Re: runghc -fdefer-type-errors

2013-03-12 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Isaac Dupree wrote:
 On 03/11/2013 07:04 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 Aha.  It is indeed true that

 ghc -fdefer-type-errors -w

 does not suppress the warnings that arise from the type errors;
 indeed there is no current way to do so.  How to do that?

 To be kosher there should really be a flag to switch off those
 warnings alone, perhaps -fno-warn-type-errors

 So then -fwarn-type-errors is on by default, but is only relevant
 when -fdefer-type-errors is on.  Once -fdefer-type-errors is on,
 -fno-warn-type-errors and -fwarn-type-errors suppress or enable the
 warnings.  -w would then include -fno-warn-type-errors.

 GCC has a concept -Werror=unused-variable for example: each
 warning can be disabled, a warning, or an error.  If GHC had that, we
 could have type-errors be a warning whose default state is -Werror.
 That's cleaner in a certain way, but it also seems fishy.  Just
 throwing the idea out there.

I don't know which way GHC would like to go, but I can comment on the
GCC feature as I have direct experience here.

For a long time I was very reluctant to the fine-grained warning categories;
rather I preferred a much coarser grained warning categories; my thinking was
that warnings or questionable coding practices come in cluster (I still do.)
Remember that the more nobs you give user to control the compiler, the larger
your test matrix becomes and the higher is the probability of untested
and/or incoherent compiler switch combinations.

However, several fellow GCC developers felt otherwise -- many citing the
pressure of the competition (e.g. icc, clang, etc.), so I eventually gave in
but under the condition that we still maintain the coarse-grained warning
categories (e.g. -Wall, -Wextra, etc.) and display in the diagnostics how
users are to turn off a specific warning they did not like.   I suspect that
if users frequently need to turn off a warning, then that warning should
probably be off by default.

Most users rarely want to specify long (and arcane) command lines; very
few want to litter their otherwise pretty programs with lines of pragmas
(no matter how much effort was spent in designing the syntax.)

-- Gaby

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 7.8 release?

2013-02-11 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:46 AM, Joachim Breitner wrote:

 one remedy to the problem could be better infrastructure:
   * More automated test-building of packages on hackage (including
 test suites) with various GHC releases, and better display of
 the results. This way, library authors would not have to
 manually build their library to see if they work with the latest
   * Automatic test building of packages with explicit relaxation of
 the dependencies, to suggest dependency relaxation that would
 work without code changes (from my work at Debian, in most cases
 only meta-data changes are required to support newer versions of
 dependencies, including core libs).
   * A more liberal attitude to changing other peoples packages’s
 metadata to fix the dependencies – either to exclude broken
 combinations or to expand the range. Preferably online, similar
 to the edit button in github, and checked by the above CI

 This way, it would be easier for libraries to support newer GHC releases
 without having to give up supporting older releases.

 But I know that development of Hackage is not something that seems to be
 happening a lot right now, and as I don’t help, I’m not complaining. So
 consider this a side notice and carry on discussing :-)


The issue is largely social problem that I suspect technological
solutions won't solve.  Yes, it would be nice to have better
infrastructure.  However, at the end of the day, when the automated
tests say an API or ABI set has been broken, a non-technical
decision needs to be taken (should it be part of the next release, or
should it be delayed or removed?)  And you will be back to square one.

Part of the problem is what happens to successful
programming languages: you get users, and users -- believe it or not --
like stability (few people like fiddling with function names and
arguments in an otherwise working program or library) and, yes they
will take new improvements as long as their working programs continue
working.  Researchers on the other hand need room to experiment with
ideas; they need to get their implementations in the wild to get a sense
of what scales, what doesn't.  These facts are in tension; you can't
solve it by more automated testing.

If you want GHC to compete with GCC or Clang, then you know what
to do: stop experimenting with the language.   So far, most of the work
on GHC has been done by researchers who are not paid to
do development work -- unless academia changes its standards...

-- Gaby

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 7.8 release?

2013-02-11 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 |   You may ask what use is a GHC release that doesn't cause a wave of 
 |  And hence that doesn't work with at least some libraries.  Well, it's a 
 very useful
 |  forcing function to get new features actually out and tested.
 |  But the way you test new features is to write programs that use them,
 |  and programs depend on libraries.

 That is of course ideal, but the ideal carries costs.  A half way house is a 
 release whose library support will be patchy.  Not such good testing, but 
 much lower costs.  But still (I think) a lot more testing than compile HEAD 
 gives us.



(sorry, I couldn't resist)

-- Gaby

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 7.8 release?

2013-02-11 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

 I think reducing breakages is not necessarily, and maybe not even primarily,
 an issue of releases. It's more about realizing that the cost of breaking
 things (e.g. changing library APIs) has gone up as the Haskell community and
 ecosystem has grown. We need to be conscious of that and carefully consider
 if making a breaking change (e.g. changing a function instead of adding a
 new function) is really necessary. Many platforms (e.g. Java and Python)
 rarely, if ever, make breaking changes. If you look at  compiler projects
 (e.g. LLVM and GCC) you never see intentional breakages, even in major
 releases*. Here's a question I think we should be asking ourselves: why is
 the major version of base bumped with every release? Is it really necessary
 to make breaking changes this often? How about aiming for having GHC 7.10 be
 a release where we only add new stuff and improve old stuff?

 -- Johan

 * A major GCC release usually signifies that some large change to the code
 generator was made.

I have some experience with GCC releases -- having served as a GCC
Release Manager for several years. In fact, the release scheme we currently
have has gone through several iterations -- usually after many existential
crisis.  Yes, we don't break GCC ABI lightly, mostly because GCC isn't
a research compiler and most research works are done on forgotten branches
that nobody cares about anymore.  Implementing new standards (e.g. moving
from C++03 to C++11 that has several mandated API and ABI breakage) is a
royal pain that isn't worth replicating in GHC -- at least if you want
GHC to remain a research compiler.

Concerning your question about release number, I would venture that there
is a certain marketing aspect to it.  I can tell you that we, the
GCC community,
are very poor at that -- otherwise, we would have been at version 26
or something :-)

-- Gaby

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 7.8 release?

2013-02-11 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

 I have some experience with GCC releases -- having served as a GCC
 Release Manager for several years. In fact, the release scheme we
 have has gone through several iterations -- usually after many
 crisis.  Yes, we don't break GCC ABI lightly, mostly because GCC isn't
 a research compiler and most research works are done on forgotten
 that nobody cares about anymore.  Implementing new standards (e.g. moving
 from C++03 to C++11 that has several mandated API and ABI breakage) is a
 royal pain that isn't worth replicating in GHC -- at least if you want
 GHC to remain a research compiler.

 Concerning your question about release number, I would venture that there
 is a certain marketing aspect to it.  I can tell you that we, the
 GCC community,
 are very poor at that -- otherwise, we would have been at version 26
 or something :-)

 Thanks for sharing! My perspective is of course as a user. I don't think
 I've ever run into a case where the compiler broken a previous work e.g. C++
 program. On the other hand I have to make a release of most of the libraries
 I maintain with every GHC release (to bump cabal version constraints to
 accept the new base version, if nothing else).

 -- Johan

I understand.

Concerning GCC, it is true that the shear size of the user base and the
audience of the compiler (industrial strength) calls for a very conservative
approach to ABI or API breaking.  On the hand, that means that there are
certain welcomed, beneficial changes that we cannot effect.  For
example, because
libstdc++ has been an early adopter of a reference counted-based implementation
of std::string, we could not switch to more efficient and more
implementation.  That was has been contributed for years but has been
in some branches and namespaces integrated with the rest of the
library.  That is
a shame, but one that is unavoidable given the expectation of the GCC audience.

It is not clear to me that GHC is ready for that kind of constraints.

We are still describing the C++11 implementation as experimental
because we fear
that doing otherwise might commit ourselves to an ABI and API that we
may need to
break later -- possibly because of undetected bugs or because we have found
implementations we like better.  Of course, that causes some distress
in the community
because people would like to say GCC implements C++11.

Finally, we do break API, you have just been lucky :-)

But, we have also developed very elaborate scheme for symbol
versioning and namespace associations to help users digest API breakages
without tears.  Symbol versioning is a very messy business.

I am still of the opinion that the current issue with GHC and HP is
social, and it
can be resolved through communication and coordination between the two
communities for the great good of the Haskell community.

-- Gaby

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 7.8 release?

2013-02-10 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Ian Lynagh wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 09:02:18PM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

 You may ask what use is a GHC release that doesn't cause a wave of updates?  
 And hence that doesn't work with at least some libraries.  Well, it's a very 
 useful forcing function to get new features actually out and tested.

 But the way you test new features is to write programs that use them,
 and programs depend on libraries.


Releasing GHC early and often (possibly with API breakage) isn't
really the problem.  The real problem is how to coordinate with
library authors (e.g. Haskell Platform), etc.

I suspect GHC should continue to offer a platform for research
and experiments. That is much harder if you curtail the ability to
release GHC early and often.

-- Gaby

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-03-01 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Ian Lynagh wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 07:58:42AM +, AntC wrote:

 SORF's whadyoumaycalls are at the Kind level. (I'm not opposed to them 
 they're new-fangled, I'm opposed because I can't control the namespace.)

 I haven't followed everything, so please forgive me if this is a stupid
 question, but if you implement this variant of SORF:

 then do you get the behaviour of SORF when using field names starting
 with a lower-case letter, and DORF when they start with an upper-case


It is close to a hack (e.g. taking over a special meaning for String)
that has been implemented in the Scratchpad II (now known as AXIOM)
system for over 3 decades.  I found it odd, this maybe for Haskell it
may have a completely different taste. If you have a copy of the AXIOM

have a look at the end of page 71.

-- Gaby

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list