RE: 4.04 posix/AF_UNIX lossage

1999-12-15 Thread Simon Marlow

> > Hi Simon, I eventually managed to produce an executable (but see
> > below) with the following patches (note that the address family
> > enumeration below is *not* identical to freebsd):
> [..]
> > +  | Psuedo_AF_RTIP  -- Help Identify RTIP packets
> I think this should be `Pseudo'... the others are correct though.

Thanks; fixed.


Re: 4.04 posix/AF_UNIX lossage

1999-12-15 Thread Keith Wansbrough

> Hi Simon, I eventually managed to produce an executable (but see
> below) with the following patches (note that the address family
> enumeration below is *not* identical to freebsd):
> +  | Psuedo_AF_RTIP  -- Help Identify RTIP packets

I think this should be `Pseudo'... the others are correct though.

--KW 8-)
: Keith Wansbrough, MSc, BSc(Hons) (Auckland) ---:
: PhD Student, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK. :
: Native of Antipodean Auckland, New Zealand: 174d47'E, 36d55'S. :
: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

RE: 4.04 posix/AF_UNIX lossage

1999-12-15 Thread Simon Marlow

> Hi Simon, I eventually managed to produce an executable (but see
> below) with the following patches (note that the address family
> enumeration below is *not* identical to freebsd):

great, thanks.  I've incorporated your patches.

> however compiling:
> main = "better dead than imperative"
> produces:
> foo.hs:1:
> Couldn't match `IO t' against `[Char]'
> Expected type: IO t
> Inferred type: [Char]
> When checking that `main' has the required type

that should be 

main = print "better dead than imperative"

the type system is complaining that it can't match String (i.e. [Char])
against the type of main, namely (IO t).

> compiling Say.hs (from hugs), produces:
> proff@suburbia:/pkg/share/hugs/demos$ ghc Say.hs
> Say.hs:44: Variable not in scope: `isUpper'
> Say.hs:45: Variable not in scope: `isLower'
> Say.hs:46: Variable not in scope: `isSpace'
> Say.hs:47: Variable not in scope: `isDigit'
> Compilation had errors

Hugs has a bug in that it brings these functions into scope from the
Prelude, when they should only be available from the Char module according
to the Haskell 98 spec.  Fix: add 'import Char' to get it to compile under

> root@suburbia:/pkg/share/hugs/demos# ghc Literate.lhs
> Literate.lhs:50: Variable not in scope: `isSpace'
> Compilation had errors

Same problem here.

> root@suburbia:/pkg/share/hugs/demos# ghc Stack.hs
> Stack.hs:5: parse error on input `in'
> Compilation had errors

The stack demo uses restricted type synonyms, which is a Hugs extension.
GHC doesn't have restricted type synonyms (yet).

Thanks again for the patches,


Re: 4.04 posix/AF_UNIX lossage

1999-12-14 Thread Julian Assange

Hi Simon, I eventually managed to produce an executable (but see
below) with the following patches (note that the address family
enumeration below is *not* identical to freebsd):


--- ghc/lib/misc/SocketPrim.lhs Wed Sep 15 09:06:26 1999
+++ ghc/lib/misc/SocketPrim.lhs Tue Dec 14 13:00:08 1999
@@ -941,10 +941,56 @@


+#if netbsd_TARGET_OS || netbsd_elf_TARGET_OS
+data Family =
+   AF_UNSPEC   -- unspecified
+  |AF_UNIX -- local to host (pipes, portals)
+  |AF_INET -- internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc.
+  |AF_IMPLINK  -- arpanet imp addresses
+  |AF_PUP  -- pup protocols: e.g. BSP
+  |AF_CHAOS-- mit CHAOS protocols
+  |AF_NS   -- XEROX NS protocols
+  |AF_ISO  -- ISO protocols
+--|AF_OSI is the same as AF_ISO
+  |AF_ECMA -- european computer manufacturers
+  |AF_DATAKIT  -- datakit protocols
+  |AF_CCITT-- CCITT protocols, X.25 etc
+  |AF_SNA  -- IBM SNA
+  | AF_DECnet  -- DECnet
+  | AF_DLI -- DEC Direct data link interface
+  | AF_LAT -- LAT
+  |AF_HYLINK   -- NSC Hyperchannel
+  |AF_APPLETALK-- Apple Talk
+  |AF_ROUTE-- Internal Routing Protocol
+  |AF_LINK -- Link layer interface
+  |Pseudo_AF_XTP   -- eXpress Transfer Protocol (no AF)
+  | AF_COIP -- connection-oriented IP, aka ST II
+  | AF_CNT -- Computer Network Technology
+  | Psuedo_AF_RTIP  -- Help Identify RTIP packets
+  | AF_IPX -- Novell Internet Protocol
+  | AF_INET6   -- IPv6
+  | Pseudo_AF_PIP   -- Help Identify PIP packets
+  | AF_ISDN -- Integrated Services Digital Network
+--| AF_E164is the same as AF_ISDN
+  | AF_NATM-- native ATM access
+  | AF_ARP -- (rev.) addr. res. prot. (RFC 826)
+  | Pseudo_AF_KEY   -- Internal key-management function
+  | Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT -- Used by BPF to not rewrite hdrs in iface output
+  | AF_MAX
+   deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Show)
+packFamily = index (AF_UNSPEC, AF_MAX)
+unpackFamily family = (range (AF_UNSPEC, AF_MAX))!!family
 -- Alpha running OSF or a SPARC with SunOS, rather than Solaris.

 #if osf1_TARGET_OS || osf3_TARGET_OS || sunos4_TARGET_OS || hpux_TARGET_OS || \
-   aix_TARGET_OS || freebsd2_TARGET_OS || freebsd3_TARGET_OS
+   aix_TARGET_OS || freebsd2_TARGET_OS || freebsd3_TARGET_OS || \
+   netbsd_TARGET_OS || netbsd_elf_TARGET_OS
 data SocketType =
| Datagram
diff -u -r old/fptools/ghc/rts/MBlock.c work.i386/fptools/ghc/rts/MBlock.c

--- ghc/rts/MBlock.cWed Sep 15 09:06:54 1999
+++ ghc/rts/MBlock.cTue Dec 14 10:27:15 1999
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
 #define ASK_FOR_MEM_AT 0x5000

+#elif netbsd_TARGET_OS
+/* NetBSD i386 shared libs are at 0x4000
+ */
+#define ASK_FOR_MEM_AT 0x5000
 #elif linux_TARGET_OS
 /* Any ideas?

--- ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl Wed Sep 15 09:05:45 1999
+++ ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl Tue Dec 14 22:09:04 1999
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 $T_HDR_direct   = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";

-} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ 
/^i386-.*-(linuxaout|freebsd2|nextstep3|cygwin32|mingw32)$/ ) {
+} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ 
+/^i386-.*-(linuxaout|freebsd2|netbsd|nextstep3|cygwin32|mingw32)$/ ) {
# NeXT added but not tested. CaS

 $T_STABBY  = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
@@ -135,12 +135,12 @@
 $T_HDR_direct   = "\.text\n\t\.align 2,0x90\n";

-} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(solaris2|linux|freebsd3)$/ ) {
+} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(solaris2|linux|freebsd3|netbsd_elf)$/ ) {

 $T_STABBY  = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
 $T_US  = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
 $T_PRE_APP = # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
- ($TargetPlatform =~ /-(linux|freebsd3)$/) ? '#' : '/' ;
+ ($TargetPlatform =~ /-(linux|freebsd3|netbsd_elf)$/) ? '#' : '/' 
 $T_CONST_LBL= '^\.LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
 $T_POST_LBL= ':';
 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = '\.L';
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 $T_COPY_DIRVS   = '\.(globl)';

-if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /freebsd3/ ) {
+if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /freebsd3|netbsd_elf/ ) {
 $T_hsc_cc_PAT   = '\.ascii.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\

RE: 4.04 posix/AF_UNIX lossage

1999-12-14 Thread Simon Marlow

> when attempting to bootstrap under netbsd-current:
> ==fptools== gmake all -r;
>  in /orb/s/netbsd/usr/pkgsrc/lang/ghc/work.i386/fptools/ghc/lib/misc
> --
> --
> rm -f CString.o ; if [ ! -d CString ]; then mkdir CString; 
> else find CString -name '*.o' -print | xargs rm -f __rm_food ; fi ;
> ../../../ghc/driver/ghc -i../concurrent:../posix -recomp -cpp 
> -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C -Rghc-timing -O -split-objs -odir 
> CString -static-c CString.lhs -o CString.o -osuf o
> < residency (4 samples), 10M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 
> 2.22 MUT (2.51 elapsed), 0.97 GC (0.96 elapsed) :ghc>>
> ghc: module version unchanged at 1
> touch CString.o ;
> rm -f SocketPrim.o ; if [ ! -d SocketPrim ]; then mkdir 
> SocketPrim; else find SocketPrim -name '*.o' -print | xargs 
> rm -f __rm_food ; fi ;
> ../../../ghc/driver/ghc -i../concurrent:../posix -recomp -cpp 
> -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C -Rghc-timing -O -split-objs -odir 
> SocketPrim -static  -I../std/cbits -H12m 
> -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE  -c SocketPrim.lhs -o SocketPrim.o -osuf o
> SocketPrim.lhs:14: Variable not in scope: `packSocketType'
[ etc. ]

Thanks for the report.  I haven't tried building GHC on a NetBSD box (and I
don't have one to hand), so you'll have to help us debug this one.  I assume
you're trying to build lang/ghc from the FreeBSD ports tree?  

A good first approximation is probably to go through SocketPrim.lhs and add
netbsd_TARGET_OS to all the #ifdefs with freebsd[23]_TARGET_OS in them.

BTW, the ports tree version will only work with x86 at the moment.
