Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-30 Thread Peter Tanski

Hello Benedikt,

I apologise for the late reply.  I am travelling tomorrow but I will  
try to get something an alpha implementation out by this Wednesday.   
For now here are some preliminary answers:

On Sep 28, 2007, at 7:41 AM, Benedikt Huber wrote:

Am 18.09.2007 um 05:49 schrieb Peter Tanski:
The best solution would be to revamp the way Integer types are  
implemented, so when possible they are mutable under the hood,  
much like using the binary += instead of the ternary +.   
Enumerations like the test in [1], below, would not be mutable  
unless there were some information such as a good consumer  
function that indicated the intermediate values were only  
temporarily necessary.

I'm not sure if I understand this correctly;
Do you want to expose an unsafe/IO interface for destructive  
Integer manipulation?

I would not expose it, just optimise it, in the same way as we can  
replace recursion with loops at the Cmm level.  The end result would  
involve re-cycling integer memory so you might say that in some  
equations integers are mutable.  (If it is provable that an integer  
value would not be used again, then it does not seem right not to  
recycle the memory.)

The OpenSSL library is not GPL compatible, so there would be  
licensing problems for GPL'd system distributions; it is also  
relatively slow, though it does have a noticeably constant curve  
for exponential functions.

Maybe you should add a note to 
The statistics suggest that the OpenSSL BN has comparable  
performance to the GMP, especially for smaller numbers.

Some note about the (very confusing) licensing issues regarding  
OpenSSL would also be nice.

I will add this to the wiki.  In short, paragraph 10 of the GPL and  
paragraph 11 of the LGPL--here I may have the paragraphs wrong-- 
prohibit placing any additional restrictions on your licensees.   
OpenSSL places an additional restriction on licensees: you cannot use  
the name 'OpenSSL' with regard to your product, so the OpenSSL  
license is incompatible with the GPL/LGPL.

[1] Simple Performance Test on (ghc-darwin-i386-6.6.1):
Malloc is fast but not nearly as fast as the RTS alloc functions;  
one thing I have not started is integrating the replacement  
library with GHC, mostly because the replacement library (on par  
or faster than GMP) uses SIMD functions whenever possible and they  
require proper alignment.

Ok, it's good to know you're already working on integrating a  
(native) replacement library.

It's workable for now but I need to finish Toom3, a basic FFT, and  
some specialised division operations.  I also need to give Thorkil  
Naur a crack at it.  All of this has been on hold because I have been  
too selfish and perfectionistic to give anyone what I consider a mess  
and I have been working too many hours to fix it.  (This seems to be  
a common problem of mine; I intend to change that.)

I also performed the test  with the datatype suggested by John  
Meacham  (using a gmp library with renamed symbols),

> data FInteger = FInteger Int# (!ForeignPtr Mpz)
but it was around 8x slower, maybe due to the ForeignPtr and FFI  
overhead, or due to missing optimizations in the code.

That is quite an interesting result.  Are these "safe" foreign  
No. Note that `FInteger' above is even faster than the build-in  
Integer type for small integers (Ints), so I was talking about  
allocation of gmp integers. I elaborated the test a little, it now  
shows consistent results I think [1a]; a lot of performance is lost  
when doing many allocations using malloc, and even more invoking  
ForeignPtr finalizers.

I found the same thing when I tried that; malloc is slow compared to  
GC-based alloc.  The ForeignPtr finalizers do not always run since-- 
as far as I know--they are only guaranteed to run before RTS shutdown.

I'm still interested in sensible solutions to Bug #311, and maybe  
nevertheless simple switching to standard gmp allocation (either   
with finalizers or copying limbs when entering/leaving the gmp) via  
a compile flag would be the right thing for many applications.
I'm also looking forward to see the results of the replacement  
library you're trying to integrate, and those of haskell Integer


The fastest interim solution I can come up with for you would be to  
use Isaac Dupree's Haskell-based integer library and set up  
preprocessor defines so you could build ghc (HEAD) from source and  
use that.  Would that be sufficient for now?


[1a] Integer Allocation Test
> allocTest :: Int -> `some Integral Type T'
> allocTest iterations = (iterateT iterations INIT) where
>   iterateT 0 v = v
>   iterateT k v = v `seq` iterateT (k-1) (v+STEP)

- Small BigNums Allocation Test (INIT = 2^31, STEP = 10^5, k=10^6)
Results (utime samples.sort[3..7].average) on darwin-i386 (dualcore):
0.04s destructive-update C implemen

Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-28 Thread Benedikt Huber

Am 18.09.2007 um 05:49 schrieb Peter Tanski:
The best solution would be to revamp the way Integer types are  
implemented, so when possible they are mutable under the hood, much  
like using the binary += instead of the ternary +.  Enumerations  
like the test in [1], below, would not be mutable unless there were  
some information such as a good consumer function that indicated  
the intermediate values were only temporarily necessary.

I'm not sure if I understand this correctly;
Do you want to expose an unsafe/IO interface for destructive Integer  
manipulation ?

The OpenSSL library is not GPL compatible, so there would be  
licensing problems for GPL'd system distributions; it is also  
relatively slow, though it does have a noticeably constant curve  
for exponential functions.

Maybe you should add a note to 
The statistics suggest that the OpenSSL BN has comparable performance  
to the GMP, especially for smaller numbers.

Some note about the (very confusing) licensing issues regarding  
OpenSSL would also be nice.

[1] Simple Performance Test on (ghc-darwin-i386-6.6.1):
Malloc is fast but not nearly as fast as the RTS alloc functions;  
one thing I have not started is integrating the replacement library  
with GHC, mostly because the replacement library (on par or faster  
than GMP) uses SIMD functions whenever possible and they require  
proper alignment.

Ok, it's good to know you're already working on integrating a  
(native) replacement library.

I also performed the test  with the datatype suggested by John  
Meacham  (using a gmp library with renamed symbols),

> data FInteger = FInteger Int# (!ForeignPtr Mpz)
but it was around 8x slower, maybe due to the ForeignPtr and FFI  
overhead, or due to missing optimizations in the code.

That is quite an interesting result.  Are these "safe" foreign  
No. Note that `FInteger' above is even faster than the build-in  
Integer type for small integers (Ints), so I was talking about  
allocation of gmp integers. I elaborated the test a little, it now  
shows consistent results I think [1a]; a lot of performance is lost  
when doing many allocations using malloc, and even more invoking  
ForeignPtr finalizers.

I'm still interested in sensible solutions to Bug #311, and maybe  
nevertheless simple switching to standard gmp allocation (either   
with finalizers or copying limbs when entering/leaving the gmp) via a  
compile flag would be the right thing for many applications.
I'm also looking forward to see the results of the replacement  
library you're trying to integrate, and those of haskell Integer


regards, benedikt

[1a] Integer Allocation Test
> allocTest :: Int -> `some Integral Type T'
> allocTest iterations = (iterateT iterations INIT) where
>   iterateT 0 v = v
>   iterateT k v = v `seq` iterateT (k-1) (v+STEP)

- Small BigNums Allocation Test (INIT = 2^31, STEP = 10^5, k=10^6)
Results (utime samples.sort[3..7].average) on darwin-i386 (dualcore):
0.04s destructive-update C implementation
0.19s  with T = Integer
0.71s  non-destructive-update C implementation using malloc
with T = FInteger {-# UNPACK -#} !Int# {-# UNPACK -#} ! 
(ForeignPtr Mpz)

0.90s  with newForeignPtr_ (no finalizer, space leak)
	1.87s with Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr mpz do 
{ hs_mpz_clear mpz; free mpz}

1.94s  with newForeignPtr free_mpz_c_impl mpz

- Small Integers Allocation Test (INIT=0,STEP=4,k=2*10^8)
Results (utime samples.sort[3..7].average) on darwin-i386 (dualcore):
   0.67s for Int
   2.54s for FInteger
   3.62s for Integer

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-25 Thread Isaac Dupree

Peter Tanski wrote:

The one problem you will find with _all_ potential 
replacement libraries is incompatible behaviour for bitwise functions: 
they are implemented arithmetically in GMP but logically elsewhere (when 
they are implemented at all).

I don't fully understand this... I made sure my Haskell implementation's 
"Bits" was consistent with the existing (GMP) version, which you call 
"arithmetically"... it seemed that any other semantics would reveal 
(depend on) implementation details.  and I was able to make it 
reasonably asymptotically-efficient anyway.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-25 Thread Peter Tanski

On Sep 14, 2007, at 9:14 AM, Benedikt Huber wrote:

| I've been struggling using FFI bindings to libraries which rely  
on the

| GNU Mp Bignum library (gmp).
It's an issue that bites very few users, but it bites them hard.   
It's also tricky, but not impossible, to fix.  The combination  
keeps meaning that at GHC HQ we work on things that affect more  
people. I doubt we can spare effort to design and implement a fix  
in the near future -- we keep hoping someone else step up and  
tackle it!

Peter Tanski did exactly that (he's the author of the  
ReplacingGMPNotes above), but he's been very quiet recently.   I  
don't know where he is up to.  Perhaps someone else would like to  
join in?

I apologise for being away.  The company I work for has been ramping  
up for a launch and I have been working very long hours (nights and  
weekends, too).

Thank you for the information - I'm also willing to help, though  
I'm not too familiar with the GHC internals (yet).
I do like the idea of optionally linking with a pure-haskell  
library, but I'm interested in a solution with comparable  
performance. Commenting solutions to ticket #311:

It goes beyond mere familiarity with the internals: the GMP functions  
are threaded throughout the RTS and the PrimOps files.  Of all the  
primitive operations, they are the most ubiquitous for interfering in  
other code.  The rough list I put on the ReplacingGMP page is a start  
but the more I work with the RTS the more little things keep turning  
up.  At the least I should update the page.

(2) Using the standard allocation functions for the gmp memory  
managment (maybe as compile flag) as suggested in http:// 
010660.html would also resolve ticket #311.
In this case at least the dynamic part of gmp integers has to be  
resized using external allocation functions, and a finalizer  
(mpz_clear) has to be called when an Integer is garbage collected.
It seems that the performance loss by using malloc is significant  
[1], as lots of allocations and reallocations of very small chunks  
occur in a functional setting; some kind of (non garbage  
collected !) memory pool allocation would certainly help. I'm not  
sure what overhead is associated with calling a finalizer ?

The problem of lots of small allocations affects the garbage  
collector, as well.  In the current implementation, each GMP  
operation calls doYouWantToGC()--I'm sure you have seen the note in  
PrimOps.cmm, for example--which may act as a stop-world garbage  
collection.  The byte arrays for GMP are also pinned.  Compared to  
this, a FFI implementation using finalizers, which have horrible but  
practical guarantees on when they are called, would work much  
better.  The best solution would be to revamp the way Integer types  
are implemented, so when possible they are mutable under the hood,  
much like using the binary += instead of the ternary +.  Enumerations  
like the test in [1], below, would not be mutable unless there were  
some information such as a good consumer function that indicated the  
intermediate values were only temporarily necessary.

(3) So when replacing GMP with the BN library of OpenSSL (see 
PerformanceMeasurements), it would propably be neccessary to  
refactor the library, so custom allocation can be used as well.  
This does not seem too difficult at a first glance though.

The OpenSSL library is not GPL compatible, so there would be  
licensing problems for GPL'd system distributions; it is also  
relatively slow, though it does have a noticeably constant curve for  
exponential functions.  The one problem you will find with _all_  
potential replacement libraries is incompatible behaviour for bitwise  
functions: they are implemented arithmetically in GMP but logically  
elsewhere (when they are implemented at all).  (Note: if you are  
looking for the left-shift and right-shift operations in GMP, they  
are hidden in mpz_mul_2exp and mpz_t_div_q_2exp.)  LibTomMath, for  
example uses pure logical shifts which do not produce correct  
results.  I could go on about many other small differences but the  
end result is that you would have to do a lot of hacking to get a  
library that would replace all the functionality GMP provides.  That  
is why I started a replacement from scratch.

So I'd like to investigate the second or third option, as far as my  
knowledge and time permits it.
Of course it would be wise to check first if Peter Tanski is  
already/still working on a GMP replacement.

I left off working on it for some time, but things may slow down a  
little for now so I will (hopefully) have time to package it up.  I  
meant to do that more than a month ago for Thorkil, who has written a  
multi-precision integer library before and wanted to help.

Simple Performance Test on (ghc-darwin-i386-6.6.1):

The haskell function (k was 

Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-15 Thread Roberto Zunino
Benedikt Huber wrote:

> (3) So when replacing GMP with the BN library of OpenSSL

Maybe the following license issues with OpenSSL should be taken into

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-14 Thread Benedikt Huber

| I've been struggling using FFI bindings to libraries which rely  
on the

| GNU Mp Bignum library (gmp).
It's an issue that bites very few users, but it bites them hard.   
It's also tricky, but not impossible, to fix.  The combination  
keeps meaning that at GHC HQ we work on things that affect more  
people. I doubt we can spare effort to design and implement a fix  
in the near future -- we keep hoping someone else step up and  
tackle it!

Peter Tanski did exactly that (he's the author of the  
ReplacingGMPNotes above), but he's been very quiet recently.   I  
don't know where he is up to.  Perhaps someone else would like to  
join in?

Thank you for the information - I'm also willing to help, though I'm  
not too familiar with the GHC internals (yet).
I do like the idea of optionally linking with a pure-haskell library,  
but I'm interested in a solution with comparable performance.  
Commenting solutions to ticket #311:

(1) Creating a custom variant of the gmp lib by renaming symbols and  
possibly removing unneccessary functionality, as suggest by Simon  
Marlow in ticket #311 would be relatively straightforward; I've  
already tried this approach the other way round (i.e. recompile  
libraries to be used with the FFI). But it means that you'd have to  
maintain and ship another library, so I guess it is not an option for  
the GHC team.

(2) Using the standard allocation functions for the gmp memory  
managment (maybe as compile flag) as suggested in http://  
would also resolve ticket #311.
In this case at least the dynamic part of gmp integers has to be  
resized using external allocation functions, and a finalizer  
(mpz_clear) has to be called when an Integer is garbage collected.
It seems that the performance loss by using malloc is significant  
[1], as lots of allocations and reallocations of very small chunks  
occur in a functional setting; some kind of (non garbage collected !)  
memory pool allocation would certainly help. I'm not sure what  
overhead is associated with calling a finalizer ?

(3) So when replacing GMP with the BN library of OpenSSL (see http:// 
PerformanceMeasurements), it would propably be neccessary to refactor  
the library, so custom allocation can be used as well. This does not  
seem too difficult at a first glance though.

So I'd like to investigate the second or third option, as far as my  
knowledge and time permits it.
Of course it would be wise to check first if Peter Tanski is already/ 
still working on a GMP replacement.


Simple Performance Test on (ghc-darwin-i386-6.6.1):

The haskell function (k was taken as 10M)
> test k = (iterateT k (fromIntegral (maxBound ::Int))) :: Integer  

>iterateT 0 v = v; iterateT k v = v `seq` iterateT (k-1) (v+1)
triggers around k allocations and k reallocations by the gmp library.

The rough C equivalent, calling sequences of
> malloc(3), mpz_init_set(gmp), mpz_add_ui(gmp), mpz_clear(gmp) and  
takes more than 2 times as long, with 25% of the time spend in  
allocating and freeing pointers to gmp integers (mpz_ptr) and 50%  of  
the time spend in gmp allocator functions (i.e. resizing gmp integers  
= (re)allocating limbs).

I also performed the test  with the datatype suggested by John  
Meacham  (using a gmp library with renamed symbols),

> data FInteger = FInteger Int# (!ForeignPtr Mpz)
but it was around 8x slower, maybe due to the ForeignPtr and FFI  
overhead, or due to missing optimizations in the code.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-13 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
I won't be at the hackathon I fear (and neither will Simon M) but I jotted down 
some notes about how to replace GMP with a Haskell library


| -Original Message-
| Behalf Of Matthias Neubauer
| Sent: 11 September 2007 22:04
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones
| Cc:; benedikth; Peter Tanski
| Subject: Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP
| Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > Peter Tanski did exactly that (he's the author of the
| > ReplacingGMPNotes above), but he's been very quiet recently.  I
| > don't know where he is up to.  Perhaps someone else would like to
| > join in?
| Since I live only five minutes away from this year's Hackathon venue,
| I guess it would be kind of silly to have such an event in my
| neighborhood and not go to it! :)
| I would enjoy working on this during the hackathon. Is there a reason
| to not start with a simple, Haskell-only implementation? And later use
| techniques known from ByteStrings and stream fusion to improve on that.
| -Matthias
| --
| Matthias Neubauer   |
| Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik   | tel +49 761 203 8060
| Georges-Köhler-Allee 79, 79110 Freiburg i. Br., Germany | fax +49 761 203 8052
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-11 Thread Don Stewart
> Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Peter Tanski did exactly that (he's the author of the
> > ReplacingGMPNotes above), but he's been very quiet recently.  I
> > don't know where he is up to.  Perhaps someone else would like to
> > join in?
> Since I live only five minutes away from this year's Hackathon venue,
> I guess it would be kind of silly to have such an event in my
> neighborhood and not go to it! :) 
> I would enjoy working on this during the hackathon. Is there a reason
> to not start with a simple, Haskell-only implementation? And later use
> techniques known from ByteStrings and stream fusion to improve on that.
> -Matthias

Oh, Matthias: if you're coming to the hackathon, please register so we can get 
you a tshirt! :)

Details on the hackathon page.

-- Don
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-11 Thread Matthias Neubauer
Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Peter Tanski did exactly that (he's the author of the
> ReplacingGMPNotes above), but he's been very quiet recently.  I
> don't know where he is up to.  Perhaps someone else would like to
> join in?

Since I live only five minutes away from this year's Hackathon venue,
I guess it would be kind of silly to have such an event in my
neighborhood and not go to it! :) 

I would enjoy working on this during the hackathon. Is there a reason
to not start with a simple, Haskell-only implementation? And later use
techniques known from ByteStrings and stream fusion to improve on that.


Matthias Neubauer   |
Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik   | tel +49 761 203 8060
Georges-Köhler-Allee 79, 79110 Freiburg i. Br., Germany | fax +49 761 203 8052
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| I've been struggling using FFI bindings to libraries which rely on the
| GNU Mp Bignum library (gmp) - this is apparently a well known problem
| (,
| I do rely on using such libraries, and so started to get it work on
| MacOsX; no solution was close to being satisfactory however, so I'd like
| to ask for some advice.

It's an issue that bites very few users, but it bites them hard.  It's also 
tricky, but not impossible, to fix.  The combination keeps meaning that at GHC 
HQ we work on things that affect more people. I doubt we can spare effort to 
design and implement a fix in the near future -- we keep hoping someone else 
step up and tackle it!

Peter Tanski did exactly that (he's the author of the ReplacingGMPNotes above), 
but he's been very quiet recently.   I don't know where he is up to.  Perhaps 
someone else would like to join in?

Meanwhile I've added your comments to #311 so they stay with the ticket.


| Those two options worked to some extend:
| (1)
| Create or modify the library in question, so gmp is statically linked
| and its symbols are hidden.
| When source code is available, this is relatively easy, altough it
| requires modification of the build process (which can be a hassle). If a
| static "ar" archive is available, it is cumbersome (at least on Mac Os X
| I ran into a lot of troubles using nmedit), but possible. Furthermore,
| the resulting libraries are bloated, as each of them contains a copy of
| the GMP; left alone portability issues.
| (2)
| As suggested in ticket#311, I tried switching the allocator functions
| when switching to FFI. It worked, but not in GHCi; also, doing it
| manually is a lot of work, because, as far as I could figure out, it is
| neccessary to write a wrapper function for every C-function (indirectly)
| using the gmp.
| Furthermore, most of the libraries expose gmp datatypes (mpz_t,mpq_t) in
| their API. I currently use a little haskell module working on
| GHC.Exts, but that's propably not a good option from a maintainer's
| point of view. There are certainly other possibilities, but I couldn't
| find one which is both maintainable and portable.
| I would be very grateful for any advice, or some information on plans
| for resolving ticket #311. There are some great libraries (like the
| Parma Polyhedral Library, to pick an example) out there using gmp, and
| it would be nice if writing bindings to those libs could be simplified.
| Thanks,
| Benedikt Huber
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

FFI Bindings to Libraries using GMP

2007-09-10 Thread benedikth


I've been struggling using FFI bindings to libraries which rely on the 
GNU Mp Bignum library (gmp) - this is apparently a well known problem
I do rely on using such libraries, and so started to get it work on 
MacOsX; no solution was close to being satisfactory however, so I'd like

to ask for some advice.

Those two options worked to some extend:
Create or modify the library in question, so gmp is statically linked 
and its symbols are hidden.
When source code is available, this is relatively easy, altough it 
requires modification of the build process (which can be a hassle). If a 
static "ar" archive is available, it is cumbersome (at least on Mac Os X 
I ran into a lot of troubles using nmedit), but possible. Furthermore, 
the resulting libraries are bloated, as each of them contains a copy of 
the GMP; left alone portability issues.

As suggested in ticket#311, I tried switching the allocator functions 
when switching to FFI. It worked, but not in GHCi; also, doing it 
manually is a lot of work, because, as far as I could figure out, it is 
neccessary to write a wrapper function for every C-function (indirectly) 
using the gmp.

Furthermore, most of the libraries expose gmp datatypes (mpz_t,mpq_t) in 
their API. I currently use a little haskell module working on
GHC.Exts, but that's propably not a good option from a maintainer's 
point of view. There are certainly other possibilities, but I couldn't 
find one which is both maintainable and portable.

I would be very grateful for any advice, or some information on plans 
for resolving ticket #311. There are some great libraries (like the 
Parma Polyhedral Library, to pick an example) out there using gmp, and 
it would be nice if writing bindings to those libs could be simplified.

Benedikt Huber

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list