Re: Timing Functions

2005-01-18 Thread Georg Martius
Hi Bill,
please note that "null list" just forces the first cell to be evaluated. I.e. 
the list (x: xs), just x is evaluated, but not xs. That means, that just the code in you 
function is evaluated that is really required for x.
If your return type is a list, then you might get away with determining the 
length, but again it will not force the inside of each cell. The only way to 
force full evaluation is the DeepSeq class, see [1]. In case you can show your 
type you can also do that, but it will warp you results obviously.
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 14:21:00 -0600, jekwtw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Many thanks to both Georg and Lemmih.  Actually, I had considered laziness,
but I didn't pursue it enough.  I tried one version of runNReps in which I
passed (f x) as an additional arg; when that didn't work, a little thought
convinced me that laziness was doing me in.  I also tried another approach,
which was to "use" the function evaluation, but that didn't work either
(note: I know (f x) can not be the empty list for values of x I'm interested
in, but I don't think Haskell does, unless it's *really* smart :-) :
runNReps :: (Int -> [a]) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
runNReps f x todo
| todo > 0 = do let junk = (f x)
if null junk then return (()) else
runNReps f x (todo - 1)
| otherwise = return (())
Again, many thanks,
 -- Bill Wood
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

 Georg Martius,  Tel: (+49 34297) 89434 
--- -
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Timing Functions

2005-01-17 Thread jekwtw
Many thanks to both Georg and Lemmih.  Actually, I had considered laziness,
but I didn't pursue it enough.  I tried one version of runNReps in which I
passed (f x) as an additional arg; when that didn't work, a little thought
convinced me that laziness was doing me in.  I also tried another approach,
which was to "use" the function evaluation, but that didn't work either
(note: I know (f x) can not be the empty list for values of x I'm interested
in, but I don't think Haskell does, unless it's *really* smart :-) :

> runNReps :: (Int -> [a]) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
> runNReps f x todo
> | todo > 0 = do let junk = (f x)
> if null junk then return (()) else
runNReps f x (todo - 1)
> | otherwise = return (())


Again, many thanks,

 -- Bill Wood

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Timing Functions

2005-01-17 Thread Georg Martius
Hi Bill,
You know, Haskell is so smart that it realised that you want to measure it and 
therefore it performs very good -- NO, I am just kidding!
Welcome to lazy programming!
The thing is, that you don't force the evaluation of the result of you function 
f. Therefore you program doesn't bother to do anything. The way around is not 
easy in any case. You have basically two choices:
  a) force the evaluation inside runNReps,
  b) or collect the results and force the evaluation in timeNReps.
The forcing can be done via seq or maybe print or whatever seems appropriate. Please note 
that seq is just force "Weak Head Normal Form", which means basically that just 
the top-most contructor is evaluated (to be not _|_).
Btw: runNReps doesn't need to be in the IO Monad
I came up with the following version:
timeNReps :: (Show b) => (a -> b) -> a -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
timeNReps func arg reps fileName =
do t0 <- getCPUTime
   let results = map (func) $ take reps $ repeat arg
   putStrLn $ "Produced String of length " ++ (show $ length $ show results)
   t1 <- getCPUTime
   appendFile fileName ((showMS (t1 - t0)) ++ "\n")
where showMS n = show (n `quot` 10)
I hope it helped.
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 10:48:18 -0600, jekwtw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm putting together a script to gather run-time stats for some functions I'm 
working with, and I'm having a terrible time.  My strategy is to evaluate a 
function a number of times and compute the difference between the elapsed CPU 
time before and after the repeated calls.
timeNReps :: (a -> b) -> a -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
timeNReps func arg reps fileName =
do t0 <- System.CPUTime.getCPUTime
 runNReps func arg reps
 t1 <- System.CPUTime.getCPUTime
 appendFile fileName ((showMS (t1 - t0)) ++ "\n")
   showMS n = show (n `quot` 10)
showMS just converts the pico-second result into milli-seconds and 
stringifies it.
runNReps is an IO program (do sequence) that is intended to call the function 
and tail-call itself a given number of times:
runNReps :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
runNReps f x todo
| todo > 0 = do let junk = (f x)
   runNReps f x (todo - 1)
| otherwise = return (())
Apparently runNReps doesn't apply f to x at all!  I've called my test function with a 
suitable argument from top level (within ghci) and it takes ~20 sec. wall time to return; 
when I evaluate "runNReps test arg 1" it returns immediately.  When I use this 
within my timing script I get timing output that indicates that calls for all args 
between 1 and 50 take about the same (very small) amount of time, but I know, both from 
theory and experiments in Scheme versions, that my test function's complexity is 
exponential in its arg.
I'm using GHC 6.0.1 under Mandrake 9.1 on a 1.8 GHz Pentium box with 256MB RAM.
Any idea where I'm going wrong?
 -- Bill Wood

 Georg Martius,  Tel: (+49 34297) 89434 
--- -
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Timing Functions

2005-01-17 Thread Lemmih
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 10:48:18 -0600, jekwtw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm putting together a script to gather run-time stats for some functions
> I'm working with, and I'm having a terrible time.  My strategy is to
> evaluate a function a number of times and compute the difference between the
> elapsed CPU time before and after the repeated calls. 
> > timeNReps :: (a -> b) -> a -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
> > timeNReps func arg reps fileName =
> > do t0 <- System.CPUTime.getCPUTime
> >  runNReps func arg reps
> >  t1 <- System.CPUTime.getCPUTime
> >  appendFile fileName ((showMS (t1 - t0)) ++ "\n")
> >where
> >showMS n = show (n `quot` 10)
> showMS just converts the pico-second result into milli-seconds and
> stringifies it.
> runNReps is an IO program (do sequence) that is intended to call the
> function and tail-call itself a given number of times: 
> > runNReps :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
> > runNReps f x todo
> > | todo > 0 = do let junk = (f x)
> >runNReps f x (todo - 1)
> > | otherwise = return (())

Haskell is a non-strict language which means that 'junk' wont be
evaluated since it's not necessary for the function to terminate.
Check 'replicateM_' from Control.Monad.
> runNReps :: Int -> IO a -> IO ()
> runNReps = replicateM_

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Timing Functions

2005-01-17 Thread jekwtw

I'm putting together a script to gather run-time stats for some 
functions I'm working with, and I'm having a terrible time.  My strategy is 
to evaluate a function a number of times and compute the difference between the 
elapsed CPU time before and after the repeated calls.
> timeNReps :: (a -> b) -> a -> Int -> FilePath -> IO 
()> timeNReps func arg reps fileName 
do t0 <- 
runNReps func arg 
t1 <- 
appendFile fileName ((showMS (t1 - t0)) ++ "\n")>    
where>    showMS n = show (n `quot` 
10)showMS just converts the pico-second result into 
milli-seconds and stringifies it.runNReps is an IO program (do 
sequence) that is intended to call the function and tail-call itself a given 
number of times:
> runNReps :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()> 
runNReps f x 
| todo > 0 = do let junk = (f 
f x (todo - 
1)> | 
otherwise = return (())Apparently runNReps doesn't apply f to x at 
all!  I've called my test function with a suitable argument from top level 
(within ghci) and it takes ~20 sec. wall time to return; when I evaluate 
"runNReps test arg 1" it returns immediately.  When I use this within my 
timing script I get timing output that indicates that calls for all args between 
1 and 50 take about the same (very small) amount of time, but I know, both from 
theory and experiments in Scheme versions, that my test function's 
complexity is exponential in its arg.
I'm using GHC 6.0.1 under Mandrake 9.1 on a 1.8 GHz Pentium box with 256MB 
Any idea where I'm going wrong?
 -- Bill Wood
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list