Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-28 Thread Dominic Steinitz
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> | > arbitrarySeq :: Sequence a -> Gen RepSeqVal
> | > arbitrarySeq Nil =
> | >return (RepSeqVal Nil Empty)
> | > arbitrarySeq (Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i t)) ts) =
> | >do u <- arbitraryType t
> | >   us <- arbitrarySeq ts
> | >   case u of
> | >  RepTypeVal a v ->
> | > case us of
> | >RepSeqVal bs vs ->
> | >   return (RepSeqVal (Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i a)) 
> bs) (v:*:vs))
> |
> |
> | > QuickTest.lhs:240:13:
> | > GADT pattern match in non-rigid context for `Nil'
> | >   Solution: add a type signature
> | > In the pattern: Nil
> | > In the definition of `arbitrarySeq':
> | > arbitrarySeq Nil = return (RepSeqVal Nil Empty)
> That looks odd to me.  But it's hard to help without having the code. If you 
> send it I'll try to help.
> | > Did you try giving a type signature to the (entire) case expression,
> | > as I suggested?  That should do it.
> | >
> |
> | I'm not sure what this means or how to do it. Can you give an example or
> | is it buried in some earlier email? I will go and have another look.
> I mean replace
> (case blah of { ... })
> by
> (case blah of { ... }) :: type-sig
> That is, attach a type signature to the case expression itself.  Does that 
> help at least explain what the sentence means? If so would you like to 
> clarify the wiki advice?
> Thanks
> Simon

I'm sorry to have put you to so much trouble by accidentally using an
old version of ghc I must have had lying around. As penance, I will go
and update the wiki with what I have learnt.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-28 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| > arbitrarySeq :: Sequence a -> Gen RepSeqVal
| > arbitrarySeq Nil =
| >return (RepSeqVal Nil Empty)
| > arbitrarySeq (Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i t)) ts) =
| >do u <- arbitraryType t
| >   us <- arbitrarySeq ts
| >   case u of
| >  RepTypeVal a v ->
| > case us of
| >RepSeqVal bs vs ->
| >   return (RepSeqVal (Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i a)) 
bs) (v:*:vs))
| > QuickTest.lhs:240:13:
| > GADT pattern match in non-rigid context for `Nil'
| >   Solution: add a type signature
| > In the pattern: Nil
| > In the definition of `arbitrarySeq':
| > arbitrarySeq Nil = return (RepSeqVal Nil Empty)

That looks odd to me.  But it's hard to help without having the code. If you 
send it I'll try to help.

| > Did you try giving a type signature to the (entire) case expression,
| > as I suggested?  That should do it.
| >
| I'm not sure what this means or how to do it. Can you give an example or
| is it buried in some earlier email? I will go and have another look.

I mean replace
(case blah of { ... })
(case blah of { ... }) :: type-sig

That is, attach a type signature to the case expression itself.  Does that help 
at least explain what the sentence means? If so would you like to clarify the 
wiki advice?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-28 Thread Dominic Steinitz
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> | > I also feel that the type errors given when working with existential
> | > types, especially GADTs with existentials, are confusing.  I think
> |
> | I am using existential types to test GADT code. See
> | which no longer
> | works with 6.10.1.
> Really?  I've just compiled that entire page with 6.10.1, and it was fine, 
> except that I had to add a type signature for prettyRep.  No problems there.
> Simon
Sorry I inadvertently used an old copy of ghc.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-28 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| > I also feel that the type errors given when working with existential
| > types, especially GADTs with existentials, are confusing.  I think
| I am using existential types to test GADT code. See
| which no longer
| works with 6.10.1.

Really?  I've just compiled that entire page with 6.10.1, and it was fine, 
except that I had to add a type signature for prettyRep.  No problems there.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-28 Thread Dominic Steinitz
Ignore my last email. I was accidentally using

> The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.9.20080616

Mind you I am still having problems just not the same ones. I'll report
back later.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-27 Thread Dominic Steinitz
> In my case, we had rigid type signatures all over the place.  The
> wiki document says that the type must be rigid at the point of the
> match.  I guess that's what we were violating.  If the code I posted
> isn't supposed to type check then I would like to report, as user
> feedback, that GADTs have become unwieldy.

I'm now running into this problem big time on my existing test harness
(I'd previously checked the main code and that worked - see

> I grant that it's less convenient than one would like.  The
> difficulty is that GADTs get you into territory where it's easy to
> write programs that  have multiple *incomparable* types.   That is,
> there is no "best" type (unlike Hindley-Milner).  So we pretty much
> have to ask the programmer to express the type.
> Once we are in that territory, we need to give simple rules that say
> when a type signature is needed.   I know that I have not yet found a
> way to express these rules -- perhaps GHC's users can help.  My
> initial shot is
> I couldn't figure out how to fix that code by just adding a type
> signature.

I've read this and I couldn't figure it out either. I've tried the
heuristic and it works fine for some cases but not others:

> arbitrarySeq :: Sequence a -> Gen RepSeqVal
> arbitrarySeq Nil =
>return (RepSeqVal Nil Empty)
> arbitrarySeq (Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i t)) ts) =
>do u <- arbitraryType t
>   us <- arbitrarySeq ts
>   case u of
>  RepTypeVal a v ->
> case us of
>RepSeqVal bs vs ->
>   return (RepSeqVal (Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i a)) bs) 
> (v:*:vs))

> QuickTest.lhs:240:13:
> GADT pattern match in non-rigid context for `Nil'
>   Solution: add a type signature
> In the pattern: Nil
> In the definition of `arbitrarySeq':
> arbitrarySeq Nil = return (RepSeqVal Nil Empty)

> *Rename> :t Nil
> Nil :: Sequence Nil

So this fixes the first case:

> arbitrarySeq :: Sequence a -> Gen RepSeqVal
> arbitrarySeq (Nil :: Sequence Nil) =
>return (RepSeqVal Nil Empty)

But not the second case:

> QuickTest.lhs:242:14:
> GADT pattern match in non-rigid context for `Cons'
>   Solution: add a type signature
> In the pattern: Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i t)) ts
> In the definition of `arbitrarySeq':
> arbitrarySeq (Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i t)) ts)
>= do u <- arbitraryType t
> us <- arbitrarySeq ts
> case u of RepTypeVal a v -> ...

And now I'm stuck:

> *Rename> :t Cons
> Cons :: ComponentType a -> Sequence l -> Sequence (a :*: l)

What type should I give the Cons pattern? If I try the heuristic:

> arbitrarySeq ((Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i t)) ts) :: Int) =

the the compiler suggests

> QuickTest.lhs:242:14:
> Couldn't match expected type `Sequence a'
>against inferred type `Int'

but trying

> arbitrarySeq ((Cons (CTMandatory (NamedType n i t)) ts) :: Sequence a) =


> QuickTest.lhs:242:68: Not in scope: type variable `a'

> Did you try giving a type signature to the (entire) case expression,
> as I suggested?  That should do it.

I'm not sure what this means or how to do it. Can you give an example or
is it buried in some earlier email? I will go and have another look.

> I urge you to consider designing a modified or new syntactic form for
> working with GADT pattern matches.  The quasi-dependent typing that
> GADTs give developers is very powerful and it would seem that GHC
> Haskell with GADTs is as close to dependent typing that developers
> writing "real-world" software can get.  I know of no other production
> ready compilers that provide dependent or close to dependent typing.
> Dependent typing seems to be a growing area of interest.  For these
> reasons I think it's important for GHC to focus on making them
> pleasanter to work with again; even if it means adding to the
> language again.
> If I knew how to do that, I'd love to.  Here's one idea you might not
> like: restrict GADT matching to function definitions only (not case
> expressions), and require a type signature for such pattern matches.
> That wouldn't require adding new stuff.  But GHC's current story is a
> bit more flexible.
> I also feel that the type errors given when working with existential
> types, especially GADTs with existentials, are confusing.  I think

I am using existential types to test GADT code. See which no longer
works with 6.10.1.

> mostly because the types of the sub-expressions in the program are
> not visible to the user.  More introspection into the inferred types
> would help users.  I have some ideas on how to improve this, what the
> output shoul

RE: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-24 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Did you try giving a type signature to the (entire) case expression, as I 
suggested?  That should do it.
Perhaps I don't understand the suggestion, but for me the only way I could fix 
it was to put all the pattern matches into local functions with type 
signatures.  I can show you the diffs if you would find it useful to see how 
'programmers in the wild' react to this.

I just mean: give a type signature to the entire case expression. Thus
  (case ... of { ...})  ::  type

 I'd welcome a way to say that more clearly.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-24 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 12:23 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones

>In my case, we had rigid type signatures all over the place.  The wiki
> document says that the type must be rigid at the point of the match.  I
> guess that's what we were violating.  If the code I posted isn't supposed to
> type check then I would like to report, as user feedback, that GADTs have
> become unwieldy.
> I grant that it's less convenient than one would like.  The difficulty is
> that GADTs get you into territory where it's easy to write programs that
> have multiple **incomparable** types.   That is, there is no "best" type
> (unlike Hindley-Milner).  So we pretty much have to ask the programmer to
> express the type.
> Once we are in that territory, we need to give simple rules that say when a
> type signature is needed.   I know that I have not yet found a way to
> express these rules -- perhaps GHC's users can help.  My initial shot is
> I couldn't figure out how to fix that code by just adding a type signature.
> Did you try giving a type signature to the (entire) case expression, as I
> suggested?  That should do it.
Perhaps I don't understand the suggestion, but for me the only way I could
fix it was to put all the pattern matches into local functions with type
signatures.  I can show you the diffs if you would find it useful to see how
'programmers in the wild' react to this.

> I urge you to consider designing a modified or new syntactic form for
> working with GADT pattern matches.  The quasi-dependent typing that GADTs
> give developers is very powerful and it would seem that GHC Haskell with
> GADTs is as close to dependent typing that developers writing "real-world"
> software can get.  I know of no other production ready compilers that
> provide dependent or close to dependent typing.  Dependent typing seems to
> be a growing area of interest.  For these reasons I think it's important for
> GHC to focus on making them pleasanter to work with again; even if it means
> adding to the language again.
> If I knew how to do that, I'd love to.  Here's one idea you might not like:
> restrict GADT matching to function definitions only (not case expressions),
> and require a type signature for such pattern matches.  That wouldn't
> require adding new stuff.  But GHC's current story is a bit more flexible.
In practice that's what we are doing.  Any new code we write using our GADT
data types is written in exactly that style because removing
case-expressions on each GHC release is mildly annoying.  As a user of GHC I
can't predict when a case-expression on a GADT will be valid and when it
give an error.

Thankfully there ended up being less than 10 functions that we had to modify
to become compatible with ghc-6.10.  Some tasks look more daunting from the
outset than they are in reality.

> I also feel that the type errors given when working with existential types,
> especially GADTs with existentials, are confusing.  I think mostly because
> the types of the sub-expressions in the program are not visible to the user.
>  More introspection into the inferred types would help users.  I have some
> ideas on how to improve this, what the output should look like and I would
> like to implement it too, but I haven't had a chance to start a prototype
> yet.
> I agree they are confusing.  I always encourage people to suggest
> alternative wording for an error message that would make it less confusing
> (leaving aside how feasible or otherwise it'd be to generate such wording).
> So next time you are confused but figure it out, do suggest an alternative.
The first two stumbling blocks I ever had with the type errors was the
meaning of rigid type and the difference between inferred and expected type.

These days neither of those are an issue for me, but maybe its useful to
hear.  I take rigid type to mean a type that I specified.  It may not be
100% accurate but it's close enough for intuiton.  I think the problem with
inferred vs. expected is that the difference in their meanings is too
narrow.  My understanding is that the expected type is based on rigid types
and the inferred type is based on the type inference.  Using words that are
more polar in meaning, but still accurate, could potentially help here.
 Such as inferred vs. provided.  But this is very minor.

I think the real problem here is that the type checker does a very
non-trivial amount of reasoning about your code then it spits out some well
written error messages with a good deal of static only context.  What I mean
is, the errors do a good job of giving me back static information thus
saving me some time of looking up the context and also helping me zero in on
the trouble area, but it doesn't help me to understand the why of the error.

I think the information that is still lacking is knowle

RE: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-24 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
In my case, we had rigid type signatures all over the place.  The wiki document 
says that the type must be rigid at the point of the match.  I guess that's 
what we were violating.  If the code I posted isn't supposed to type check then 
I would like to report, as user feedback, that GADTs have become unwieldy.

I grant that it's less convenient than one would like.  The difficulty is that 
GADTs get you into territory where it's easy to write programs that  have 
multiple *incomparable* types.   That is, there is no "best" type (unlike 
Hindley-Milner).  So we pretty much have to ask the programmer to express the 

Once we are in that territory, we need to give simple rules that say when a 
type signature is needed.   I know that I have not yet found a way to express 
these rules -- perhaps GHC's users can help.  My initial shot is

I couldn't figure out how to fix that code by just adding a type signature.

Did you try giving a type signature to the (entire) case expression, as I 
suggested?  That should do it.

I urge you to consider designing a modified or new syntactic form for working 
with GADT pattern matches.  The quasi-dependent typing that GADTs give 
developers is very powerful and it would seem that GHC Haskell with GADTs is as 
close to dependent typing that developers writing "real-world" software can 
get.  I know of no other production ready compilers that provide dependent or 
close to dependent typing.  Dependent typing seems to be a growing area of 
interest.  For these reasons I think it's important for GHC to focus on making 
them pleasanter to work with again; even if it means adding to the language 

If I knew how to do that, I'd love to.  Here's one idea you might not like: 
restrict GADT matching to function definitions only (not case expressions), and 
require a type signature for such pattern matches.  That wouldn't require 
adding new stuff.  But GHC's current story is a bit more flexible.

I also feel that the type errors given when working with existential types, 
especially GADTs with existentials, are confusing.  I think mostly because the 
types of the sub-expressions in the program are not visible to the user.  More 
introspection into the inferred types would help users.  I have some ideas on 
how to improve this, what the output should look like and I would like to 
implement it too, but I haven't had a chance to start a prototype yet.

I agree they are confusing.  I always encourage people to suggest alternative 
wording for an error message that would make it less confusing (leaving aside 
how feasible or otherwise it'd be to generate such wording). So next time you 
are confused but figure it out, do suggest an alternative.

Thanks for helping.  You can't develop a good user interface without articulate 
and reflective users.  Thanks.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-22 Thread Dominic Steinitz
Dominic Steinitz> writes:

> packaged form for my flavour of linux. I will put some work into doing this
> today and report back.
> Dominic.

Phew - I installed the windows 6.10.1 package and everything to do with GADTs
still seems to work.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-22 Thread Dominic Steinitz
Jason Dagit> writes:

> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones> wrote:
> You need a type signature for the case expression.  As Daniel says, this is
worth a
> Thanks Simon.  I had read that several times in the past and I've pointed it
out to others.  It's still relevant but, my question was about whether or not
examples like the one posted are really in error or if GHC is just being overly
strict now.
> In my case, we had rigid type signatures all over the place.  The wiki
document says that the type must be rigid at the point of the match.  I guess
that's what we were violating.  If the code I posted isn't supposed to type
check then I would like to report, as user feedback, that GADTs have become

This is really worrying. I have spent some considerable time using GADTs to
structure a library. I haven't tried 6.10 yet because it's not available in a
packaged form for my flavour of linux. I will put some work into doing this
today and report back.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-21 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones

> You need a type signature for the case expression.  As Daniel says, this is
> worth a read

Thanks Simon.  I had read that several times in the past and I've pointed it
out to others.  It's still relevant but, my question was about whether or
not examples like the one posted are really in error or if GHC is just being
overly strict now.

In my case, we had rigid type signatures all over the place.  The wiki
document says that the type must be rigid at the point of the match.  I
guess that's what we were violating.  If the code I posted isn't supposed to
type check then I would like to report, as user feedback, that GADTs have
become unwieldy.

I couldn't figure out how to fix that code by just adding a type signature.
 The only way I could manage to fix it was to remove the case-expressions
and replace them with local functions and give the type signature of those
functions.  From a practical point of view, it seems that GADTs cannot be
used with case-expressions.  So that means that I am now unable to use
pattern matches on GADTs with case, let, and where.

I urge you to consider designing a modified or new syntactic form for
working with GADT pattern matches.  The quasi-dependent typing that GADTs
give developers is very powerful and it would seem that GHC Haskell with
GADTs is as close to dependent typing that developers writing "real-world"
software can get.  I know of no other production ready compilers that
provide dependent or close to dependent typing.  Dependent typing seems to
be a growing area of interest.  For these reasons I think it's important for
GHC to focus on making them pleasanter to work with again; even if it means
adding to the language again.

I also feel that the type errors given when working with existential types,
especially GADTs with existentials, are confusing.  I think mostly because
the types of the sub-expressions in the program are not visible to the user.
 More introspection into the inferred types would help users.  I have some
ideas on how to improve this, what the output should look like and I would
like to implement it too, but I haven't had a chance to start a prototype

Thank you for your time!
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-21 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
You need a type signature for the case expression.  As Daniel says, this is 
worth a read


| -Original Message-
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Dagit
| Sent: 21 November 2008 16:04
| To:
| Subject: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC
| Hello,
| Here is an example where ghc 6.8.x was fine, but now 6.10 complains.
| \begin{code}
| type CommuteFunction = forall x y. (Prim :< Prim) C(x y) -> Perhaps
| ((Prim :< Prim) C(x y))
| commute_split :: CommuteFunction
| commute_split (Split patches :< patch) =
| toPerhaps $ do (p1 :< ps) <- cs (patches :< patch)
|case sort_coalesceFL ps of
| p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
| ps' -> return (p1 :< Split ps')
| where cs :: ((FL Prim) :< Prim) C(x y) -> Maybe ((Prim :< (FL Prim)) C(x 
|   cs (NilFL :< p1) = return (p1 :< NilFL)
|   cs (p:>:ps :< p1) = do p1' :< p' <- commutex (p :< p1)
|  p1'' :< ps' <- cs (ps :< p1')
|  return (p1'' :< p':>:ps')
| commute_split _ = Unknown
| \end{code}
| Now with ghc 6.10 we get this error:
| GADT pattern match with non-rigid result type `Maybe a'
|   Solution: add a type signature
| In a case alternative: p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
| In the expression:
| case sort_coalesceFL ps of {
|   p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
|   ps' -> return (p1 :< Split ps') }
| In the second argument of `($)', namely
| `do (p1 :< ps) <- cs (patches :< patch)
| case sort_coalesceFL ps of {
|   p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
|   ps' -> return (p1 :< Split ps') }'
| You can see more context here:
|  around line 472
| My understanding was that from 6.6 to 6.8, GADT type checking was
| refined to fill some gaps in the soundness.  Did that happen again
| between 6.8 and 6.10 or is 6.10 being needlessly strict here?
| Thanks,
| Jason
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-21 Thread Daniel GorĂ­n

On Nov 21, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:



My understanding was that from 6.6 to 6.8, GADT type checking was
refined to fill some gaps in the soundness.  Did that happen again
between 6.8 and 6.10 or is 6.10 being needlessly strict here?


typing rules for gadts changed in 6.10. try:
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

GADT Type Checking GHC 6.10 versus older GHC

2008-11-21 Thread Jason Dagit

Here is an example where ghc 6.8.x was fine, but now 6.10 complains.

type CommuteFunction = forall x y. (Prim :< Prim) C(x y) -> Perhaps
((Prim :< Prim) C(x y))

commute_split :: CommuteFunction
commute_split (Split patches :< patch) =
toPerhaps $ do (p1 :< ps) <- cs (patches :< patch)
   case sort_coalesceFL ps of
p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
ps' -> return (p1 :< Split ps')
where cs :: ((FL Prim) :< Prim) C(x y) -> Maybe ((Prim :< (FL Prim)) C(x y))
  cs (NilFL :< p1) = return (p1 :< NilFL)
  cs (p:>:ps :< p1) = do p1' :< p' <- commutex (p :< p1)
 p1'' :< ps' <- cs (ps :< p1')
 return (p1'' :< p':>:ps')
commute_split _ = Unknown

Now with ghc 6.10 we get this error:
GADT pattern match with non-rigid result type `Maybe a'
  Solution: add a type signature
In a case alternative: p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
In the expression:
case sort_coalesceFL ps of {
  p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
  ps' -> return (p1 :< Split ps') }
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do (p1 :< ps) <- cs (patches :< patch)
case sort_coalesceFL ps of {
  p :>: NilFL -> return (p1 :< p)
  ps' -> return (p1 :< Split ps') }'

You can see more context here:  around line 472

My understanding was that from 6.6 to 6.8, GADT type checking was
refined to fill some gaps in the soundness.  Did that happen again
between 6.8 and 6.10 or is 6.10 being needlessly strict here?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list