Re: The General Public Licence (GPL) as the basic governance tool

2020-02-23 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Ludovic Courtès 
> Cc: Mark Wielaard ,
> Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2020 22:04:36 +0100
> > I always thought that maintaining a GNU project according to the
> > guidelines I was communicated when I was appointed _is_ upholding GNU
> > values, that it's all there is in upholding them, as applied to my job
> > as the maintainer.  But you seem to be saying there's something else
> > there?  What is that?
> Quoth RMS¹:
>   GNU package maintainers have committed to do work to maintain and add
>   to the GNU system, but not anything beyond that.  We have never
>   pressed contributors to endorse the GNU Project philosophy, or any
>   other philosophical views, because people are welcome to contribute to
>   GNU regardless of their views.

That's just the tip of a very large iceberg.  I know it, you know it,
and every GNU maintainer knows it.  When we get appointed, we receive
a 1000-word message from RMS with some quite non-trivial instructions,
including, but not limited to, a pointer to maintain.texi as the place
to find specific policies and guidelines that are mandatory to follow.
That is what I alluded to when I said "maintaining a GNU project
according to the guidelines".  I don't know how things are on your
plate, but for me following those guidelines takes most of my free
time, and requires some non-trivial efforts.

> The GNU Social Contract is about changing that. 

How can you change that if the document is voluntary?  That's exactly
the essence of my questions, and I don't see any answers in what you

> > The fact is that those same people who wrote the document
> The document was drafted on this list, with a call for an additional
> feedback period.  You could have been one of those people, and you can
> become one for a future version.  The goal has always been to have as
> many maintainers as possible on board.
> > and promote it are those who are promoting the ideas of changing the
> > leadership and the governance model.  You cannot work around of that.
> > It is IMO better to present these issues honestly and a objectively as
> > possible than to try to sweep them under the carpet.  It might make
> > the discussions more open and the sides more trustworthy towards one
> > another.
> That some of us want to change the governance of GNU is not a mystery.
> Our first message to maintainers¹ and the endorsement page² read:
>   Additionally, we think it can be a first step towards formalizing a
>   transparent and collective governance of the GNU Project.

I think you are missing the point.  You are asking people to endorse a
document, but it's unclear whether the document is a goal in itself or
a step in some direction, and if the latter, then what exactly is that
direction.  "We think it can be a first step" doesn't cut it: is it
the first step or isn't it?  If it is, then I at least would like to
know where you are aiming, and I'd like to see it written clearly and
unequivocally on your site, including any controversy that might exist
about those goals (so people could consider them and make up their
minds).  You see, I'm somewhat picky in choosing documents which I
sign, and would like to understand better what kind of movement I'm
joining by doing so.  I expect that at least some of us here think the

Moreover, being involved in a campaign to diminish and unseat the
current leadership for reasons that are controversial at best puts you
at a disadvantage, because there could be a reasonable assumption that
this document is part of that campaign, and if that is so, then people
might decide they don't want any part in that.  If the document is not
part of that campaign, then onus is on you to convince us that it
isn't, and the best way of doing that is honestly and clearly mention
the issues and controversies on your site.  Keeping silence about that
just makes people wonder and ask questions, and is unfair towards your
audience, since it might trick some of them to make decisions they
will later regret.

> Now, I do think there is value in having maintainers endorse the Social
> Contract, regardless of the governance model one is aiming for: it can
> improve cohesion and allow for more delegation of responsibilities.

Details, please: what cohesion are we talking about, how it will
depend on whether I did or didn't endorse the document, and which
responsibilities you expect to be able to delegate to those who
endorse it.

Re: The General Public Licence (GPL) as the basic governance tool

2020-02-24 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Ludovic Courtès 
> Cc:,
> Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 22:34:32 +0100
> > That's just the tip of a very large iceberg.  I know it, you know it,
> > and every GNU maintainer knows it.  When we get appointed, we receive
> > a 1000-word message from RMS with some quite non-trivial instructions,
> > including, but not limited to, a pointer to maintain.texi as the place
> > to find specific policies and guidelines that are mandatory to follow.
> > That is what I alluded to when I said "maintaining a GNU project
> > according to the guidelines".  I don't know how things are on your
> > plate, but for me following those guidelines takes most of my free
> > time, and requires some non-trivial efforts.
> Of course, but these are mostly technicalities.  Richard’s point here is
> that we’re expected to do nothing beyond following those policies, and
> even the guidelines can be sidestepped.

Those "technicalities" and policies is what makes the GNU Project what
it is: a Free OS advanced by a Free Software movement.  Without those
"technicalities", there would be nothing to make us different from any
other "open-source" project.

> >> The GNU Social Contract is about changing that. 
> >
> > How can you change that if the document is voluntary?
> Endorsers will know what to expect from each other and people who work
> with them will have a clearer picture, too.

Expect from them and have a clearer picture in what areas?  Are we
talking about developing GNU software, or are we talking about
something else?

IOW, are you trying to make the GNU Project change its goals to
include more than just developing a Free OS?  And if you do, then what
are those additional goals which you would ideally want GNU to pursue?

> Over the last decade I have, again, not been silent about a desire to
> work towards a collectively-run GNU.  But I’ve also done a lot for GNU
> in that time, and I don’t think it’s useful to view every single action
> of mine as “part of that campaign”.

I was only talking about that single action, not about everything you
did and continue doing as part of developing and maintaining GNU

> If you and I both state our commitment to upholding that set of values,
> then we have something in common that we can build on.  We know we’re on
> the same page.
> A project like GNU is the people who make it.  If the ties among those
> people are stronger, the whole project benefits.  The Social Contract
> can be one of these things that allows us to emphasize what we share.

I think being involved in the same GNU software project is already
evidence that we have a lot in common, and goes a long way towards
making our ties quite strong.  I don't see how a declarative document
can do anything to make that any stronger.  Especially since not
everyone will endorse it.  I hope it doesn't mean you will talk kinder
to those who did, or treat them more favorably in any other sense.

Re: The General Public Licence (GPL) as the basic governance tool

2020-02-28 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Mark Wielaard 
> Cc:
> Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:48:58 +0100
> those mostly describe the what, not the why. The GNU Social Contract
> describes the core goals, the why we do GNU.

"Core goals" and "why we do it" are not the same.  The latter might be
personal and different from one maintainer to another.

> They can be seen as a summary of the GNU mission.

What is GNU and what is its mission is described here:

I see no reason to add anything else, as any addition will most
probably reiterate what is already there (or, worse, contradict it).

> Now that we have a GNU Social Contract, that describes the core mission
> of GNU, we can more easily reason about all these policies and
> recommendations and how some of them might indeed be mandatory and
> which are just suggestions that might or might not apply in the
> technical context of your package and developer community.

That again doesn't answer my questions and doesn't resolve the
concerns around this strange document.  You seem to be saying that it
is an attempt to produce a concise summary of what is already written
elsewhere, but the stuff presented on the GNU site is quite structured
and easy to read and understand.  So this document seems to be
redundant, and calling it a "Contract", and a non-mandatory one at
that (a contradiction of terms in my book), makes the purpose even
less clear.

But if that's all the document is: an attempt to summarize the purpose
of the GNU project, then why all the fuss around it? why is it so
important to have it?  I've never seen any confusion among maintainers
of GNU packages related to the goal of GNU as a whole, and it's quite
clear why: that goal is pretty much in your face right from the first
phrases of  We know what we are doing, and we
know that for a long time.

Re: The General Public Licence (GPL) as the basic governance tool

2020-02-21 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Ludovic Courtès 
> Cc: "Alfred M. Szmidt" ,,
> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 09:02:34 +0100
> > I don't see the opposing viewpoints reflected in your documentation
> > anywhere. You have formed a subgroup, discussed your views in private,
> > and are now soliciting positive feedback within the project, while
> > largely ignoring negative one.
> This is wrong.  See the timeline at:

If, as that page says, the proposed "contract" is entirely voluntary,
then what is its significance?  IOW, what would those who endorse it
have or be entitled to that the others won't?  And why are you going
to such lengths trying to advance and promote a document which is not
mandatory for endorsement by GNU developers and maintainers?  Those
promotion efforts imply that the document is somehow very central to
your ideas of governance and the call for changes in the GNU
leadership, whereas dismissing its importance by saying the
endorsement is entirely optional seems to fly in the face of those
efforts.  This apparent contradiction needs to be clarified, IMO,
because its existence makes your intention unclear and even somewhat

More generally, I don't think that page answers Dmitry's concerns.
The disputes we witness here and elsewhere about your initiative
involve much more than just that single short declarative document,
they are about several more specific ideas of yours, such as that GNU
maintainers and developers should have more say in the GNU political
decision-making, and that RMS should be removed from his current role
because you think he is unfit for leading GNU and even causes harm to
GNU.  There's nothing in your Wiki about dissent over these and other
related ideas, AFICT.

Re: The General Public Licence (GPL) as the basic governance tool

2020-02-22 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Mark Wielaard 
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 22:40:00 +0100
> To work on the GNU project you do not need to endorse it. But
> those who do are promising to uphold its values while working on GNU.

I don't understand the practical implications of the last sentence.
What does it mean in practice "to uphold the values while working on
GNU", and how might that differ from what we the maintainers do today
while working on GNU, for a maintainer who doesn't necessarily endorse
the document?

I always thought that maintaining a GNU project according to the
guidelines I was communicated when I was appointed _is_ upholding GNU
values, that it's all there is in upholding them, as applied to my job
as the maintainer.  But you seem to be saying there's something else
there?  What is that?

> It isn't directly related to governance issues. But discussing
> governance issues (or any policy issues) will be easier if we at least
> have a set of core principles we all value. Promoting those values is
> what is important.

How will governance be easier if some of the governed don't endorse
some of the principles in the document?

> > More generally, I don't think that page answers Dmitry's concerns.
> > The disputes we witness here and elsewhere about your initiative
> > involve much more than just that single short declarative document,
> > they are about several more specific ideas of yours, such as that GNU
> > maintainers and developers should have more say in the GNU political
> > decision-making, and that RMS should be removed from his current role
> > because you think he is unfit for leading GNU and even causes harm to
> > GNU.  There's nothing in your Wiki about dissent over these and other
> > related ideas, AFICT.
> You are right that some months ago there was discussion on this
> mailinglist about some of those issues. Yes, there are GNU participants
> who have strong opinions about those issues. But they are often
> expressed in the negative.

That the dissenting opinions are expressed in the negative doesn't
mean they are invalid or should be dismissed.  Surely, there's a way
of describing those opinions in civilized ways so they are worthy to
be mentioned as serious objections.  Moreover, some of the dissenting
opinions were indeed expressed in such civilized form, so the label
"negative" is not really appropriate to them.

> I don't believe there is consensus on some of those ideas yet.

The lack of the consensus is precisely why they should be mentioned
there, including the fact that there's no consensus as of yet.

> Without first having a clear definition of what GNU is and what the
> core values of the GNU project are that we all agree on, it is
> unproductive to tackle more controversial topics. That is why the
> GNU Social Contract is so narrow, focused and concentrates on the
> positives.

The fact is that those same people who wrote the document and promote
it are those who are promoting the ideas of changing the leadership
and the governance model.  You cannot work around of that.  It is IMO
better to present these issues honestly and a objectively as possible
than to try to sweep them under the carpet.  It might make the
discussions more open and the sides more trustworthy towards one

IOW, focusing on the positive sides is, at least IME, not a good
strategy when dealing with such divisive topics.

Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] State of the GNUnion 2020

2020-02-22 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 21:09:47 +0100
> From: Andreas Enge 
> Cc:
> Well, you are of course entitled to that opinion, but I am naturally of the
> opposite one.

Why "naturally"?  Can you be convinced that your opinion is wrong?
(If not, this seems to be a kind of religious argument, where no
agreements or compromises can ever be reached.)  If you can be
convinced otherwise, what would it take for you to change your

Re: State of the GNUnion 2020

2020-02-22 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: DJ Delorie 
> Cc:
> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:10:49 -0500
> (Alfred M. Szmidt) writes:
> > That speaks more to the fact that the GNU project leadership has no
> > impact on project adaptation, or contributor activity.  But rather it
> > is a individual effort by each project maintainer.
> One could argue that this indicates that what you term "GNU leadership"
> is not providing leadership to the projects, and that the maintainers
> must provide that leadership themselves.  What is the point of
> leadership that has no impact?

No one, not even the above quote, said they have "no impact" in
general.  The guiding principles of what it takes to be a maintainer
of a GNU project are communicated to each one of us when he or she is
appointed.  Those principles have very important impact on what we do,
day in and day out, as part of our job as maintainers.

But whether to accept this or that changeset, in what direction to
develop the project, which new features are more important then
others, how to attract more contributors, etc. etc. -- here the
leadership has almost no impact.  They will if we ask them for advice
or help, but we rarely if ever do, because we generally know how to
that stuff ourselves, and because besides general advice an outsider
cannot really help in these matters.

So the actual health and longevity of each project is almost
completely dependent on the project maintainers, and the leadership
has almost no influence there -- until and unless there's a crisis, of
which we had a few: the Emacs/XEmacs fork, the EGCS split, the glibc
incident, etc.  Those are the few and far-in-between exceptions that
IMO squarely tell us what the rule is.

> Perhaps this view does not align with your view, but we must also
> consider how the general public (or at least the general
> free-software-involved public) views us from the outside.  If they are
> more likely to be influenced by the maintainers than by RMS, from
> *their* point of view, the maintainers *are* the GNU leadership.  We
> should not be blind to how we are perceived by others.

Are you really saying that the general public cares about our
day-to-day decisions, or about how frequently we make releases, or our
commit rate?  IME, they only care when there's some potentially
scandalous issue, or one that seems to be brewing.  If you disagree,
please show a few examples of such interest, where deeper involvement
of the leadership in routine management of a project did or could have
mattered as far as general public is concerned.  I could think of
none, but maybe my memory is biased.

> And don't fall into the trap of thinking leadership can only come from
> one person.  RMS may be "the leader" but he's not the only one providing
> leadership to others.

"Can provide" or "does provide"?  Are you saying that leadership _can_
be from more than one person, or are you saying that it already is?
If the latter, who specifically did you have in mind that is providing
leadership to others at this time, or did in the past?  And what kind
of leadership is/was that?

Re: State of the GNUnion 2020

2020-02-22 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: DJ Delorie 
> Cc:,
> Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2020 10:34:31 -0500
> > The guiding principles of what it takes to be a maintainer of a GNU
> > project are communicated to each one of us when he or she is
> > appointed.  Those principles have very important impact on what we do,
> > day in and day out, as part of our job as maintainers.
> But being a leader in a project for a community of developers is so much
> more than just doing the GNU maintainership duties.  One of the side
> effects of being a good leader is that you have a stronger community,
> more developers, more *effective* contributors, etc.  A leader can grow
> a community, not just accept patches from it.  This is what the
> "outsiders" can see when they choose which project to contribute to.

I think we are losing the context.  See below.

> > If you disagree, please show a few examples of such interest, where
> > deeper involvement of the leadership in routine management of a
> > project did or could have mattered as far as general public is
> > concerned.  I could think of none, but maybe my memory is biased.
> Can you not remember all those years of djgpp development?  All the
> users who came for help, and stayed to help?  You were as responsible
> for the success of that community as I was.

Sure, but neither of us was "GNU leadership".  Which is exactly my
point in this sub-thread: the project developers and maintainers have
a much more significant effect on the project than "GNU leadership".
And neither do I remember how any of what happened in DJGPP was of any
interest of the general public.

> > "Can provide" or "does provide"?  Are you saying that leadership _can_
> > be from more than one person, or are you saying that it already is?
> Both.  Looking at the tools (gcc, glibc, binutils, gdb) I see a strong
> guiding hand from the project leads (stewards, maintainers, whatever)
> that very much says "leaders".  These are people who not only accept
> patches but organize conventions, plan future work, arrange for tutors,
> and even in some cases handle sponsorships.  I would say these projects
> are thriving under their own leadership *despite* the lack of leadership
> from above.

You say "despite", and by that postulate that leadership from above is
lacking, and moreover, if it were available, it could do a lot better
than the project maintainers do.  But this still has to be proven, and
my personal opinion and experience is that any outside influence
cannot help on any significant level.  Attracting new developers is
mainly about the technical details of the package, and then about the
communication and educational skills, but most significantly it is
about intimate day-to-day communications.  How can any outsiders help
me in this matter, when they generally lack any detailed knowledge
about the particular software and its development trends, don't
routinely speak on our forums, and don't even know who are the
veterans and who are newcomers?

> But still, a growing concern in these projects is - why do people choose
> to work for other projects and not GNU?  How do we convince, for
> example, younger developers to participate?  Having someone who can
> accept patches is insufficient to solve this.

The context of this was the question I asked whether "GNU leadership"
has any effect on the metrics that Andy presented, which looks at the
frequency of releases.  We can talk about other and broader aspects,
but then we'd lose context and wander to other pastures.  Going back
to the original context, I still don't see how any of the aspects you
mentioned are relevant to the metrics which was proposed as a measure
of the leadership's fitness for the job and/or the health of GNU in

Re: State of the GNUnion 2020

2020-02-18 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Andy Wingo 
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 21:37:55 +0100
> I agree also!  This sort of activity is natural in a project that
> engages in self-reflection.  If a project has leadership, then naturally
> leadership would be conducting the exercise.

Do you actually know whether the leadership does/did such analysis?  I
don't, but if you do, please share the details.

I do agree that leadership of any project should track and analyze the
long-term tendencies in the project's life cycle.  However, the
methods and tools for such an analysis are not necessarily the ones
you've chosen, and in any case what tools to choose is up to the

> > _before_ showing us a bunch of naïve graphs and drawing conclusions
> > from them (which unsurprisingly coincide with the opinions the author
> > expressed long before showing those graphs).
> I know that we may disagree on interpretation of the data, and that
> neither you nor I can avoid starting this kind of investigation with
> preconceptions, but please believe that I did the analysis in good
> faith.

I didn't say and didn't mean that you did what you did in bad faith.
I said the tools and methods chosen were naïve, which is something
very different.  The tendency to interpret complex data in naïve ways
is a frequent human error, I see it every day on my daytime job.  That
we all tend to interpret the data in ways that are consistent with our
prior beliefs is also a common cause of incorrect and biased
conclusions, not at all a sign of foul play.

I think your conclusions are naïve because they take all of the
hundreds of GNU projects and apply simple statistics to all of them
together, as if they were a homogeneous population.  My point is that
they aren't homogeneous, and any serious attempt to analyze the data
you used to reflect on the health of the GNU Project as a whole must
subdivide the projects into several groups and deal with each group
separately, according to that group's traits.

We all do this kind of selective analysis in each of our specific
projects: we distinguish between major and minor aspects of our
projects, between problems that affect the main functionalities and
those which affect marginal ones, or happen on platforms about which
we care less or not at all.  We then consider only the important parts
when assessing the health of our projects, or at least assign very low
weight to the unimportant parts.  Giving everything the same weight
will more often than not produce absurd or nonsensical results.

> or fork the repo and do your own analysis... seriously.

Sorry, no.  Criticism of the methodology and tools is (or at least
should be) a legitimate response to a published analysis; saying "do
it yourself or forever hold your peace" is not a valid
counter-argument.  If you are serious about your research, you should
hear the criticism, refine your methodology, improve your tools, and
publish corrected results.  Or you can say "sorry, feel free to
disregard my conclusions, they are not necessarily valid".

> I have my conclusions which I stand by but which are certainly not
> set in stone.

I'm saying, quite simply, that the data and its analysis you provided
don't support your conclusions.  First and foremost, the criteria
you've chosen as "health indicators" must be analyzed and validated,
_before_ they are used to draw such conclusions.  I've seen no such
validation in your presentation.  You seem to have accepted their
validity as an axiom.

> > Why wasn't such (or similar) analysis done before coming up with this
> > "state of GNUnion"?  I think such anecdotal studies can speak volumes
> > more than those graphs.
> This could be!  Please do go out and ask.

Again, that was a suggestion to _you_ to try and validate your
criteria.  Don't turn the table and make it _my_ problem, because
doing so doesn't make your conclusions any more valid than they were
originally.  The analysis you did was _your_ itch to scratch, not
mine.  If you want to convince me that your conclusions are valid, you
will have to go the extra mile.

> > And then we have Guile, whose development pace leaves a lot to be
> > desired, if we really want it to become the GNU standard extension
> > languages.  Strangely, the Guile developers, including Andy Wingo,
> > don't seem to do anything about that.  There are no discussions about
> > making the project more active, none at all.  Does that mean the Guile
> > level of activity is OK with Andy?  If so, how does that live in peace
> > with the seemingly grave outlook for the rest of GNU?
> Honestly this argument is beneath you.  You do not believe my
> conclusions about GNU -- which is fine -- but instead you try to shift
> the focus to the project I maintain, claiming that it is in poor health
> -- something that which would not invalidate the argument -- but, with
> no data or analysis to back it up, which is the aspect that you
> criticise about my conclusion.  WTF.

Re: State of the GNUnion 2020

2020-02-12 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: DJ Delorie 
> Cc:
> Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 12:00:51 -0500
> (Alfred M. Szmidt) writes:
> > You make the incorrect assumption that the health of the GNU project
> > should be measured in how many new projects are adopted or released --
> > instead of what our goal is to provide a free operating system.
> Are we DONE producing that operating system?  No?  If not, why not?
> Aren't all those developers who finished their packages working on
> other, new packages?  Why aren't the package counts continuing to
> increase, if the developers are otherwise unoccupied?

Those are very important questions, and they should have been
investigated, analyzed, and answered _before_ showing us a bunch of
naïve graphs and drawing conclusions from them (which unsurprisingly
coincide with the opinions the author expressed long before showing
those graphs).

So: _are_ we done developing that OS?  How do you tell?  Do other OSes
constantly increase their package counts?  If so, by how much and with
what rate?  How come we attempt to answer the former question without
studying the latter ones?  Is that an attempt at a serious analysis,
or is this an attempt to "prove" what we think we already know?

> I think, package activity *is* a valid metric if the goal is "all
> packages in the OS are free."

Yes, but _what_ package activity is that?  Who says that package
activity is measured by the number of new packages?  Isn't it
reasonable to see the number of packages level out at some point, and
the activity then switches to making new releases?  And for packages
that have a limited set of features, isn't it reasonable that they at
some point slow down development and even stop making new releases?
Take Sed, for example, or 'ed', or even GNU Hello -- how many new
features can you stuff into that?  Or take GNU Make -- is it really
unreasonable that it is in maintenance mode?  I don't think so.

And then there are packages which simply no longer have the demand
that would justify new releases.  DJGPP comes to mind.  If someone
wants to try answering this question:

> If a set of developers finish a package, and don't start on a new one, I
> think that says something interesting about the health of GNU and its
> community.

then they could try tracking down the DJGPP developers of yore and see
what happened to them, and try through that deduce what does that say
about the health of GNU and its community.  Why wasn't such (or
similar) analysis done before coming up with this "state of GNUnion"?
I think such anecdotal studies can speak volumes more than those

I could also offer a different measure of the health of GNU: look at
the projects that are at the base of any OS: GCC, glibc, Binutils,
GDB, etc.  These are thriving by any measure, putting out new releases
every few months.  Even Emacs, which was always, and still is, blamed
for notoriously slow release cycle, keeps delivering a major release
every 3 years -- for the last 25 years.

And then we have Guile, whose development pace leaves a lot to be
desired, if we really want it to become the GNU standard extension
languages.  Strangely, the Guile developers, including Andy Wingo,
don't seem to do anything about that.  There are no discussions about
making the project more active, none at all.  Does that mean the Guile
level of activity is OK with Andy?  If so, how does that live in peace
with the seemingly grave outlook for the rest of GNU?

Last, but not least: I'm not at all sure that statistics of the kind
we were presented, which is based on various measures of package
activity, tells anything about "the health of GNU", because GNU, at
least as I understand that term, has almost nothing to do with
development activity of GNU packages.  The development activity is
determined solely by the project's development team and its abilities
to draw contributions and find worthy development goals.  GNU as an
organization doesn't have any impact on that, because they almost
never interfere into these matters (unless there's some sort of
scandal, which happens only very rarely).

Re: A summary of some open discussions

2020-01-14 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Siddhesh Poyarekar 
> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 12:38:13 +0530
> On 14/01/20 6:50 am, nylxs wrote:
> > So you guys should get together an create your own organization
> > 
> The last time a major fork happened in the GNU world was with egcs.  A
> little reading will give an indication of how that ended.

OTOH, there was also the XEmacs fork, which started almost in the same
time frame, and which ended very differently.  If someone is going to
read on the egcs affair, I suggest reading on XEmacs as well.

My take from this is twofold:

  . forks are a terrible waste of our scarce resources
  . people should try harder to work with those with whom they
disagree, and should emphasize the common instead of the

Re: A summary of some open discussions

2020-01-10 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> From: Brandon Invergo 
> Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 21:28:02 +
> > Linus gives a lot of delegation. In the end he is the last merge point,
> > but he completely trusts direct subtree maintainers, who can work the
> > way they wish.
> As does Richard.  He largely only retains responsibility for
> project-wide decisions while the rest is delegated.  In the overwhelming
> majority of cases he lets the maintainers, webmasters, etc. do their
> jobs independently.  Many of the email exchanges I have with him end up
> with "DTRT" ("do the right thing", meaning, use my judgment).  He very,
> very rarely intervenes in the development of individual packages (other
> than Emacs, of course).

Not even in Emacs, as a matter of fact.  He posts quite rarely to
emacs-devel, mostly to express his opinions regarding some issue that
comes up in the discussions, but almost never says anything that would
sound as intervention or enforcing his views.