Re: FiniteMap in Hugs

1999-04-26 Thread Chris Okasaki

"Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)" wrote:

> The reason why FiniteMap and friends aren't included in
> the Hugs/GHC libraries, is that we're waiting for the
> design of a Collections library to be finalised (and
> released). We've been waiting for 9 months for that to
> happen, so hopefully something will materialise on that
> front soon...

Sorry, that's me.  I've been pretty much at a standstill for
most of those 9 months fighting Makefile problems with
GHC.  But Ralf Hinze finally took care of this for me
recently, and there should be a release soon!


Re: RFC: Overloaded arrays

2000-03-29 Thread Chris Okasaki

Simon Marlow wrote:
> class HasBounds a => IArray a e where
> (!) :: Ix ix => a ix e -> ix -> e
> array   :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> [(ix,e)] -> a ix e
> class (Monad m, HasBounds a) => MArray a e m where
> read:: Ix ix => a ix e -> ix -> m e
> write   :: Ix ix => a ix e -> ix -> e -> m ()
> marray  :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> m (a ix e)

My main comment is please don't ignore a simple update operation
on immutable arrays, with a type something like
  update :: Ix ix => a ix e -> ix -> e -> a ix e
I don't care about the name but I do care about the functionality.
I'm perfectly happy with the naive, dirt simple, O(n) implementation 
that copies the whole array and makes the update in the copy.  Yes,
there is the // operation, but 95% of the time I just want to
update a single element.

Most functional languages leave this operation out, I presume because
the feeling is that it is so expensive that no one would ever
want to call it.  But I've found myself wanting it lots of times,
usually with very short arrays (say, length 4 or 8).


Re: RFC: Overloaded arrays

2000-03-29 Thread Chris Okasaki

Simon Marlow wrote:
> Actually, I'm slightly concerned about your use of small arrays: the static
> (one-off) cost of allocating an array is quite high compared to eg. tuples
> or records.  Are arrays the only solution here?

You're right of course that arrays are quite expensive, but 
it is not clear to me whether this is an inherent property of
arrays or an artifact of the current implementation.

At least part of it is inherent, because of the extremely
general nature of Haskell's arrays (use of Ix, arbitrary
bounds).  I've never understood the advantages of these
arrays over a more primitive mechanism (indexed by integers
starting at 0), with the fancier arrays built on top of
the primitive arrays in a library.  But this is not a battle
I'm prepared to fight right now!

As to whether arrays are the only solution, well, no.
Tuples are out because the size is not necessarily known
in advance.  Or even if the size is known, you may
expect it to change several times during development.
Lists are a posibility, but, when I say "short,
that might be as high as maybe 256.  Some tree-like
implementation of arrays, such as Braun trees would 
not be unreasonable.  But arrays seem like the most
natural choice.  It would be a shame it steer programmers
away from arrays just because they are disproportionately
