you see the difference when you
roll your own IArray instance.

I think the white lie is a balance between exposition simplicity
and implementation tuning.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: State Transformer

2002-01-11 Thread Albert Lai

Theodore Norvell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jorge's question raised a question in my mind.  The IOExts
> module has many of the same features as the ST module, why
> are there two ways to do the same thing?  Is the ST module
> only there for legacy purposes?

My user view is that I appreciate the presence of both.

When I write a pure function that can be implemented efficiently in
imperative programming, I want the ST monad to support mutable
variables.  E.g., to implement "f n returns a list of all primes
between 2 and n", I want to use a mutable array and hide it.

When I write an I/O-bound routine that can be implemented conveniently
with state variables, I want the IO monad to support mutable

Now my grief is that I cannot write a subprogram with state variables
and have it reused in ST and IO.  Fortunately I can write a subprogram
with mutable arrays and have it reused in ST and IO, so I can write
"sort a given array"; but I cannot write "increment a given integer

Of course, you can tell me to use mutable arrays of length 1 to
simulate mutable variables.  Fine!

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: State Transformer

2002-01-11 Thread Albert Lai

> > testfunc = do
> >r <- newSTRef ('x',0)
> >foo r
> >bar r
> >(c,n) <- readSTRef r
> >return n

Jorge Adriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yeap, I could do it like this myself :)
> The whole problem is with passing the 'r' as a parameter, which is precisly 
> what I'm trying to avoid.

I agree with you.  My work-around is then to define foo and bar locally
to testfunc, in the scope of r:

testfunc = do
   r <- newSTRef ('x',0)
   let foo = do
 (c,n) <- readSTRef r
 writeSTRef r ('a', n+1)
   bar = do
 (c,n) <- readSTRef r
 writeSTRef r (c,n+2)
   (c,n) <- readSTRef r
   return n

But if this looks like unsatisfactory (it does to me, too), perhaps
you have to go back to DIY monads.

DIY monads are good when: you fix the state variables, you don't want
to mention them in subprogram parameters.

The ST monad is good when: you create more state variables on the fly,
you use mutable arrays, you don't want to write your own monad and
put/get commands.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: State Transformer

2002-01-07 Thread Albert Lai

I will just translate your example from Norvell's DIY state monad to
GHC's ST monad.  As you noticed, GHC's ST monad begins with an "empty"
state and you use some commands to add state variables as you go.
This means the translation is not straightforward.  I hope you still
get the gist of it.

Your hunch is correct: Norvell's applyST becomes GHC's runST.

Your example uses two state variables: a Char and an Int, paired up as
a tuple.  Below, I use one state variable of type (Char,Int) for that,
as hinted by your first attempt at the translation.  foo and bar will
each need to take a parameter --- the reference to the state variable,
due to the reference business.

testfunc = do
   r <- newSTRef ('x',0)
   foo r
   bar r
   (c,n) <- readSTRef r
   return n

foo r = do
(c,n) <- readSTRef r
writeSTRef r ('a', n+1)

bar r = do
(c,n) <- readSTRef r
writeSTRef r (c,n+2)

tryTestFunc = runST testfunc

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc image size

2001-12-17 Thread Albert Lai

Mike Gunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Why is executable size a barrier?  1.64 megabytes (that's the size of
> the executable I built with GHC most recently) of disk space costs less
> than half a cent.

I don't like this argument.  Can I go to a computer store, pay a cent,
and get a hard disk with space 1.64 megabytes or more?  Until then, I
can't believe that 1.64 megabytes of disk space costs less than half a

When a compiler does not perform as good as other compilers (e.g., in
terms of generated code size), it is important to ask: Why does it
happen? Is there anything we can do to improve it?  Being critical is
the first step towards progress.  (Of course these questions should be
asked in a constructive rather than whining way.)  Why would anyone
optimize code for time --- a second of electricity and labour cost
less than a cent...

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Working character by character in Haskell

2001-10-18 Thread Albert Lai

"Andre W B Furtado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> For example, suppose function doSomeStuffWith returns its own parameter.
> Using a 1.5MB file in this case, the Haskell program ends in almost 5
> seconds, while the C program ends in less than 0.5 seconds... Is my Haskell
> program too bad implemented? (I'm using GHC 4.08-1 under a Windows 98
> platform.)

I indeed think that your Haskell program is inefficient and is not a
translation of your C program.  It reverses a huge string, which takes
not only execution time but also garbage collection time and memory,
which entails even more time for OS overhead and swapping out other
things in the physical memory.

(Many programmers complain "my linear-time algorithm takes just 1
second on a 100M list, so why is it taking 5 seconds on a 200M list?"
They forget that because of issues such as cache locality and virtual
memory, their computers do not scale.)

I am wondering that if doSomeStuffWith is pure-functional, why are you
writing and using copyFile instead of just using map?  I mean:

main :: IO ()
main = do
 bmFile <- openFileEx "in.txt" (BinaryMode ReadMode)
 bmString <- hGetContents bmFile
 writeFile "out.txt" (map doSomestuffWith bmString)
 hClose bmFile

Because both hGetContents and map are lazy and use O(1) memory, this
program behaves exactly as your C program plus occasional garbage
collections that don't hurt too much.  In partcular, the OS will see
no difference (although the cache does).

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Student Programming Projects

2001-09-20 Thread Albert Lai

Consider goal-directed theorem prover (or proof checker).  Two existing
samples are in Lawrence Paulson's ML for the Working Programmer, and
yours truly's

The advantage of mine is it illustrates monads.  The advantage of Paulson's
is it doesn't scare people with monads :) and it includes a substitution
library (yet another monad, but shhh) for use in first-order logic.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Confused about enabling parallel ghc

2001-02-14 Thread Albert Lai

I installed ghc 4.08.2 binaries for sparc solaris (and those for intel
linux, too), then tried compiling a sample program (the fibonacci one
in the user guide) with ghc -parallel.  The compiler complained:

Could not find interface file for `Prelude'
in the directories ./*.hi

(and similarly for Parallel.)

Does it mean I must build ghc myself from source?

The user guide promises a lot of binary bundles such as par.  Ever
since 4.0x, the ghc download page ceases to mention them.  Where
are they?

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