[Nashua Scrum Club] November 19, 2009 Nashua Scrum Club Meeting (Nov 19, 2009)

2009-11-16 Thread Joshua Judson Rosen
In case any developers here are interested, the Nashua Scrum Club's
November meeting is coming up. Details are attached, below.

--- Begin Message ---
We're just two days away from the November Nashua Scrum Club Meeting.  This 
months topic is "Scrum and Kanban: Chocolate and Peanut Butter?" with Damon 
Poole, Founder and CTO of AccuRev and President of the Agile Bazaar.
If you've not yet registered, there is still room.  
If you have registered, but are unable to attend, can you please let us know so 
we can order the right amount of food.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Best regards,
Nashua Scrum Club Organizers



Event Summary:

Event: November 19, 2009 Nashua Scrum Club Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009 from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (ET)
Location: Harbor Homes, Inc45 High StreetNashua, NH 03060 

Event Details:

Scrum Club is a professional organization where people can learn and apply 
Agile project management and advanced technical practices while giving back to 
the community.

Thursday, November 19, 20096:00 pm – 8:30 pm


Harbor Homes, Inc45 High StreetNashua, NH  03086


6:00 – 7:00
Networking – Free Pizza and beverages!


Round table: TBD

7:00 – 7:15
Announcements & club updates

7:15 – 8:15

Scrum and Kanban: Chocolate and Peanut Butter?  Damon Poole, Founder and CTO of 
AccuRev and President of the Agile Bazaar 

By now you’ve probably heard of Kanban, the newest Agile methodology on the 
block. Much as Scrum and XP play well together, so do Scrum and Kanban. In 
fact, all three work well together.
This session will introduce Kanban from a Scrum perspective, show how the Lean 
practice of “One Piece Flow” is the key to both, and look at how to mix and 
match Scrum and Kanban to fine tune a process that fits your circumstances. 
This will include: decoupling once-per iteration activities from the iteration, 
work-in-progress limits, and the concept of “pull.”Bio
Damon Poole is Founder and CTO of AccuRev and President of the Agile Bazaar 
(http://agilebazaar.org). Damon is a methodology and process improvement expert 
with 19 years of experience helping companies of all shapes and sizes 
across a wide variety of industries find and realize their ideal process. His 
“Do It Yourself Agile” blog is at http://damonpoole.blogspot.com.

8:15 – 8:30
Wrap up

Register Online:

More information and online registration are available here:


Collect event fees online with Eventbrite
--- End Message ---

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr."
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Nashua Scrum Club

2009-10-26 Thread Joshua Judson Rosen
Hi everybody,

There's apparently a `Nashua Scrum Club' that just formed recently:


I heard about it last week, in time to attend this month's meeting
(the second ever); it seems like something that some of the GNHLUG
membership might be interested in.

Going into it, I was sort-of afraid that it might just be a venue for
the sponsors to hock their services, but it looks like it is actually
an interesting and well-intentioned group: the stated goals were `to
build a community of agile developers', `to help that community', and
`to empower that community to help the broader community'; the latter
point was actually more specified--ultimately, said the host, they'd
like to be able to organise community-service projects with scrum

BigVisible and Microsoft were briefly mentioned in a `thanks to our
sponsors', but it definitely wasn't an advertising- or sales-venue for
either of them (the only further mention that I recall of Microsoft
was, `Um..., MS doesn't do agile. Don't look to them as an example.').

The opening act was really just an old-school (face-to-face)
social-networking session, with some focus on connecting unemployed
geeks with employers who could use them (so, anyone looking to hire
developers may want to drop in on their meetings just for the sake of

Johanna Rothman was pretty awesome; I have a PDF copy of her
presentation-slides, which maybe I can forward along to help explain
the actual details if anyone's interested.

It's still sort-of weird for me to watch people using things like
"Scrum" and "Agile development" as a distinct terminology for what
I've always just thought of as `sound engineering practices', and it
was nice to see Rothman speaking in a very matter-of-fact `yes it *is*
just sound engineering practices' way--it seems less, um..., cultish?
And easier for non-trendy people like myself to follow. :)

At the end, they asked for people to file bug-reports against the
event (via sticky-notes); I think the host made a remark, in the
context of this being the second meeting ever, along the lines of
`Nashua Scrum Club is still working through beta, so please file

The meetings are monthly, except that there's no meeting scheduled for
December (to avoid `competing with people's families during the
holiday season').

Don't be afraid to ask (Lf.((Lx.xx) (Lr.f(rr.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list