Re: Proposal: ArgumentDo

2016-07-09 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

On 07/09/2016 08:09 AM, C Maeder wrote:

The asymmetry that you mention is already apparent for (Haskell98) infix
expressions, i.e. when "composing" lambda- or if-expression:

  (if c then f else g) . \ x -> h x

Parentheses around the last argument of "." do not matter, but
parentheses around the first argument make a real difference

But that has to do with how grammatical ambiguity related to
in this case "if" and "lambda" are resolved by letting
the constructs extend as far as possible to the right.

This the standard way of resolving that kind of ambiguity
across a very wide range of programming languages and parsing
tools (e.g. preferring shift over reduce in an LR parser).
(And also in principle how lexical ambiguities are typically
resolved, sometimes referred to as the "maximal munch rule".)

In contrast, the present proposal suggests treating
different argument positions in grammatically
different ways (different non-terminals). As far as I know,
that is unprecedented. And in any case, it manifestly
complicates the grammar (more non-terminals) and as
a consequence adds another grammatical hurdle to
learning the language.

I think we often tend to forget just how exotic
Haskell syntax can be to the uninitiated. Which is
the vast majority of the rest of the programmer world
as well as beginners. Only the other week I gave a
presentation to a group of highly skilled developers
at a tech-savvy London-based company. The emphasis of
the talk was not at all on Haskell as such, but small
Haskell fragments did feature here and there, which I
(naively) thought would be mostly self explanatory.
Well, let's just say I was wrong.

Now, we can't make Haskell syntax less exotic (not that I'd
advocate that: I think basic Haskell syntax for the most part
strikes a pretty good balance on a number of counts), but we can
certainly avoid making it even more complicated and exotic.
Which the present proposal would, in my opinion.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

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Re: Proposal: ArgumentDo

2016-07-08 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Joachim Breitner wrote:

> Am Freitag, den 08.07.2016, 13:09 +0200 schrieb Sven Panne:
> > I don't think so:
> /wiki/ArgumentDo#Bl
> [...]
> Where is the outer set of parenthesis coming from?
> This is all not related to the ArgumentDo notation. Note that [...]

The very fact that that experts can't easily agree on how a small
Haskell fragment is parsed to me just confirms that Haskell already
is a syntactically very cumbersome language.

The present proposal just makes matters worse. For that reason
alone, I don't find it compelling at all. (So -1 from me, then.)

I will not repeat the many other strong arguments against that has been
made. But I must say I don't find the use cases as documented
on the associated web page compelling at all. Maybe there is a tacit
desire to be able to pretend functions are keywords for various
creative uses in supporting EDSLs and such. But for that to be truly
useful, one need to support groups of related keywords. Something
like Agda's mixfix syntax springs to mind. But this proposal does
not come close, so the benefits are minimal and the drawbacks large.

As a final point, the inherent asymmetry of the proposal (the
last argument position is special as, for certain kinds of
expressions, parentheses may be omitted there but not elsewhere)
is also deeply unsettling.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: RFC: changes to -i flag for finding source files

2014-04-26 Thread Henrik Nilsson


 I want to propose a simple change to the -i flag for finding source
 files.  The problem we often have is that when you're writing code
 for a library that lives deep in the module hierarchy, you end up
 needing a deep directory structure, e.g.

+1 from me.

The deep file system hierarchies imposed by the assumption that
hierarchical module names need to be matched by a hierarchical
directory structure has always bothered me (well, since hierarchical
modules were introduced into Haskell some 15 years ago). In part
because I do find it inconvenient, even if navigation arguably is not
too hard, but more importantly because I think that language
naming conventions in general should be as decoupled as possible
from naming conventions of file systems/the mapping to how
source code happen to be stored and organised on any particular

While I do acknowledge the pragmatical convenience of essentially
one-to-one mappings between module and file names, I think this
proposal would be a step in the right direction, if feasible.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 7.8 release?

2013-02-07 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Ian Lynagh wrote:

 Does the Haskell Platform actually want to commit to using a GHC
 release with tons of [new] stuff, that has had little testing, days
 or weeks after its release? I thought the idea was that it would
 favour known-good releases over the latest-and-greatest, but perhaps I
 misunderstood or the philosophy has changed.

From a teaching perspective, I'd hope the philosophy is still
known-good releases.

The Haskell platform is what we deploy on our teaching machines,
and we really need to be able to trust that it will work very
smoothly, or we'd risk losing lots of valuable teaching time and,
even worse, putting lots of students off Haskell. (Getting students
to appreciate Haskell is an upwards struggle at the best of times

Something like new run-time system features sounds like something
that really ought to be tested very thoroughly before being integrated
into the HP.

So, for (general) teaching, at least, stability over new features any



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
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Re: default instance for IsString

2012-04-25 Thread Henrik Nilsson


On 04/25/2012 09:15 AM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:

all other uses of OverloadedStrings that I have
seen, and there are many, are ill-advised in my
opinion. They all should have been quasiquoters.

But the problem here is that reasonable people may choose to
disagree as to what is ill-advised or not.

Thus, rather than generalising the existing approach to
overloaded literals in the most straightforward way possible
to strings, the argument is that overloaded string literals
need to be handled differently due to a fundamentally
subjective argument about what is ill-advised or not,
and how overloaded strings might be abused unless
there is some special checking in place.

I'm not saying that partial instances of fromString is a good
idea. In fact, I'm prepared to believe those who say that
all instances of this they have come across are ill-advised.
But that is not to say that it necessarily always has to be a bad

Thus, it seems to me that a systematic language extension
is preferable for simplicity and as it does not add any
fundamentally new issues, to one which leads to a more involved
design based on subjective arguments about programming style.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: default instance for IsString

2012-04-24 Thread Henrik Nilsson


Yitzhack Gale wrote:

 Wouldn't it be ironic if the one thing that every language
 other than Haskell is able to check at compile time,
 namely the static syntax of string literals, could only be
 checked at run time in Haskell?

I don't really see the irony, I'm afraid, as nothing really
has changed, and as Simon M. that I don't see what the
fuss is about.

Presumably, the syntax of string literals as such is still going to be
checked by the scanner, as it always was? And the issue, then, is
whether an overloaded fromString is total in all its overloadings?
Or did I miss something central, here?

Well, Haskell is not a total language, so the fact that fromString
might have non-total overloadings is not surprising. Yes,
fromString would be implicitly inserted, just like e.g. fromInteger
for overloaded integer literals, to create the effect of overloaded
literals, but this is really just a convenience, albeit an important

The benefit of an approach to overloading of string literals that is
analogous to the existing method for overloading of numeric literals
would seem to me to outweigh the benefits of additional static
checking through an essentially new approach to overloading of literals
for a specific case.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-25 Thread Henrik Nilsson


Just checking my understanding here as I have not followed this thread
in all its details.

Gabor Lehel wrote:

 I agree completely. This is what I like about DORF: the D stands for
 Declared, which is referring to the fact that the contracts are
 explicit. Record fields aren't automatically polymorphic based on
 their name and type, as with SORF, rather they are scoped and
 disambiguated in the same way as classes.

So, with both DORF and your variant of it, am I correct in understanding
that polymorphic fields, be it universally quantified as in

   data ARecordType a =
C1 {
fieldX :: a,
fieldY :: a - a,

or existentially quantified as in:

   data AnotherRecordType =
forall a . C2 {
fieldU :: a,
fieldV :: a - Int,

would no longer be possible?

Note that the type variable a in both cases scope just over the
constructor(s) of the data type in question. So any attempt at
declaring the types of the fields outside of this context,
be it explicitly with the fieldLabel notation, or implicitly as
per your proposal, would not be possible. E.g.

   fieldLabel fieldY :: a - a

would presumably mean

   fieldLabel fieldY :: forall a . a - a

resulting in ARecordType becoming second-order polymorphic
where the value of fieldY would *have* to be a polymorphic function,
which is very different from the original definition.

Similarly, the whole point with the existentially quantification is
to allow a number of fields to share some specific but arbitrary type,
which again means that any attempt to type these fields outside of the
context of the datatype to which they belong would result in something

Note that fieldU and fieldV cannot be used as projection functions
due to escaped type variables, but that field selection by pattern
matching is perfectly fine.

Both constructions above are very useful and, I'd argue that a design
that rules them out actually is a rather poor fit for a language like

To be completely honest, I, at least, would be much happier keeping
working around the present limitations of Haskell's named fields by
picking my field names carefully, than losing the above.

Or am I missing something? E.g. is the idea that sharing of fields
only applies to fields of monomorphic type, i.e. whose type can be
declared globally?



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Posting etiquette, was Re: Records in Haskell

2012-01-19 Thread Henrik Nilsson


On 01/19/2012 10:22 AM, Jos Pedro Magalhes wrote:

One could also argue that a good email client should automatically hide
long quotes. In fact, I guess many people are not even aware of the
problem because their client does this.

But then what is the point of including the text in the first place if
it is understood it is only there to be hidden?

Besides, personally, I don't want my e-mail client to attempt (and,
short of it truly having an understanding of what is being said,
inevitably fail) to understand which parts of an e-mail are of
interest to me and which parts are not.

No, I agree completely with Malcolm: not taking the time to
quote ONLY what is of relevance to provide the immediately
relevant context for a point one wishes to make is a failure
of communication and, indeed, an abuse of other's time.

Thanks, Malcolm, well said!


Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Two Proposals

2011-10-05 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Simon PJ wrote:

 should we not treat
 as short for
return a `mappend` return b `mappend` return c


 I'm not sure if this plan would support [(fred,45), (bill,22)] :: 
 Map String Int.  Probably not.   Maybe that's a shortcoming... but

 such Maps are a rather surprising use of list literals.

Maybe. But not more surprising than how, say, numeric literals
are used in many EDSLs.

I also like George's proposal.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-03 Thread Henrik Nilsson

 |   But it'd remove | and | as a
 |   valid operators, at least for quasiquote customers.  I don't know
 |   how bad that would be.
 | Good brackets are scarce.  I'd prefer to stick with one of the many
 | fine variations on [|...|] currently being discussed.

 I agree with this.  My gut feel is to stick with [| ..|] and 
variants,  and live with the fact that TH and QQ aren't using them in 
quite the

 same way.

Seconded. Removing | and | as valid operators is potentially quite
bad, in my opinion worse than the interference with the list
comprehensions for quasiquote customers, because the operators may
come from various external libraries that one really would like to use.
The list comprehension interference is strictly confined to modules
where quasiquoting is enabled.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi Simon,

 For all I know, no one is using quasi-quotation (although it's a very
 cool feature, thanks to Geoff Mainland), but I didn't think I should
 take it for granted!

For info, My PhD student George Giorgidze and myself are using it
for our EDSL Hydra for non-causal modelling and simulation of
physical systems.

Indeed, it is a very cool feature. Actually, for us, almost essential,
as it gives us *principled* control over the syntax of the deep aspects
of our embedding in a way that the usually embedding tricks just don't

We'll have a look.

Thanks for letting us know!


Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Simon wrote (answering Robert Greayer):

 A variant of your suggestion would be: for any quote [|..blah..|]
 behave as if the programmer had written [quasiQuoter| ...blah...|].
 That is, simply pick up whatever record named quasiQuoter is in
 scope. Then you'd say
import Pads( quasiQuoter )
 and away you go.  But you can only use one at a time.

Yes, I can see that (or one of the alternative forms proposed)
would sometimes be convenient.

But, being explicit about *which* syntax one is switching into
does arguably enhance readability. Without this cue, the reader have to
hunt for the appropriate binding before he or she can make sense
of a piece of quasiquoted text.

Also, as Simon suggests, being explicit makes it possible to use
more than one quasiquoter at a time (in one module). Potentially
quite useful.

I can see being explicit about which quasiquoterbeing to use would
be a bit of an issue in a setting with lots of very small fragments
being spliced in all over the place. But at least in our experience,
and what we've seen in Geoffrey's papers, quiasiquoted code fragments
tend to be relatively substantial, where naming the quasiquoter
doesn't add much overhead at all.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT question

2005-10-11 Thread Henrik Nilsson


SPJ wrote:

 The right fix is alas not very simple, which is why I have not done
 it. (It involves what Martin Sulzmann calls implication
 constraints.) However, GADTs and type classes ought to be fine
 together, and the fact that many people have reported bugs suggests
 that the interaction is useful.

 I plan to tackle it in the next couple of months.

Would this also address how plain old Algebraic Data Types and type
classes work together? The issues seems related.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
The University of Nottingham

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Re: GADT question

2005-10-10 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi Garrett,

 I get an error No instance for (Fractional a) arising from the use of
 '/'  This seems odd to me, since Div is constrained to have
 fractional arguments.  Is there something obvious I'm missing?

Unless GADTs are handled specially, and I don't think they are in this 
case, this problem is not specific to GADTs but related to how

type constraints on constructors are handled in general. Basically, a
constraint on a constructor has no effect beyond beyond constraining 
what the  constructor can be applied to (see the Haskell 98 report 
4.2.1). In particular, when you take a constructed value apart through

pattern matching, the constraints do not come into play: hence the no
instance message.

It has been suggested a number of times that constraints on
constructors should have a more profound meaning, and
maybe GADTs make this even more desirable, as your example suggest.

Best regards,


Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
The University of Nottingham

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Scoped type variables

2005-01-04 Thread Henrik Nilsson
Hi all,
Olaf Chitil wrote:
 Hence I support Jon in that ghc should only allow those type variables
 a wider scope that have been explicitly declared with the non-Haskell
 98 keyword forall.
I'm inclined to support Jon and Olaf here.
I'm pretty sure there's lot of code out there that use -fglasgow-exts
for all sorts of reasons totally unrelated to scoped type variables.
Moreover, I suspect that type signatures for local definitions are quite
common too. I, at least, use them a fair bit. So, unless it is 100%
clear that the proposed additional way of introducing scoped type
variables really is the way to go, I would say go for the version
that breaks the fewest programs.
If nothing else, if it does turn out to really be the right way, it
would seem fairly easy to later generalize the rule, by not requiring
an explicit forall (and thus recovering the property that the current
type signature syntax is just a syntactic shorthand) than go the other
Personally, I always get a bit worried when there is too much magic
going on, e.g. when the meaning of syntactic constructs are stretched
in various ways in attempts to do the right thing tacitly. I believe
it usually better, in the long run at least, to state intentions more
explicitly. E.g., in this case, maybe it isn't such a bad idea after
all to differentiate syntactically between binding occurrences and
referring  occurrences of scoped type variables?
Thus, also from this perspective it would seem that requiring an
explicit forall for introducing scoped type variables would be the
better option as it could be argued that intentions are stated a bit
more explicitly that way, although maybe not in as explicitly as
could be desired.
It is, however, unfortunate that a signature without outer foralls
no longer would be just a syntactic shorthand for signatures with the
foralls mentioned explicitly.
Best regards,
Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
The University of Nottingham
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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Using --make with -odir and hierarchical modules

2003-01-19 Thread Henrik Nilsson
Sven Panne wrote:

 Allowing leaf names to be equal is essential for the whole hierarchical
 module business!

Obviously, yes.
 Otherwise you would get evil non-local interactions
 between different modules. And in practice it doesn't seem to be a problem
 for ar/ld, because the base package and the GLUT package have lots of
 examples for equal leaf names (see below).


 I'm not sure how ar/ld handle
 this exactly, but I guess it works because of an index in the archive. From
 the Linux ar man page:

Yes, I did notice, as I wrote, that at least GNU ar seemed to cope with
putting many files having the same name into an archive if the archive is
built in a single operation. Maybe the index is instrumental in that.
Maybe not.

However, I can't really see how this would work if an archive is updated
incrementally, for example as per default Make rules.

For example, if an archive fie.a contains two foo.o, and one does

  ar rv fie.a foo.o

then how could ar possibly know which foo.o to replace?

So I would be a bit nervous about putting files with the same names into
an archive. At least one has to be careful when constructing the archive
to make it work.

And if some libraries really rely on this, it would be
nice to know that this is universally supported by all ar programs, linkers,
compilers, etc.

Alternatively, maybe one should reconsider how object files are named.



Henrik Nilsson
Yale University
Department of Computer Science
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list