Re: ghc 5.02.2 FFI question

2002-04-09 Thread Bernard James POPE

Hi Simon,

(posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in case anyone else is
reading this).

 I just tried your example and it seems to run in constant space here
 with 5.02.2.  The code looks fine - this isn't something we really
 envisaged people doing with the RTS API, but there's no real problem
 with it except that of course you don't get the benefits of type
 checking.  I'm sure you have very good reasons for building Haskell
 expressions in C :-)

My motivation is debugging. I was trying to implement a similar interface
to the HugsInternals one. I succeeded except the I noticed what looked to
me like a space leak, so I simplified the program a bit.

 Can you give us any more clues?  What were the symptoms when you ran it?

Okay, I've simplified the program even more. Now I just have a program that
calls a C function to build a Double, and then passes a stable pointer
back to it.

For comparison, I also made it possible to avoid calling C, ie just build
a Double in Haskell and make a stable pointer reference to it in Haskell.

My intuition, which maybe very wrong, is that the two ways of executing
should have very similar memory profiles and time performance. They run
in about the same time. Both processes grow bigger over time (as you will
see below), but the one that calls C grows much much faster. I'm presuming
that I can rely on the unix program 'top' to give me reasonably good

First the code, then the profiles:

The Haskell code.

   module Main where

   import Foreign

   -- returns a stable pointer to a Double (489.0923)
   foreign import leak leak :: IO (StablePtr Double)

   -- change to callLeak' to compare behaviour
   main = do repeatIO 50 callLeak

   -- call into C to make a Double
   callLeak :: IO ()
   callLeak = do doubleSPtr - leak
 doubleVal  - deRefStablePtr doubleSPtr
 freeStablePtr doubleSPtr
 print doubleVal

   -- don't call into C
   callLeak' :: IO ()
   callLeak' = do doubleSPtr - newStablePtr (489.0923::Double)
  doubleVal  - deRefStablePtr doubleSPtr
  freeStablePtr doubleSPtr
  print doubleVal

The C code:

   #include /home/bjpop/ghc-5.02.2/ghc/includes/Rts.h
   #include /home/bjpop/ghc-5.02.2/ghc/includes/RtsAPI.h
   #include LeakC.h

   StgStablePtr leak (void)
   StgClosure *num;
   num = rts_mkDouble(489.0923);
   return (getStablePtr ((StgPtr)(num)));

Okay, now for the tests:

If I compile the program so that it calls to C via the FFI 
then this is what top gives me over 30 second samples:

1708 1708 0:00
2748 2748 0:30
3772 3772 1:00
4788 4788 1:30
5828 5828 2:00
6812 6812 2:30

The process is definitely growing in size, and it looks linear.

If I compile the program so that it does not call C
(by modifying the definition of main so that it uses callLeak')
then this is what top gives over 30 second samples:

1692 1692 0:00
1704 1704 0:30
1720 1720 1:00
1736 1736 1:30
1752 1752 2:00
1764 1764 2:30

The process is still growing, but very slowly. I wouldn't expect
it to grow at all, but I don't know the memory management of
ghc well enough to be sure.

I thought I should look at the output from the garbage collector to see
if anything obvious came up. The verbose mode of '+RTS -S -RTS' spat out
lots of stuff as you would guess. I can post a snippet to you if it is of
interest, but I'll wait to see what you say.

The not-verbose output is as follows:

When calling C:

   2,460,833,948 bytes allocated in the heap
 1,911,280 bytes copied during GC
26,192 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
  7500 collections in generation 0 (  1.79s)
 1 collections in generation 1 (  0.00s)
 1 Mb total memory in use
 INIT  time0.01s  (  0.00s elapsed)
 MUT   time  160.84s  (410.71s elapsed)
 GCtime1.79s  (  3.94s elapsed)
 EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
 Total time  162.64s  (414.65s elapsed)
 %GC time   1.1%  (1.0% elapsed)
 Alloc rate15,298,936 bytes per MUT second
 Productivity  98.9% of total user, 38.8% of total elapsed

When not calling C:

   2,454,983,980 bytes allocated in the heap
 1,911,300 bytes copied 

RE: ghc 5.02.2 FFI question

2002-04-08 Thread Simon Marlow

Hi Bernie,

 I've been playing with the FFI in GHC 5.02.2
 I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly because I get a space leak
 in my program.

I just tried your example and it seems to run in constant space here
with 5.02.2.  The code looks fine - this isn't something we really
envisaged people doing with the RTS API, but there's no real problem
with it except that of course you don't get the benefits of type
checking.  I'm sure you have very good reasons for building Haskell
expressions in C :-)

Can you give us any more clues?  What were the symptoms when you ran it?

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