RE: How to create a GUID?

2002-04-30 Thread Mansur, Warren

First, thanks to all for their answers.  I think using the lowest MAC address on the 
system might be a good enough solution, as it's reasonable to require that the 
customers use the "real" MAC address assigned to their network interface.

> Unfortunately, I don't know enough about exactly what he's 
> trying to do.  
> All I know is he wants a unique identifier on a per system basis.  

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my description. I work on a product which is an 
example of a distributed computing application.  It's purpose is to provide reliable 
transaction communications between clients (possibly thousands) and servers (usually 
between 2 to 20).  It has no 'mother ship' (I wish it did as it would make things much 
easier) because that provides for a single point of failure.

Customers use it in a very spread out fashion.  The servers will always be very fast 
(32 processor machines for example), highly firewalled, machines. But the clients can 
be spread throughout an entire country (as they are with some customers). That's why I 
said that the nodes may be on separate LANS where the operators will have no 
communication with each other.

It runs on Linux which is one reason why I work on it :)

One problem we are facing now is that it is not always possible for nodes to agree 
that they are talking to the same node.  For example:
  | nodeA |
 IF1  IF2
 _   _
 | nodeB |   | nodeC |
 -   --

IF1 represents network interface 1, and IF2 represents network interface 2.  The 
problem is that nodeB and nodeC both have different addresses for the same node, 
nodeA. So they cannot agree they are talking to the same node using just the 
addresses.  And the picture gets more complicated when nodeB and nodeC also have 
multiple network interfaces, and also talk to other nodes.

One major thing our software has to do on each machine is to be able to do is sort all 
the nodes, AND agree on the sorted list. For example, nodeB and nodeC would both sort 
all the nodes it can talk to, and they HAVE to agree on which is the 'smallest' or 
'largest' node. The reason for the sorting is because of the quorum concept which is 
something I even really don't understand so I won't try to explain it here :) But 
quorum, and hence sorting, is a critical element in distributed, transactional 
communications products.

Creating a one time GUID would be fine when installing the software. Security is not 
much an issue at this time.

Anyway, having said all this, I think taking the lowest MAC address of the network 
card is a feasible solution. Perhaps I can stick a timestamp, FQDN, and heck, even 
random numbers in there to make the possibility for it being generated twice basically 



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How to create a GUID?

2002-04-29 Thread Mansur, Warren


I have need to generate a globally unique ID between nodes.  That is, a way to 
uniquely identify one node versus another. The trick is that each node may be using 
more than one network interface, and additionally may be using both TCP/IP and DECNET. 
 So simply using the IP address isn't sufficient (actually that's never sufficient but 
that's besides the point).

The GUID only needs to uniquely identify one node versus another, but it should be 
guaranteed to be unique between all nodes. These nodes could be hiding in a local lan 
(so possibly more than one has 192.168* IPs), and could possibly have the same 
hostname (since people can set the hostname to whatever they want). The nodes are 
spread out across different LANs as well, where the operator of one LAN won't even 
know about the other one.

Does anyone know of any open source APIs out there including the ability to create a 
GUID? Alternately, does anyone know how to roll your own GUID?

I can always roll my own, but somehow I get the eery feeling whatever I come up with 
my have a logic hole and really not be totally unique.  

Thanks for any help and pointers.



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RE: Another (simpler) bash scripting question...

2002-04-22 Thread Mansur, Warren

> echo -ne 'line 1\nline 2\n' | while read foo ; do echo $foo ; done

Thanks to all for their answers.  I've always wanted to do this but
didn't know how until now. Works like a charm!


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RE: Another (simpler) bash scripting question...

2002-04-22 Thread Mansur, Warren

> No?  Then how about this?
>result=badness# init with failure default
>spewSomeKindOfOutput | while read input
>echo $result
> What is the output?


Lemme guess. The pipe to the while actually creates a child process, and a child 
process can't affect the parent's environ array.  Am I close? :D

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RE: Another (simpler) bash scripting question...

2002-04-22 Thread Mansur, Warren

> Yuck, yuck, yuck!  It looks like everyone was pointing out ways to
> use sed to accomplish this.  Now, sed may give you extra 
> power, but when
> writing shell scripts, I prefer to avoid using external commands where
> possible.  To that extent, consider:
> $ foo="1234M /home/USER"
> $ echo ${foo##*/}
> $

Here's a simple question for the group. How do I loop through each line of output in 
the bourne shell when the line also contains spaces? If I use the 'for' keyword, it 
loops through each word rather than each line.  E.g:

% /usr/bin/echo "line 1\nline 2"
line 1
line 2
% for LINE in `/usr/bin/echo "line 1\nline 2"`
> do
>   echo $LINE
> done

Does anyone know how to loop through each line instead, so that the output would be
line 1
line 2
?  Thanks.


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RE: Another emacs question

2002-04-17 Thread Mansur, Warren

> Basically, the emacsserver process lives on a socket which 
> contains the 
> uid of the server. Thus we have a primitive rendevous 
> protocol. There's 
> really no way out of this. You could conceivably craft up 
> some sort of 
> alias that invokes sudo emacsclient with the correct uid, but 
> then the 
> resulting file would end up written by (probably) the wrong user. I 
> suspect that's not what you want.

I did a little test by executing gnuclient with real user ID as root and effective 
user ID as my normal user. It allows the connection, and allows editing of the file!! 
However, just as was mentioned above, the file's permissions change to your user 
instead of keeping it as root.  Here's the test with some comments:

% cat exc.c

int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 2)
fprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "Usage: %s command [args]", argv[0]);

execvp(argv[1], argv+1);

% ls -l exc
-rws--1 myuser   users4983 Apr 17 12:55 exc
(notice exc is suid to myuser)
% su

[Wed Apr 17] [/home/myuser/test] ls -l tempy
-rw-r--r--1 root root5 Apr 17 12:42 tempy
(notice tempy is writable only by root)

[Wed Apr 17] [/home/myuser/test] ./exc gnuclient tempy &
[1] 25715

[Wed Apr 17] [/home/myuser/test] ps -e -o pid,ruser,euser,args | grep gnuclient
25715 root myuser   gnuclient tempy <==(notice ruser=root and euser=myuser)
25719 root root grep gnuclient

Here I edit the file and save it, with the caveat that I have to specify Alt-X 
toggle-read-only because emacs thinks it is read-only (due to permissions) even 
thought it's not.

[Wed Apr 17] [/home/myuser/test] ls -l tempy
-rw-r--r--1 myuser   mygroup28 Apr 17 13:14 tempy
(notice the permissions of tempy have changed to myuser and mygroup instead of keeping 
them as root)

In short:
(1) Compile exc.c into exc as regular user
(2) chmod 4700 exc
(only do #1 and #2 once and store exc somewhere you can access it always)
(3) ./exc gnuclient filename
(4) Alt-x toggle-read-only. Edit and write file as you please
(5) have to change the permission bits back to original

for #5, an emacs guru might be able to tell you how to do that right in emacs instead 
of outside emacs. Hope that helps  . . .

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call graph

2002-04-01 Thread Mansur, Warren


Perhaps someone asked this question before, but . . . are there any good call graph 
generators for c programs available for Linux?  I downloaded one available on Debian 
called cflow, and it leaves a lot to be desired.

Any call graph program that integrates nicely with emacs?

Also FYI, I know this email will wrap at 90 lines since Outlook 2000 used with 
Exchange gives no option to wrap the lines. I'm looking for an alternative email 
client to use while posting to this list so please no flames about this.  Thanks.

Warren Mansur

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RE: Java Runtime Environment?

2002-03-28 Thread Mansur, Warren

JDK stands for Java Developer's Kit, and I *believe* it includes the JRE.  The JRE is 
the Java Runtime Environment, containing enough to execute Java applications, but 
nothing to develop them.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Java Runtime Environment? 
> In a message dated: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 15:33:22 EST
> Angus D Madden said:
> >apt-get install jdk1.1
> Hmmm, thought I did that. Yup, dpkg -l jdk1.1 show it's there.  
> Thought that was just a dev kit though, not the JRE.  Aren't they 
> separate things?
> >
> >If you are looking for something that works with mozilla, 
> I'd recommend
> >running mozilla as root, and going to . Mozilla
> >should prompt you to install the java plugin.  Follow the 
> instructions.
> >
> Actually, I'm trying to install OpenOffice, and the screen keeps 
> telling me there's no JRE installed.  Any idea how to tell it there 
> is?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Seeya,
> Paul
>   It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
>but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.
>If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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FW: Opportunity to Offer Input on US Cybersecurity

2002-03-27 Thread Mansur, Warren

-Original Message-
From: Donna Baglio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 3:46 PM
Subject: Opportunity to Offer Input on US Cybersecurity

Opportunity to Offer Input on US Cybersecurity

The President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board (PCIPB )is seeking
advice from the public on how national cybersecurity can be improved.

The PCIPB was created in October by a Presidential Executive Order entitled
"Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age." The board is
currently working to draft a national strategy to protect cyber space. In an
effort to accomplish this task a 53-question survey has been prepared that
offers some insight into what the national strategy will look like.

The questions on the survey are divided into five categories: Level 1: The Home
User and Small Business; Level 2 - Major Enterprises; Level 3 - Sectors of the
National Information Infrastructure; Level 4: National Level Institutions and
Policies; and Level 5 - Global

The questionnaire is posted on the System Administration, Networking and
Security Institute (SANS) Web site. SANS, a technology research and education
group based in Bethesda, Md..  They will collect the answers for the board.
Responses to the questionnaire are due by April 20, 2002.

Those who would like to participate in this effort to create a national
cybersecurity strategy must submit their responses in a proscribed format.

The survey can be found at
For more information on the Critical Infrastructure Protection Board

Lillie Coney
Public Policy Coordinator
Suite 507
1100 Seventeenth Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20036-4632

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RE: Atime [Was: behavior of find /]

2002-03-26 Thread Mansur, Warren


Unfortunately I'm using Outlook (long story on why) here at work to send my mail.  I 
absolutely cannot find a way to wrap my mail at 72 (or anything for that matter) but 
perhaps I'm not looking hard enough.  I doubt I'm the only one using it on this list 
so perhaps if someone can point out how then it will help (me at least).



> -Original Message-
> From: Derek D. Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:43 AM
> To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
> Subject: Re: Atime [Was: behavior of find /]
> Hash: SHA1
> Your e-mail client is wrapping somewhere around 90 columns.  On this
> list, it is generally regarded good netiquette to wrap at less than 80
> colums, and most consider 72 idea.  Please configure it to something
> less than 80.
> At some point hitherto, [EMAIL PROTECTED] hath spake thusly:
> > One more tidbit: - the man page for stat(2) states that the atime
> > (access time) is set by the truncate system call and implies that
> > the mtime (modification time) is not.
> That is not what my manpage for stat(2) says at all:
>The  field st_mtime is changed by file modifications, e.g.
>by mknod(2), truncate(2), utime(2) and write(2)  (of  more
>than  zero  bytes).   Moreover, st_mtime of a directory is
>changed by the creation  or  deletion  of  files  in  that
>directory.   The st_mtime field is not changed for changes
>in owner, group, hard link count, or mode.
> This is on RH 7.1, but the stat times are modified by the kernel, and
> should be reletively independent of distribution.
> - -- 
> Derek Martin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - -
> I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG!
> GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D
> Retrieve my public key at
> Learn more about it at
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> iD8DBQE8oKT2djdlQoHP510RAm+JAKCjEp/MkRpmgf9VZ7a3KCDtlbwWMACfWkh5
> ao89Iqw6yQLoOAP2PxZ0RIg=
> =qeOR
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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RE: behavior of find /

2002-03-25 Thread Mansur, Warren

>  Many filesystems maintain a notation of the "last access time" of a
>filesystem object.  Under Unix/Linux, this is called the "atime".  
>Directories are generally considered filesystem objects.  So, 
>when you walk
>the directory tree, you "touch" the atime of every directory.  
>All of those
>updated atime fields then need to be written out to disk.  
>This results in
>the behavior you are seeing.
>  If you want, you can disable the atime updates.  Mount the 
>filesystem with
>the "noatime" option.

If we disable the last access time on the machine, will it mess up any applications?  
I always thought the atime was kind of useless but I don't know if some applications 
use it in an esoteric way.



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RE: Installation Advice

2002-03-25 Thread Mansur, Warren

> I assumed I'd install RH 7.2 and LILO first, that way I can keep below
> the cylinder limit.
> I assume that XP will not play nice and will try to remove the boot
> record but I was installing it second, probably on FAT32 to allow
> sharing of files.

If you want LILO or GRUB to be the program that boots both Linux and windows, it's 
better to install windows first and then Linux.  Then, you can easily set up LILO or 
grub to boot the windows.  windows does wipe out the boot record and put its own 
stuff.  If you want LILO to be the controller after installing windows second, it's a 
pain because you can't easily boot Linux to run "lilo" and let it become the 

I installed past the 1024 cylinder limit before, and discovered the "-L" option to 
lilo.  So, instead of typing "lilo", just type "lilo -L" and that will solve the 1024 
cylinder problem in most cases.

Also, while partitioning, simply leave a 20MB block of unused space at the beginning 
of the drive.  Then, when you install linux, you can format that as the /boot 
mountpoint.  You won't need to worry about the 1024 cylinder limit then because it's 
at the beginning of the drive.

Opinion: Definitely don't let Redhat "autoconfigure" your disk partitioning.  I did 
and it gave me only a 64MB swap.  I have 512 MB of RAM and it's used as a server, so I 
wanted at least 512 MB swap, but it just gave me 64 MB which is really dumb IMHO.



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RE: slide show software

2002-03-22 Thread Mansur, Warren

> The XV program will trivially display in sequence, with
> specified timeouts and many other optional characteristics,
> as many images as you can mention to it.  A commandline like
>xv -wait 3 *.gif
> would cycle through all the images with a 3 second delay...
>   (gee - you might have to say "-loop" as well..)

Thanks to all for their answers.  I ended up using xv and it's working



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slide show software

2002-03-21 Thread Mansur, Warren


Does anyone know if there is a kind of "slide show software" available on Linux?  I 
just subscribed to and want to download all of the pictures 
there, and then have them continuously displayed on a monitor, one after the other.  I 
have all these Linux servers sitting around and I might as well use the monitors 
attached to them :)

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Benefits of owning a domain (was Re: Cross Yahoo off the list of free e-mail services!)

2002-03-21 Thread Mansur, Warren

I use  Yes, it's in France, but it's only 12 Euros per year.
Last year that meant about $10.50.

-Original Message-
From: Joshua S. Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 1:51 PM
To: Mark Komarinski
Cc: Kenneth E. Lussier; John Abreau; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Re: Benefits of owning a domain (was Re: Cross Yahoo off the
list of free e-mail services!)

I register my domains with  (  it's MUCH
cheaper than netsol...


On 21 Mar 2002, Mark Komarinski wrote:

> I have ATTBI/M1/Comcast cable modem and am using TZO.COM as the DNS
> provider for  All of (web, e-mail, etc) is
> in my basement along with a client that hits TZO with my current IP
> address.  If ATT changes my IP address, it will get registered with
> within the hour.
> On the down side, it's $60/yr for the DNS services, plus whatever
> extortion^W fees netsol charges for the domain.
> -Mark
> On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 13:19, Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:
> > I decided that very same thing a few years ago. I registered a
> > name (, and set up my own firewall, DNS server
> > granitecanyon as a secondary DNS), mail server, and web server. All
> > Linux. At the time, I was running it all over a MediaOne cable
> > When AT&T bought out M1, things became extremely unstable. The
> > connection would drop every couple of days, and my IP address was
> > changing 2 or 3 times a week. I switched over to DirecTVDSL, and I
> > a static IP address, they specifically allow *AND* support Linux,
and it
> > is in the ToS that I am allowed to host my own domain, run servers,
> > They will even provide primary or secondary DNS for my domain if I
> > choose. I even gave myself webmail using IMP (although I am looking
> > something better).
> > 
> > Domains are cheap these days, so anyone can afford it. Setting up
> > servers really only requires a few old PC's, a Linux distro, and
> > documentation. 
> > 
> > C-Ya,
> > Kenny
> >   
> > On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 13:09, John Abreau wrote:
> > > Well, that sucks. I guess you really need to own your own domain
if you
> > > want a stable email address.
> > > 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > 
> > > > I received this in my inbox this morning from Yahoo!
> > > > 
> > > > Oh well, guess I'll have to find a different service :(
> > > > 
> > > > Seeya,
> > > > Paul
> > > > 
> > > > --- Forwarded Message
> > > > Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 01:09:25 PST
> > > > From: Yahoo! Mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Subject: Important Yahoo! Mail Service Announcement
> > > > 
> > > > Hello,
> > > > 
> > > > Important service announcement regarding your POP3 or Mail
Forwarding service. Please read on.
> > > > 
> > > > Effective April 24, 2002, Yahoo! Mail will no longer provide
free POP3 Access or Auto Mail Forwarding to Yahoo! Delivers subscribers.
> > > > 
> > > > If you would like to continue using Mail Forwarding or POP3
Access, please subscribe to our improved package that allows you to:
> > > > 
> > > > - - Use Outlook, Eudora, or another POP3 client to access and
manage your Yahoo! Mail. 
> > > > - - Automatically forward your Yahoo! Mail to another email
account -- even another Yahoo! address! 
> > > > - - Send larger attachments, now up to 5MB instead of the free
1.5MB limit. 
> > > > - - Send email without the Yahoo! promotional text at the
> > > > 
> > > > Subscribe before April 24th and get the first year of service
for just $19.99. That's 33% off the regular service fee of $29.99. Visit
the following link to subscribe:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Remember, if you do not subscribe by April 24, 2002, you will no
longer be able to access your Yahoo! Mail messages by POP or at another
email address.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Sincerely,
> > > > The Yahoo! Mail Team
> > > > 
> > > > For further information, please read our frequently asked
questions. Please note that your Yahoo! Delivers settings will not be
> > > > 
> > > > *Applies only to email sent through the Yahoo! SMTP servers.
> > > > 
> > > > --- End of Forwarded Message
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to
> > > > with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
> > > ICQ 28611923 / AIM abreauj / JABBER [EMAIL PROTECTED] / YAHOO
> > > Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] / WWW / PGP-Key-ID
> > > PGP-Key-Fingerprint 72 FB 39 4F 3C 3B D6 5B E0 C8 5A 6E F1 2C BE
> > > 
> >

RE: executables in path

2002-03-13 Thread Mansur, Warren

Thanks to all for the tips.  'rehash' works fine on the c-shell and
'hash' works fine under the bash shell.


-Original Message-
From: Feldman, Gerry 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: executables in path

I've never had that problem in bash or ksh. If you are a C Shell user,
issuing rehash. 

On 13 Mar 2002 at 10:25, Mansur, Warren wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a maybe dumb question.
> (1) I get an interactive session where executable 'xx' doesn't exist
in my path
> (2) I create the executable perhaps by copying via ftp or other means
> (3) If I try to execute 'xx' it says it doesn't exist unless I log out
and then log back in again (unless of course I specify the full path)
> Is there a way for me to say to the shell "update your executables
list" without logging out?
> Thanks in advance,
> Warren Mansur
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

Jerry Feldman
Portfolio Partner Engineering   

Compaq Computer Corp.
200 Forest Street MRO1-3/F1
Marlboro, Ma. 01752

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executables in path

2002-03-13 Thread Mansur, Warren


I have a maybe dumb question.
(1) I get an interactive session where executable 'xx' doesn't exist in my path
(2) I create the executable perhaps by copying via ftp or other means
(3) If I try to execute 'xx' it says it doesn't exist unless I log out and then log 
back in again (unless of course I specify the full path)

Is there a way for me to say to the shell "update your executables list" without 
logging out?

Thanks in advance,

Warren Mansur

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

RE: NIS help

2002-03-12 Thread Mansur, Warren


Welcome!  On Redhat 7.2, edit /etc/yp.conf.  Add this line:

domain  server 

That will work if you have a specific NIS server.



>-Original Message-
>From: Robert Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 1:19 PM
>Subject: NIS help
>My name is Bob Casey and I'm new to gnhlug. I am new 
>to Linux but do have 
>some Unix experience, specifically Solaris. Can someone tell 
>me which file 
>I have to modify, on the client, to make the NIS domainname 
>permanent. My 
>domainname is lds and according to several books I've read 
>they simply say 
>to type domainname lds. This works until reboot. I am running 
>RedHat 7.2 on 
>a Dell Optiplex GX1p. ANy suggestions?
>Bob Casey
>To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2002-03-06 Thread Mansur, Warren



-Original Message-
From: Mansur, Warren 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 4:23 PM
To: R. Sean Hartnett; GNHLUG Posting Address
Subject: RE: HTML Code


Attributes can be an empty string for a default window.  Window name
just needs to be unique for each HTML page (ie if you open a bunch of
windows from your links and you want each one to open in a different
window, make each window name different).

-Original Message-
From: R. Sean Hartnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 4:18 PM
To: GNHLUG Posting Address
Subject: HTML Code

Can anyone tell me the HTML code to insert that would cause a link when
selected it would open up in a new browser?


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2002-03-06 Thread Mansur, Warren


Attributes can be an empty string for a default window.  Window name
just needs to be unique for each HTML page (ie if you open a bunch of
windows from your links and you want each one to open in a different
window, make each window name different).

-Original Message-
From: R. Sean Hartnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 4:18 PM
To: GNHLUG Posting Address
Subject: HTML Code

Can anyone tell me the HTML code to insert that would cause a link when
selected it would open up in a new browser?


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RE: Network diagram information

2002-02-17 Thread Mansur, Warren

>  nmap scans hosts and reports if they are up, and what ports are open.

Just a quick question.  Does nmap rely on being able to connect to a
particular website to download the TCP fingerprints, or are they
included with the program when installed?  For some reason I can't seem
to use nmap when I'm behind the corporate firewall, even on local nodes.
Thanks in advance.


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RE: Terminal Question

2002-02-15 Thread Mansur, Warren

Thanks to all for the info on mapping keys and for the scripts to help
me map the keys.  Now I have another question.  Is there a way to make a
key generate a different escape sequence?

For example, on an HP-UX machine we have, hitting backspace creates the
escape sequence ^?.  Is there a way I can arbitrarily change that to
whatever I want?  Like, ^H or ^@ or anything else?

Thanks in advance,


-Original Message-
From: Derek D. Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Terminal Question

Hash: SHA1

At some point hitherto, Mansur, Warren hath spake thusly:

> OK, let's say I have to log into several different kind of UNIXes
> and Linux boxes throughout the day from different OS's.  Then let's
> say that half the time I log in, the delete key doesn't work but the
> backspace does.  My simple question is, if I don't have root
> priviledges on a machine, how can I make sure that the delete key
> will always work when I log in to the various machines?  Is it
> something to do with stty?

Yes, no, or maybe; depending. :)

This is one of my biggest pet peeves in using Unix systems, and it is
NOT easy to solve.  The problem is there are multiple factors,
including what key your system thinks is 'backspace' or 'delete',
which codes they send to the terminal driver, and how those codes are
interpreted by the termcap/terminfo databases on your system.  If you
are using the X window System, controlling what key sends what code is
done differently than if you're using the text console.

You may find help here:

Linuxdoc is your friend.  ;-)

I include these in my .profile/.bashrc, which generally seem to solve
the problem (provided your keyboard sends consistent codes to the
relevant driver):

  stty erase "^?" kill "^u" intr "^c" susp "^z"
  ERASE="^?"; export ERASE

Though, I currently only have Linux systems to worry about...

> Also, while I'm at it, can someone point me to a good place to learn
> about re-mapping my keys to do something useful (Example: re-mapping
> CapsLock to Ctrl),

I would debate that this is useful...  ;-)  And again, it depends on
if you're using X or not, and there are probably more than one way.

As far as Linux goes, for the console, check out dumpkeys(1),
showkey(1), and loadkeys(1).  For X, you can probably twiddle the
XF86Config file, or look at xmodmap(1) and xev(1).

> and even setting some of my keys to be 'macro' keys (Example: Hit
> F10 and then some long convoluded command gets executed that usually
> I have to type over and over)?

Try reading the Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO that I mentioned earlier.
There may be something in there about it.  But again, it will probably
be different for X and not X, and in X many window managers use the
function keys for specific (though often remappable) things.  So then
you have a 3rd element to worry about...  

Good luck!

- -- 
Derek Martin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Terminal Question

2002-02-14 Thread Mansur, Warren

OK, let's say I have to log into several different kind of UNIXes and Linux boxes 
throughout the day from different OS's.  Then let's say that half the time I log in, 
the delete key doesn't work but the backspace does.  My simple question is, if I don't 
have root priviledges on a machine, how can I make sure that the delete key will 
always work when I log in to the various machines?  Is it something to do with stty?

Also, while I'm at it, can someone point me to a good place to learn about re-mapping 
my keys to do something useful (Example: re-mapping CapsLock to Ctrl), and even 
setting some of my keys to be 'macro' keys (Example: Hit F10 and then some long 
convoluded command gets executed that usually I have to type over and over)?

Thanks in advance,

Warren Mansur

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

RE: Linux copied Solaris (NOT)

2002-02-14 Thread Mansur, Warren

My biggest complaint is that half the tools, such as 'ps', 'tar', etc .
. ., only seem to accept half as many options as other UNIX platforms,
so I always have learn two versions of each command -- one for all
UNIXes except Sun, and Sun.  Example: try tying 'ps aux' on Sun and see
what happens.

-Original Message-
From: Rich Payne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 11:41 AM
To: Paul Lussier
Subject: Re: Linux copied Solaris (NOT)

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Paul Lussier wrote:

> Amusingly, this morning I found myself reviewing the first chapter of 
> the forthcoming Evi Nemeth, et. al, book, The Linux System 
> Administration Handbook, and I came across this paragraph:
>   ...the differences between UNIX and Linux are largely
>   unimportant from the perspective of users and system
>   admin-istrators. In fact, Linux systems generally behave more
>   like traditional UNIX systems than do oddball UNIX variants
>   such as Sun's Solaris.
> In light of that quote -rdp offered from Ed Zander at Sun yesterday, 
> I found this particularly funny :)

It's good to know I'm not the only one who thinks that. I quite often 
think that Sun, in laying out the file system not only used some random 
path generator, but also made sure the file was not in the same place as

any other UNIX variant.


Rich Payne

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RE: Humor: NT and security

2002-02-14 Thread Mansur, Warren

> Actually the utility I'm familiar with works just fine with NTFS.  
> Basically, Linux has no problem _changing_ data on NTFS.  It's adding
> removing data that gets messy.
>   For those that have never seen it, you can download the disk image

Just on FYI.  I downloaded the image, copied it to a floppy, booted my
Win2k system with it, and changed one of my local user's passwords, all
within 5 minutes.  This definitely works!  I do have my partition as
FAT32 instead of NTFS.

> I'll assume that everyone would use this only for ethical purposes, 
> right?

Of course of course :D

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RE: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-12 Thread Mansur, Warren

One problem I see with man pages is that they throw off the newbie user
by putting every possible option at the top.  If a new user sees this,
they will probably be as confused as ever:

tar  [  -  ]  A  --catenate --concatenate | c --create | d
   --diff --compare | r --append | t --list | u --update |  x
   -extract --get [ --atime-preserve ] [ -b, --block-size N ]
   [ -B, --read-full-blocks ]  [  -C,  --directory  DIR  ]  [
   --checkpoint ]  [ -f, --file [HOSTNAME:]F ] [ --force-
   local   ] [ -F, --info-script F --new-volume-script F ]  [
   -G,  --incremental  ] [ -g, --listed-incremental F ] [ -h,
   --dereference ] [ -i, --ignore-zeros ] [ -I, --bzip2  ]  [
   --ignore-failed-read  ]  [  -k,  --keep-old-files  ] [ -K,
   --starting-file F  ]  [  -l,  --one-file-system  ]  [  -L,
   --tape-length  N  ]  [  -m,  --modification-time  ]  [ -M,
   --multi-volume ] [ -N, --after-date DATE, --newer DATE ] [
   -o,  --old-archive,  --portability ] [ -O, --to-stdout ] [
   -p, --same-permissions,  --preserve-permissions  ]  [  -P,
   --absolute-names ] [ --preserve  ] [ -R, --record-num-
   ber ] [ --remove-files ] [ -s,  --same-order,  --preserve-
   order  ]  [  --same-owner  ]  [  --numeric-owner  ]  [ -S,
   --sparse ] [  -T,  --files-from  F  ]  [  --null  ]  [
   --totals]  [  -v,  --verbose  ] [ -V, --label NAME ] [
   --version  ] [ -w, --interactive, --confirmation ]  [  -W,
   --verify] [ --exclude FILE ] [ -X, --exclude-from FILE
   ]  [  -Z,  --compress,  --uncompress  ]  [   -z,   --gzip,
   --ungzip  ] [ --use-compress-program PROG ] [ --block-
   compress ] [ -[0-7][lmh] ]

I was actually on a newsgroup where someone had never user tar before.
They read the man page, and after trying and trying to understand all
the options they just got frustrated and posted to the newsgroup asking
how to make a simple tar file or expand a simple tar file.  Perhaps the
most common uses could be displayed at the top and leave the more
advanced uses for later on.

One advantage of man pages is being able to pipe them into other
commands such as grep, whereas interactive help doesn't allow for pipes.

-Original Message-
From: Ray Bowles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 5:23 PM
To: Bruce Dawson
Subject: Re: Interesting Newbie article at

*** On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 at 3:30pm Bruce Dawson shared this with the

> What appears to be a rather frustrated newbie posted the following 
> article at the CentraLUG web site:

Anyone have ideas on how to help. I think he has a decent idea. Heck, if
it came down to it and someone wrote the logic I would type the content.


Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail.

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RE: Linux Laptops and 10GB HD

2002-01-27 Thread Mansur, Warren

Some HD manufacturers report GB, MB, and KB in increments of 1000
instead of 1024, since technically "kilo" means 1000 from the metric
system (and so on for "mega" and "giga").  I have an IBM HD which was
marketed to be 20 GB, but in computer terms it's actually only 18.6 GB.

According to my rough calculations, if that's the case with your HD, the
total memory is 9.31 GB.  If you have other partitions which take up
another 0.9GB then that could be one possible explanation.

Just throwing out ideas.



>-Original Message-
>Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:56 PM
>Subject: Linux Laptops and 10GB HD
>OK, I'm looking for some help in getting Linux to recognize 
>the 10GB HD on 
>my Dell Latitude C600 laptop.  Currently, it's reporting 
>(parted) 8.4GB, 
>because lilo is apparently using C:H:S instead of LBA32 
>addressing.  I've 
>got LBA32 in the lilo.conf file.  I've run lilo from both my emergency 
>backup partition and floppy, same result.  As a result, the 
>upper 1.6GB is 
>addressable/usable.  Anyone have ideas as to how to get it to 
>work (and I 
>did check, all the C600 reports there just say "use 
>LBA32 mode," without details on how to get it into that)?
>Some info:
>Model:  Dell Latitude C600
>BIOS:  A19
>CPU:  Pentium III/600MHz
>Memory:  128MB
>HD:  IDE, unknown manufacturer (internal with system)
>Distro:  Red Hat 7.1/Ximian updates
>Kernel  (multiple, same problem with all):  2.2.18, 2..2.18 w/Win4Lin 
>updates, 2.2.18 w/Win4Lin & Devfs, 2.4.17, 2.4.2, 2.4.7 w/VMWare, 2.4.4
>Lilo:  21.4.4-13 (Red Hat/Ximian RPM)
>parted:  1.4.7-2 (Red Hat/Ximian RPM)
>Devfsd:  2.4.3-12 (Red Hat/Ximian RPM)
>Again, any suggestions/help appreciated.
>thought for the day:  FORTUNE'S RULES TO LIVE BY: #2
>   Never goose a wolverine.
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RE: The stupidest thing I've ever don

2001-11-19 Thread Mansur, Warren

You know, I found that Debian still asks you for the root password even
when typing 'linux single'.  It's traced down to this line in

# What to do in single-user mode.

Redhat doesn't appear to have the sulogin for single user mode, so if
you're using Redhat just 'linux single' while booting and you're golden.



-Original Message-
From: Hewitt, Alexander 
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 12:23 AM
To: CmdrRoot
Subject: Re: The stupidest thing I've ever don

I thought to be a bit more thorough I would check and here is
an answer
clipped from one of the news groups:

"Boot into single user mode (at the lilo prompt, type 'linux single')
which should put you into a text shell as root, without logging in.
Type the passwd command, and change root's password. Enter the
'telinit 5' or 'telinit 3' command to get to the normal login.


Boot from your install/rescue disk, log in as root to that (usually a
known passwd), mount your root partition as /mnt, and edit the
/mnt/etc/passwd and/or /mnt/etc/shadow files to remove root's
password. Reboot, and login as root (no password). Enter the passwd
command to change roots password"


Wirth's Law: Software gets slower faster than Hardware gets faster!

"On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux."   -

On 18 Nov 2001, CmdrRoot wrote:

> This is really a longshot but does anyone know how to get root without
> password?
> My situation:
> I did the one thing you are never supposed to do...I forgot my root
> password. Two weeks ago I had my system change the password of all
> (including root) and I made up such a great password, so secure that
> even I can get in. HAHA the first time I ever wrote my password down
> (and lost the paper in my desk) and now I can't find it. I am in a
> of confuesed/angry state so please excuse me if this makes little
> Can anyone tell me how I can find or change or create a new root
> password on a relitivly insecure system?
> Thanks for any help provided,
> CmdrRoot
> *
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RE: Linux Friendly aDSL

2001-11-17 Thread Mansur, Warren

OK stupid question.  Do they require getting Direct TV in order to get
Direct TV DSL?

>-Original Message-
>From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 4:54 PM
>To: Greater New Hampshire Linux Users
>Subject: Re: Linux Friendly aDSL
>"Kenneth E. Lussier" wrote:
>> So, I set out to find a DSL provider in my area that met
>> the following criteria:
>> 1) Static IP Addresses
>> 2) Good spped
>> 3) Linux friendly
>> 4) Aloows me to run my own services
>> Ambitious, and a little unrealistic, I know. But, I have found one!!!
>> (I think). DirectTV bought Telocity, and now has DirectTV-DSL.
>I signed up with Telocity a year ago (here in North Carolina).
>The installation was a joy; it took maybe five minutes and didn't
>require anyone but myself.  The service has been acceptable
>ever since.
>On the downside, they have occasionally suffered downtimes of
>from one to thirty hours -- but not recently.  Their tech support
>is reasonable, once you reach a human, and their 'current status'
>updates on the call director have been succinct and complete.
>(Caveat emptor, though -- I haven't had to call them since DirecTV
>acquired them.)  The gateway has needed to be power cycled
>at least once a fortnight, and sometimes more frequently (though
>another user in my area suggests that ifup/ifdown on the Linux
>interface may be sufficient -- I haven't had to try it), but
>getting the carrier back takes maybe two minutes max.  The final
>downside is that I've started receiving DirecTV-specific paper
>spam (like a DirecTV TV Guide) since the acquisition, even though
>I don't have DirecTV proper.
>So for US$50/month, and 384Kbit up/1Mbit down, and a static
>address, and people who don't hang up when they hear 'Linux',
>I'd say you can't go wrong. :-)
>Of course, that's down here in Dixie; who knows what they're like
>up there in Yankee-land.. ;-D
>#ken   P-)}
>Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
>Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/
>"All right everyone!  Step away from the glowing hamburger!"
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RE: Proxy Question

2001-11-07 Thread Mansur, Warren

>  Gee... sounds like Microsoft Proxy Server!  Or "Internet Security and
>Acceleration Server" as it is called in its latest incarnation.

Well, how ever did you guess?  Must be psychic!

>  Keep in mind, any or all of these may violate corporate 
>policy.  In some
>places, such things can get you fired.  Use caution.

Yes indeed it may.  Let's hope the packet police aren't subscribed :-)
I've generally found that corporate security is made for the "average
joe" user.  Anyone who knows anything about networking can almost always
do anything they want.

Of course, if you allow any port through, anyone can use ssh, connect to
their home computer, and do whatever they want.  I suppose if they use
packet filtering so that they make sure only a subset of packets go
through, that would screw ssh up.


John Doe (for security ;)

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Proxy Question

2001-11-06 Thread Mansur, Warren


I'm sure someone has run into this problem, so hopefully someone will
have a good solution.  The http proxy server where I work is absolutely
terrible.  Half the time it reports that the page timed out, and most of
the time I have to go to the page twice to get it to load.  I'm not in a
position to change the software or the speed of the proxy server, and
port 80 is closed inside and out of the corporation.

So, here's one solution I thought of.  Perhaps I could have a my own
proxy server, which when asked for a page, would go over port 22 (the
ssh port) to my home computer.  My home computer would then load the
page, send it back over the ssh connection to my proxy, and then the
proxy would give the page to me.  This would definitely be faster, more
reliable, and less annoying then my company's proxy server, if it's

Does anyone know if something like this is possible?  Are there any
other solutions?


Warren Mansur

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RE: Red Hat 7.1 telnet, etc

2001-10-23 Thread Mansur, Warren

Are you trying to log in as root?  Telnet won't let you log in as root
by default.

-Original Message-
From: DaveN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 2:51 PM
To: Greater NH Linux User Group
Subject: Red Hat 7.1 telnet, etc

Oh what a joy this is!

I'm using my old Unix knowledge and limited Linux from RH 6 time frame
trying to open a server...  It's going piece by piece.

Yes, the new security items are wonderful.. except I WANT to step around
some of them, such as:

1)  getting telnet up and
2)  using remote X services.

I'm inside a firewall and going box to box on a LAN so I'm not
security conscious.

I DID find the telnet service inside the xinetd stuff, and changed it so
that it starts.  Now when I try to connect, I at least get the
text back to me.  BUT, when I tried to connect, it tells me my
combo are invalid.  This one has me stumped.  I'm sure it's a security

This is why we defeat security.

Dave Nichols

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RE: debian install tips?

2001-10-17 Thread Mansur, Warren


I've had success in:

(1) installing with a disk on the regular IDE port
(2) once fully installed, adding UDMA support (if not there) to the
(3) reboot, hold down left shift button, and specify the new root, for
linux root=/dev/hde2

This is necessary because the root changed underneath Debian's feet
(4) Once in, then just go and change /etc/fstab to point to the correct

Having said this, I haven't encountered random hangs like this.  I just
encountered the "vanilla" kernel not recognizing the disk at all, and so
I do this to get around it.  Maybe the kernel image you're using has an
issue with UDMA?



-Original Message-
From: Rich C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:46 PM
Subject: debian install tips?

Hi all,

I've just completed construction of a dual PIII system and I'm having
difficulties installing Debian 2.2 on it.


MSI 694D Pro AIR Dual Socket 370 MB with VIA 694DP chipset,
Promise FastTrack 100 Lite Raid Controller (PDC20265),
VIA VT82C686A chipset (APM, AC97 Audio, UDMA 33/66 IDE)

2 PIII/1000EB OEM chips

384 Megs PC133 SDRAM

2 IBM GXP60 60 Meg drives in a mirroring array on the ATA-100 interface.

I'm trying to install Debian 2.2r3. I downloaded the 3-disc set from one
the mirror sites (ISO-images, set the system to boot from CD, and fired

First problem: the installation kernel wouldn't see my disk drives.
on the Debian site pointed to CD#4 which would boot a kernel with the
UDMA-66 SCSI drivers in it. (Not exactly UDMA-100, but what the hell.)
Looked EVERYWHERE, could not find a CD image of this disk. DID find a
with a kernel, a tar archive full of drivers, and some misc files. Fine,
could make a CD, right? Well, I downloaded the stuff, and tried to match
up to the format of the other 3 CDs. Couldn't make sense out of it, so I
tried plan B: there was another folder with floppy disk images in it. I
downloaded those, wrote them to a bunch of floppies, and voila: the
installation program could see my drives and I could get to the

Second Problem: The partitioning program, cfdisk, kept hanging while
to initialize my 40 meg /usr partition (/dev/hde8) Tried making it
that didn't work. Tried making another partiton after it; that DID work,
then I couldn't initialize the [new] last partition. Finally, I moved it
in the order, so that this arrangement got initialized and mounted:

/dev/hde11.2 megsswap
/dev/hde25 megs   root
/dev/hde510 megs /home
/dev/hde640 megs /usr
/dev/hde72.5 megs/tmp
/dev/hde81.3 megs/var

Third problem: During install, the machine randomly hangs. It randomly
during the partitioning process earlier too, but I figured that was due
cfdisk screwing up.

Now Debian's docs say that the UDMA-66 kernel is "patched" for the
SCSI drivers, and the lack of a 4th disk in the ISO install set
indicates to
me that UDMA-66 support is an afterthought.

Before I go and tear this thing apart and try the following:

Installing with only one processor;
Installing without the RAID array;
Installing with a disk on the standard IDE port;
Installing a copy of Red Hat or some other distribution

I thought I'd run my experiences by the group to try to determine if:

a) the SMP kernel supplied in 2.2r3 potato (sorry I don't know what
it is) has problems;
b) my hardware might have problems;
c) my hardware is not supported;
d) Debian's install program has known issues with "newer" hardware (why
isn't a UDMA-capable kernel part of the "vanilla" package?)

Any thoughts, warnings, tips, or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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2001-10-17 Thread Mansur, Warren


Does anyone have any recommendations on "getting started" with SNMP.  I
administer a few Linux nodes at my office, and I want to have an SNMP
client that will tell some simple information such as:

- how many users currently logged into each one
- processor, memory, swap usage
- amount of processes currently running
- any severe problems (such as the node has crashed)

I don't have tons of time to spend creating something elaborate, so
something simple would be appreciated.


Warren Mansur

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RE: Impatient with cable

2001-10-17 Thread Mansur, Warren

If you wanna be even more clever, scan the network for all open IPs on
your subnet and use one:

% su
Password: xx
% nmap -sP yy.yy.yy.*

where yy.yy.yy is the first three entries of the IP address.

Can't say whether or not AT&T will get upset about such a scan, but
doing it once shouldn't be such a problem.

-Original Message-
From: Charles Farinella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:18 PM
To: Mansur, Warren
Cc: mike ledoux; Derek D. Martin; GNHLUG mailing list
Subject: RE: Impatient with cable

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Mansur, Warren wrote:

> If you wanna be a little clever, just put a static IP for the time
> and see if that works.

I was going to try that as I have the old IP address, and it has not
reassigned as far as I can tell.  I just didn't want to say that out



Charles Farinella   Appropriate Solutions, Inc.
603.924.6079(v) 603.924.8668(f)

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RE: Impatient with cable

2001-10-17 Thread Mansur, Warren

If you wanna be a little clever, just put a static IP for the time being
and see if that works.

-Original Message-
From: mike ledoux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 2:46 PM
To: farinella
Cc: Derek D. Martin; GNHLUG mailing list
Subject: Re: Impatient with cable

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, farinella wrote:

>I have been disconnected for 5 days and am becoming desparate.  I
>renegotiate my dhcp lease.  ATT acknowledges the problem, tells me to
>keep trying, and tells me they have no idea when it will be corrected.
>Any suggestions?

Start making threats?  Demand a refund for the time the service was

Myself, I've been seeing 60% packet loss all day.  I've contacted AT&T
twice about it, they tell me that "there's nothing wrong with the
network", even when presented with traceroute output that clearly
indicates a routing loop between two pieces of their equipment.


- -- 
Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
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I don't believe in no-win scenarios.
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RE: Impatient with cable

2001-10-15 Thread Mansur, Warren

-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 11:31 AM
To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
Subject: Re: Impatient with cable

>  Verizon uses PPPoE, so they don't even *have* leases.  Your address
> good for the duration of the PPP session.  No word on the availability
> their PPPoE servers, though

I've been using Verizon DSL for about 8 months now, and I've only ever
lost a connection twice in the 8 month period.  Both times it was back
up within a couple of hours.  I'm happy with the Verizon service,
although switching to seems pretty tempting . . . .

| The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do
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RE: Two really dumb questions.

2001-09-04 Thread Mansur, Warren


OK, first dumb question.  How and where do I store the machine name?
I'm running RH 7.1.  Samba gets the server name from the host name.
Setting host name using "hostname" doesn't seem to last through a boot.
What is the proper procedure for permanently setting the host name?

On Redhat, there is a tool called linuxconf that allows you to set all kinds
of settings, including the hostname.  It runs on x-windows or on the command
line.  It's pretty straightforward and the command to run it is "linuxconf".

Second dumb question is a bit harder.  It's not my choice, but my work
laptop is W2K.  I'd like to install Red Hat 7.1 on this machine, in
addition to Windows, but am having multiple problems.  It's using NTFS.
I personally think W2K  sucks just as much as W98SE (I think ME really
sucks) so from that perspective don't mind rebuilding, however
rebuilding is a ton of work.   It has a 20Gb hard drive and was
preloaded by my employer.  As it stands now, I used Partition Magic to
peel 2.5 Gb's off the end.  However, they are beyond the 1024 limit, so
I can't set up a bootable partition.  Between the 1024 limit and the
NTFS I seem to be out of choices.

Actually, you can set up a bootable partition past the 1024 limit.  After
editing lilo.conf, you just need use lilo -L instead of lilo on the command
line.  "-L" should be the default IMHO but it's not.  So, just set up a
bootable partition using pmagic and use lilo -L and voila!  (some bios'
don't support -L but any reasonably recent bios will support it)



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RE: Request for assistance

2001-09-02 Thread Mansur, Warren


Do you still have the kernel image somewhere else on your hard disk
besides the corrupted partition?

==>-Original Message-
==>From: Mark Glassberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
==>Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 2:13 PM
==>Subject: Request for assistance
==>I _had_ a msdos partition and wanted the option of running 
==>lilo or, if
==>I was running dos or windows, running loadlin off the same 
==>image.  Following
==>the lilo README and lilo.conf manpage, copies all the files 
==>in /boot to the
==>msdos directory where I had the kernel image and symlinked 
==>/boot to that
==>directory.  I rewrote /etc/lilo.conf--incorrectly as it 
==>turned out--and
==>ran lilo.  Lilo rewrote the boot sector of the msdos 
==>partition, not the
==>mbr of the drive.  The partition is no longer readable.  
==>Lilo may well
==>have made a copy of the boot sector before overwriting 
==>it...but the copy,
==>if it exists, is on the non-readable partition.  Any assistance would
==>be greatly appreciated.
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RE: bind woes

2001-08-06 Thread Mansur, Warren

>> 3) From inside the LAN, using a computer pointing to your DNS server,
>> are you able to resolve any hosts on  

> here's what I get running dig at the prompt, logged into monica (.4,
> dns server) logged in as root:

> [root@monica jfreeman]# dig

> ; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> 
> ;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
> ;; got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 4
> ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
> ;;, type = A, class = IN

> ;; Total query time: 127 msec
> ;; FROM: monica to SERVER: default --
> ;; WHEN: Mon Aug  6 09:24:29 2001
> ;; MSG SIZE  sent: 31  rcvd: 31

> I don't think I can resolve any hostname on my LAN from inside.

That could be the problem :-)  If you can't connect from inside your LAN
then that means at least one problem lies with your DNS server.  You can
try the following to make sure:

1) Pick a node where you want to test your DNS server inside the LAN
2) Make sure that the first DNS server that computer connects to is your
DNS server (on Linux, /etc/resolv.conf specifies the DNS servers,
whichever comes first is the one it contacts)
3) Type "nslookup", and follow the sample below substituting the correct
values where appropriate:

% nslookup

So, for an example I'll make up some computer names and IP addresses and
show the output:

% nslookup
Default Server: <=== make sure you see your
DNS server here (#1)

> node1
Address: <=== make sure it appends
Address: <=== and you see its IP address (#2)

> <=== type same IP address from just above
Address: <=== make sure it does "reverse lookup" to
find that IPs name (#3)

#1) If the "Server:" value isn't your DNS server, that means you can't
resolve your DNS server even from the inside.

#2) If it doesn't return the IP address of node1 after you type "node1"
at the prompt, then that means you aren't able to resolve any hostnames
in  That means your DNS server isn't configured properly
and needs proper configuring.

#3) If you do get the IP address of node1, but do not get the name back
when you type the IP address by itself, that means your DNS server is
configured to resolve names to IP address, but it's not configured to
resolve IP addresses to names (also known as "reverse lookup").  Then
you need to configure it to also do the reverse lookup.

These steps are meant only to find your problem.  Once you find exactly
what it is, then we can given step-by-step instructions on what to do
about it.  Once you verify that your DNS server is working properly,
then we will know for sure that the problem comes from somewhere else.



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RE: bind woes

2001-08-06 Thread Mansur, Warren

When I try and contact I get:

The DNS name server for the host specified in your URL could not be
contacted.  Please try your request again.
This error could have been caused by:

Load conditions on the web server 
Load conditions on the Proxy server 
Your network connection and/or transient conditions on the Internet 

There are a few things to try.

1) Might be silly but . . . are you sure you properly own that domain
and that the IP address of your DNS server hasn't changed from when you
registered it?
2) Has your domain been registered for more than 2 days?  If not it
takes a while for the world to get updated and you may have to wait a
day or two.
2) From inside the LAN, using a computer pointing to your DNS server,
are you able to resolve any hosts on  If you can resolve from inside the LAN, and not from outside,
then that means that your Dns server is working properly, but for some
reason they can't connect from outside.  This could occur because:
  a) It hasn't been more than two days since you registered.
  b) Your DNS server runs a firewall or is behind a firewall that
rejects incoming connections on port 53.
  c) The master domain servers aren't pointing to the right IP address
for your DNS server.



-Original Message-
From: Joshua S. Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 8:46 AM
Subject: bind woes

I'm currently running VA enhanced RH Linux 6.2.4, the 2.2.19 kernel and bind on the machine that I use as a nameserver.

Everything's been running just fine... and, in fact, on all the machines
on my network, if I'm trying to find addresses in the world, it seems
everything resolves, and everything is pointing to my own nameserver, at however, just try getting in!  try
finding ANY hostname at it's not there!...  My
is not telling the world out there that we're here... It used to... I'm
not nearly enough of a bind/dns wonk to figure this out... i tried
upgrading to bind- but.. since I'm running 6.2.4 all the library
dependencies fail... 

Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem?  I've looked around on
but nothing jumped out as something for me to actually *try* as a way to
troubleshoot what's wrong and start understanding and fixing it...



   Joshua S. Freeman | preferred email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
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RE: C Question

2001-07-31 Thread Mansur, Warren

Oh, sorry I wasn't more clear.  I'm used to Java which is why I mention
the sleep function, like Thread.sleep() from the Java API.  For whatever
thread library you're using, such as pthreads, there is a corresponding
sleep function.  It might be called usleep or have some other name, but
it does the same thing.  It causes ONLY one thread to sleep, and the
rest of the threads in the process keep going like normal.

So, one thread can be only responsible for updating the timer, which is
really just a variable it keeps incrementing, and then all the other
threads can poll the timer variable, without hanging the whole process.

You are right that a heavily loaded system may cause the thread that's
performing the updates to be a little slower.  So if it sleeps for one
second it might actually sleep for 1.1 seconds.  However, this
limitation is a general limitation to ANY application for ANY way you
keep timings.

If you want an application to do something EXACTLY at 30 second
intervals, then your application must be run on what is known as a
real-time operating system.  Common versions of Linux are not real time,
as well as windows, and pretty much every other common OS.  There
probably is some versions of real time Linux out there .  In short, real
time operating systems guarantee that events are done within an exact
amount of time.  These are important for devices such as cars.  If you
hit the brake, you don't want the car to wait 2 seconds and then brake,
you want it to brake immediately.  So, they have real time operating
systems to guarantee when things will be done.

But the operating systems we use only guarantee MINIMUM times.  If my
thread sleeps for one second, it's guaranteed to sleep for at least one
second, but it's not guaranteed to sleep exactly one second. It might
sleep more.



-Original Message-
From: Cole Tuininga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 7:37 AM
To: Mansur, Warren
Subject: Re: C Question

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 07:30:39PM -0500, Mansur, Warren wrote:
> One idea is to have another thread running that keeps time for you.
> just call sleep(x), where x is the level of granularity you want your
> timer to have in your thread, and then add 1 to your time variable
> time the thread wakes up.  You can have another function that polls
> value of your time variable.  The getting and setting functions for
> time variable can have a mutex lock.

This is a similar approach to the one mentioned by Pete, with the 
similar problem of a loaded CPU messing up the timing.

Additionally, as this is going to be a threaded app soon, I can't
make use of sleep.

For the folks that are unaware, the way sleep(x) works (as far as I 
know - please feel free to correct me) is that it schedules a SIGALRM
to occur in x seconds and then sleeps the process.  When the SIGALRM is
received, it wakes the process up and continues it on it's merry way.

Within a threaded application, you have no guarrantee as to which thread
is going to receive that signal.  Additionally (and I'm just assuming
here, I don't know this for a fact) when you call sleep(x) from within
a threaded app, in an OS that is not inherently threaded (linux, for 
instance) the entire process (not just the calling thread) is put into
sleep mode.

"Things are fine, the upcoming semester approaches like a brick wall
 and we're in a 1962 Corvair with no brakes."  - Paul Sand

Cole Tuininga
Network Admin
Code Energy, Inc
(603) 766-2208
PGP Key ID: 0x43E5755D

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RE: C Question

2001-07-30 Thread Mansur, Warren

One idea is to have another thread running that keeps time for you.  You
just call sleep(x), where x is the level of granularity you want your
timer to have in your thread, and then add 1 to your time variable each
time the thread wakes up.  You can have another function that polls the
value of your time variable.  The getting and setting functions for the
time variable can have a mutex lock.

-Original Message-
From: Cole Tuininga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 7:19 PM
To: Benjamin Scott
Subject: Re: C Question

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 02:50:48PM -0400, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Cole Tuininga wrote:
> > I'm working on a generic network based lock server.
>   Back up a step.  What are you trying to accomplish?  Chances are,
> else has already encountered the problem, and either (a) solved it for
> or (b) written the definitive work on why the problem is not easily

The lockserver project actually started because at the time I wrote it,
mysql did not have row level locking.  It's since become used for much

There's some basic client code that one of the guys I work with wrote 
to access it.  Basically, it accepts a key/index pair and lets you 
know if you are in possession of the lock.  If not, it lets you know 
where in the queue you are.  

One of the features that I put into it is the concept of timeouts.  
When you make a lock request, you tell the lock server how long you're
willing to wait for it.  Additionally, you tell it how long you might
be idle before you either release or renew your lock.

This timing is what I'm trying to accomplish.

If I get a lock at 0:00:00 for instance, and tell it that I have a TTL
of 30 seconds, then if the lockserver hasn't heard back from me by
0:00:30, it should ditch the lock and let whoever is next in line (if
anybody) have it.

The way it is implemented at this point it that when the lock is created
I store the time of creation ( via the time(2) call ).  When my cleanup 
routine runs, it checks the last "access" time of the lock against the 
current time(2) minus the TTL.  If appropriate, it releases the lock.

The problem is that the time(2) command gives you system time in 
accordance to what time of day the system thinks it is.  This is fine 
if we were in a perfect world.  However, clock skew can occassionally
affect this timing mechanism.  If the clock gets off from atomic time
( which seems to happen a lot more often than I would have expected )
and then resynced, the lock timing goes screwy.

What I'm looking for is some sort of method to be able to do timing
within my (soon to be multithreaded) program without relying on 
time of day...

Does this explain it well enough?

Failure is NOT an option!
It comes bundled with Windows(TM).

Cole Tuininga
Network Admin
Code Energy, Inc
(603) 766-2208
PGP Key ID: 0x43E5755D

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RE: Job Opportunity

2001-07-25 Thread Mansur, Warren

On the same note, I know someone who has several years experience in
Linux and Unix, network programming, and C++, who is currently looking
for a job.  He has already contacted the person below, but is interested
in looking at other jobs with similar requirements
(Linux,Unix,C++,network programming . . .).

Anyone have any openings with such requirements?  If so, please contact
me offlist and I'll connect you with him.


Warren Mansur

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Kubeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 10:18 AM
Subject: Job Opportunity

Here is something that was sent to me. If you are interested, please 
contact the person at the bottom of the note.


I am currently recruiting for a professional services position in the
west area of massachusetts for a start up company that wants to build a

This company is looking for someone with Linux/Unix server background
with C++ experience.  This is a engineer/manager position and the person
that gets hires will be building their own team.

Please feel free to pass my name on to anyone that might be interested.

Thank You Very Much,

Talent Capital Group - "We Build Companies"

Bob Calamita
Search Consultant
Phone: 617-613-1674
Fax: 617-250-0501

Talent Capital Group is a retained search firm providing a significant
recruiting advantage for top-tier venture capitalists and their
high-performance portfolio companies. TCG's clients are tomorrow's
in the networking, wireless, semiconductor, Internet, and biotech
Jerry Kubeck  Customer Support Appropriate Solutions, Inc.

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gdb string formatting

2001-07-17 Thread Mansur, Warren


Does anyone know how to force gdb to display an entire string instead of
truncating while debugging?

For example:

(gdb) p my_str
$1 = "The string is truncated and I need to see all"

is gdb's behavior.  Instead I want:

(gdb) p my_str
$1 = "The string is trunacetd and I need to see all of it."

Of course, it truncates after 2 lines instead of just a short string, but it
still truncates.  Any ideas?


Warren Mansur

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RE: term-type

2001-07-11 Thread Mansur, Warren

Thanks all.  I set term to vt220 on my local machine, and then whenever
I telnet to other machines it uses vt220 unless I change it explicitly
on the remote machine.

> I also suggest you use ssh whenever possible rather than telnet. 

I totally agree.  Unfortunately the remote machines have no sshd and I
don't have root privileges on those machines.



Ed Robitaille wrote:
> Mansur, Warren wrote>
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > How do I set my default terminal type for when I telnet to other
> > machines?  If I telnet from my Redhat machine, it sends "linux" as
> > terminal type from X or from a console.  If I telnet from my Debian
> > machine in X, it sends "Xterm-debian" as my terminal type, and
> > otherwise.  I telnet to machines that don't understand these
> > types, but do understand vt100 or vt220.  Any ideas?
> > 
> You don't
> Type 'echo $TERM'
> This variable is set by the shell when you log into a term
> ( xterm, Eterm or any other flavor of term).
> Further, at some point the Xwindow manager or 'init' has defaults
> ED
> -- 

>  Linux, the choice  | Prof:So the American government went
>  of a GNU generation   -o)  | IBM to come up with a data   encryption
> /\  | standard and they came up with ...
>_\_v | EBCDIC!" 
> | 

> **
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Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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2001-07-10 Thread Mansur, Warren

Hi all,

How do I set my default terminal type for when I telnet to other
machines?  If I telnet from my Redhat machine, it sends "linux" as the
terminal type from X or from a console.  If I telnet from my Debian
machine in X, it sends "Xterm-debian" as my terminal type, and "linux"
otherwise.  I telnet to machines that don't understand these terminal
types, but do understand vt100 or vt220.  Any ideas?


Warren Mansur

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RE: New to the list, a couple quetions.

2001-06-23 Thread Mansur, Warren

In this thread about computer security, I didn't see this very important

If you do not need to connect to your computer from outside your home,
put "ALL: ALL" in your /etc/hosts.deny file.  If you know the IP
addresses of the computers outside the home that need to connect inside
the home, put "ALL EXCEPT ip-address1 ip-address2 . . . " in the
/etc/hosts.deny file.  One of the reasons the Linksys DSL/Cable router
or similar routers are secure is because out-of-the-box they reject all
incoming connections.  You have to configure the router to accept
incoming connections explicitly.  Putting ALL: ALL in the
/etc/hosts.deny file will effectively do the same thing.

Yes I know putting ALL: ALL will not fix all security related problems,
but I think it would help a lot.

Just my two cents.


-Original Message-
From: Jerry Feldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 3:15 PM
Cc: Greg
Subject: Re: New to the list, a couple quetions. 

Lots of comments but I did not see an answer to the FA310Tx question.
did not mention which release of Linux you have. In any case, the tulip 
drivers can be found on Donald Becker's home page

Greg wrote:

> And problem number two, I want to set this machine up as a gateway and
> cant get it to recognize my second card. The card is a tulip based 
> netgear FA310Tx. On boot i get the message "eth1: Delaying 
> initialization SIOCADDRT: Device not found [FAILED]" Can anyone get me

> in the right direction for getting this card to work? the working card

> in my machine is a linksys lne100tx which I happen two of, so i put
> second linksys in and still got that error, so i just put the fa310tx 
> back in.
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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monitor processor usage

2001-06-15 Thread Mansur, Warren


I want to monitor the cpu usage on several nodes and be notified via
email if a process takes too much of the processor for an extended
amount of time.  Of course 'too much' and 'extended amount of time' are
variable, but I can come up with appropriate values after

Is there some application out there that does something like this?  Or,
will I need to set up my own cron job?


Warren Mansur
Reliable Transaction Router
Compaq Computer Corporation
phone: (603)884-5435

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RE: A story and some advice.

2001-04-24 Thread Mansur, Warren

I second the notion of using a firewall/router box.  I use one at home,
and since I have no need to connect from outside the home to inside the
home, I just set up the router to block all ports when coming from the
outside.  And, as far as I know no one can crack it because it
automatically drops all incoming requests!  And, even if you have to
connect on some ports from the outside, you can specify which machines
to redirect them to and make sure those machines are as secure as
possible.  Best of all, it's extremely easy as it has a nice web
management interface to manage all the settings (mine's a Linksys
DSL/cable router but there are others available).


-Original Message-
From: Hewitt, Alexander 
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 4:48 PM
To: Greg Kettmann
Subject: Re: A story and some advice.

Greg, the best advice that you will get from me and others who frequent
group is to invest in a firewall/router box. I use the LinkSys BEFSR41
which has
4 10/100 ports but there are several other manufacturers of these
devices. They 
cost around $150 or so but allow you to share up to 4 systems on your
cable-modem connection and as far as I know are impervious to
kiddies. Well worth the piece of mind!


P.S. Unless you have a lot of time on your hands, I think you will find
hardening a system is an on-going chore that you probably don't have the
for. Just reading the logs would be time consuming.

Wirth's Law: Software gets slower faster than Hardware gets faster!

"On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux."   -

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RE: Windows XP

2001-04-21 Thread Mansur, Warren

That stinks.  I definitely won't use hotmail then.  Anybody know about
yahoo mail, if it's the same way?

-Original Message-
From: Kenneth E. Lussier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: Windows XP

Nope, he's not kidding... The EULA, or Terms of Service
whatever they call it, for hotmail specifically says that:

"Microsoft does not claim ownership of the materials you provide to
Microsoft (including feedback and suggestions) or post, upload, input or
submit to any MSN Site/Service or its associated services for review by
the general public (each a "Submission" and collectively "Submissions").
However, by posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting your
Submission you are granting Microsoft, its affiliated companies and
necessary sublicensees permission to use your Submission in connection
with the operation
of their Internet businesses including, without limitation, the rights
to: copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform,
reproduce, edit, translate and reformat your Submission; and to publish
your name in connection with your Submission."

This can be interpreted many ways. But, the most "Microsoft" way to
interpret it is that anything that you put into any of their systems can
be used, or "reproduced", by them. Someone posted a part of another of
their sites EULA a while back that was more blatant and stated outright
that any information that was contained on their servers was their
property and they reserved the right to use the information


Michael O'Donnell wrote:
> >And don't forget, if you send a business idea or private
> >note through Hotmail or any of Microsoft's other online
> >services, it becomes the property of Microsoft.
> Holy sh*t, you're exaggerating, right?  References, please...
> **
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 Kenneth E. Lussier
 Geek by nature, Linux by choice
 PGP KeyID 0xD71DF198
 Public key available @

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RE: Mouse Rehab

2001-04-20 Thread Mansur, Warren

I found that if you turn the "repeater mode" off on gpm, you can use gpm
and x windows on Debian at the same time with no problems.  You can turn
it off by changing the default repeater type line in gpm.conf to the


with no arguments.  The default upon installation is:


I read in the manpage what the significance of turning this off is, and
it basically says you can't cut and paste from video mode into console
mode.  I don't do that anyway so it doesn't affect me that much.



-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 2:27 PM
To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
Subject: Re: Mouse Rehab

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:
> ... or RH broke something so that it does ;-)

  Funny... a lot of the things Red Hat does could be well described as
"breaking it so it works".

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csh read file question

2001-03-27 Thread Mansur, Warren


I'm on a box that uses csh as its default shell, so I'm wondering if there
is a way in csh shell scripting to read in a file a line at a time, and then
get the fourth token on each line.  The tokens are separated by spaces, such

token1 token2 token3 token4 token5 . . .

And the file contains many lines.  Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks in advance.


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RE: first LAN

2001-03-19 Thread Mansur, Warren

From: Tom Rauschenbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 6:30 PM
To: Mansur, Warren; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: first LAN

Thanks to Warren Mansur for his useful answer, but I'm not looking for an
internet connectivity solution (well that's not true; I am but that's
to the LAN issue).  My question is really limited to just the LAN.  Here in
Peterborough, Interent access options are pretty much limited to dial up.


It seems you have already gotten a hub and are well on your way in making
LAN, but FYI I had also put information at the bottom of the message about
just a local area network with no outside connection:

If you just want to create a LAN that doesn't talk with the outside world,
then just get 1 10/100 switch (with enough ports to support your number of
computers), and as many cat 5 (100 Megabit) cables as you need to connect
your computers to the switch.  Then, for each computer, configure the
network as the following:

gateway: no value
subnet mask: choose any one, as long as it's the same on each computer (e.g.
ip address: choose an IP address differing only by the last number, so if
you had three computers you could use (the first three numbers are mostly
arbitrary although a few are restricted):

Then, your computers can talk with each other with no problem, and even WINS
will work since they are local.  You'll have a true 100 MBIT network

I recommend a switch instead of a hub because switches are "smart" and they
only send packets to the computer that needs to hear them, whereas a hub
just sends everything to all computers.



On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Mansur, Warren wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you want DSL or a cable modem?  If so I recommend getting LinkSys
> DSL/Cable router.  It acts as a 10/100 switch internally.  It also acts as
> gateway to your DSL modem/Cable modem.  Here's how it works (overview):
> **
Tom Rauschenbach[EMAIL PROTECTED]
All your base are belong to us

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RE: first LAN

2001-03-16 Thread Mansur, Warren

Forgot to mention that you can buy the Linksys DSL router or a switch at
Best Buy, and probably any other store that sells computer products.  For an
ethernet card, what I always do is go to, and print out the list of supported
ethernet cards.  Then, I buy cards that are mentioned there.  If they are
supported by redhat, you know there is at least a Linux driver (for any
distribution) for that card out there somewhere. Nowadays many cards are
supported by Linux.  If you want a 100 MBIT LAN you'll only want to get 100
or 10/100 cards.

If you know how to recompile a kernel, then you can also get a list of
supported drivers by running make menuconfig and looking under the "Network
Device" section.  If the card driver is in there, you know for sure that the
ethernet card is supported.

-Original Message-----
From: Mansur, Warren 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 6:20 PM
To: 'Tom Rauschenbach'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: first LAN


Do you want DSL or a cable modem?  If so I recommend getting LinkSys
DSL/Cable router.  It acts as a 10/100 switch internally.  It also acts as a
gateway to your DSL modem/Cable modem.  Here's how it works (overview):

1) The linksys router either uses dhcp or a static address to gain a
connection to the outside world through your DSL modem or Cable Modem
2) It then acts as a DHCP server that hands out local addresses to your
local computers (you can also use static local addresses)
3) When a computer wants to talk to an external host, such as, the computer sends its packets to the linksys router, and
the linksys router acts as a gateway and sends them to

The linksys router is configured via a web browser from any of your
connected computers.

So, in short, all you have to do is plug your computers into this linksys
router, and they can communicate with each other and the outside world.  You
don't have to configure one computer to act as a gateway, the linksys router
does that for you.

You can forward ports to different computers if you wish, for example if you
want to be able to connect through ftp from outside into your LAN, then you
can configure the router to send all ftp requests through to one of your
internal computers.

If you just want to create a LAN that doesn't talk with the outside world,
then just get 1 10/100 switch (with enough ports to support your number of
computers), and as many cat 5 (100 Megabit) cables as you need to connect
your computers to the switch.  Then, for each computer, configure the
network as the following:

gateway: no value
subnet mask: choose any one, as long as it's the same on each computer (e.g.
ip address: choose an IP address differing only by the last number, so if
you had three computers you could use (the first three numbers are mostly
arbitrary although a few are restricted):

Then, your computers can talk with each other with no problem, and even WINS
will work since they are local.  You'll have a true 100 MBIT network

I recommend a switch instead of a hub because switches are "smart" and they
only send packets to the computer that needs to hear them, whereas a hub
just sends everything to all computers.

Hope I answered your question.  Not sure what type of LAN you are looking to



-Original Message-
From: Tom Rauschenbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:49 PM
Subject: first LAN

Now that my new Slackware machine is up and running everything my old
did (and I'm *this* close to getting Oracle up)  I want to build my first
I guessing I need a hub and a couple of NICs.  Eventually there will be at
least one Windows machine on the LAN but for now it will just two Linux PCs.

Anybody want to recommend what parts I should get ?  Where ?  Cable length
not an issue, nor is cable installation.  




Tom Rauschenbach[EMAIL PROTECTED]
All your base are belong to us

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RE: first LAN

2001-03-16 Thread Mansur, Warren


Do you want DSL or a cable modem?  If so I recommend getting LinkSys
DSL/Cable router.  It acts as a 10/100 switch internally.  It also acts as a
gateway to your DSL modem/Cable modem.  Here's how it works (overview):

1) The linksys router either uses dhcp or a static address to gain a
connection to the outside world through your DSL modem or Cable Modem
2) It then acts as a DHCP server that hands out local addresses to your
local computers (you can also use static local addresses)
3) When a computer wants to talk to an external host, such as, the computer sends its packets to the linksys router, and
the linksys router acts as a gateway and sends them to

The linksys router is configured via a web browser from any of your
connected computers.

So, in short, all you have to do is plug your computers into this linksys
router, and they can communicate with each other and the outside world.  You
don't have to configure one computer to act as a gateway, the linksys router
does that for you.

You can forward ports to different computers if you wish, for example if you
want to be able to connect through ftp from outside into your LAN, then you
can configure the router to send all ftp requests through to one of your
internal computers.

If you just want to create a LAN that doesn't talk with the outside world,
then just get 1 10/100 switch (with enough ports to support your number of
computers), and as many cat 5 (100 Megabit) cables as you need to connect
your computers to the switch.  Then, for each computer, configure the
network as the following:

gateway: no value
subnet mask: choose any one, as long as it's the same on each computer (e.g.
ip address: choose an IP address differing only by the last number, so if
you had three computers you could use (the first three numbers are mostly
arbitrary although a few are restricted):

Then, your computers can talk with each other with no problem, and even WINS
will work since they are local.  You'll have a true 100 MBIT network

I recommend a switch instead of a hub because switches are "smart" and they
only send packets to the computer that needs to hear them, whereas a hub
just sends everything to all computers.

Hope I answered your question.  Not sure what type of LAN you are looking to



-Original Message-
From: Tom Rauschenbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:49 PM
Subject: first LAN

Now that my new Slackware machine is up and running everything my old
did (and I'm *this* close to getting Oracle up)  I want to build my first
I guessing I need a hub and a couple of NICs.  Eventually there will be at
least one Windows machine on the LAN but for now it will just two Linux PCs.

Anybody want to recommend what parts I should get ?  Where ?  Cable length
not an issue, nor is cable installation.  




Tom Rauschenbach[EMAIL PROTECTED]
All your base are belong to us

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RE: Protocol Design (Was Re: Ways to protect Data (was Re: Why FT P must die..)

2001-03-01 Thread Mansur, Warren

Recently went to an IPV6 talk.  They said they planned to include security
in the lower protocols so that higher ones (such as ftp, http, etc. . . )
don't have to worry about it.  Now we just have to see if IPV6 is adopted
permanently :-)

-Original Message-
From: Jeffry Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 3:47 PM
To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
Subject: Protocol Design (Was Re: Ways to protect Data (was Re: Why FTP
must die..)

Benjamin Scott said:
> On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> > My point, however, is that it's still acting as a transport for insecure
> > protocols -- instead of having to set up VPNs or SSH, dammit, FIX THE
>   I disagree.  Why should every implementor of every protocol have to
> about authentication, encryption, and so on?  Why should we go back and
> the billions of lines of existing code to support some new security
> Why should every implementor have to maintain that security layer?  Why
> administrators have to worry about different keys, options, and so on, for
> every possible protocol?  Doesn't it make more sense to handle it in the
> transport layer?  We don't expect HTTP to handle error correction.  We
> expect FTP to handle routing.  We pass the work on to a common subsystem.

> Solve the problem once, and be done with it.  That makes much more sense,

I agree with Ben here.  Part of the Rainbow series on Computer Security is
that the security systems be separate from the rest of the code, and have
well-defined entry-exit.  This allows all subsystems to use a common
framework.  It also matches the Unix philosophy of lots of little tools each
doing one thing well (the longer I spend in the computer field, the more
that philosophy makes sense). 

Looking at the OMG's CORBA model for security, they handle it the same way -
you have encryption modules, authentication modules, logging modules, etc.
Other services that need encryption use the IIOP calls for the encryption,
they don't implement it themselves.  Same for authentication.  By the same
token, the encryption modules don't try to do routing, or document editing,
or ...  You get the picture.  Build small, well-defined tools, with known

Example - use SSL or SSH for tunneling, PAM to allow you to change the
authentication, and FTP/HTTP/whatever else for what they do.  Route over TCP
that does retransmit / ACK for ensuring delivery.  

Note that this has drifted well away from FTP, we're now talking protocol
design philosophy.


Jeffry Smith  Technical Sales Consultant Mission Critical Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone:603.930.9739 fax:978.446.9470
Thought for today:  swapped out n. 

 See swap.  See also page out.

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run on startup question

2001-02-05 Thread Mansur, Warren


I run Debian Linux and I can't figure out how to cause a script to be run at
startup.  I placed the script in /etc/init.d/, and then made a symbolic link
to it in /etc/rc4.d (it is executable as well).  I thought this would cause
it to be run on startup but it doesn't run.  Anyone know the problem?

Thanks in advance.


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RE: 1024 Cyclinder issue

2001-02-05 Thread Mansur, Warren

I think this is what Jerry was referring to, but using lilo -L instead of
just lilo fixed the problem for me.  My install definitely exceeded to 1024
limit, and lilo wouldn't add it until I used lilo -L.  Once I used the -L
flag it worked perfectly.  Anyone want to take a stab at why the -L flag
isn't the default?  It seems it would make things easier, as it took me a
while to figure out how to break the 1024 limit, and in searching for the
answer I saw tons of posts from confused people with the same problem.

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Feldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 5:46 PM
Cc: Vince McHugh
Subject: Re: 1024 Cyclinder issue 

This has been fixed. You can usually get around the limitation by using the 
linear option. However, the new LILO may not have found its way onto all of 
the distributions.
When I run installfests for the Boston Linux group I no longer create the 
/boot partition, but we did run into the problem at the recent Linux Demo 
Days at Softpro. Matt Brodeur was the person who got things working.
Vince McHugh wrote:
> Hi All,
>   I am interested in information on the 1024 cyclinder
> issue regarding booting Linux. I heard that this issue
> was resolved. But in a Unix\Linux class I am taking
> the instructor was talking about keeping the boot
> partition under the 1024 cyclinder. Does anyone have
> any current info on this? I am aware about making a
> small boot partition if nessassary. 
>  Vince McHugh
>  Systems Support Manager
>   NECS\Canon
> __
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Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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RE: Hard drive crash

2001-02-02 Thread Mansur, Warren

Not sure if anyone said this yet, but you can enter root=/dev/hda2 (or
whatever device needed) at the lilo prompt to pass a different root at
runtime.  Usually holding down left shift at the prompt allows you to type
boot time paramaters when the word "Lilo" appears.  I've had the "Unable to
mount root device" kernel panic many times (due to chaning partitions
around, etc . . .), and I've  been able to get around it by passing the root
at runtime. Once I've booted I can edit lilo.conf and fstab as necessary.

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Feldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Hard drive crash

The way you did it won't work because of the way you created the boot 
disk (I am assuming that you created the boot disk with the with the 
/boot partition on your dead drive). 
You can use the rdev command to make corrections to the diskette. 
rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/hdb2

In the past, when I repartitioned my hard drive, I booted my distribution 
CD, then before it did any work, I used a virtual terminal to get into a 
standalone mode. From that mode, you can mount your root partition 
and execute some commands, such as LILO and RDEV. 

Also, I had a Western Digital 8GB drive go bad, and I sent the drive back 
for a replacement at no cost except for my postage sending the drive to 

On 2 Feb 2001, at 10:36, Charlie Farinella wrote:

> Good morning, I'm hoping for advice.
> My computer at home has 2 hard drives and the master has crashed.  The
> secondary drive is partitioned like so:
> hdb1  containing
>   hdb5 linux swap
>   hdb6  windows data
>   hdb7  /home
>   hdb8  /opt
> hdb2  /
> Lilo is on hdb2.
> I created a boot disk with the kernal image from  /boot and tried to boot
> from floppy.
> I get this:
> VFS kernel panic open root device 08:34
> unable to mount rootfs on device 08:34
> Questions:
> 1:  Is there a way for me to boot to Linux so I can use the machine in
> present state?
> 2:  Any recommendations for a new hard drive?
> --charlie
> __
> Charlie Farinella
> Appropriate Solutions, Inc.
> 603-924-6079
> **
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Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Associate Director
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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RE: apt-get probs after perl upgrade

2001-01-29 Thread Mansur, Warren


If it's only a configuration problem you can try:



-Original Message-
From: Adam Wendt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 10:03 PM
To: Derek Doucette
Cc: Gnhlug
Subject: Re: apt-get probs after perl upgrade

you should use the .debs for perl 5.6 ( perl5.6 AND perl-5.6 are the
packages you want to apt-get) just get those and dpkg should be
fixed. Also note, when you get the error like that you need to scroll up
and also include the errors when it first tries to work on that package,
the error you included doesn't tell me much about what the problem is but
I am guessing it can't find parts of perl it needs. Also try apt-get -f
install (without any extra arguments) to fix try to fix things sometimes.

If the above doesn't work reply and try to include some more error

On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Derek Doucette wrote:

> I am having probs trying to upgrade perl so that I can get stuff off the
> unstable ftps.  I downloaded the tar for perl 5.6 but then when I tried
> apt-get upgrade, it downloads the stuff and then says that perl may not be
> configured correctly with dpkg, so I try to get it through apt-get, and
> the following:
> Errors were encountered while processing:
> xbase-clients
> E: Sub process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code <1>
> Any ideas? I would like to get my stuff working again, please help
> Derek
> **
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RE: Beginning of the end for xDSL?

2001-01-25 Thread Mansur, Warren

Earlier in the thread somebody said Verizon was in court because they
couldn't fulfill the DSL orders?  I ordered DSL a month ago from Verizon and
they still can't even set a future date to test my lines.  Anyone know more
about the Verizon slowness, if the waiting period is "probably never" or if
they actually do fulfill the orders eventually?  Thanks.

-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 9:46 AM
To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
Subject: Re: Beginning of the end for xDSL? 

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Jeffry Smith wrote:
>>> Ironically, Hell Atlantic put in a new 200 pair cable on my road, so
>>> the wire quality should be more than adequate now. 
>> You have the finest wire in the world between you and the central office,
>> if that office is five miles away, forget it.
> Or even worse, Veridont just strung a new, upgraded ...

  Don't forget, too, that Hell Atlantic can't actually *fulfill* any of the
orders they're taking.

Net Technologies, Inc. 
Voice: (800)905-3049 x18   Fax: (978)499-7839

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RE: X init problem

2000-07-05 Thread Mansur, Warren

Basically, the xinitrc file in /etc/X11/xinit, all it does is set up the
keyboard using either xmodmap or xkb, and then set a default browser.  I'm
not sure how that could cause a problem. I'll try putting echoes on each
line to see where it might break. I put the GNOME line in the default
xinitrc file, and that somehow still didn't cause gnome to boot.  Very
interesting . . . 

Thanks guys for all your help.  This was a real life-saver.  No one else in
my department uses Linux.  When I have a problem, no one around can help and
I'm still expected to produce code as fast as the next guy.  Now I can get
back to coding . . . ugh.


> -Original Message-
> From: Jeffry Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 2:19 PM
> To: Mansur, Warren
> Cc: 'Matt Herbert'; Greater NH Linux Users' Group
> Subject: RE: X init problem
> Well, if you don't, then it will use the default xinitrc in
> /etc/X11/xinit.  What does that show?  Also, with Red Hat, 
> (on RH 6.1 at least)
> check for the contents of /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and decide which
> default DE to use:  if /etc/sysconfig/desktop says GNOME, it starts
> GNOME by default, KDE for KDE, AnotherLevel for AnotherLevel.  I've
> forgotten where in the configuration setup you set it, but you can
> just edit the file, create a one-line file /etc/sysconfig/desktop,
> with the line GNOME.
> jeff
> On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Mansur, Warren wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 13:49:40 -0400 
> > From: "Mansur, Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 'Matt Herbert' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Greater NH Linux Users' Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: RE: X init problem
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I looked into my home directory and
> > I don't have a file by that name.
> > Should I have one?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Warren
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Matt Herbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 1:38 PM
> > > To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
> > > Cc: Mansur, Warren
> > > Subject: Re: X init problem
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Do you have a .xinitrc file in your home directory? What
> > > is in it?
> > > 
> > > -Matt
> > > 
> > > "Mansur, Warren" wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Hi,
> > > > 
> > > > I looked in /var/log and also created
> > > > the X.out file,  and I didn't notice
> > > > any outstanding errors that would
> > > > point me to the right direction. I also
> > > > deleted the .gnome directory and it still
> > > > comes up with the gray screen.  Lastly,
> > > > I tried reinstalling gnome itself and
> > > > there is still a gray screen.  Because
> > > > of the lack of errors listed, it almost
> > > > seems as if gnome isn't starting up at all.
> > > > 
> > > > The gray screen is normally the first thing
> > > > that you see, and after a second or two,
> > > > the panel and icons come up, and a
> > > > background replaces the gray.
> > > > 
> > > > Perhaps I could try starting everything step
> > > > by step and seeing the problem?  Or, what else
> > > > should I do?
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks again.
> > > > 
> > > > Warren
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Matthew W. Herbert   x75764
> > > Spectrum Advanced Applications
> > >
> > > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > 
> > **
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> > unsubscribe gnhlug
> > **
> > 
> --
> --
> Jeffry Smith  Technical Sales Consultant Mission 
> Critical Linux
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone:603.930.9379   fax:978.446.9470
> --
> --
> Thought for today:  The finest eloquence is that which gets 
> things done.
> **
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RE: X init problem

2000-07-05 Thread Mansur, Warren

Eureka!  After putting the .xnitrc file in the home directory with that
line, gnome starts up fine.  Everything's messed up now (resolution, etc . .
) since I installed so many things, but everything else should be fine once
I run XF86Setup again.  I had rebooted a few times in the process so I know
that at least the initial x crash wasn't still causing the problem.

Is it safe to just leave this exec gnome-session in .xinitrc, or is this a
temporary fix?



> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Herbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 2:01 PM
> To: Mansur, Warren
> Cc: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
> Subject: Re: X init problem
> No, you shouldn't need one.  However, you might want to
> create a simple one to try to narrow down the problem.  In
> your home directory create the file .xinitrc and put the
> following line in it:
> exec gnome-session
> This should override the system default startup scripts
> and just start gnome.
> Another thought, have you rebooted since your X server 
> crashed?  Sometimes an X Server crash can leave the hardware
> in a funny state.
> -Matt
> "Mansur, Warren" wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I looked into my home directory and
> > I don't have a file by that name.
> > Should I have one?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Warren
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Matt Herbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 1:38 PM
> > > To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
> > > Cc: Mansur, Warren
> > > Subject: Re: X init problem
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Do you have a .xinitrc file in your home directory? What
> > > is in it?
> > >
> > > -Matt
> -- 
> Matthew W. Herbert   x75764
> Spectrum Advanced Applications

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RE: X init problem

2000-07-05 Thread Mansur, Warren


I looked into my home directory and
I don't have a file by that name.
Should I have one?



> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Herbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 1:38 PM
> To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
> Cc: Mansur, Warren
> Subject: Re: X init problem
> Do you have a .xinitrc file in your home directory? What
> is in it?
> -Matt
> "Mansur, Warren" wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I looked in /var/log and also created
> > the X.out file,  and I didn't notice
> > any outstanding errors that would
> > point me to the right direction. I also
> > deleted the .gnome directory and it still
> > comes up with the gray screen.  Lastly,
> > I tried reinstalling gnome itself and
> > there is still a gray screen.  Because
> > of the lack of errors listed, it almost
> > seems as if gnome isn't starting up at all.
> > 
> > The gray screen is normally the first thing
> > that you see, and after a second or two,
> > the panel and icons come up, and a
> > background replaces the gray.
> > 
> > Perhaps I could try starting everything step
> > by step and seeing the problem?  Or, what else
> > should I do?
> > 
> > Thanks again.
> > 
> > Warren
> > 
> -- 
> Matthew W. Herbert   x75764
> Spectrum Advanced Applications

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RE: X init problem

2000-07-05 Thread Mansur, Warren


I looked in /var/log and also created
the X.out file,  and I didn't notice 
any outstanding errors that would 
point me to the right direction. I also 
deleted the .gnome directory and it still 
comes up with the gray screen.  Lastly, 
I tried reinstalling gnome itself and 
there is still a gray screen.  Because 
of the lack of errors listed, it almost 
seems as if gnome isn't starting up at all.

The gray screen is normally the first thing 
that you see, and after a second or two, 
the panel and icons come up, and a 
background replaces the gray.

Perhaps I could try starting everything step
by step and seeing the problem?  Or, what else
should I do?

Thanks again.


> -Original Message-
> From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 11:24 AM
> To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
> Subject: Re: X init problem
> On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Mansur, Warren wrote:
> > Now, whenever I type 'startx', X starts to boot, but then 
> hangs at the gray
> > screen.  The panel or the desktop icons don't appear, and I 
> am unable to do
> > anything.  The mouse cursor moves around, but that's it.
>   Sounds like the X display server itself is starting, but the desktop
> environment (window manager, etc.) is failing and/or hanging.
> > I ran XF86Setup and restored everything to defaults.
>   ... more evidence that the X server is fine ...
> > I'm running RedHat 6.2. 
>   What desktop environment and/or window manager are you 
> using?  GNOME?  KDE?  
> Enlightenment?  Sawmill?  FVWM?
> > Does anyone have any clue what this could be and how to fix 
> it?  Any help
> > would be appreciated.
>   First, if you don't know, the magic keystroke to shutdown 
> the X server is
> [CTRL]+[ALT]+[BACKSPACE].  The X server itself does a clean 
> shutdown, but any
> clients will most likely abort as their connections are 
> broken.  But it beats
> rebooting the machine any day.
>   Check your system logs (usually in /var/log) for any 
> messages emitted by
> failing programs.
>   Look in your home directory.  Some Xclients scripts 
> redirect output to error
> files.  Sometimes they are dot (hidden) files.  File names 
> vary but usually
> have "errors" in them somewhere.  You may find clues there.
>   Is your shell bash?  If not, get into bash (run "bash").  
> Once in bash, run
> the command "startx > X.out 2>&1".  That will redirect all 
> output of any
> X-related programs to the file "X.out".  Once any activity 
> has completed, use
> above magic keystroke to exit back out, then examine the file.
>   If none of this leads you anywhere, give a yell, and we can 
> try manually
> starting the clients step by step.
> -- 
> Net Technologies, Inc. <>
> Voice: (800)905-3049 x18   Fax: (978)499-7839
> **
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> unsubscribe gnhlug
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RE: X init problem

2000-07-05 Thread Mansur, Warren

Thanks for the tips.  I'll try them now.

>   What desktop environment and/or window manager are you 
> using?  GNOME?  KDE?  
> Enlightenment?  Sawmill?  FVWM?

I'm using GNOME and Enlightenment.


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X init problem

2000-07-05 Thread Mansur, Warren

Hello all,

I'm having a major problem with X.  When I came into work today, I saw that
X had crashed.  I was left with a terminal window displaying some errors.  X
was in a half-hung state.

Now, whenever I type 'startx', X starts to boot, but then hangs at the gray
screen.  The panel or the desktop icons don't appear, and I am unable to do
anything.  The mouse cursor moves around, but that's it.

I'm running RedHat 6.2.  I ran XF86Setup and restored everything to
defaults.  I ran xf86config and tried to make it run a simple SVGA server.
As a last resort I reinstalled X from the RedHat cd.  None of these things
worked.  It still comes up as a gray screen.

Does anyone have any clue what this could be and how to fix it?  Any help
would be appreciated.



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