[gmx-users] Question regarding g_order

2013-10-03 Thread sa
Hi all,
I am trying to compute the order parameters for the sn1 and sn2 chains of
DOPC (CHARMM36)  in bilayer . I am using the g_order tool (v4.6.3).
I have constructed for  each DOPC chain two index files that contains in
the first one all the Carbon atoms where the first Carbon is C=O and the
last one is the last methyl. The second index file for the unsat
calculations contains only the carbons of the C-C9=C10-C.

I am confused here, since the file obtained from g_order w/o the -unsat
argument contains only 16 values and in case of the file generated with
g_order w the -unsat argument 2 values. I am aware that I need to replace
the 9 -10 values in first by those of the second file. However I would like
to compare my SCD values with those obtained by Jämbeck and P. Lyubartsev
(figure 2 in ref [1] ), The authors present graph for DOPC with 17 values.
How it is possible? Did I miss something, here?

-- g_order w/o unsat
# g_order_mpi is part of G R O M A C S:
# GROup of MAchos and Cynical Suckers
@title Deuterium order parameters
@xaxis  label Atom
@yaxis  label Scd
@TYPE xy
   2   0.148241
   3   0.184247
   4   0.184565
   5   0.184457
   6   0.166101
   7   0.118359
   8  0.0774722
   9  0.0703466
  10  0.0511651
  11  0.0977673
  12  0.0968413
  13   0.100903
  14  0.0869513
  15  0.0806322
  16  0.0602708

-- g_order w/ unsat
# g_order_mpi is part of G R O M A C S:
# GRoups of Organic Molecules in ACtion for Science
@title Deuterium order parameters
@xaxis  label Atom
@yaxis  label Scd
@TYPE xy
   1   0.104554
   2  0.0111027

[1] http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/ct300342n

Thank in advance
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[gmx-users] Problems with simulations of a triclinic crystal lattice with Parrinello-Rahman

2013-06-15 Thread sa
Hello everybody,

I am trying to simulate a triclinic cristal lattice (4x4x2) with gromacs
(4.5.5) in constant pressure with the Parrinello-Rahman (PR) barostat. the
crystal were previously equilibrated in the NPT ensemble during 1ns at 200K
with berendsen thermostat/barostat
. The crystal initail parameters are (28.736   32.292   34.142  91.04
 93.50 110.06 P 1)

I used the following parameters
Tcoupl  = v-rescale
tc-grps = BCL BEN
tau-t   = 0.1 0.1
ref-t   = 200 200
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   = 5.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0135
gen_vel = no
DispCorr= EnerPres
With these parameters, the system explodes.

I am confused here because if I switch to the berendsen barostat with the
following parameters I have no problems to do a simulation of 1ns and the
crystal lattice parameters remains stable (see below)

. isotropic
Tcoupl  = v-rescale
tc-grps = BCL BEN
tau-t   = 0.1 0.1
ref-t   = 200 200
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = berendsen
pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   = 2.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0135
gen_vel = no
DispCorr= EnerPres

Energy  Average   Err.Est.   RMSD  Tot-Drift
Temperature 199.576  0.0233.56331  0.0876693  (K)
Pressure 1.0242   0.25971.331  -0.346972  (bar)
Box-X   2.914645.7e-05 0.00129697 6.17829e-05  (nm)
Box-Y   3.07662  6e-05 0.00136905 6.52159e-05  (nm)
Box-Z3.45356.7e-05 0.00153675 7.3165e-05  (nm)
Volume  30.9685 0.0018  0.0413433 0.00197128  (nm^3)
T-BCL   199.516   0.023.83149  0.0860062  (K)
T-BEN   199.981  0.0489.94395  0.0989034  (K)

CRYST1   29.137   32.742   34.618  91.04  93.50 110.06 P 1

Did I miss something important here about PR and crystals?

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[gmx-users] How to compute the C-H bond time correlation function for surfactant alkyl chain in micelle with the CHARMM and GROMOS

2012-07-18 Thread sa
Hi All,

  I would like to compute the time correlation function (tcf) of the
C-H bond vector for all the C-H bonds on the hydrocarbon chain of
surfactants in two micelles simulated with the CHARMM and gromos54A7
force fields. It is not clear to me how do that.

  Below what i did

 1- For the CHARMM simulation I have constructed an index file that
contains all the C H atoms of the alkyl chain, like this :

   aC12 | aH12A | aH12B
   aC13 | aH13A | aH13B
  up to the last methylene group

  aC23| aH23A | aH23B

   It is Correct ?

   2- And use the following command for example for the C12-H bond vector

   g_rotacf_mpi -f micelle_Center_All.xtc -s run_1.tpr -b 11 -e
13 -fitfn aexp -d -n micelle_CH_Bonds.ndx -o
micelle_rotacf-C12-P2.xvg  bond_C12.txt 

  It is also Correct ?

   I have indeed obtained a correlation function C(t), that i can fit
with 4 exponential but i am not sure if this function is  what i
expect. IF It is ok, i would like to do the same calculations for
surfactants simulated with GROMOS force field. Since in this force
field the apolar hydrogens are not presents, i need to reconstruct
them from hydrocarbon chain backbone. Again how to do that ?

   Your guidance would be helpful for me.


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[gmx-users] Question about the translational diffusion

2012-07-05 Thread sa
Hi all,
A quick question here:

Does the g_msd program (v4.5.5) take into account the finite size
effect due to PBC when it computes/gives translational diffusion ?

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[gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters

2011-08-08 Thread sa

 Thank you Olivier for your response.



 Message: 2
 Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:20:44 +0100
 From: Oliver Grant olivercgr...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

 Hi SA,

 I think this is due to the original amb2gmx.pl coder only considering
 type dihedrals. He/She didn't expect any negative values. You'll notice
 certain groups like NAc and COO- on sugars are affected when you run your
 simulation. Below is a similar post with a fix to the amb2gmx.pl code.
 short so I pasted it rather than linking.

 You may already know this but note also the default is to correctly fudge
 AMBERS 1-4 interactions. So if you run a sugar using the GLYCAM forcefield
 they will be incorrectly scaled/fudged. An easy fix is to copy the
 ffamber99sb.itp (may be called something else now) to your local directory
 where you are running the md and change to:

 [ defaults ]
 ; nbfunccomb-rule   gen-pairs   fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
 1   2 yes 1.0

 If you have a sugar and a protein you cannot mix the scaling. Mixed scaling
 is possible in amber11 if you really need it. I did all this when 4.0.7 was
 the latest release so things may have changed and it may now be possible to
 mix scaling or it may be that something else has changed :)

 If you find anything when testing the parameters please do post back.
 All the best,

 *Hi all,

 There is a problem that I encountered when I was trying to manually
 verify the proper dihedral conversion from AMBER topology to GROMACS
 topology using amb2gmx perl script.
 Some of the dihedrals were set to zero by amb2gmx even if in the
 prmtop file they were not zero. This was happening for all the lines
 that had PK with negative values!. Reading the script I came up with
 the following lines for V[i] calculation (lines 749  to 755 in the
 script file):


  # get all force constants for each line of a dihedral #
  my $lines = $i -1 +$numijkl;
  for(my $j=$i;$j=$lines;$j++){
   my $period = abs($pn{$j});
   if($pk{$j}0) {
 $V[$period] = 2*$pk{$j}*$cal/$idivf{$j};


 It seems from here that only PK values  0 are considered when
 computing the RB constants.
 After I change the  sign to != (i.e. not equal to) everything
 goes fine and ALL the dihedral are transformed correctly.

 While this is OK with different  AMBER sets and GAFF if one wish to
 convert a GLYCAM (which comes also with Amber package) generated
 topology, in the gromacs resultant file there will be missing
 parameters for dihedrals. That's because GLYCAM does not use phase
 shift and have also negative values for several PK

 Is this a bug or there is a reason for considering only the positive
 values of PK or I am missing something (as I am a begginer with
 (or maybe amb2gmx was designed only to work an AMBER ff conversion and
 not for example GLYCAM)

 Thanks for any comment,

 On 21 July 2011 10:48, sa sagmx.m...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yeah I have also found this page. Finally I did the conversion. I am
  currently testing the parameters.
  Thank you  Austin and Mark for your help
  Message: 4
  Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 07:17:18 -0700 (PDT)
  From: Austin B. Yongye ybau...@yahoo.com
  Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters
 in the  GROMACS format.
  To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
   So my questions are: how to convert it in the gromacs format ?
  I haven't done AMBER to GROMACS conversions. But a google search led me
  this page. It's just a matter of knowing the different formats.
   Is it correct to use the absolute value of the multiplicity in my
  parameters and use the negative values of barrier heights when they are
  exist in the AMBER parameters? Since, I have noticed that in the AMBER
  ff port in GROMACS, the multiplicity values are always set to  0
  and   the barrier heights have sometime a negative value.
  So my questions are: how to convert it in the gromacs format ?  Is it
  correct to use the absolute value of the multiplicity in my parameters
  use the negative values of barrier heights when they are exist in the
  parameters? Since, I have noticed that in the AMBER ff port in GROMACS,
  multiplicity values are always set to  0 and   the barrier heights have
  sometime a negative value.
  Thank you again for your advice.
  Message: 1

[gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters

2011-07-21 Thread sa

 Yeah I have also found this page. Finally I did the conversion. I am
 currently testing the parameters.

Thank you  Austin and Mark for your help



 Message: 4
 Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 07:17:18 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Austin B. Yongye ybau...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters
in the  GROMACS format.
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

  So my questions are: how to convert it in the gromacs format ?
 I haven't done AMBER to GROMACS conversions. But a google search led me to
 this page. It's just a matter of knowing the different formats.


  Is it correct to use the absolute value of the multiplicity in my
 parameters and use the negative values of barrier heights when they are
 exist in the AMBER parameters? Since, I have noticed that in the AMBER
 ff port in GROMACS, the multiplicity values are always set to  0
 and   the barrier heights have sometime a negative value.

 So my questions are: how to convert it in the gromacs format ?  Is it
 correct to use the absolute value of the multiplicity in my parameters and
 use the negative values of barrier heights when they are exist in the AMBER
 parameters? Since, I have noticed that in the AMBER ff port in GROMACS, the
 multiplicity values are always set to  0 and   the barrier heights have
 sometime a negative value.

 Thank you again for your advice.


 Message: 1

 Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 11:08:55 -0700 (PDT)

 From: Austin B. Yongye ybau...@yahoo.com

 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters

 in the  GROMACS format.

 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org



 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 It is normal to have combinations of negative and positive values for the
 barrier heights. Those are just the best coefficients to reproduce some QM
 rotational energy curve during the parameterization.  The negative
 periodicities are a convention from AMBER. They simply indicate that the
 dihedral angle potential has more than one term. For your example below:


   -OS-CP   10.10  0.0-3. Dimethyl

  1   -0.50  0.0-2.


   0.0 1

 -3, -2 and 1 signify V3, V2 and V1 terms, respectively. Once a positive
 value is reached, terms for the O2-P-OS-CP potential have been completely
 accounted for.

 Hope that helps.


 --- On Tue, 7/19/11, Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au wrote:

 From: Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au

 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters in
 the GROMACS format.

 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org

 Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 7:08 AM

 On 19/07/2011 11:56 PM, sa wrote:


   GROMCS users,


   am trying to convert some GLYCAM parameters in GROMACS format.

   For this

   purpose, I am using the latest GLYCAM parameters downloaded

   from the RJ. Woods’

   website and the examples given in the acpype code (here for

   the dihedral angles) :



 # dihedralidivfbarrier hight/2 kcal/mol  phase degrees
 periodicity comments

X -ca-ca-X4   14.500* 180.000
  2.000 intrpol.bsd.on C6H6

 * to convert to gmx: 14.5/4 * 4.184 * 2 (?) (yes in amb2gmx, no in
 topolbuild, why?) = 30.334 or 15.167 kJ/mol

 # X -CA-CA-X4   14.50180.0 2.
 intrpol.bsd.on C6H6 (from parm99.dat)

 # X-CA-CA-X 330.33400 0.0   -30.33400 0.0
 0.0 0.0   ; intrpol.bsd.on C6H6


   I have no problems with the parameters for proteins. But, in case of
 the GLYCAM parameters, I am a little confused

 about the conversion of dihedral force constants (DFC), especially when the
 DFC and the periodicity values are  0 for example

 for this torsion:


   -OS-CP   10.10  0.0-3. Dimethyl

 1   -0.50  0.0-2.


   0.0 1

 Where only a positive value makes sense, sometimes people use

 negative values to indicate some special functional form. This can

 be easier to code. Regardless, you'll have to check out the GLYCAM

 documentation and see what is meant, before you

[gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters in the GROMACS format.

2011-07-20 Thread sa
Thank you Austin, for the clarification,

So my questions are: how to convert it in the gromacs format ? Is it correct
to use the absolute value of the multiplicity in my parameters and use the
negative values of barrier heights when they are exist in the AMBER
parameters? Since, I have noticed that in the AMBER ff port in GROMACS, the
multiplicity values are always set to  0 and  the barrier heights have
sometime a negative value.

Thank you again for your advice.


Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 11:08:55 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Austin B. Yongye ybau...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters
in the  GROMACS format.
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 It is normal to have combinations of negative and positive values for the
 barrier heights. Those are just the best coefficients to reproduce some QM
 rotational energy curve during the parameterization.  The negative
 periodicities are a convention from AMBER. They simply indicate that the
 dihedral angle potential has more than one term. For your example below:

  -OS-CP   10.10  0.0-3. Dimethyl
 1   -0.50  0.0-2.

  0.0 1
 -3, -2 and 1 signify V3, V2 and V1 terms, respectively. Once a positive
 value is reached, terms for the O2-P-OS-CP potential have been completely
 accounted for.

 Hope that helps.

 --- On Tue, 7/19/11, Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au wrote:

 From: Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters in
 the GROMACS format.
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 7:08 AM

On 19/07/2011 11:56 PM, sa wrote:

  GROMCS users,

  am trying to convert some GLYCAM parameters in GROMACS format.
  For this
  purpose, I am using the latest GLYCAM parameters downloaded
  from the RJ. Woods’
  website and the examples given in the acpype code (here for
  the dihedral angles) :


 # dihedralidivfbarrier hight/2 kcal/mol  phase degrees
 periodicity comments
   X -ca-ca-X4   14.500* 180.000
2.000 intrpol.bsd.on C6H6

 * to convert to gmx: 14.5/4 * 4.184 * 2 (?) (yes in amb2gmx, no in
 topolbuild, why?) = 30.334 or 15.167 kJ/mol
 # X -CA-CA-X4   14.50180.0 2.
 intrpol.bsd.on C6H6 (from parm99.dat)

 # X-CA-CA-X 330.33400 0.0   -30.33400 0.0
 0.0 0.0   ; intrpol.bsd.on C6H6


  I have no problems with the parameters for proteins. But, in case of
 the GLYCAM parameters, I am a little confused

 about the conversion of dihedral force constants (DFC), especially when the
 DFC and the periodicity values are  0 for example
 for this torsion:

  -OS-CP   10.10  0.0-3. Dimethyl
1   -0.50  0.0-2.

  0.0 1

Where only a positive value makes sense, sometimes people use
negative values to indicate some special functional form. This can
be easier to code. Regardless, you'll have to check out the GLYCAM
documentation and see what is meant, before you can address how to
convert it into a GROMACS format. Obviously the contents of parts of
chapter 4 and 5 of the manual will be important.


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http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists

[gmx-users] Conversion of the GLYCAM dihedral parameters in the GROMACS format.

2011-07-19 Thread sa
Dear GROMCS users,

I am trying to convert some GLYCAM parameters in GROMACS format. For this
purpose, I am using the latest GLYCAM parameters downloaded from the RJ.
Woods’ website and the examples given in the acpype code (here for the
dihedral angles) :


# dihedralidivfbarrier hight/2 kcal/mol  phase degrees
  periodicity comments

 X -ca-ca-X4   14.500* 180.000
   2.000 intrpol.bsd.on C6H6
* to convert to gmx: 14.5/4 * 4.184 * 2 (?) (yes in amb2gmx, no in
topolbuild, why?) = 30.334 or 15.167 kJ/mol
# X -CA-CA-X4   14.50180.0 2.
intrpol.bsd.on C6H6 (from parm99.dat)
# X-CA-CA-X 330.33400 0.0   -30.33400 0.0
0.0 0.0   ; intrpol.bsd.on C6H6


I have no problems with the parameters for proteins. But, in case of
the GLYCAM parameters, I am a little confused
about the conversion of dihedral force constants (DFC), especially
when the DFC and the periodicity values are  0 for example
for this torsion:

O2-P -OS-CP   10.10  0.0-3. Dimethyl

  1   -0.50  0.0-2.

  10.10  0.0 1

Thank you in advance, for your help

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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[gmx-users] Re: About the %SS values in the output of do_dssp

2011-06-28 Thread sa
Ok Thank you Justin for this clarification

 sa wrote:
  Dear All,
  I have simulated 6 peptides (with 7 AA each capped in N and C termini)
  in water and trehalose. During all the simulation time, the six peptides
  have  b-sheet conformations. I would like  to calculate the average % of
  secondary structure for the 6 peptides over the course of run. So I have
  read the subject reported in the following link
  http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/683 and used the following command for
  the two first frames
 /work/sa001/gmx-post4.5.3/bin/do_dssp_mpi -f *-Center_All.xtc -s
run_1.tpr -tu ps -dt 1 -b 1 -e 5 -o
6_Peptide_53A6_Trehal_Pref_SS.xpm -sss
6_Peptide_53A6_Trehal_Pref_HEBT.dat -ssdump
6_Peptide_53A6_Trehal_Dump_SS.dat -sc test.xvg
  I obtained the following output for my six peptides
  @TYPE xy
  @ subtitle Structure =  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + B-Sheet +  +  +  +  +  + 
  @ view 0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.85
  @ legend on
  @ legend box on
  @ legend loctype view
  @ legend 0.78, 0.8
  @ legend length 2
  @ s0 legend Structure
  @ s1 legend Coil
  @ s2 legend B-Sheet
  @ s3 legend Chain_Separator
 2301230 5
 4301230 5
  # Totals60246010
  # SS %0.64  0.26  0.64  0.11
  I can understand how the %SS values are obtained in the example given in
  http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/683, but not in my case. Could you
  tell me how the %SS is obtained the output above.

 Like any other average.  From the code:

 /* now print percentages */
 fprintf(fp, %-8s %5.2f, # SS %, total_count / (real) (mat-nx *
 for(s=0; smat-nmap; s++)
 fprintf(fp, %5.2f,total[s] / (real) (mat-nx * mat-ny));

 So the total number of secondary structure elements is divided by the
 product of
 (number of frames * number of total residues).

 Your results are affected by the problem I mentioned in the issue report
 quote.  You have 42 residues, but since chain separators count as residues,
 calculations are all done out of 47 residues instead.  You'll have to
 modify the code to account for this problem or simply re-calculate the


  Thank you in advance for your help


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] About the %SS values in the output of do_dssp

2011-06-25 Thread sa
Dear All,

I have simulated 6 peptides (with 7 AA each capped in N and C termini) in
water and trehalose. During all the simulation time, the six peptides have
b-sheet conformations. I would like  to calculate the average % of secondary
structure for the 6 peptides over the course of run. So I have read the
subject reported in the following link
http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/683and used the following command
for the two first frames
 /work/sa001/gmx-post4.5.3/bin/do_dssp_mpi -f *-Center_All.xtc -s run_1.tpr
-tu ps -dt 1 -b 1 -e 5 -o 6_Peptide_53A6_Trehal_Pref_SS.xpm -sss
6_Peptide_53A6_Trehal_Pref_HEBT.dat -ssdump
6_Peptide_53A6_Trehal_Dump_SS.dat -sc test.xvg
I obtained the following output for my six peptides

@TYPE xy
@ subtitle Structure =  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
+  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + B-Sheet +  +  +  +  +  + 
@ view 0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.85
@ legend on
@ legend box on
@ legend loctype view
@ legend 0.78, 0.8
@ legend length 2
@ s0 legend Structure
@ s1 legend Coil
@ s2 legend B-Sheet
@ s3 legend Chain_Separator
   2301230 5
   4301230 5
# Totals60246010
# SS %0.64  0.26  0.64  0.11

I can understand how the %SS values are obtained in the example given in
http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/683, but not in my case. Could you tell me
how the %SS is obtained the output above.

Thank you in advance for your help

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[gmx-users] Different g_sas values between AMBER, CHARMM and GROMOS ff for DPC

2011-04-10 Thread sa
Thank you David,

My micelle simulated with the GROMOS ff slightly differs (size and shape)
from the two others micelles, so i expected that the values total SAS value
slightly differ. In case of the headgroup, they are located in the micelle
interface region, so the SAS in case of the micelle simulated with GROMOS
should be not so different (36 % less) than the others micelles

You said that In order for g_sas to work with gromos force field one would
have to
increase the radius of the carbon atoms. For the 54 atoms the default
value will be used. How to do that ? and for all the carbon atoms
(including the headgroup carbon atoms).

Thank you


 On 2011-04-09 19.06, sa wrote:
  Dear All,
  I have simulated three DPC micelles with the same size (54 lipids) with
  different force fields (CHARMM, AMBER et GROMOS53A6) and computed the
  average accessible surface areas for each lipids with g_sas (gmx4.5.3) I
  obtain the three average values for total DPC, the headgroup
  (phosphocholine) and the alkyl tail.
 Total (A2)Head  Tail
  GROMOS53A6158.4 ± 4.8 54.8 ± 3.4 103.2 ± 3.8
  AMBER  248.2 ± 8.7 76.2 ± 5.1 172.5 ± 5.2
  CHARMM   242.7 ± 7.7 70.4 ± 4.1  172.4 ± 4.8
  As you can see the ASA values are close between the micelles simulated
  with the CHARMM and AMBER ff, but larger than the values obtained from
  the micelle simulated with GROMOS ff especially for the headgroup. I am
  aware that  CHARMM and AMBER are explicits ff whereas GROMOS is an
  united ff  It is the reason I obtain a smaller values for GROMOS
  compared to two others ones ?
  Does g_sas tool take into account this. I have also noted when I use
  g_sas i obtain the following message
  WARNING: masses and atomic (Van der Waals) radii will be determined
based on residue and atom names. These numbers can deviate
from the correct mass and radius of the atom type.
  WARNING: could not find a Van der Waals radius for 54 atoms
  It is important ?

 Given your observations above, don't you think it might be?
 In order for g_sas to work with gromos force field one would have to
 increase the radius of the carbon atoms. For the 54 atoms the default
 value will be used.
  Thank you in advance for your advices.

 David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
 Dept. of Cell  Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
 Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205.

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[gmx-users] Different g_sas values between AMBER, CHARMM and GROMOS ff for DPC

2011-04-10 Thread sa
Thank you David

A bientôt



 Message: 1
 Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 11:17:15 +0200
 From: David van der Spoel sp...@xray.bmc.uu.se
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Different g_sas values between AMBER,  CHARMM
and GROMOS ff for DPC
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Message-ID: 4da1759b.2000...@xray.bmc.uu.se
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 On 2011-04-10 11.11, sa wrote:
  Thank you David,
  My micelle simulated with the GROMOS ff slightly differs (size and
  shape) from the two others micelles, so i expected that the values total
  SAS value slightly differ. In case of the headgroup, they are located in
  the micelle interface region, so the SAS in case of the micelle
  simulated with GROMOS should be not so different (36 % less) than the
  others micelles
  You said that In order for g_sas to work with gromos force field one
  would have to
  increase the radius of the carbon atoms. For the 54 atoms the default
  value will be used. How to do that ? and for all the carbon atoms
  (including the headgroup carbon atoms).
 edit vdwradii.dat.
 Then be careful to use an atom name that is specific for the FF such
 that your Amber and Charmm runs keep the correct value.
  Thank you
  On 2011-04-09 19.06, sa wrote:
Dear All,
I have simulated three DPC micelles with the same size (54
  lipids) with
different force fields (CHARMM, AMBER et GROMOS53A6) and computed
average accessible surface areas for each lipids with g_sas
  (gmx4.5.3) I
obtain the three average values for total DPC, the headgroup
(phosphocholine) and the alkyl tail.
   Total (A2)Head  Tail
GROMOS53A6158.4 ± 4.8 54.8 ± 3.4 103.2 ± 3.8
AMBER  248.2 ± 8.7 76.2 ± 5.1 172.5 ± 5.2
CHARMM   242.7 ± 7.7 70.4 ± 4.1  172.4 ± 4.8
As you can see the ASA values are close between the micelles
with the CHARMM and AMBER ff, but larger than the values obtained
the micelle simulated with GROMOS ff especially for the
  headgroup. I am
aware that  CHARMM and AMBER are explicits ff whereas GROMOS is an
united ff  It is the reason I obtain a smaller values for GROMOS
compared to two others ones ?
Does g_sas tool take into account this. I have also noted when I
g_sas i obtain the following message
WARNING: masses and atomic (Van der Waals) radii will be
  based on residue and atom names. These numbers can
  from the correct mass and radius of the atom type.
WARNING: could not find a Van der Waals radius for 54 atoms
It is important ?
  Given your observations above, don't you think it might be?
  In order for g_sas to work with gromos force field one would have to
  increase the radius of the carbon atoms. For the 54 atoms the default
  value will be used.
Thank you in advance for your advices.
  David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
  Dept. of Cell  Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
  Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205.
  sp...@xray.bmc.uu.se mailto:sp...@xray.bmc.uu.se

 David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
 Dept. of Cell  Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
 Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205.


 gmx-users mailing list
 Please search the archive at
 http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!

 End of gmx-users Digest, Vol 84, Issue 80

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[gmx-users] Different g_sas values between AMBER, CHARMM and GROMOS ff for DPC

2011-04-09 Thread sa
Dear All,

I have simulated three DPC micelles with the same size (54 lipids) with
different force fields (CHARMM, AMBER et GROMOS53A6) and computed the
average accessible surface areas for each lipids with g_sas (gmx4.5.3) I
obtain the three average values for total DPC, the headgroup
(phosphocholine) and the alkyl tail.

  Total (A2)Head  Tail

GROMOS53A6158.4 ± 4.8 54.8 ± 3.4 103.2 ± 3.8
AMBER  248.2 ± 8.7 76.2 ± 5.1 172.5 ± 5.2
CHARMM   242.7 ± 7.7 70.4 ± 4.1  172.4 ± 4.8

As you can see the ASA values are close between the micelles simulated with
the CHARMM and AMBER ff, but larger than the values obtained from the
micelle simulated with GROMOS ff especially for the headgroup. I am aware
that  CHARMM and AMBER are explicits ff whereas GROMOS is an united ff  It
is the reason I obtain a smaller values for GROMOS compared to two others
ones ?

Does g_sas tool take into account this. I have also noted when I use g_sas i
obtain the following message

WARNING: masses and atomic (Van der Waals) radii will be determined
 based on residue and atom names. These numbers can deviate
 from the correct mass and radius of the atom type.

WARNING: could not find a Van der Waals radius for 54 atoms

It is important ?

Thank you in advance for your advices.

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[gmx-users] RE: mathematical expression to obtain the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family

2011-03-29 Thread sa
Dear All,

Finally, I resolved my problem by contacting the author of the paper (thanks
to D. Poger). They gave me the correct value for the epsilon and sigma
(0.2137 nm instead of 0.3137 nm in the paper).


 Message: 2
 Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 09:45:34 +1100
 From: Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: mathematical expression to obtain the C6
and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Message-ID: 4d910f8e.8050...@anu.edu.au
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 On 29/03/2011 12:17 AM, sa wrote:
  OK, Pr van der Spoel,
  So what is the correct way to obtain LJ C6 and C12 values given in the
  [ atomtypes ] and in the [ nonbond_types] sections of ffnonbonded.itp
  if I have only the sigma and epsilon values.
  If understand well [ atomtypes ] section give the comb-rules for the
  atom with itself, correct ? And the nonbond_types section, the
  comb-rules with the other atoms types.
  So if  I take into account only the OM atom, as an example, why I
  obtained different values for C6 and C12 terms in the [ atomtypes ]
  Thank you again for your help.

 Section 5.3.3 of the manual goes through this.

 -- next part --
 An HTML attachment was scrubbed...


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[gmx-users] mathematical expression to obtain the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family

2011-03-28 Thread sa

 Thank you Justin for your response

I have tried g_sigeps with the OM type LJ values (sigma (nm) = 0.3137 and
epsilon (kj/mol) =  1.2231  given in  Poger et al. Paper  (JCC  Vol 31, 6,
1117)  as an example.  Unfortunately i can't retrieve the C6 and C12 values
given for the same in the GROMOS53A6 ffnonbonded.itp. I used the following

g_sigeps_mpi -sig 0.3137 -eps 1.2231 and obtained the output

c6=  4.66239e-03, c12=  4.44320e-06
sigma =  0.31370, epsilon =  1.22310
Van der Waals minimum at 0.352116, V = -1.2231

Fit of Lennard Jones (12-6) to Buckingham:
A = 199065, B = 34.0796, C = 0.00466239

Back Off! I just backed up potje.xvg to ./#potje.xvg.8#

gcq#342: Ich war schwanger, mir gings zum kotzen (Nina Hagen)

Did I miss something ?

Thank you again for your help


 sa wrote:
  Dear All,
  I would like to compute the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOS 53A6 ff
  for a new atom type and incorporate them in my ffnonbonded.itp. Does
  anybody know the mathematical expressions used to obtain these terms
  from a sigma (nm) and an epsilon (kj/mol) values manually.

 g_sigeps can do this for you.  Otherwise, you can convert between the two
 forms of the Lennard-Jones equation.


  Thank you for your help.


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
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[gmx-users] Re: mathematical expression to obtain the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family

2011-03-28 Thread sa
Sorry I forget to say in my previous mail that the values obtained by
g_sigeps_mpi are not similar to the values given in
the GROMOS53A6 ffnonbonded.itp for the OM atom.

OM8  0.000  0.000 A  0.0022619536  7.4149321e-07

So your advices are welcome.


2011/3/28 sa sagmx.m...@gmail.com

 Thank you Justin for your response

 I have tried g_sigeps with the OM type LJ values (sigma (nm) = 0.3137 and
 epsilon (kj/mol) =  1.2231  given in  Poger et al. Paper  (JCC  Vol 31, 6,
 1117)  as an example.  Unfortunately i can't retrieve the C6 and C12 values
 given for the same in the GROMOS53A6 ffnonbonded.itp. I used the following

 g_sigeps_mpi -sig 0.3137 -eps 1.2231 and obtained the output

 c6=  4.66239e-03, c12=  4.44320e-06
 sigma =  0.31370, epsilon =  1.22310
 Van der Waals minimum at 0.352116, V = -1.2231

 Fit of Lennard Jones (12-6) to Buckingham:
 A = 199065, B = 34.0796, C = 0.00466239

 Back Off! I just backed up potje.xvg to ./#potje.xvg.8#

 gcq#342: Ich war schwanger, mir gings zum kotzen (Nina Hagen)

 Did I miss something ?

 Thank you again for your help


 sa wrote:
  Dear All,
  I would like to compute the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOS 53A6 ff
  for a new atom type and incorporate them in my ffnonbonded.itp. Does
  anybody know the mathematical expressions used to obtain these terms
  from a sigma (nm) and an epsilon (kj/mol) values manually.

 g_sigeps can do this for you.  Otherwise, you can convert between the two
 forms of the Lennard-Jones equation.


  Thank you for your help.


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 83, Issue 196

2011-03-28 Thread sa
Thank you Justin,

It is good to know i am not alone to not understand. So I will ask to the
authors the reason of this discrepancy.



2011/3/28 gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org

 - next part --
 An HTML attachment was scrubbed...


 Message: 3
 Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 07:27:11 -0400
 From: Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] mathematical expression to obtain the C6 and
C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Message-ID: 4d90708f.7000...@vt.edu
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 sa wrote:
  Thank you Justin for your response
  I have tried g_sigeps with the OM type LJ values (sigma (nm) = 0.3137
  and epsilon (kj/mol) =  1.2231  given in  Poger et al. Paper  (JCC  Vol
  31, 6,  1117)  as an example.  Unfortunately i can't retrieve the C6 and
  C12 values given for the same in the GROMOS53A6 ffnonbonded.itp. I used
  the following command

 I cannot explain this discrepancy.  Going back to the actual 53A6 source
 (Oostenbrink et al. JCC 2004: 25: 1656-1676), the parameters in
 are correct with respect to the original force field.  The fact that Poger
 al. claim the parameters are the same does not make sense to me.  You may
 to contact the authors of that paper directly if you have questions about
 reproducing their results.  I also find it curious that they list their
 in sigma/epsilon rather than the conventional C6/C12 used by Gromos96 force


  g_sigeps_mpi -sig 0.3137 -eps 1.2231 and obtained the output
  c6=  4.66239e-03, c12=  4.44320e-06
  sigma =  0.31370, epsilon =  1.22310
  Van der Waals minimum at 0.352116, V = -1.2231
  Fit of Lennard Jones (12-6) to Buckingham:
  A = 199065, B = 34.0796, C = 0.00466239
  Back Off! I just backed up potje.xvg to ./#potje.xvg.8#
  gcq#342: Ich war schwanger, mir gings zum kotzen (Nina Hagen)
  Did I miss something ?
  Thank you again for your help
  sa wrote:
Dear All,
I would like to compute the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOS
  53A6 ff
for a new atom type and incorporate them in my ffnonbonded.itp.
anybody know the mathematical expressions used to obtain these
from a sigma (nm) and an epsilon (kj/mol) values manually.
  g_sigeps can do this for you.  Otherwise, you can convert between
  the two common
  forms of the Lennard-Jones equation.
Thank you for your help.
  Justin A. Lemkul
  Ph.D. Candidate
  ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
  Department of Biochemistry
  Virginia Tech
  Blacksburg, VA
  jalemkul[at]vt.edu http://vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080



 Message: 4
 Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 14:07:31 +0200
 From: sa sagmx.m...@gmail.com
 Subject: [gmx-users] Re: mathematical expression to obtain the C6 and
C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family
 To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Sorry I forget to say in my previous mail that the values obtained by
 g_sigeps_mpi are not similar to the values given in
 the GROMOS53A6 ffnonbonded.itp for the OM atom.

 OM8  0.000  0.000 A  0.0022619536  7.4149321e-07

 So your advices are welcome.


 2011/3/28 sa sagmx.m...@gmail.com

  Thank you Justin for your response
  I have tried g_sigeps with the OM type LJ values (sigma (nm) = 0.3137 and
  epsilon (kj/mol) =  1.2231  given in  Poger et al. Paper  (JCC  Vol 31,
  1117)  as an example.  Unfortunately i can't retrieve the C6 and C12
  given for the same in the GROMOS53A6 ffnonbonded.itp. I used the
  g_sigeps_mpi -sig 0.3137 -eps 1.2231 and obtained the output
  c6=  4.66239e-03, c12=  4.44320e-06
  sigma =  0.31370, epsilon =  1.22310
  Van der Waals minimum at 0.352116, V = -1.2231
  Fit of Lennard Jones (12-6) to Buckingham:
  A = 199065, B = 34.0796, C = 0.00466239
  Back Off! I just backed up potje.xvg to ./#potje.xvg.8#
  gcq#342: Ich war schwanger, mir gings zum kotzen

Re: [gmx-users] Re: mathematical expression to obtain the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family

2011-03-28 Thread sa

 OK, Pr van der Spoel,

So what is the correct way to obtain LJ C6 and C12 values given in the [
atomtypes ] and in the [ nonbond_types] sections of ffnonbonded.itp if I
have only the sigma and epsilon values.

If understand well [ atomtypes ] section give the comb-rules for the atom
with itself, correct ? And the nonbond_types section, the comb-rules with
the other atoms types.

So if  I take into account only the OM atom, as an example, why I obtained
different values for C6 and C12 terms in the [ atomtypes ] section.

Thank you again for your help.



 Message: 2
 Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 14:13:44 +0200
 From: David van der Spoel sp...@xray.bmc.uu.se
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: mathematical expression to obtain the C6
and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Message-ID: 4d907b78.20...@xray.bmc.uu.se
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 On 2011-03-28 14.07, sa wrote:
  Sorry I forget to say in my previous mail that the values obtained by
  g_sigeps_mpi are not similar to the values given in
  the GROMOS53A6 ffnonbonded.itp for the OM atom.
  OM8  0.000  0.000 A  0.0022619536  7.4149321e-07
 Difficult to compare this way.
 note that gromos does not use simple combination rules.
 For OM there are different C12 (IIRC) depending on the interacting atom.
 You should look only at the
 [ nonbond_types]
  So your advices are welcome.
  2011/3/28 sa sagmx.m...@gmail.com mailto:sagmx.m...@gmail.com
  Thank you Justin for your response
  I have tried g_sigeps with the OM type LJ values (sigma (nm) =
  0.3137 and epsilon (kj/mol) =  1.2231  given in  Poger et al. Paper
  (JCC  Vol 31, 6,  1117)  as an example.  Unfortunately i can't
  retrieve the C6 and C12 values given for the same in the GROMOS53A6
  ffnonbonded.itp. I used the following command
  g_sigeps_mpi -sig 0.3137 -eps 1.2231 and obtained the output
  c6=  4.66239e-03, c12=  4.44320e-06
  sigma =  0.31370, epsilon =  1.22310
  Van der Waals minimum at 0.352116, V = -1.2231
  Fit of Lennard Jones (12-6) to Buckingham:
  A = 199065, B = 34.0796, C = 0.00466239
  Back Off! I just backed up potje.xvg to ./#potje.xvg.8#
  gcq#342: Ich war schwanger, mir gings zum kotzen (Nina Hagen)
  Did I miss something ?
  Thank you again for your help
  sa wrote:
Dear All,
I would like to compute the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the
  GROMOS 53A6 ff
for a new atom type and incorporate them in my
  ffnonbonded.itp. Does
anybody know the mathematical expressions used to obtain
  these terms
from a sigma (nm) and an epsilon (kj/mol) values manually.
  g_sigeps can do this for you.  Otherwise, you can convert
  between the two common
  forms of the Lennard-Jones equation.
Thank you for your help.
  Justin A. Lemkul
  Ph.D. Candidate
  ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
  Department of Biochemistry
  Virginia Tech
  Blacksburg, VA
  jalemkul[at]vt.edu http://vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists

[gmx-users] mathematical expression to obtain the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOSXX ff family

2011-03-27 Thread sa
Dear All,

I would like to compute the C6 and C12 LJ terms for the GROMOS 53A6 ff for a
new atom type and incorporate them in my ffnonbonded.itp. Does anybody know
the mathematical expressions used to obtain these terms from a sigma (nm)
and an epsilon (kj/mol) values manually.

Thank you for your help.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 83, Issue 106

2011-03-16 Thread sa
Thank you Angel, I will try your suggestion.



 very recently I faced the same problem with a system that gives micelles
 of different geometries and, as far as I saw, g_order don't do that.
 Then I decided to compute a kind of local order parameters defined as:

 S_i=(3 cos(\theta)-1)/2

 where theta is the angle between the segments joining the carbon atoms
 (i-1,i+1) and (i, i+2) in a linear C-chain. Perhaps you find this
 reasonable for your analysis...



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[gmx-users] g_order for DPC alkyl chain in the micelle

2011-03-16 Thread sa
Hi all

This message is related with my previous message (see below) about the
calculation of the order value for the DPC alkyl chain in a micelle. So if I
understand well the previous angel's message, I need to compute the theta
angle between the 2 vectors defined by the (i-1,i+1) and (i, i+2). So for
carbon atom C14, I have created an index file with two groups defined as

aC14 | aC16  and aC14 | aC16 with make_ndx_mpi

and used the command g_sgangle_mpi -s run_1.tpr -f *.xtc -b 10 -e 101000
-n index.ndx and choose the C13_C15 and C14_C16 groups. Unfortunately i
obtain the following error

Group C13_C15 contains the following atoms:
Atomname 0: C13
Atomname 1: C15
Atomname 2: C13
Atomname 3: C15
Atomname 4: C13
Atomname 5: C15
Atomname 6: C13
Atomname 7: C15
Atomname 8: C13
Atomname 9: C1

Group C14_C16 contains the following atoms:
Atomname 0: C14
Atomname 1: C16
Atomname 2: C14
Atomname 3: C16
Atomname 4: C14

Atomname 105: C16
Atomname 106: C14
Atomname 107: C16

Careful: distance only makes sense in some situations.

Reading frame   0 time 10.000
Back Off! I just backed up sg_angle.xvg to ./#sg_angle.xvg.2#

Program g_sgangle_mpi, VERSION 4.5.3
Source code file: gmx_sgangle.c, line: 127

Fatal error:
Something wrong with contents of index file.

For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

Did I make a error, what is the correct approach. to obtain the angle
between 2 vectors ?

Thank you in advance



 Message: 3
 Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:06:44 +0100
 From: ?ngel Pi?eiro angel.pine...@usc.es
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 83, Issue 106
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Message-ID: 1300266404.6843.29.camel@arginine
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 Then, please, let us know how it works for your systems. The results for
 my systems were exactly as expected. This allows to evaluate the order
 of the C-chains regardless their orientation... but I do not know if
 there is a better method to do this. I would be happy to know the
 opinion of anyone else who want to try this or to propose an alternative


 Ã ngel.

 On Wed, 2011-03-16 at 09:42 +0100, sa wrote:

  Thank you Angel, I will try your suggestion.
  very recently I faced the same problem with a system that
  gives micelles
  of different geometries and, as far as I saw, g_order don't do
  Then I decided to compute a kind of local order parameters
  defined as:
  S_i=(3 cos(\theta)-1)/2
  where theta is the angle between the segments joining the
  carbon atoms
  (i-1,i+1) and (i, i+2) in a linear C-chain. Perhaps you find
  reasonable for your analysis...
  Ã ngel.

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[gmx-users] Re: g_order for DPC alkyl chain in the micelle

2011-03-16 Thread sa
Ok Justin,

So which gmx tool i can use to obtain the angle between two vectors defined
by two atom pairs ?


sa wrote:
  Hi all
  This message is related with my previous message (see below) about the
  calculation of the order value for the DPC alkyl chain in a micelle. So
  if I understand well the previous angel's message, I need to compute the
  theta angle between the 2 vectors defined by the (i-1,i+1) and (i, i+2).
  So for carbon atom C14, I have created an index file with two groups
  defined as following
  aC14 | aC16  and aC14 | aC16 with make_ndx_mpi
  and used the command g_sgangle_mpi -s run_1.tpr -f *.xtc -b 10 -e
  101000 -n index.ndx and choose the C13_C15 and C14_C16 groups.
  Unfortunately i obtain the following error
  Group C13_C15 contains the following atoms:
  Atomname 0: C13
  Atomname 1: C15
  Atomname 2: C13
  Atomname 3: C15
  Atomname 4: C13
  Atomname 5: C15
  Atomname 6: C13
  Atomname 7: C15
  Atomname 8: C13
  Atomname 9: C1
  Group C14_C16 contains the following atoms:
  Atomname 0: C14
  Atomname 1: C16
  Atomname 2: C14
  Atomname 3: C16
  Atomname 4: C14
  Atomname 105: C16
  Atomname 106: C14
  Atomname 107: C16
  Careful: distance only makes sense in some situations.
  Reading frame   0 time 10.000
  Back Off! I just backed up sg_angle.xvg to ./#sg_angle.xvg.2#
  Program g_sgangle_mpi, VERSION 4.5.3
  Source code file: gmx_sgangle.c, line: 127
  Fatal error:
  Something wrong with contents of index file.
  For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the
  website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
  Did I make a error, what is the correct approach. to obtain the angle
  between 2 vectors ?

 Per the description in g_sgangle -h, groups can only be two or three atoms
 size.  It seems as if this tool would be very inefficient for any more than
 few calculations.


  Thank you in advance
  Message: 3
  Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:06:44 +0100
  From: ?ngel Pi?eiro angel.pine...@usc.es mailto:
  Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 83, Issue 106
  To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
  Message-ID: 1300266404.6843.29.camel@arginine
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
  Then, please, let us know how it works for your systems. The results
  my systems were exactly as expected. This allows to evaluate the
  of the C-chains regardless their orientation... but I do not know if
  there is a better method to do this. I would be happy to know the
  opinion of anyone else who want to try this or to propose an
  Ã ngel.
  On Wed, 2011-03-16 at 09:42 +0100, sa wrote:
Thank you Angel, I will try your suggestion.
very recently I faced the same problem with a system that
gives micelles
of different geometries and, as far as I saw, g_order
  don't do
Then I decided to compute a kind of local order parameters
defined as:
S_i=(3 cos(\theta)-1)/2
where theta is the angle between the segments joining the
carbon atoms
(i-1,i+1) and (i, i+2) in a linear C-chain. Perhaps you
reasonable for your analysis...
à ngel.


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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[gmx-users] g_order for DPC alkyl chain in the micelle

2011-03-16 Thread sa
OK Angel,

I will contact you off-list


 Dear SA
 To be honest I am not sure this can be done by using g_angle, I used my
 own code for this calculation. I could send it to you if you send me a
 message off the list... but I would prefer to talk with a non-anonymous.


 Ã ngel.

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[gmx-users] g_order for DPC alkyl chain in the micelle

2011-03-14 Thread sa
Dear all,

I would like to compute the order parameter tensor elements of a DPC micelle
with respect to a vector direction (for example the vector from the
center of mass of the micelle to the phosphorus atom). It is possible with
g_order (4.5.3). if yes how ?

Thank you in advance.
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[gmx-users] Dihedral angles distribution

2011-03-07 Thread sa
Dear GMXusers

I would like to obtain the normalized  dihedral distribution of the
alkyl chain of DPC molecules simulated with the CHARMM ff and GMX4.5.3. So i
used the g_angle tool. I have constructed an index file which contain the 9
corresponding angles with make_index_mpi:

a C12 | a C13 | a C14 | a C15 --- consecutive atoms
a C20 | a C21 | a C22 | aC23

and used g_angle command

g_angle_mpi -f *.xtc -ov DPC-Self-CHA_100-155ns-Angle_0_Dihed.xvg -b 10
-e 11 -n Tail_dihedral_index.ndx -type dihedral

For example by choosing the C15_C16_C17_C18 dihedral angle located in the
middle of the alkyl chain, i obtain an average value 0° (!!) and the
following figure


This  is not what i expect How to obtain simply the classical normalized
function from g_angle ?

Thank you in advance for your advices

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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 83, Issue 40

2011-03-07 Thread sa
Yes justin, the average is not 0 but around 0° (0.584577). But how to obtain
the Average normalized  dihedral distribution for example this
dihedral?  is few words the figure with g_angle ?


Thank you again

 sa wrote:
  Dear GMXusers
  I would like to obtain the normalized  dihedral distribution of the
  alkyl chain of DPC molecules simulated with the CHARMM ff and GMX4.5.3.
  So i used the g_angle tool. I have constructed an index file which
  contain the 9 corresponding angles with make_index_mpi:
  a C12 | a C13 | a C14 | a C15 --- consecutive atoms
  a C20 | a C21 | a C22 | aC23
  and used g_angle command
  g_angle_mpi -f *.xtc -ov DPC-Self-CHA_100-155ns-Angle_0_Dihed.xvg -b
  10 -e 11 -n Tail_dihedral_index.ndx -type dihedral
  For example by choosing the C15_C16_C17_C18 dihedral angle located in
  the middle of the alkyl chain, i obtain an average value 0° (!!) and the
  following figure
  This  is not what i expect How to obtain simply the classical normalized
  function from g_angle ?

 You're taking an average of the histogram of the angles, which I don't
 actually corresponds to the true average.  Your biggest peaks are at +/-
 (i.e., trans dihedral), so I suspect your mean is likely not really 0.  Use
 g_angle -ov to get an actual average over time.


  Thank you in advance for your advices


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 83, Issue 41

2011-03-07 Thread sa
OK, i will try your suggestion.

Thank you


sa wrote:
  Yes justin, the average is not 0 but around 0° (0.584577). But how to
  obtain the Average normalized  dihedral distribution for example
  this dihedral?  is few words the figure with g_angle ?

 The output you will get from Gromacs will have all angles within the range
 {-180..180}, not {0..360}, as shown in that plot.  I think this simply
 from a difference in convention.  You would have to post-process the data
 shift the angles to correspond to the display range you want.  Gromacs does
 do this for you.  To get the correct average angle, use g_angle


  Thank you again
  sa wrote:
Dear GMXusers
I would like to obtain the normalized  dihedral distribution
  of the
alkyl chain of DPC molecules simulated with the CHARMM ff and
So i used the g_angle tool. I have constructed an index file which
contain the 9 corresponding angles with make_index_mpi:
a C12 | a C13 | a C14 | a C15 --- consecutive atoms
a C20 | a C21 | a C22 | aC23
and used g_angle command
g_angle_mpi -f *.xtc -ov DPC-Self-CHA_100-155ns-Angle_0_Dihed.xvg
10 -e 11 -n Tail_dihedral_index.ndx -type dihedral
For example by choosing the C15_C16_C17_C18 dihedral angle located
the middle of the alkyl chain, i obtain an average value 0° (!!)
  and the
following figure
This  is not what i expect How to obtain simply the classical
function from g_angle ?
  You're taking an average of the histogram of the angles, which I
  don't think
  actually corresponds to the true average.  Your biggest peaks are at
  +/- 180
  (i.e., trans dihedral), so I suspect your mean is likely not really
  0.  Use
  g_angle -ov to get an actual average over time.
Thank you in advance for your advices
  Justin A. Lemkul
  Ph.D. Candidate
  ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
  Department of Biochemistry
  Virginia Tech
  Blacksburg, VA
  jalemkul[at]vt.edu http://vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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[gmx-users] How to obtain the average radial density functions relative to the center of mass with g_rdf.

2011-02-28 Thread sa
Dear GMXusers,

Last week, i asked a question about the calculation of average radial
density functions relative to the center of mass of a micelle formed with
DPC molecules (rdf). Unfortunately i received no response. So i re ask my
question. So I would like to obtain the average rdf function (in g/cm3) for
different groups of my micellar system (such as the headgroup, alkyl tail of
the surfactant and water). For this purpose, I have created a index file
where all DPC atoms (heavy and H atoms ) are separated in different groups
and use the following command with g_rdf (4.5.3)

g_rdf_mpi -f *_Center_All.xtc -s run_1.tpr -o
DPC-Self-AMB_100-155ns_DPC_RDF.xvg -b 10 -e 155000 -norm -com -n

I chose DPC atoms as a reference group and obtain the rdf curves for the DPC
headgroup, alkyl tail and water. I obtain the following figure :


I don't understand why the curves amplitudes for the headgroup, alkyl tail
are so high (and what is the unity ?),  For example for the C12 alkyl chain
rdf  I understand well the help of the g_rdf tool, I expect a rdf with a
density maxima around 0.8 - 0.9 g/cm3. Did i compute the expected function
with above command ? If not, how to obtain the rdf (in g/cm3) for each
components ?

Thanks for the help.

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[gmx-users] Values of radial density profiles

2011-02-25 Thread sa
Dear All

 I would like to compute the radial density function rho(r) (in g/cm3) of
different parts of micelle formed with DPC molecules (such as headgroup,
alkyl tail and water) relative to the center of mass of the aggregate. I
have constructed an index files containing all the atoms of the surfactant
headgroup and alkyl chain and used g_rdf (4.5.3):

 /work/cont003/abel01/gmx4.5.3/bin/g_rdf_mpi -f *_Center_All.xtc -s
run_1.tpr -o DPC-Self-AMB_100-155ns_HEADGROUP_RDF.xvg -b 10 -e 155000
-norm -com -n index_Radial_Profile_DPC.ndx

 For water, as expected, I obtained a RDF profile where rho (r) values tend
to the water density (~1g/cm3) near the simulation  edge  box.  For the
headgroup and the alkyl tail of the DPC, it is not the case since I obtained
two peaks with rho (r) values higher than the density a phosphocholine group
and a dodecyl alkyl chain (in my case 26.4 and 16.4 ).

 What is wrong with command used above. Did i forget something ?

 Thank you in advance for your help.

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[gmx-users] How to obtain the semi-axis lengths from inertia tensor for an aggregate

2010-12-09 Thread sa
Dear all,

I would to obtain the semi-axis lengths of a simulated micelle (in Ang) with
gromacs. So I have used the g_principal tool (correct ?).  My input command

g_principal_mpi -f  bDM-Self_Only_DDM_Center.xtc -s bDM_only.tpr -a1
bDM_Self_Axe1 -a2 bDM_Self_Axe2 -a3 bDM_Self_Axe3 -om bDM_Self_MOI.xvg -dt
10 -b 5 -e 10  bDM_Mol.txt

Four files *Self_Axe*.dat and bDM_Self_MOI.dat were generated as
expected with four columns. How to deduce the semiaxis lenghts from these
files *Self_Axe*.dat files. The documentation of this tool is not very

A similar question was posted in the mailing list few days ago,
unfortunately no response was given:


Thanks in advance

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[gmx-users] Re: Re: Discrepancy between -chargegrp and -nochargegrp in simulations with CHARMM ff, Why ?

2010-12-05 Thread sa
Dear all,

I come back to you with my problem between -chargegrp and -nochargegrp with
new results which are contradict my previous
findings. Indeed, in my previous message i have suggested that the
discrepancies between -chargegrp and -nochargegrp in
my simulations of a 25 AA peptide in TIP3P water. I suspect that this
discrepancy came probably from an old version of the CHARMM27 ff and the
used in my simulations. To test this hypothesis i have done six additional
simulations of the same system (a 25 AA peptide in TIP3P water) with the new
released of the CHARMM27 ff and gromacs versions 4.5.1 and 4.5.3

I have done three simulation of with a *.top file generated by pdb2gromacs
v. 4.5.3 and modified by hand to change the charge
groups distribution in the peptide atoms according to the original CHARMM
force field and to mimic the -chargegrp option
available in the previous version of gromacs.
Three others MD were also done with *.top generated with pdb2gromacs of
gromacs 4.5.3 (i.e. with one charge group per atom).

1- gromacs4.5.1 and CHARMM27.ff - gromacs 4.5.1*
2- gromacs4.5.3 and CHARMM27.ff - gromacs 4.5.3*
3- gromacs4.5.3 and CHARMM27.ff and MD parameters used by Bjelkmar et al.
(J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6,
459–466- gromacs 4.5.3**

non-bonded md parameters used in * simulations

 continuation= no; Restarting after NPT
 vdw-type= cut-off
 rvdw= 1.0
 rlist   = 0.9
 coulombtype  = PME
 rcoulomb = 0.9
 fourierspacing   = 0.12
 fourier_nx   = 0
 fourier_ny   = 0
 fourier_nz   = 0
 pme_order= 4
 ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
 optimize_fft= yes

To summarize, as shown in the two figures accessible with the two links
below (hosted by hostingpics.net), all the peptides remain in their helix
conformation and no significant differences were observed with the md
parameters, the gromacs version and finally how  the charge group
distribution to compute the force during the simulations.

http://hpics.li/9ed5ee1  -- Secondary structure vs. time

http://hpics.li/7cf1625  -- RMSD vs. time

So i suspect that the errors come from the use a bad version of the CHARMM27

Thank you all for your preceding comments


Francesco Oteri wrote:
  To see if the problem is force-field related, you could try to run the
  same simulations using amber-ff.
  If you will find the same results, probably is a software bug.

 Some Amber parameter sets (Amber94, I think) have issues of being overly
 helix-friendly, but perhaps other force fields, in general, might make
 good comparisons.  But then, too, Gromos96 over-stabilizes extended
 conformations, so buyer beware...

  Maybe the bug has been introduced in the version 4 when the Domain
  Decomposition has been introduced.
  You can check if it is a software problem using the 3.3.3 version.

 I doubt that would work.  There have been many code changes in order to
 implement CHARMM.  If anything, try mdrun -pd to use the old particle
 decomposition mode, but I would be very hesitant to blindly say that DD
 might be
 causing this behavior.


  Il 25/11/2010 23:42, sa ha scritto:
  Dear All,
  In a previous message
  I described the results obtained with MD performed with the CHARMM27
  ff and the chargegrp yes and no options of a peptide in TIP3P
  water simulated gromacs. Since these results puzzled me a lot, i would
  like to share with you others results obtained from the gromacs
  community advices to explain these results.
  In few words, the context of these simulations. One of my labmate did,
  8 months ago (march/april), several simulations of a peptide (25 AA)
  with the CHARMM27 ff (and CMAP). The peptide is a transmembrane
  segment (TM) and belongs to a large membrane protein. This TM segment
  has an initial helical conformation. The simulations were performed in
  a cubic box filled with app. 14000 TIP3P water (Jorgensen's model)
  with 2 Cl ions. To construct the topology file of the system,
  -chargegrp yes with pdb2gmx and the MD were done with the gromacs
  4.0.5. For some reasons, he had to left the lab, and my boss asked me
  to continue his work. When I checked their results, i was very
  intrigued by these MD results because he found that the peptide keep
  along all the simulation time (100 ns) its initial helical
  conformation. This results are not in agreement with circular
  dichroism experiments which are shown that the same peptide in water
  has no helix segment and is completely unfold. I am aware that the
  simulation time is short compared to experiment time scale, however
  since i haven't seen any unfolding events in this simulation, so I was
  not very confident about these results.
  To explain this inconsistency, I have suspected that the error came
  probably of the use

[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 79, Issue 167

2010-11-26 Thread sa
Hi Tom.


 You show differences when using GROMACS 4.5.3 for one simulation with
 the pdb2gmx option -nochargegrp and one without this option (is this
 correct, or did you manually edit the topology to have the old charge
 groups?). This pdb2gmx option should have no effect in 4.5.3 as all the
 entries in the CHARMM27 .rtp are in individual charge groups.

I will try to be more clear here:

First step: The two top files were generated with different rtp files. In
the first case i used a rtp file where the charge groups for each AA were
distributed as in the CHARMM27 ff distribution. The top file were generated
the gromacs (4.0.5) and the following command

pdb2gmx_mpi -ignh -ff charmm27 -ter -f hMRP1_K-TM17_AcAm.pdb -o
hMRP1_K-TM17.gro -p hMRP1_K-TM17.top -missing

For the second top i used gromacs 4.5 with the argument -nochargegrp (with
one charge group assigned for atom) with the command

pdb2gmx_mpi -ignh -ff charmm27 -ter -f hMRP1_K-TM17_AcAm-H.pdb -o
hMRP1_K-TM17.gro -p hMRP1_K-TM17.top -missing -nochargegrp

Second Step: i used the latest version of gromacs 4.5.3 to generate the
different tpr files and performed the simulations with the two types of top
files. In case of the MD with the others versions of gromacs, the step two
was done with the cooresponding version of gromacs.

 If you didn't edit the 4.5.3 topology then either you are doing
 something else different between these simulations or what you think is
 a difference between simulations with and without this pdb2gmx option is
 just a coincidence and that your peptide is sometimes stable over this
 short 24 ns simulation and sometimes it unfolds, irrespective of the
 charge group option.

I have also performed a MD during 100 ns (with -chargegroup), and in this
case the peptide remains stable along the simulation time. I don't
understand why.  Moreover i dont think it is a coincidence since i observe
the same results whatever the gmx version and md  parameters used

 If you did edit the topology then are you sure that it is correct? Did
 you use 4.5.3 to get the topology and edit it by hand or did you
 generate this 'charge group' topology by some other method, such as
 another version of GROMACS? If you used the topology from 4.0.x then
 maybe there are issues here as I know CHARMM27 was not fully supported
 until 4.5.

I didn't edit the  top file  manually, i used only the pdb2gmx tool. However
by reading your message, i have take a look more deeper in te the top file
and i have found differences in some directives (for example in the pair
directive where there are more terms). =-O   To be sure that this difference
has no impact in the MD, i going to do other MD.

I will come back soon. Thanks you again




 On 25/11/10 22:42, sa wrote:
  Dear All,
  In a previous message
  I described the results obtained with MD performed with the CHARMM27
  ff and the chargegrp yes and no options of a peptide in TIP3P
  water simulated gromacs. Since these results puzzled me a lot, i would
  like to share with you others results obtained from the gromacs
  community advices to explain these results.
  In few words, the context of these simulations. One of my labmate did,
  8 months ago (march/april), several simulations of a peptide (25 AA)
  with the CHARMM27 ff (and CMAP). The peptide is a transmembrane
  segment (TM) and belongs to a large membrane protein. This TM segment
  has an initial helical conformation. The simulations were performed in
  a cubic box filled with app. 14000 TIP3P water (Jorgensen's model)
  with 2 Cl ions. To construct the topology file of the system,
  -chargegrp yes with pdb2gmx and the MD were done with the gromacs
  4.0.5. For some reasons, he had to left the lab, and my boss asked me
  to continue his work. When I checked their results, i was very
  intrigued by these MD results because he found that the peptide keep
  along all the simulation time (100 ns) its initial helical
  conformation. This results are not in agreement with circular
  dichroism experiments which are shown that the same peptide in water
  has no helix segment and is completely unfold. I am aware that the
  simulation time is short compared to experiment time scale, however
  since i haven't seen any unfolding events in this simulation, so I was
  not very confident about these results.
  To explain this inconsistency, I have suspected that the error came
  probably of the use of the default -chargegrp with CHARMM ff in these
  simulations since i have read several recent threads about the charge
  groups problems in the CHARMM ff implementation in gromacs. To examine
  this hypothesis I have done two simulations with last gromacs version
  (4.5.3) and two top files containing charge groups and no charge
  groups for the peptide residus. I used  the *same* initial pdb file,
  box size and simulations parameters. The two simulations

[gmx-users] Discrepancy between -chargegrp and -nochargegrp in simulations with CHARMM ff, Why ?

2010-11-25 Thread sa
Potential   -568520 24770.264   -165.498
Total Energy-463287 24955.755   -165.768

I am particularly eager to obtain from you some comments and advices about
these findings. Thanks you so much for your help.

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[gmx-users] Spurious results with pdb2gmx -chargegrp yes option

2010-11-14 Thread sa
Dear All,

I would like to get little feedback of my findings/experience with recent
simulations I did with the CHARMM force field in GROMACS and the
-chargegroup options with pdb2gmx. I have performed two simulations with a
helical peptide (25 AA) in a cubic box filled with explicit TIP3P water. I
used the GMX 4.5.3. The first simulation was performed with -chargegroup
option yes and the second with option no (default).

For the first simulation, I used the old version of CHARMM - gromacs
forcefield conversion given with GMX 4.0.5. I have done this MD because i
would like to compare some suspect results obtained with the same peptide
performed 6 months ago with the GMX 4.0.5 version and the old
CHARMM-gromacs files available in this distribution. In case of the second
simulation, I used the most recent charmm27.ff given in GMX 4.5.3 with a
single atom charge groups.

The two simulations were performed during 24 ns with the same protocol (i.e.
with same mdp files, below and the same starting files).

Briefly the protocol i used to equilibrate my system :

EM (1000 steps with steep) - NVT at 298 K (with berendsen thermostat and
restraints) (100 ps) - (with nose hoover thermostat and Parinello-Rahman
barostat) 400 ps.

Below md.mdp for the two runs ( i am aware that the Coulomb and
electrostatic parameters in the mdp are not otimals for the CHARMM ff, but
for sake of comparison with others simulations, i didn't change them).

title   = KTM17-TIP3 MD
constraints = all-bonds
integrator  = md
nsteps  = 1200   ; 24000ps ou 24ns
dt  = 0.002

nstlist = 10
nstcalcenergy   = 10
nstcomm = 10

continuation= no  ; Restarting after NPT
vdw-type= cut-off
rvdw= 1.0
rlist   = 0.9
coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb = 0.9
fourierspacing   = 0.12
fourier_nx   = 0
fourier_ny   = 0
fourier_nz   = 0
pme_order= 4
ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
optimize_fft= yes

nstvout = 5
nstxout = 5
nstenergy   = 2
nstlog  = 5000  ; update log file every 2 ps
nstxtcout   = 1000 ; frequency to write coordinates to xtc
trajectory every 2 ps

Tcoupl  = nose-hoover:
tc-grps = Protein Non-Protein
tau-t   = 0.4 0.4
ref-t   = 298 298
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   = 3.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0135
gen_vel = no

I found that the use of the two -chargegrp options influence drastically the
MD results especially in my case for the structural properties of the
peptides. Indeed, for the first simulation, the peptide keep in its initial
helical with a RMSD around 2.0 A along all 24 ns, whereas in the second
simulation, the peptide adopt quickly (~10 ns) a unfold conformation with a
RMSD value around 5-6.0 A after only 10 ns. Circular dichroism experiments
have shown that this peptide adopt an unfold structure in water. So I am
sure that the first simulation is not correct (even if the mdp parameters
are not optimal) and that my results confirm that chargegrp yes option
should not be used in MD with CHARMM force field in GROMACS, as it was
discussed recently in this mailing list (for example

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[gmx-users] g_densmap options and use

2010-11-12 Thread sa
Dear All,

I would like to compute the average 2D density distribution of the water
around 6 peptides aggregated in the cluster within the simulation box with
gromacs, for that I think that g_densmap is the the good tool (correct ?).

However it is not very clear for how to use g_densmap. Below the command I
used with g_densmap (ver GMX 4.5.3)

g_densmap_mpi -f ./TRAJ/XTC/6_Pep_Urea_Pref_All.xtc -s ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr
-bin 0.02 -amax 30 -rmax 30 -b 0 -e 8 -o 6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.xpm -od

When I use the above command, g_densmap asks me to choose two groups to
define the axis and an analysis group:

Reading file ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr, VERSION 4.5.1 (single precision)
Reading file ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr, VERSION 4.5.1 (single precision)
Select two groups to define the axis and an analysis group
Group 0 ( System) has 86359 elements
Group 1 (Protein) has   546 elements
Group 2 (  Protein-H) has   396 elements
Group 3 (C-alpha) has48 elements
Group 4 (   Backbone) has   144 elements
Group 5 (  MainChain) has   192 elements
Group 6 (   MainChain+Cb) has   234 elements
Group 7 (MainChain+H) has   246 elements
Group 8 (  SideChain) has   300 elements
Group 9 (SideChain-H) has   204 elements
Group10 (Prot-Masses) has   546 elements
Group11 (non-Protein) has 85813 elements
Group12 (  Other) has 17320 elements
Group13 (URE) has 17320 elements
Group14 ( CL) has 6 elements
Group15 (  Water) has 68487 elements
Group16 (SOL) has 68487 elements
Group17 (  non-Water) has 17872 elements
Group18 (Ion) has 6 elements
Group19 (URE) has 17320 elements
Group20 ( CL) has 6 elements
Group21 ( Water_and_ions) has 68493 elements
Select a group: 1
Selected 1: 'Protein'
Select a group: 16
Selected 16: 'SOL'
Select a group: 16
Selected 16: 'SOL'

I chose protein and SOL, the program ask me to choose a third group (?) What
to choose ? I choose SOL again, the program computes something but i can not
inspect the results are what i want since no xpm is generated by g_densmap
(is this a bug ?)

Thank you for your help and your guidance

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 79, Issue 88

2010-11-12 Thread sa
 On 13/11/2010 4:07 AM, sa wrote:
  Dear All,
  I would like to compute the average 2D density distribution of the
  water around 6 peptides aggregated in the cluster within the
  simulation box with gromacs, for that I think that g_densmap is the
  the good tool (correct ?).
  However it is not very clear for how to use g_densmap. Below the
  command I used with g_densmap (ver GMX 4.5.3)
  g_densmap_mpi -f ./TRAJ/XTC/6_Pep_Urea_Pref_All.xtc -s
  ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr  -bin 0.02 -amax 30 -rmax 30 -b 0 -e 8 -o
  6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.xpm -od 6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.dat
  When I use the above command, g_densmap asks me to choose two groups
  to define the axis and an analysis group:
  Reading file ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr, VERSION 4.5.1 (single precision)
  Reading file ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr, VERSION 4.5.1 (single precision)
  Select two groups to define the axis and an analysis group
  Group 0 ( System) has 86359 elements
  Group 1 (Protein) has   546 elements
  Group 2 (  Protein-H) has   396 elements
  Group 3 (C-alpha) has48 elements
  Group 4 (   Backbone) has   144 elements
  Group 5 (  MainChain) has   192 elements
  Group 6 (   MainChain+Cb) has   234 elements
  Group 7 (MainChain+H) has   246 elements
  Group 8 (  SideChain) has   300 elements
  Group 9 (SideChain-H) has   204 elements
  Group10 (Prot-Masses) has   546 elements
  Group11 (non-Protein) has 85813 elements
  Group12 (  Other) has 17320 elements
  Group13 (URE) has 17320 elements
  Group14 ( CL) has 6 elements
  Group15 (  Water) has 68487 elements
  Group16 (SOL) has 68487 elements
  Group17 (  non-Water) has 17872 elements
  Group18 (Ion) has 6 elements
  Group19 (URE) has 17320 elements
  Group20 ( CL) has 6 elements
  Group21 ( Water_and_ions) has 68493 elements
  Select a group: 1
  Selected 1: 'Protein'
  Select a group: 16
  Selected 16: 'SOL'
  Select a group: 16
  Selected 16: 'SOL'
  I chose protein and SOL, the program ask me to choose a third group
  (?) What to choose ?

 Doesn't g_densmap -h explain the three groups?

 Yes I have read the help of the tool but it is not clear to me why i have
to choose three groups since i want to compute the water density map around
my peptides (- two groups)

  I choose SOL again, the program computes something but i can not
  inspect the results are what i want since no xpm is generated by
  g_densmap (is this a bug ?)

 Probably badly-formed input is silently breaking something somewhere.

I don't understand your response since with the above command and -o
argument show that an xpm with the name 6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.xpm should

 :-)  G  R  O  M  A  C  S  (-:

 Gnomes, ROck Monsters And Chili Sauce

:-)  VERSION 4.5.3  (-:

Written by Emile Apol, Rossen Apostolov, Herman J.C. Berendsen,
  Aldert van Buuren, Pär Bjelkmar, Rudi van Drunen, Anton Feenstra,
Gerrit Groenhof, Peter Kasson, Per Larsson, Pieter Meulenhoff,
   Teemu Murtola, Szilard Pall, Sander Pronk, Roland Schulz,
Michael Shirts, Alfons Sijbers, Peter Tieleman,

   Berk Hess, David van der Spoel, and Erik Lindahl.

   Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2001-2010, The GROMACS development team at
Uppsala University  The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   :-)  /work/taulier01/gromacs-4.5.3/bin/g_densmap_mpi  (-:

Option Filename  Type Description

  -f ./TRAJ/XTC/6_Pep_Urea_Pref_All.xtc  InputTrajectory: xtc trr
   gro g96 pdb cpt
  -s ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr  Input, Opt!  Structure+mass(db): tpr tpb tpa gro g96
  -n  index.ndx  Input, Opt.  Index file
 -od 6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.dat  Output, Opt! Generic data file
  -o 6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.xpm  Output   X PixMap compatible matrix



gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 79, Issue 89

2010-11-12 Thread sa

 sa wrote:
  On 13/11/2010 4:07 AM, sa wrote:
Dear All,
I would like to compute the average 2D density distribution of the
water around 6 peptides aggregated in the cluster within the
simulation box with gromacs, for that I think that g_densmap is
the good tool (correct ?).
However it is not very clear for how to use g_densmap. Below the
command I used with g_densmap (ver GMX 4.5.3)
g_densmap_mpi -f ./TRAJ/XTC/6_Pep_Urea_Pref_All.xtc -s
./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr  -bin 0.02 -amax 30 -rmax 30 -b 0 -e 8 -o
6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.xpm -od 6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.dat
When I use the above command, g_densmap asks me to choose two
to define the axis and an analysis group:
Reading file ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr, VERSION 4.5.1 (single precision)
Reading file ./TRAJ/TPR/em.tpr, VERSION 4.5.1 (single precision)
Select two groups to define the axis and an analysis group
Group 0 ( System) has 86359 elements
Group 1 (Protein) has   546 elements
Group 2 (  Protein-H) has   396 elements
Group 3 (C-alpha) has48 elements
Group 4 (   Backbone) has   144 elements
Group 5 (  MainChain) has   192 elements
Group 6 (   MainChain+Cb) has   234 elements
Group 7 (MainChain+H) has   246 elements
Group 8 (  SideChain) has   300 elements
Group 9 (SideChain-H) has   204 elements
Group10 (Prot-Masses) has   546 elements
Group11 (non-Protein) has 85813 elements
Group12 (  Other) has 17320 elements
Group13 (URE) has 17320 elements
Group14 ( CL) has 6 elements
Group15 (  Water) has 68487 elements
Group16 (SOL) has 68487 elements
Group17 (  non-Water) has 17872 elements
Group18 (Ion) has 6 elements
Group19 (URE) has 17320 elements
Group20 ( CL) has 6 elements
Group21 ( Water_and_ions) has 68493 elements
Select a group: 1
Selected 1: 'Protein'
Select a group: 16
Selected 16: 'SOL'
Select a group: 16
Selected 16: 'SOL'
I chose protein and SOL, the program ask me to choose a third
(?) What to choose ?
  Doesn't g_densmap -h explain the three groups?
   Yes I have read the help of the tool but it is not clear to me why i
  have to choose three groups since i want to compute the water density
  map around my peptides (- two groups)

 The first two groups determine the axis.  Per g_densmap -h:

 Three groups should be supplied, the centers of mass of the first two
 groups define the axis, the third defines the analysis group.

 I suspect the fact that you've chosen SOL for the second group might be
 causing problems (since, presumably, you have water all around), but I have
 never used g_densmap, so I don't know for sure.


Ok I will try and play with the different groups of my system to see if it


I choose SOL again, the program computes something but i can not
inspect the results are what i want since no xpm is generated by
g_densmap (is this a bug ?)
  Probably badly-formed input is silently breaking something somewhere.
  I don't understand your response since with the above command and -o
  argument show that an xpm with the name 6_Peptide_53A6_densmap.xpm
  should appear
   :-)  G  R  O  M  A  C  S  (-:
   Gnomes, ROck Monsters And Chili Sauce
  :-)  VERSION 4.5.3  (-:
  Written by Emile Apol, Rossen Apostolov, Herman J.C. Berendsen,
Aldert van Buuren, Pär Bjelkmar, Rudi van Drunen, Anton Feenstra,
  Gerrit Groenhof, Peter Kasson, Per Larsson, Pieter Meulenhoff,
 Teemu Murtola, Szilard Pall, Sander Pronk, Roland Schulz,
  Michael Shirts, Alfons Sijbers, Peter Tieleman,
 Berk Hess, David van der Spoel, and Erik Lindahl.
 Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
  Copyright (c) 2001-2010, The GROMACS development team at
  Uppsala University  The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
  check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 :-)  /work/taulier01/gromacs-4.5.3/bin

[gmx-users] Problems with NVT simulation with CHARMM27

2010-10-21 Thread sa
Old cell boundaries in direction Y:4.3719.400
New cell boundaries in direction Y:4.3709.400

Step 1500:
The charge group starting at atom 47947 moved than the distance allowed by
the domain decomposition (1.20) in direction Y
distance out of cell 19727472.00
Old coordinates:5.5304.4192.912
New coordinates: -11100299.000 19727476.0005.506
Old cell boundaries in direction Y:0.0004.579
New cell boundaries in direction Y:0.0004.585


I aware that these errors are probably caused by a system not well
equilibrated but since the Steepest Descents minimization are well
converged, i am puzzled for the NVT simulation. I have checked the
parameters of the force field and for me they are corrects, tried several
protocols (reduce the time step (2 -1 fs, above, lower the temperature, or
increase the number of minimization steps, etc.) with no success.

Any advices will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help.

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