RE: Modelling Java Interfaces with Existential data types

2004-06-08 Thread Mike Aizatsky

I've read the paper (surprisingly it's quite new - Jun 2004) and your
sample. Here are several comments:

1. It looks like your HList is basically a "sugarized" version of

data AnyMyInterface = Impl1 MyImplementation1 | Impl2 MyImplementation2

with the same drawback: you require me to explicitly list all the possible
implementations of my interface, while the existential version of
AnyMyInterface accepts all the implementation, whenever they came from. It
might be possible to load them via hs-plugins or to obtain using something
similar to Clean Dynamics (btw, is there anything similar available for

2. There will also be problems in gluing the utility/legacy code. E. g. if I
want to call any list function on HLists (e.g. reverse). The idea of having
heterogeneous FiniteMap can be implemented by storing the single-element
lists, but it will complicate the code, which will work with the map.


> Your quality can indeed not work because the existentially quantified
> implementations are of course opaque. You can just compare apples and
> oranges.

Why? The idea of equality testing (not comparing) seems to be easily applies
to apples and oranges.

Is an Apple equal to an Orange? No. 
Is big Apple equal to small Orange? No.
Is small Apple equal to small Apple? Yes.
(The exact answer depends on the application).

I'm completely confident with applying (==) to different type. It's quite a
common operation in OO-world.

I would like to have the following behaviour:

instance Eq AnyMyInterface where
(==) (AnyMyInterface a1) (AnyMyInterface a2) = 
if (typeOf a1) == (typeOf a2) then false else a1 == a2

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Modelling Java Interfaces with Existential data types

2004-06-07 Thread Ralf Laemmel

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}


Hi Mike,

You might heterogeneous lists useful.
See the treatment of your example below.



import HList
import HTypeDriven

-- These are your two "implementations".

data MyImplementation1 = MyImplementation1 Int deriving (Show,Eq)
data MyImplementation2 = MyImplementation2 Int deriving (Show,Eq)

-- This is your interface class and the two instances.

class MyInterface a 
  foo :: a -> Int

instance MyInterface MyImplementation1
  foo (MyImplementation1 i) = i

instance MyInterface MyImplementation2
  foo (MyImplementation2 i) = i

-- Here is your list,
-- without the noise you don't like.

list1 =  MyImplementation1 10
 .*. MyImplementation2 20
 .*. HNil

-- If you like, this is the type, but it is not needed.
-- This list is not opaque. Less trouble in our experience.
-- (When compared to using existentials.)

type MyList =  MyImplementation1
   :*: MyImplementation2
   :*: HNil

-- Perhaps you want to make sure that you have a list of implementations
-- of MyInterface. Here is *one* way to do it. But you don't need to this
-- because this will be automatically checked (statically) whenever you
-- try to use the fooISH interface.

class ListOfMyInterface l
  listOfMyInterface :: l -> l
  listOfMyInterface = id

instance ListOfMyInterface HNil
instance ( MyInterface e
 , ListOfMyInterface l
  =>   ListOfMyInterface (HCons e l)

-- So you apply the id function with the side effect of statically 
-- ensuring that you are given a list of implementations of MyInterface.

list2 :: MyList
list2 = listOfMyInterface list1

-- Here is another way to do it.
-- You apply a heterogenous fold to the list.
-- This second solution is just for fun.

data ImplementsMyInterface = ImplementsMyInterface

instance HApply ImplementsMyInterface (e,l) (HCons e l)
  hApply _ (e,l) = HCons e l

myKindOfList l = hFoldr ImplementsMyInterface HNil l

-- Basically again you apply the identity function; a deep one this time.

list3 :: MyList
list3 = myKindOfList list1

-- Your quality can indeed not work because the existentially quantified
-- implementations are of course opaque. You can just compare apples and
-- oranges. Equality of heterogeneous lists is trivial; it is just derived.
-- To make it a little bit more interesting, we can consider heterogeneous
-- or stanamic equality. So you will always get a Boolean even for lists
-- of different types. See below.

-- Here is your bar function
-- It uses one sort of maps on heterogeneous lists.

bar :: MyList -> Int
bar = sum . hMapOut Foo

data Foo = Foo -- type driver for class-level application

instance MyInterface e => HApply Foo e Int
  hApply _ e = foo e


Demo follows.

*Main> :l gh-users-040607.hs
Compiling FakePrelude  ( ./FakePrelude.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HType( HType.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HList( ./HList.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HArray   ( ./HArray.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HTypeDriven  ( ./HTypeDriven.hs, interpreted )
Compiling Main ( gh-users-040607.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main, HTypeDriven, HArray, HList, HType, FakePrelude.
*Main> list1
HCons (MyImplementation1 10) (HCons (MyImplementation2 20) HNil)
*Main> bar list1
*Main> list1 == list1
*Main> list1 `hEqList` hReverse list1



Mike Aizatsky wrote:

>I'm in process of rewriting the old Java application. While this is for sure
>lots of fun, there're some problems in modeling the java interfaces.
>Here's the common Java scenario (it's actually the pattern, common for all
>OO-languages, so there should be no problems in understanding it):
>interface MyInterface {
>   int foo();
>class MyImplementation1 implements MyInterface { int foo() {...} }
>class MyImplementation2 implements MyInterface { int foo() {...} }
>And, somewhere in the code:
>int bar(List list) {  sum up all foos & return  }
>I've found quite an obvious translation of it to Haskell:
>module Ex where
>class MyInterface a where
>   foo :: a -> Int
>data AnyMyInterface = forall a. (MyInterface a) => AnyMyInterface a
>instance MyInterface AnyMyInterface where
>   foo (AnyMyInterface a) = foo a
>data MyImplementation1 = MyImplementation1 Int
>instance MyInterface MyImplementation1 where
>   foo(MyImplementation1 i) = i
>data MyImplementation2 = MyImplementation2 Int
>instance MyInterface MyImplementation2 where
>   foo(MyImplementation2 i) = i
>type MyList = [AnyMyInterface]
>list1 :: MyList
>list1 = [AnyMyInterface (MyImplementation1 10), AnyMyInterface
>(MyImplementation2 20)]
>bar :: MyList -> Int
>bar l = sum (map foo l)
>However there're some problems with this way to go:
>1. It's quite verbose. I already have a dozen of such interfac