Re: Directory-backed Handle?

2010-09-15 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Thanks for your reply.

On 9/15/10, Simon Marlow  wrote:

> The FD implementation of Handles never makes a Handle with an IODeviceType
> of Directory, because openFile is specified to raise an exception when
> applied to a directory.

Yes, that was the only place in the Libraries' code I found that
mentions this device type (which means I haven't missed anything ;)

> Alternatively we could give it a meaning as you suggest - newline-separated
> file names seems like a reasonable interpretation.

It looks like there is no comments in the code for the definition of

I have created a ticket #4317

providing the code comments proposed.

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Directory-backed Handle?

2010-09-14 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

In the GHC I/O system, a Handle may be backed by a "device" (IODevice
instance) with IODeviceType = Directory

There doesn't seem to be any (at least Google search did not give
anything) code that uses this; however, what is supposed to be read
from such a Handle: newline-separated list of filenames (like in
getDirectoryContents), or some sort of serialized FileStatus
structures, or anything else?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Alternative (per-project) package database

2010-06-29 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Summarizing my findings (I couldn't find solution to this problem
anywhere; maybe somebody else gets interested as well).

Experimental setting:

A simple package targeting a hello-world like application. We will
keep all dependent upon packages in a subdir named .private-pkg
All commands are run from within this project directory.


Initialize packages database

ghc-pkg init .private-pkg

Clone few initial packages from the existing installation:

ghc-pkg describe  |
(GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/.private-pkg/ ghc-pkg register -)

These packages are (in this order): ffi, rts, ghc-prim, integer-gmp,
base- (or whatever base-4 you have)

If just "base" is specified, ghc-pkg will attempt to dump the
description of base-3.x.x.x package which is not what we need.

Check that packages are installed without problems.

$ GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/.private-pkg/ ghc-pkg list

Try to install some package (for simplicity, choose `bytestring' as it
has only base in dependencies).

(export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/.private-pkg/; cabal install bytestring
--package-db=$GHC_PACKAGE_PATH --prefix=`pwd`)

$ GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/.private-pkg/ ghc-pkg list

Our test executable looks like this:

module Main where

import System.Directory

main = do
  putStrLn "Hello Private World"
  getDirectoryContents "." >>= putStrLn . show

So we have to include `directory' as dependency in the project's cabal
file. Let's build the executable:

(export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/.private-pkg/; cabal install
--package-db=$GHC_PACKAGE_PATH --prefix=`pwd`)

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring filepath-
Preprocessing library filepath-
Building filepath-
[1 of 3] Compiling System.FilePath.Windows (
System/FilePath/Windows.hs, dist/build/System/FilePath/Windows.o )
[2 of 3] Compiling System.FilePath.Posix ( System/FilePath/Posix.hs,
dist/build/System/FilePath/Posix.o )
[3 of 3] Compiling System.FilePath  ( System/FilePath.hs,
dist/build/System/FilePath.o )
Registering filepath-
Installing library in /home/dima/src/hello-pvt/lib/filepath-
Building directory-
[1 of 1] Compiling System.Directory ( System/Directory.hs,
dist/build/System/Directory.o )
Registering directory-
Installing library in
Registering directory-
Configuring hello-pvt-0.1...
Preprocessing executables for hello-pvt-0.1...
Building hello-pvt-0.1...
Linking dist/build/hello-pvt/hello-pvt ...
Installing executable(s) in /home/dima/src/hello-pvt/bin

$ GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/.private-pkg/ ghc-pkg list

Thus, everything needed got compiled and installed under the project's
directory. So it will be easy to clean everything up just by removing
bin, lib, and .private-pkg subdirs (or choose a better prefix for
cabal install, so everything will install in a single location).

So, cabal does work in project-private mode. Maybe developers of
cabal-install would consider adding such mode to the program, so all
these extra options will not be needed. Of course votes from other
users will increase the chance of such addition ;)


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Alternative (per-project) GHC package database?

2010-06-29 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Marc Weber wrote:

> If you want to give hack-nix a try you can get what you're looking for
> by running these two commands:

> hack-nix --build-env
> . ./default-env

> However you have to install Nix once.

I thought I could stay within Cabal without adding Nix, however Nix
was on my mind.

My initial thought is: for bootstrapping, I could dump package
descriptions from the global database for few basic packages (rts,
ghc-prim, base, etc.) and run them through ghc-pkg register with
GHC_PACKAGE_PATH set to cover only per-project package conf directory.

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Alternative (per-project) GHC package database?

2010-06-29 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

I would like to have a completely per-project configuration of GHC
installed packages. Suppose I have a project (targeting one or more
executables) directory:


and a (initially empty) subdirectory in it:


and GHC and Cabal are run like

cd /my/project ; GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=/my/project/packages cabal install

so the default global and user package configurations are not visible
when building the project.

How can I bootstrap a fresh minimal working GHC package configuration
at the empty location?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

GHC.IO.Device and "ready" method?

2010-06-25 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Should an implementation of GHC.IO.Device expect the `ready' method to
be called from a thread different than one waiting for an I/O
operation on a handle to complete, while that operation is in

As a more general question, are GHC Handles (and underlying
implementations of GHC.IO.Device and GHC.IO.BufferedIO) expected to be

I would be happy to store the id of the thread that calls mkFileHandle
somewhere in the underlying `dev' and simply reject all I/O requests
that come from other threads, but is this correct/permitted behavior?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Thread-backed handles: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

2010-06-22 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Simon Marlow  wrote:

> So the problem is that fillReadBuffer has to return 0 to indicate EOF, but
> you are killing the slave thread as soon as it has reached the end of the
> stream.  So you get one call to fillReadBuffer that returns the data up to
> the end of the stream, and the next call that should return 0 blocks on the
> Chan indefinitely because the slave thread has already been killed.

Thanks for your reply.

Updated paste:

I enclosed readChan in a catchException call which seems to have cured
the problem: it just simulates EOF on the handle if the thread is
blocked (channel vanished). Interestingly that in the failing version,
handle closing was done in a separate thread (thread 3), but in the
updated version it was the same thread 1.

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Thread-backed handles: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

2010-06-20 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

I am experimenting with the new feature in GHC such as custom Handles.
I use GHC 6.12.2, base

I have pasted the code in question as

I am trying to create a Handle using a thread as data producer. In my
example is is a union of directories, and the Handle contents is
newline-separated list of full paths of all files in the union. This
list is produced by a thread which reads contents of all directories
in the union, turns them into absolute filenames, and sends to the
channel. The method of BufferedIO responsible for filling in the
Handle's buffer reads data from the channel and places it in the

The problem is, after the contents of the Handle (via hGetContents)
has been consumed, the program crashes with the following message:

: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

that is, the BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar exception has occurred.

What is done wrong in my code? The dirClose method seems to be called
(its output shows up), however with or without the call to killThread,
the exception occurs anyway.

Thanks for any ideas.

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Default value for numCapabilities?

2010-04-28 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Can the documentation for forkProcess be fixed then? Instead of
"forkProcess comes with a giant warning..." it could say: "forkProcess
is not supported by GHC in multicore setting".

PS I have created ticket #4027 with more detailed proposal.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Simon Marlow  wrote:
> On 28/04/2010 03:02, Dimitry Golubovsky wrote:

>> this limitation? rawSystem works fine from within a thread started by
>> forkIO, but why cannot I use forkProcess?
> No good reason, other than it's tremendously difficult to implement.

Thank you.

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Default value for numCapabilities?

2010-04-27 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Interesting: my program is compiled with -threaded, and when I run it
with +RTS -N I get:

: forking not supported with +RTS -N greater than 1

This is probably about forkProcess rather than forkIO/forkOS, but why
this limitation? rawSystem works fine from within a thread started by
forkIO, but why cannot I use forkProcess?

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan  wrote:

> With 6.12.1 and newer, no "-N" argument implies 1 core, "-Nk" implies
> k cores, and "-N" without an argument means "use all".

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Default value for numCapabilities?

2010-04-27 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

All I need is to know how many cores I have. In my program, I can run
some actions in parallel, and knowing the number of cores helps set
the maximum number of parallel processes. These processes are in fact
external programs (CPU-intensive but not memory intensive, so number
of cores is main factor) rather than GHC threads.

I think I just need to check this experimentally as I have a 4-core
(Atom) and 1-core (Via) PCs and see what numCapabilities returns.

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Default value for numCapabilities?

2010-04-27 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

As a followup to the discussion [1] about the portable way to find the
number of CPUs/cores: how is the default value of numCapabilities [2]
set when +RTS -N is not on the command line?

Does GHC runtime figure out the number of cores itself, or it is by
default 1 unless specified on the command line?



Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Why hide Distribution.Compat.FilePath, or what to use instead?

2007-07-15 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky


I'm trying to bring HSFFIG in order and make it work with GHC 6.6 and
the modern package structure. I have found out that the
Distribution.Compat.FilePath module (which used to be System.FilePath
in its former life) is hidden:

   Could not find module `Distribution.Compat.FilePath':
 it is hidden (in package Cabal-

I cannot use the new FilePath package because it does not have
function like exeExtension.

Other functions (splitFileExt, parseSearchPath, joinFileName, join
FileExt) probably have their analogs in the new package. What else can
I use for exeExtension?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Exception when compiling HAppS

2007-01-07 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky


On 1/7/07, Kirsten Chevalier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

By way of figuring out which system call is getting interrupted, can
you run your "runghc" command with strace, like so:
bash$ strace [whatever you were typing to build happs before]
and paste the last couple of lines of strace's output?

Surprisingly, tonight I was able to get past that file, and compiled
the whole package. So the question remains in semi-closed state. I
hope that future versions of GHC will be more informative of which
child process caused such error.

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Exception when compiling HAppS

2007-01-07 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky


On 1/7/07, Kirsten Chevalier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am getting a strange error message when trying to compile
> HAppS-0.8.4 with ghc-6.4.1always on the same file.
> *** Exception: waitForProcess: interrupted (Interrupted system call)

This could mean a lot of things. What OS and platform are you using?

bash$ uname -a
Linux dmghome 2.2.16 #9 Mon Sep 16 22:43:25 EDT 2002 i686 unknown

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Exception when compiling HAppS

2007-01-07 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky


I am getting a strange error message when trying to compile
HAppS-0.8.4 with ghc-6.4.1always on the same file.

bash$ runghc Setup.hs configure --prefix=/previous/public/HAppS
The field "hs-source-dir" is deprecated, please use hs-source-dirs.
Setup.hs: Warning: No license-file field.
Configuring HAppS-0.8.4...
configure: Using install prefix: /previous/public/HAppS
configure: Using compiler: /previous/public/ghc-6.4.1/bin/ghc
configure: Compiler flavor: GHC
configure: Compiler version: 6.4.1
configure: Using package tool: /previous/public/ghc-6.4.1/bin/ghc-pkg
configure: No haddock found
configure: No happy found
configure: No alex found
configure: Using hsc2hs: /previous/public/ghc-6.4.1/bin/hsc2hs
configure: No c2hs found
configure: Using cpphs: /previous/public/nhc98/bin/cpphs
configure: No greencard found
configure: Dependency base-any: using base-1.0
configure: Dependency fps>=0.8: using fps-0.8
configure: Dependency HaXml>=1.13&&<1.14: using HaXml-1.13.2
configure: Dependency mtl-any: using mtl-1.0
configure: Dependency network-any: using network-1.0
configure: Dependency stm-any: using stm-1.0
configure: Dependency template-haskell-any: using template-haskell-1.0

bash$ runghc Setup.hs build
The field "hs-source-dir" is deprecated, please use hs-source-dirs.
Preprocessing library HAppS-0.8.4...
Building HAppS-0.8.4...
Chasing modules from:
Skipping  HAppS.Util.ByteStringCompat (
dist/build/HAppS/Util/ByteStringCompat.o )
Skipping  HAppS.Protocols.SURI.ParseURI (
dist/build/HAppS/Protocols/SURI/ParseURI.o )
Compiling HAppS.Protocols.HTTP.LazyLiner (
dist/build/HAppS/Protocols/HTTP/LazyLiner.o )
*** Exception: waitForProcess: interrupted (Interrupted system call)

bash$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.4.1

bash$ ghc-pkg -l
   rts-1.0, base-1.0, haskell98-1.0, template-haskell-1.0, unix-1.0,
   parsec-1.0, haskell-src-1.0, network-1.0, QuickCheck-1.0,
   HUnit-1.1, mtl-1.0, fgl-5.2, X11-1.1, HGL-3.1, stm-1.0,
   readline-1.0, (lang-1.0), (concurrent-1.0), (posix-1.0),
   (util-1.0), (data-1.0), (text-1.0), (net-1.0), (hssource-1.0),
   NewBinary-0.1, Crypto-2.1.0, HTTP-2005.11.23, hxt-5.3,
   CabalFind-0.2, Cabal-1.1.3, FilePath-0.1.0, UNISTD-0.0, DB-4.2,
   SYSLOG-0.0, XPROTO-0.0, HSFFIG-1.1, BF-0.0, Fudgets-0.1,
   (cpphs-1.3), HaXml-1.13.2, fps-0.8

Has anybody encountered this?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Packages: exposed, hidden, available (was: Packages and Modules)

2006-07-05 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Simon Marlow wrote:
In fact, we can imagine three states that a package could be in:

  - exposed: the package's modules populate the global module namespace,
explicit "from" imports may be used to resolve ambiguity

  - hidden: the package cannot be used at all

  - available: the package can be used only by an explicit "from"
import (this is rather like a qualified import at the package
level, and might be useful if you want to use a package with
module names that overlap with local modules).

I'd suggest the following sub-definition for "available" (other name
could be "transient"):

A package which is "available" is not "installed" at (immediately
known to) a particular developer's system, as opposed to "exposed" and
"hidden" which are "installed".

When a package/program is being built that requires a package which is
not installed, three options are available:

 - a package is located (on the Internet, using Cabal-get or
Cabalfind, or manual search), downloaded, and installed (i. e. becomes
known to the developer's system), and gets into "exposed" or "hidden"

 - a package is located, downloaded temporarily (i. e. cached) on the
developer's system*, used for a particular package that requires it
and discarded afterwards (or lives for some time in the cache).**

 - package cannot be found (Internet search fails)

* just due to the fact that existing OS's generally distinguish
between local and network resources. If we imagine some sort of "http
file system" or "darcs file system" that mount URLs/repos to local
file system entries then explicit downloading is not necessary. The
latter may be (or already is) implemented as user-level file systems
with recent Linux kernels.

** one might think about "lazy package resolution" i. e. only minimal
subset of packages like base, mtl, network, etc that generally come
with GHC/other compiler are installed on a developer's system, and the
rest of packages are transient/cached on demand.

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[glasgow-haskell-users] Searchpath vs. Cabalfind (was: installing a Cabal package non-exposed)

2006-06-16 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky


S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

Searchpath allows you easily to give each application its own
namespace and automates import chasing accross the internet.  It is a
work in progress and is definitely less refined than cabal, but if you
are having this sort of issue you might want to try it out.  See

Looks very interesting. However I couldn't get anything like
""; in a browser (nor with http: nor
from it says "unknown host".

I am just curious: instead of querying a centralized database, have
you tried any way to get modules' locations from search engines?

I wish I could see what "" looks like, then I could see
better whether what Cabalfind gets from Google could be an

Not that I am pushing for Cabalfind in any way; just curious.

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Memory leak in Fudgets

2006-03-03 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
I wrote a very simple Fudgets program (just copies stdin to stdout, no
graphics involved)

 leaktest.hs --

module Main where

import Graphics.UI.Fudgets.Fudgets

main = fudlogue (stdoutF >==< stdinF)

and ran it like this:

yes | leaktest

I found out that the program grows in memory. Its "traditional" analog:

 leaktest2.hs -

module Main where

import System.IO

main = do hGetLine stdin >>= hPutStrLn stdout

works in constant space.

I tried to observe the GC realtime stats with +RTS -Sstderr -M600K

It turns out, garbage is collected, number of allocated and collected
bytes are mostly constant, and number of live bytes fluctuates, but
averagely stays the same:

AllocCollectLiveGCGC TOT TOT  Page Flts
bytes bytes bytes  user  elapuserelap
   316720262144  9528  0.00  144  499  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144 22188  0.01  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144  8276  0.00  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144 24612  0.01  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144 10680  0.00  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144 23376  0.00  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144  9444  0.00  (Gen:  0)
   262012262144 25492  0.00  (Gen:  0)

... program grows to 10M .

   262128262144  1684  0.01  0.01   42.33   66.1000  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144 13396  0.01  0.01   42.34   66.1100  (Gen:  0)
   262124262144 25540  0.01  0.01   42.35   66.1200  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144 11988  0.00  0.00   42.35   66.1300  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144  1760  0.00  0.00   42.36   66.1400  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144 14464  0.00  0.00   42.37   66.1500  (Gen:  0)
   262128262144  1656  0.00  0.00   42.37   66.1600  (Gen:  0)

 and was interrupted ...

1,614,769,480 bytes allocated in the heap
 78,801,952 bytes copied during GC
 25,624 bytes maximum residency (6160 sample(s))

   6160 collections in generation 0 ( 10.35s)

  1 Mb total memory in use

  INIT  time0.01s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time   32.01s  ( 55.38s elapsed)
  GCtime   10.35s  ( 10.78s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time   42.37s  ( 66.16s elapsed)

  %GC time  24.4%  (16.3% elapsed)

  Alloc rate50,430,027 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  75.5% of total user, 48.4% of total elapsed

So, what could be the reason of such memory leak? What else may grow
if the heap remains constant? How can it be observed?

Any ideas are welcome.

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

The -static option of ghc, and choice between user-supplied library types (Unix)

2006-01-11 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
The Paragraph 4.10.7 of the GHC users guide contains this:

Tell the linker to avoid shared Haskell libraries, if possible. This
is the default.

Tell the linker to use shared Haskell libraries, if available (this
option is only supported on Mac OS X at the moment, and also note that
your distribution of GHC may not have been supplied with shared

As I understand, this is related to the GHC own libraries. What about
user-supplied libraries (listed in the `extra-libraries' field of a
Cabal package description) e. g.:

extra-libraries: gd, jpeg, m


There are usually files like libm.a and together in the same
directory where GHC looks for libraries.

Does the -static / -dynamic ghc flag affect the choice which library
to link against?Or, to control this, one has to descend to the linker
options, and the default would be the linker default?

I believe, this is Unix-specific: AFAIR on Windows (and OS/2) dynamic
implibs were indistinguishable by their names from static libraries
and had the .lib suffix anyway?

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Unboxed types and FFI (GHC Users Guide, Section 8.1.1)

2005-12-30 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
The section 8.1.1 of the GHC User's Guide says this:

The following unboxed types may be used as basic foreign types (see
FFI Addendum, Section 3.2): Int#, Word#, Char#, etc

Does this mean that when declaring a foreign function import for a C function

int fun(int)

I may write

foreign import ccall "bla.h fun"

fun :: Int# -> Int#

instead of using CInt?

Are there any examples of using unboxed types with FFI?
Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Two issues bulding ghc 6.4.1

2005-12-26 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Dimitry Golubovsky wrote:

2. Error while assembling (or mangling?) ForeignObj.lhs; fragments of 
make output below (long lines wrapped/truncated, the whole file is too 
long to post it here but I'll provide it if needed):

This one has been fixed by installing gcc-2.95.2 and building using it.

I am not very much familiar with the new GHC Wiki; does there exist a 
page on "tools compatibility" or similar?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Two issues bulding ghc 6.4.1

2005-12-25 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
I have encountered two issues trying to build ghc-6.4.1 from the source 

1. (fixed) GNU make v 3.79 does not work (was discussed on irc 
yesterday: at least two people including myself got this issue), v 3.80 
works. If not already in FAQ/wiki perhaps worth including.

2. Error while assembling (or mangling?) ForeignObj.lhs; fragments of 
make output below (long lines wrapped/truncated, the whole file is too 
long to post it here but I'll provide it if needed):


../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend -optdep-s 
-optdepp -osuf o-H16m -O -ign


2005-08-12 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
I am trying to understand the role of cmm files in the current GHC
compiler build process (I am guessing, they have replaced .hc files
like PrimOps and AutoApply).

They are compiled by the stage1 compiler. Is ability to compile cmm
preserved in the compiler finally built at stage3 and installed?

What compiler flags are available for cmm files compilation? The
User's guide says nothing specific. Are -E, -C, -S available (along
with -c and -fvia-c seen in the nightly build log)?

Dimitry Golubovsky

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

-split-objs and --make together?

2005-07-28 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Is it possible to use --make when one or more of modules involved are split?

I tried this with ghc 6.2.2

I do the following (doesn't work)

Suppose we have syscall.hs and UNISTD_H.hs: the first contains Main and 
imports UNISTD_H, and the second is to be split.

mkdir UNISTD_H_split
ghc -c -split-objs UNISTD_H.hs
ar cq libUNISTD_H.a UNISTD_H_split/*.o

I get the library and the  .hi file: no .o file

   ghc --make syscall.hs libUNISTD_H.a -o syscall

It tries to recompile UNISTD_H.hs because there is no UNISTD_H.o, and 
links against the object file, not the library

When I try

   ghc syscall.hs libUNISTD.a -o syscall

it works, and only syscall.hs is recompiled, but I cannot use --make.

I tried to name the library UNISTD_H.a, same result.

Is it possible to get ghc recognize the library same way as if it were 
an object file (which corresponds to the interface file) and use --make?

PS1 This is for that experiment with hsffig when the header file 
contains functions undefined in the default glibc. Linking against the 
library with split objs works fine, and executable size is much smaller, 
and unresolved references are gone. Only ability to use --make is 
missing here.

PS2 It would be nice if the perl script splitting the assembler code 
also created the directory where the split object files go.

Dimitry Golubovsky
Middletown, CT

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Unicode in GHC 6.2.2 and 6.4.x (was: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unicode.hs)

2005-07-16 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Dear List Subscribers,

Simon Marlow wrote:

On 30 June 2005 14:36, Dimitry Golubovsky wrote:

It is in CVS now, and I believe will be in 6.4.1

Not planned for 6.4.1, but definitely in 6.6.

I have put those files that work for me in GHC 6.2.2 (Unicode support) 
for download. Please read the Wiki page:

for instructions.

Any feedback will be appreciated. I believe, the code will work with GHC 
6.4.x as well. Please let me know if there are any problems.

Dimitry Golubovsky
Middletown, CT

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Cabal and older versions of GHC

2005-07-11 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
Is it possible to use Cabal with older versions (e. g. 6.0 to 6.2.2) of GHC?

Some time later, I am going to release HSFFIG as a package. To be
usable with GHC 6.2.2, can it be packaged with Cabal, or do I have to
use ghc-pkg?

If I use ghc-pkg, is there a way to convert such a package into Cabal?

I am not going to upgrade to GHC 6.4.x any time soon, so what are my
options in using Cabal with 6.2.2?

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Suggestion for hsc2hs (structures with commas)

2005-06-14 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
I came across the following issue in hsc2hs:

when requesting a size of a C structure with #size (or similarly this
may apply to #peek, #poke, #offset macros), and the structure is
declared "anonymously", and contains multiple field declaration of the
same type such as:

struct {int ab,cd;}

then #size(struct {int ab,cd;}) will result in

hsc_size(struct {int ab,cd;})

which will fail because of the comma inside the structure makes the
macro recognize 2 arguments instead of 1.

GCC's preprocessor allows variadic macros defined like

#define __quote__(x...) x

If hsc_size is called:

hsc_size(__quote__(struct {int ab,cd;}))

then error does not occur.


hsc_peek(__quote__(struct {int ab,cd;}),cd)

because __quote__ is scanned first, and its result is treated as a
single argument.

I looked through, but could not find any other way to quote
macro arguments.

Is it possible to update hsc2hs (Main.hs I believe) to emit macro
calls involving C types in the way described above?

i. e. #size(t) becomes hsc_size(__quote__(t)),
#peek(t,f) becomes hsc_peek(__quote__(t),f) etc.

when hsc2hs generates the C file from a hsc source.

PS I am working with hsc2hs from the GHC 6.2.2 distribution. I
couldn't find such fixes in the changelog since then.

I believe, the person maintaining hsc2hs might be able to implement
these fixes faster than if I tried.

PPS This will work with GCC, but I am not sure abouth other compilers
(like Microsoft C)

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Unicode in GHC: need more advice

2005-01-14 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
Simon Marlow wrote:

You're doing fine - but a better place for the tables is as part of the
base package, rather than the RTS.  We already have some C files in the
base package: see libraries/base/cbits, for example.  I suggest just
putting your code in there.
I have done that - now GHCi recognizes those symbols and loads fine. The 
test program also works when compiled. I still got some messages about 
missing prototypes and implicitly declared functions that I defined 
instead of libc functions, especially during Stage 1. I need to check 
into that, but since all those functions are basically int -> int, it 
does not affect the result.

The code I use is some draft code, based on what I submitted for Hugs 
(pure Unicode basically, even without extra space characters).

Now I need more advice on which "flavor" of Unicode support to 
implement. In Haskell-cafe, there were 3 flavors summarized: I am 
reposting the table here (its latest version).

   |Sebastien's| Marcin's | Hugs
 alnum | L* N* | L* N*| L*, M*, N* <1>
 alpha | L*| L*   | L* <1>
 cntrl | Cc| Cc Zl Zp | Cc
 digit | N*| Nd   | '0'..'9'
 lower | Ll| Ll   | Ll <1>
 punct | P*| P*   | P*
 upper | Lu| Lt Lu| Lu Lt <1>
 blank | Z* \t\n\r | Z*(except| ' ' \t\n\r\f\v U+00A0
 \t\n\v\f\r U+0085
<1>: for characters outside Latin1 range. For Latin1 characters
(0 to 255), there is a lookup table defined as
"unsigned char   charTable[NUM_LAT1_CHARS];"
I did not post the contents of the table Hugs uses for the Latin1 part. 
However, with that table completely removed, Hugs did not work properly. 
So its contents somehow differs from what Unicode defines for that 
character range. If needed, I may decode that table and post its mapping 
of character categories (keeping in mind that those are 
Haskell-recognized character categories, not Unicode)

I am not asking for discussion in this list again. I rather expect some 
 suggestion from the GHC team leads, which flavor (of shown above, or 
some combination of the above) to implement.

One more question that I had when experimenting with Hugs: if a 
character (like those extra blank chars) is forced into some category 
for the purposes of Haskell language compilation (per the Report), does 
this mean that any other Haskell application should recognize 
Haskell-defined category of that character rather than Unicode-defined?

For Hugs, there were no choice but say Yes, because both compiler and 
interpreter used the same code to decide on character category. In GHC 
this may be different.

Since Hugs got there first, does it make sense just follow what was done 
here, or will a different decision be adopted for GHC: say, for the 
Parser, extra characters are forced to be blank, but for the rest of the 
programs compiled by GHC, Unicode definitions are adhered to.

PS The latest rebuild I did, used ghc with new code compiled in as Stage 
1 compiler.

Dimitry Golubovsky
Middletown, CT
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Unicode in GHC: need some advice on building

2005-01-10 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
Following up the discussion in Haskell-Cafe about ways to bring better 
Unicode support in GHC.

I may take care on putting this into the GHC runtime, but I need some 
advice as I am completely new to this.

What needs to be done primarily, is to replace the FFI calls made from 
GHC.Unicode (iswupper, islower etc.) with functions implemented directly 
in the runtime, or in an external library (independent from libc).

I tried to do this in two ways. First, I made a shared object containing 
substitutes for these functions (draft code, based on what I submitted 
for Hugs some time ago), and LD_PRELOADed it. Everything went fine, and 
my small test program worked both compiled to binary and in GHCi (it 
just coredumped when towlower/towupper was called on non-ASCII character 
without the substitution library).

Bad thing is, LD_PRELOAD does not work on all systems. So I tried to put 
the code directly into the runtime (where I believe it should be; the 
Unicode properties table is packed, and won't eat much space). I renamed 
foreign function names in GHC.Unicode (to avoid conflict with libc 
functions) adding u_ to them (so now they are u_iswupper, etc). I placed 
the new file into ghc/rts, and the include file into ghc/includes. I 
could not avoid messages about missing prototypes for u_... functions , 
but finally I was able to build ghc. Now when I compiled my test program 
with the rebuilt ghc, it worked without the LD_PRELOADed library. 
However, GHCi could not start complaining that it could not see these 
u_... symbols. I noticed some other entry points into the runtime like 
revertCAFs, or getAllocations, declared in the Haskell part of GHCi just 
as other foreign calls, so I just followed the same style - partly 

Where am I wrong?
Another thing, this might be done without intervention into the sources, 
just as an external library. Which would be the best placement for the 
library, so it would load/compile in automatically?

I tried to find information in the GHC Commentary, but it did not give 
me much.

Dimitry Golubovsky
Middletown, CT
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: To show or not to show french accents

2003-12-18 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
I would support the point of view that show should output escapes when 
showing characters outside ASCII. This is sort of a "transport" format 
(together with read), therefore it must be a GCD for all possible input 

UTF-8 might be alternative, but it would require to be equally supported 
by all Haskell implementations.

Dmitry M. Golubovsky
  South Lyon, MI
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Marshalling functions was: Transmitting Haskell values

2003-10-28 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Hal Daume III wrote:
Hmm... I can write out functions using the "Show (a -> b)" instance, but
there's no matching "Read (a -> b)".

Show (a -> b) is a bogus instances -- you won't actually be able to use it 
for marshalling functions.
Well, marshalling functions (or storing-restoring some internal forms of 
them) might be especially nice... This would mean I can declare and 
compile a function on my side of a network connection (for example), and 
then send it to the other end for evaluation, and then get the result. 
Like a database request. Is this something absolutely impossible in 
Haskell and by what reason? Just because of strong typing (forgive my 
stupidity ;)? Or are there some deeper theoretical limitations?

Dmitry M. Golubovsky
  South Lyon, MI
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Sending wide characters over the network socket

2003-07-05 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
Glynn Clements wrote:

To be more general: how would I send arbitrary binary data (stream of 
octets) over a socket or a file handle? Should I always assume that only 
lower bytes would be sent, and this will be forever in ghc?

Yes. Well, maybe not forever, but for the forseeable future.
Well, if it were there forever then one might rely upon it and just 
construct appropriate String containing only bottom octets in proper 

Or is it a bug?

No. It's just a fundamental design flaw in Haskell. Presumably someone
thought that wide-character support was just a question of defining
Char, and forgot about a minor issue called "I/O".
Perhaps not Haskell itself; this is just a language (i. e. a tool to 
describe some program logic). I think the problem is: I/O functions 
expose the underlying OS (Unix, Windows) to a program, and that OS has 
absolutely no knowledge of what String is in Haskell (or Java for 
example). So data chunks must be presented to those functions in the way 
 that the OS understands best. In other words, array of octets fits 
better than String. In Java runtime, this gap is filled with a bulky 
layer of various XXXOutputStream's and a bunch of encodings. I guess, 
Haskell implementation could just enhance the IO subsystem by adding 
functions taking arrays of octets as their arguments instead of 
String's. This would not break compatibility with existing programs 
using String's.

What would be really nice to have is some sort of object input/output 
over network. Then, by sending a String, I would expect it to be 
recreated at the other end. And if the other end expects, say [Int] then 
an error would be detected. I haven't looked through the whole GHC 
runtime, and maybe something like this is already there, any clue is 

Dmitry M. Golubovsky
  South Lyon, MI
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Sending wide characters over the network socket

2003-07-05 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

I have tried to send a string of Unicode characters over a socket (or to 
write it into a file handle). The result is strange: it looks like 
characters are truncated down to their least significant bytes.

Here is my program (I am new in Haskell, so the code may look not so 
good, but it illustrates what I am trying to achieve)


module Main where

import IO
import Char
import Control.Concurrent
import Network.Socket
--  A string of wide characters

wide = [chr 0x1234, chr 0x5678, chr 0x4321, chr 0x8765, chr 0x102345]

--  Function to "narrow" characters to their least significant byte

narrow s = map (\c -> chr $ (ord c) `mod` 256) s

--  Decode string printing all of its characters' order numbers

strtodec str = foldr1 (++) ( map (\c -> " "++show(ord c)++" ") str)

--  Server: receive a string and print it decoded,
--  narrow it and print it again.
--  It does not actually loop, though it could
sock <- socket AF_INET Stream 6
ia <- inet_addr ""
bindSocket sock $ SockAddrInet 2323 ia
listen sock 15
srvloop sock where
srvloop sock = do
(acsock,from) <- accept sock
instr <- recv acsock 128
putStrLn $ "Received: "
++(strtodec instr)
putStrLn $ "Lower Bytes: "
++(strtodec $ narrow instr)
sClose acsock
sClose sock
--  Client: send a string of wide characters

threadDelay 100
sock <- socket AF_INET Stream 6
ia <- inet_addr ""
connect sock $ SockAddrInet 2323 ia
cnt <- send sock wide
putStrLn $ "Sent "++(show cnt)++" bytes"
putStrLn $ "Source was: "++(strtodec wide)
sClose sock
threadDelay 100
forkIO (server)

And here is its output


Sent 5 bytes
Source was:  4660  22136  17185  34661  1057605
Received:  52  120  33  101  69
Lower Bytes:  52  120  33  101  69

Honestly, I expected that 20 bytes were sent (or something smaller if 
they were sent in UTF), and "Received" be identical to "Source was". The 
last string of output is just to check whether those are indeed lower 
bytes shown, not some garbage.

I am using a binary distribution of GHC 6.0 on Linux - are there any 
special conditions I have to enable for the source distribution to be 
able to send/receive Unicode characters?

To be more general: how would I send arbitrary binary data (stream of 
octets) over a socket or a file handle? Should I always assume that only 
lower bytes would be sent, and this will be forever in ghc? Or is it a bug?

The problem is, Handle/Socket functions require a String to be the type 
of data to exchange; not a, say [Int8]. Therefore, I need to be able to 
coerce my binary data buffer to a String.

PS Of course, I could write my own socket functions, but I am looking 
for a more or less "pure" Haskell solution.

PPS I tried this only with GHC.

Dmitry M. Golubovsky
  South Lyon, MI
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Changes in the Core language file syntax since GHC5.02?

2003-06-22 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

I asked this in the fa.haskell newsgroup, but since this is more 
GHC-specific, maybe this list is a better place to ask.

I am trying to learn the syntax of Core language files using the paper 
by Andrew Tolmach named "An External Representation for the GHC Core 
Language". This was a draft for the version 5.02. Have there been any 
improvements to the Core language definitions since that version and 
during the v6.0 implementation? Are they summarized in a document? Or 
maybe a fresher version of the paper is available?


Dmitry M. Golubovsky
  South Lyon, MI
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list